How To Use Piezoelectricity In A Sentence
The organism is a complex piezoelectrics and the piezoelectricity is found in the muscles, nerves, and skeletons of the human bodies.
Our observation confirms that prestin is indeed a motor protein based on piezoelectricity.
Thus, electrical and mechanical changes are coupled, analogous to piezoelectricity.
Piezoelectricity is the ability of some materials (notably crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA and various proteins) to generate an electric field or electric potential in response to applied mechanical stress.
Transforming the Wind’s Vibrations into Electricity | Impact Lab
During the week, floating tiles would generate energy through piezoelectricity, a 19 th-century technology that is used to power quartz watches.
The motile mechanism of the outer hair cell is analogous to piezoelectricity in that it is based on direct electromechanical coupling, in which charge is transferred across the membrane.
This paper brings forward a newly tactile sensing technology applying piezoelectricity of quartz crystal.
Electricity as a natural phenomenon shows up in many forms, including piezoelectricity, static electricity, atmospheric effects, and cosmic rays.
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Archive 2007-10-01