How To Use Pignut In A Sentence
Just this summer, the park's forest ecologist discovered a 278 - year-old pignut hickory growing on a rock outcrop.
Humanly real estate manassas receptiveness to aclant me if they are ventilation dismount and pignut to argyrodite.
Rational Review
Common hardwoods of the oak-hickory association include scarlet, post, and blackjack oaks (Quercus coccinea, Q. stellata, and Q. marilandica, respectively), and pignut and mockernut hickories (Careya glabra and C. tomentosa).
East Central Texas forests
Associated species were pignut and mockernut, hickories, black gum, red maple, sassafras, sourwood, and white ash.
Angelica is an umbellifer, like carrot, pignut and hemlock.
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For instance, if the Barnes, which is an excellent shagbark, will do well on both the pignut and the mockernut, where so many other varieties fail, and the
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting New York City, September 3, 4 and 5, 1924
Heavy doses of nitrogen fertiliser will tip the competitive balance in favour of grasses, and soon purple wood crane's bill, blood-red greater burnet, frothy white pignut and meadowsweet, yellow lady's bedstraw, globe flower and blue speedwells will vanish, leaving an "improved" pasture – more productive, more profitable, but oh-so dull.
Make hay meadow photos while the sun shines | Phil Gates
The meadows sway with flowers and sashaying grasses, and sooty black chimney sweeper moths rise up, flying low among pignut plants – their larval food plant.
Country diary: Allendale, Northumberland
Associated species were pignut and mockernut, hickories, black gum, red maple, sassafras, sourwood, and white ash.
The shagbark was the walnut of the market, a nut with a rich, oily kernel; the pignut was smaller with a very thick shell and correspondingly small meat, hard to separate from the shell.
Confessions of Boyhood
Black oak, red oak, chinquapin oak, bitternut hickory, and pignut hickory are common near hill summits, where the driest conditions prevail.
So long as it already covers two species in the North as opposed to one in the South, there are already two votes to one in favor of retaining the name pignut for Carya glabra and Carya ovalis.
Northern Nut Growers Association, Report Of The Proceedings At The Tenth Annual Meeting. Battle Creek, Michigan, December 9 and 10, 1919
Heavy doses of nitrogen fertiliser will tip the competitive balance in favour of grasses, and soon purple wood crane's bill, blood-red greater burnet, frothy white pignut and meadowsweet, yellow lady's bedstraw, globe flower and blue speedwells will vanish, leaving an "improved" pasture – more productive, more profitable, but oh-so dull.
Make hay meadow photos while the sun shines | Phil Gates
This temperate deciduous oak-hickory forest is dominated by oaks including white, black and chestnut oaks, Quercus alba, Q. velutina, Q. prinus and hickories including pignut and mockernut, Carya glabra and C. tomentosa with some beech Fagus sp., maples Acer spp., tulip tree Liriodendron tulipifera, ash Fraxinus sp. and eastern red cedar Juniperus virginiana.
Mammoth Cave National Park, United States
Dry upland forests contain blackjack oak, post oak, scarlet oak, pignut hickory, and white oak.
Ecoregions of Illinois (EPA)
The question of the compatibility of species and varieties is really a very important one because in some localities either the pignut or the mockernut is the prevailing species, and we wish to know with what species and varieties they may be successfully grafted.
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting New York City, September 3, 4 and 5, 1924
In addition, black oak, pignut hickory, white pine, and beaked hazelnut each contributed at least 5% importance to the community type.
Associated species were pignut and mockernut, hickories, black gum, red maple, sassafras, sourwood, and white ash.
Native upland vegetation is probably mixed oak forests and beech-oak forests; white and black oaks along with American beech, pignut and mockernut hickories, black walnut, tulip tree, and red maple once occurred.
Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
This temperate deciduous oak-hickory forest is dominated by oaks including white, black and chestnut oaks, Quercus alba, Q. velutina, Q. prinus and hickories including pignut and mockernut, Carya glabra and C. tomentosa with some beech Fagus sp., maples Acer spp., tulip tree Liriodendron tulipifera, ash Fraxinus sp. and eastern red cedar Juniperus virginiana.
Mammoth Cave National Park, United States
The island and mainland slopes are covered with deciduous forest, with abundant red oak, chestnut oak and pignut hickory.
Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, New York
Common hardwoods of the oak-hickory association include scarlet, post, and blackjack oaks (Quercus coccinea, Q. stellata, and Q. marilandica, respectively), and pignut and mockernut hickories (Careya glabra and C. tomentosa).
East Central Texas forests
This temperate deciduous oak-hickory forest is dominated by oaks including white, black and chestnut oaks, Quercus alba, Q. velutina, Q. prinus and hickories including pignut and mockernut, Carya glabra and C. tomentosa with some beech Fagus sp., maples Acer spp., tulip tree Liriodendron tulipifera, ash Fraxinus sp. and eastern red cedar Juniperus virginiana.
Mammoth Cave National Park, United States
He brought his copy with him as he carried bowls of sliced bread, bearberries, rowan-berries, and scrubbed pignut tubers out to the fledgling's glade.
Then white umbels of pignuts contrast with the drooping honey-scented cream plumes of meadowsweet.
Heavy doses of nitrogen fertiliser will tip the competitive balance in favour of grasses, and soon purple wood crane's bill, blood-red greater burnet, frothy white pignut and meadowsweet, yellow lady's bedstraw, globe flower and blue speedwells will vanish, leaving an "improved" pasture – more productive, more profitable, but oh-so dull.
Make hay meadow photos while the sun shines | Phil Gates
Native upland vegetation is probably mixed oak forests and beech-oak forests; white and black oaks along with American beech, pignut and mockernut hickories, black walnut, tulip tree, and red maple once occurred.
Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)