How To Use Piggery In A Sentence
More recently the stable block was used to house race horses and a piggery.
Choreographing the entrances and exits to and from the kitchen, the bedrooms, the cowshed and the "piggery" was a challenge in itself.
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`Which reminds me," said Mary Ann, ignoring his deliberate piggery.
She thinks that having a piggery is a very productive business.
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I converted the piggery into a workshop for the restoration of antique furniture and that business prospered for 22 years but that is another story!
As to the farm it was a small acreage with a few rows of growing vegetables, centered with a chicken coop of a few laying chickens, a barn with couple of milking cows and a piggery populated by a large brood of grunting pigs.
The car was driven by Evan Meredith, a rosy-cheeked chirpy sparrow of a man who owned a piggery in Llanhyfryd.
They were shown over the cattery, the piggery, the milkers, and the kennelry, as Mrs. Mortimer called her live stock departments.
The farm-house in which we resided has long since been swept away, with its barns, its piggery, and its shippon.
Recollections of Old Liverpool
Apart from providing appropriate skills training to the parents of such children, health, education and training in cookery, sewing and farming such as piggery and agriculture will be offered,
ANC Daily News Briefing
London stocked his piggery with only the finest pedigreed pigs.
Jack London holding a piglet born on his ranch
My grandparents used to live about a mile down a country road in Massachusetts from a small pig farm, or "piggery" as Grandpa called it.
What Kermie and moi have is private
The 'piggery' which Jack invented, ... became famous the world over, not only among farmers but with curious laymen as well.
The Famous Pig Palace: The World of Jack London
The stercorary and piggery are next resorted to by these insects, and the extract absorbed from them must be used as a tonic.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 354, January 31, 1829
It will also grow and package mushrooms and sweet beet, mostly to be used as fodder in its piggery.
I lived on a farm for 7 years, and worked in a piggery part time for two years.
For example, a small piggery on flat land next to a wetland could have a much more significant environmental effect than a large extension to an existing coal mine.
Piggery wastewater is a significant agricultural pollutant resources.
This site used to be a piggery 20 years ago and it already had buildings on it when we moved here, so how can it be Green Belt?
Don't be sad, don't low-spirited , even the whole world all abandon you, still have us at least, the house of your sweet in the state - run piggery.
Its annoyance results in the reduction of milk and or meat production in dairy, poultry and piggery farms.
Mr Nielsen, who runs a piggery and asparagus farm, claimed he had been unable to harvest 30 per cent of his asparagus, worth $1 million, due to a shortage of pickers.
Anaerobic digesting technology is widely applied in bio-energy development and pollution control of piggery wastewater, and has restrained the pollution of pig farm discharge efficiently.
To use up surplus whey he erected a piggery that produced pigs good enough to fetch top market dollar.
The claimant gave uncontested evidence about the agricultural use of the defendant's premises, which include what was formerly a piggery and about 25 acres of grassland.
The club secretary remained calm in the face of this assault on male chauvinist piggery.
Outside, there is one attached single garage and one detached single garage, two store rooms, a piggery which is currently used as storage, a courtyard with parking for multiple cars and about ¾ acre of garden.
Good news on the pedometer - I should probably keep using mine, since I keep lapsing into moments of utter piggery.
Once Crowe Farm had been a thriving piggery but the buildings had become derelict.
The court heard that at the piggery, farmers regularly drew off slurry to spread on their lands.
If women wanted to compete with men in piggery today, they certainly could.
Robin Lakoff: Why Women Aren't Pigs
You're oblivious to the piggery of it.
In order to realise the dream of food security, the centre will run a banana plantation, a piggery and chicken run to feed the orphans.