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How To Use Pierre In A Sentence

  • Pierre noted that St Lucia receives some 700,000 visitors a year and it is important to produce goods visitors can enjoy.
  • Pierre sat bold upright so quickly that he bonked his head on the floor of the overturned boat.
  • The phenomenon is difficult to measure, St. Pierre and several others said, because the term jury nullification is rarely invoked; defendants with substantial evidence against them are simply acquitted, or juries deadlock. - Home Page
  • If this sounds like an unlikely subject for knockabout comedy, it is, but Booker prize winner DBC Pierre almost pulls it off.
  • Among the other notable churches of Orvieto are San Giovenale, which contains remnants of ancient frescoes, and San Andrea, which has a dodecagon tower; in 1220 Pierre d'Artois was consecrated King of Jerusalem by The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
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  • Top chef Marco Pierre White, who will judge the UK finals, said: "A truly great barperson needs to be as creative and skilful as a leading chef. Undefined
  • One after the other Danton, Robespierre and the rest went to the guillotine.
  • The International Criminal Court has agreed to pursue the war crimes trial of Congo's former Vice-President Jean-Pierre Bemba. Congo's Former VP Bemba War Crimes Trial Gets Go Ahead
  • The next day Philip dressed in his miniature Pierre Cardin suit, a Rolex on his wrist.
  • Dessinées par Jon Pszeniczny, les montres-bracelets F1 / Carbon GMT et Luna sont des concepts alliant pierres précieuses, semi-précieuses et métaux d'un esthétique très aboutie. Feeds4all documents in category 'SEO'
  • Don't cry over Pierre - there are plenty more fish in the sea!
  • Defence Minister Joe Modise was not yet in control of the affairs of the Department of Defence, defence secretary Pierre ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In 1794 the ruffians, Danton and Robespierre, fell in succession, and expiated their crimes (if indeed such crimes be expiable at all) on that guillotine which they had so often deluged with the blood of innocence, even of female innocence and beauty. Celebration in Baltimore of the Triumph of Liberty in France
  • Pierre de Ronsard, the leading poet of the group that called itself the Pleiad, after the constellation of seven stars, gushed: "O beue et plus que belk et agreabk Aware. Mary Queen Of Scotland And The Isles
  • The most notable of these artists is the master of French Impressionism Pierre-Auguste Renoir.
  • The man hit him again and forced Pierre down on to his knees as if he was kneeling before a king.
  • Pierre at first failed to distinguish anything, but, when he was installed at the little table -- a garden-table which had been brought indoors for the occasion, and on which there was scarcely room for two covers -- he felt quite upset, almost sick, in fact, at the sight presented by the _table d'hote_, which his glance now enfiladed from end to end. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Complete
  • Jackson's Submission Fighting, run by top coaches Greg Jackson and Mike Winkeljohn out of Albuquerque, N.M., has trained UFC champions such as Georges St-Pierre and Rashad Evans and frontline contenders in nearly every major weight class. Has UFC Found Its Transcendent Star?
  • On December 5, as dockworkers and cartage men on distant St. Pierre marked the last day of Prohibition with a funeral cortege led by French and American flags at half mast, Sam Bronfman was already sitting on the four hundred thousand gallons of whiskey in the Rossville warehouse that had been part of the deal. LAST CALL
  • The initial usage of the term capitalism in its modern sense has been attributed to Louis Blanc in 1850 and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in 1861. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Non-Contradiction of Rand’s Capitalism
  • THE PIERRE and THE NIGHT HOTEL + Molton Brown Molton Brown Hand wash from Molton Brown Molton Brown uses more gender-neutral fragrances to cater to male travelers, who are less likely to carry their own products on the road. Hotel Seeks Soap With Chic Image for Guests to Swipe
  • The most knowing in these matters are supposed to be Pierre, the host of the Grand Café, right under the rooms of the Jockey Club, and the rotund Henry, keeper of the Restaurant Bignon, Avenue de l'Opéra, the confidant of certain turfmen, who may favor him with invaluable hints if their _salmis_ of woodcocks should have been a success or their Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 26, September, 1880
  • By contrast the Interior Minister, Pierre Joxe, advocated greater internal autonomy.
  • Seldom had the King evinced more gaiety of heart than at this particular period, or appeared to derive greater amusement from the gossipry of the Court and the gallantries of the courtiers; and he no sooner ascertained that Mademoiselle d'Entragues had become the mistress of Bassompierre than he said laughingly to the Duc de Guise: The Life of Marie de Medicis
  • This dish was created by master chef Marco Pierre White.
  • Mark Cronje and Robert Paisley are fourth in the title chase and will now be expected to support Gemmell's title aspirations while, in the VW camp, Hergen Fekken and Pierre Arries, double defending champions and winners of the opening round in kwaZulu-Natal - are out of title contention after recording three consecutive non-finishes. Motoring
  • The chairman of the multilateral talks, Pierre Girard, a Swiss diplomat, circulated a memorandum Tuesday to member states to reconvene the meeting, according to the sources.
  • Astronaut Pierre Thuot tried to latch the 15-foot robotic arm onto the satellite.
  • Jean-Pierre began to gather up his instruments and put them into his bag.
  • Pierre, bending over his saddlebow and hardly able to control his shying horse, galloped ahead of the soldiers where there was a free space. War and Peace
  • Le dessous de la plaque indique qu'elle a été posée à plat sur un lit de mortier, et la partie gravée, du moins celle où sont gravées les armoiries qu'une pierre pesante a été placée dessus, et c'est par l'enfoncement de sa surface inégale que la plupart des lignes gravées ont été détruites. Picturesque Quebec : a sequel to Quebec past and present
  • For those seeking to relate Christianity to the unfolding story of the universe and the development of life, thought, and human culture on the planet Earth, this retranslation of Pierre Teilhard's classic work is a welcome addition.
  • While Rousseau is frequently cited with approval by numerous leaders of the sans-culottes, or by Robespierre or Gracchus Babeuf, Rousseau was more a prophet of radical individualism than he was of cooperation.
  • But Mr. Pierre said he included an important caveat: Mr. Randolph would be permitted to bring the ball upcourt only after he grabbed a defensive rebound. He's Long, Lean, Unlimited
  • Shades drawn, the coaches and players celebrate at St. Pierre's with stogies and cold beverages.
  • PIerre A. wrote: You knwo what we calls artisan chee ... Blog updates
  • This summer the bombing was more intensive than ever in all the rebel areas, according to what Jean-Pierre heard from the guerrillas.
  • President Washington, together with city planner Pierre L'Enfant, chose the site for the new residence, which is now 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
  • Pierre volage ne queult mousse (A rolling stone gathers no moss). Quotations
  • Not with greater pride could the author of the Cid have said , I am Pierre Corneille.
  • _ Bowing, as we passed, he consigned us, with a graceful wave of the hand, to the care of Pierre, the _frotteur_. The American Quarterly Review, No. 17, March 1831
  • Tout droit dans son armure, un grand homme de pierre Don Fuan aux Enfers
  • Uncommonly in the context of a horror film, Karloff is not top-billed; though his bearded and begoggled visage looms large in the psychedelic opening credits with the film's title spelled out in animated bones, à la ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN, that distinction falls to dashing Jean-Pierre Aumont, who stars as photojournalist Claude Marchand. Archive 2006-12-31
  • Further evidence of his presence at court is his inclusion among the musicians called upon to sing praise to King François I and Queen Claude in Pierre Moulu's ceremonial motet Mater floreat florescat. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Robespierre, a narrow, prudish, jealous, puritanical but able lawyer from Arras, with journalists like Desmoulins and Loustallot, inveighed against what they described as iniquitous class legislation that would have excluded from the councils of the French nation Jean The French Revolution A Short History
  • Celebrity chef Marco Pierre White backs the "bootiful" turkey Home
  • Polonium was the first element to be discovered by Marie Curie and her husband Pierre as they analyzed pitchblende, an ore of uranium, in 1898.
  • The only encyclopædia since 1772 with which I am acquainted, that is planned with a view to the presentation of a general body of doctrine, is the unfinished Encyclopédie Nuevelle of Pìerre Diderot and the Encyclopædists (Vol 1 of 2)
  • Hébert (1757-94) supported the dechristianization movement, the atheism of which Robespierre vehemently opposed. Annotations
  • On 10 June the Convention passed the Law of 22 Prairial, written by Couthon and Robespierre, greatly accelerating the Terror by streamlining the process by which suspected counterrevolutionaries were tried and (nearly always) convicted before the Revolutionary Tribunal. Annotations
  • Robespierre had to make his speeches in the Jacobin Club, as he was not eligible for election to the Assembly.
  • The only encyclopaedia since 1772 with which I am acquainted, that is planned with a view to the presentation of a general body of doctrine, is the unfinished Encyclopedie Nuevelle of Pierre Leroux and Jean Reynaud. Diderot and the Encyclopaedists
  • Le t-shirt trouvé on flane et la on se rend compte que c la semaine ou le mois enfin bref c special orein ya des stand partout sous la gallery crois dampierre merveilleux ar l'orient compte BEN LE JAPON OUI!! je cherche cherche et la on tombe sur le stand japoniaiserie a gogo! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • In the mid-1880s, Pierre Curie had used minuscule quartz crystals to craft an instrument called an electrometer, capable of measuring exquisitely small doses of energy. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Pierre came to pick them up, and they all piled in.
  • Cette préparation consiste, ou à broyer la couleur avec la cire sur la pierre chaude, & de faire fondre ces cires colorées dans le vernis propre à la couleur que l'on prépare, ou à fondre la cire dans les vernis, & y ajouter la couleur. comte de Caylus, Mémoire sur la peinture à l'encaustique (Geneve, 1755), 113 – 114. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • We sometimes see the dory, which is called St Pierre; with rock-fish, bonita, and mackarel. Travels through France and Italy
  • The spa and resort of Cauterets itself is six miles only from Pierrefitte, but at double the altitude.
  • One account of Pierre Vigny makes reference to his dapperness and specifically mentions his silk britches
  • The restaurant name was franchised out, which is why you still occasionally stumble on a Pierre Victoire tucked away on an English high street.
  • Within three years, Powell's opus received some fifty performances under such maestros as Sir Donald Francis Tovey, Pierre Monteux and Walter Damrosch.
  • However, Pierre's real strength lies in his ability to force a response from his readers.
  • They often trade at a discount to the underlying price of the commodity itself: At $82 a barrel, for example, oil is priced for moderate global growth, says Pierre Lapointe , a Montreal-based strategist at brokerage firm Brockhouse Cooper, while oil stocks are priced for a recession. Time to Ditch Commodities?
  • She was prioress of the first reformed Carmelite convent in France, and spread the teachings of the founder of the French School, Pierre de Berulle, through the movement.
  • Du Mont and Xavier realized that their only hope for clemency lay in their ability to aid the authorities in building up a clear case against Lapierre, and during the ten days of snow-trail that ended at The Gun-Brand
  • He was rooting through his pack for matches when Pierre-Jacques, no doubt assuming he was doing us a favor, soaked the assemblage in gasoline and ignited it with a cigarette lighter.
  • Le chef 閠oit en ce moment assis sur un si間e de pierre, et il avoit devant lui un fallot allum�. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • At the mouth of the Slave River the outfit was transferred to twelve large freight canoes, each carrying three tons, and manned by six lean-shouldered canoemen, in charge of one Louis LeFroy, Lapierre's boss canoeman. The Gun-Brand
  • Many believed Hardy's sternest career test arrived the night he lost to St-Pierre, but I suspect he has far bigger challenges waiting just around the corner. Elliot Worsell: In Defense of Takedown Defense
  • He is composing a straight sextet for principals of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, has premiered a ballet in Vienna and has been welcomed at Pierre Boulez's IRCAM, crucible of ascetic futurism.
  • Having now felt their strength, they next proceeded to renew a part of the committee of General Safety, several of its members being inculpated as partizans of Robespierre, and though this Committee had become entirely subordinate to that of Public Welfare, yet its functions were too important for it to be neglected, more especially as they comprised a very favourite branch of the republican government, that of issuing writs of arrest at pleasure. A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part III., 1794 Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • MLC leader Jean-Pierre Bemba announced a week ago that his rebels would not send delegations to Sun City, which is some 200 kilometres (125 miles) northwest of Johannesburg. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • One of the hypotheses put forward at the beginning of our research by Pierre Curie and myself consisted in assuming that the radiation is an emission of matter accompanied by a loss in weight of the active substances and that the energy is taken from the substance itself whose evolution is not yet completes and which undergoes an atomic transformation. Marie Curie - Nobel Lecture
  • Pierre's own Chagall in this show is a Paris canvas of 1911, The betrothed, an evocation of the artist's fiancée in Russia dressed as a demure veiled bride.
  • Patrick Morin paced St Pierre scorers with a pair of goals.
  • She raised her gaze from the gunman and looked at Jean-Pierre.
  • Patricia and Pierre offer to help him practice his spiel.
  • By contrast the Interior Minister, Pierre Joxe, advocated greater internal autonomy.
  • Pierre also discovered the effect of temperature on paramagnetism, which is now known as Curie's law. Curie, Pierre
  • Don't cry over Pierre - there are plenty more fish in the sea!
  • Opinions similar to those proposed by Beaugrand in his geostatics were held in Italy by Castelli, and in France by Pierre The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Hillary St. Pierre is the reigning bad-ass baldie in question. Linda Keenan: Don't Worry, Get Angry: Hillary's Health Care Travesty
  • One of them, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, was convinced that the strong, virile physical and moral education of the British public schools was responsible for the prodigious expansion of the British Empire.
  • Pierre does not have reaction, mom asks again: Pierre, do you want to eat a cooky ?
  • Watanabex says: for european girls its either bear your tits in artsy films or in Pierre Woodman private casting videos 15 YEAR OLDS, LOCKER ROOM, DESIRE ERUPTS
  • Préfèrent voir le ciel dans la pierre en dentelle. The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol. 1, January 9, 1915 What Americans Say to Europe
  • A friend at school had his eye shot by another lad ‘over something silly’, and Pierre once had to duck bullets from a sniper outside his home.
  • It will also tell the story of Henry's brother Thomas, who was the longest serving of the Pierrepoint executioners and carried out around 300 hangings in 40 years.
  • Many proclaimed Penn was a new man at 170-pounds and that he was well on course to securing either a third bout with champion Georges St-Pierre or a shot at the vacant strap, should the French-Canadian eventually succumb to the wishes of fans and dip his toes in middleweight waters. Elliot Worsell: BJ Penn -- What Next?
  • The idea for the Olympics originated with Pierre de Coubertin.
  • There are factual inaccuracies, too, such as stating that Ignace Murwanashyaka, a rebel leader, was involved in the Rwandan genocide he was not and suggesting that another rebel, Jean-Pierre Bemba, was involved in the 1998 rebellion led by the Congolese Rally for Democracy. Digging for the Truth About a Dirty Trade
  • Safety, where he played a key role in ousting Robespierre. Names
  • Vous savez, Monsieur, que je ne veux que quelques pieds de sable, une pierre de rivage sans ornement et sans inscription, une simple croix de fer, et une petite grille pour empêcher les animaux de me deterrer. Brittany & Its Byways
  • Gabriel now, as his eye rested full upon that threatening brow and those burning eyes, was convinced that be saw before him the terrible Pierre Guillot, whose very name blenched his father's cheek. Lucretia — Volume 03
  • They showed off their speed in a hurry with Pierre leading off with a bunt single and Luis Castillo following with a hit-and-run single.
  • Before broaching the subject of this lecture, I should like to recall that the discoveries of radium and of polonium were made by Pierre Curie in collaboration with me.
  • Local women persuaded "Lieutenant Pierre", the maquisard in charge, to spare a few of them. Top stories from Times Online
  • She recently attended the Academie de Musique Ancienne en Basse-Normandie in Lisieux, France, where she received the advice and instruction of Elisabeth Joyé, Franois Guerrier and Aurélien Delage, and Pierre Hantaï. Ventura County Star Stories
  • In her novel, Lapierre picks up on this and Richard Symonds's remark that Lanier was ‘inamorato di Artemisia Gentileschi,’ to construct a passionate affair between Lanier and Artemisia.
  • To affirm that Robespierre was a pedantic "swotter" is not to reveal the causes of his absolute power over the Convention, at a time when he had spent several months in decimating it with perfect impunity. The Psychology of Revolution
  • Pierre raced ahead and sneaked to the side on the ship where the rowboat waited.
  • 10: 28 PM jean pierre said ... its definitely one of the perks of living in england! also walking through the streets and looking up at old buildings and being convinced that old bailey is up there ... Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
  • As the man walked towards Pierre a man came from the back holding a huge old leather bound book.
  • Cornelian dilemma: The creation of equilibrium warp in a clash of affective and authoritative warps is so conventional as to have acquired a name, the Cornelian dilemma, from the torturae of Rodrigue in Pierre Corneille’s play Le Cid, born in the choice between rupturae (the failure to avenge his father) and monstrum (the loss of his love Chimène.) Notes Toward a Theory of Narrative Modality
  • But if she looked lily-frail in her elemental environment, she was belied by the grip she put upon Pierre's hand, by the knotting of her woman's biceps as it took the weight of her body, by the splendid effort of her limbs as they held her out from the perpendicular bank while she made the ascent. THE GREAT INTERROGATION
  • The new bike's unique styling is the work of Ducati's chief designer Pierre Terblanche.
  • In their attempt to separate radium from bismuth, both contained in pitchblende, Marie and Pierre found that by crystallizing the chloride of radioactive barium from a solution, they obtained crystals that were more radioactive and richer in radium than the chloride which remained resolved. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • The arms on the memorial to John Pierrepont are -- A lion rampant within eight roses in orle. Notes and Queries, Number 190, June 18, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • But the chronological sequence begins with David, himself an embodiment of contradictions—an ardent enemy of the ancienne régime who sided with the extremists and was imprisoned for his association with Robespierre during the Terror, he became, essentially, Napoleon's court painter. Drawn to Revolution
  • La première fois que je dénonçai Danton au comité, Robespierre se leva comme un furieux, en disant qu'il voyait mes intentions, que je voulais perdre les meilleurs patriotes. Moniteur/Morning Chronicle
  • THE committee eftabiiflicd this day at St. Pierre by me, b hereby authorifcd to give, when required fo to do by the flaff officers of the army, and efpecially by Colonel Myers and Major A Collection of State Papers Relative to the War Against France Now Carrying on by Great Britain ...
  • For the past few months, she has been living a horrid nightmare after the sudden death of her ten-year-old daughter, Nicole Pierre.
  • Pierre used a short piece of woodchip to touch a flashing light within two seconds of picking it up; while Corbeau was seen prodding a metal toad after 10 seconds; and a rubber spider after 35 seconds. Crows surprise researchers with advanced tool use
  • I made the rounds visiting all my friends and the new exhibit of the Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection.
  • SOCHAUX GOAL: Pierre-Alain Frau in the 12th minute
  • Sarah is going on an exchange to Paris to stay with Pierre, and he is coming to stay with her here in Scotland next year.
  • If Robespierre had been a statesman instead of a phrasemonger, he had a clear course. Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 1 of 3) Essay 1: Robespierre
  • In "Yvon's Paris," Robert Stevens's exhibition-in-a-book, the French photographer Yvon (Pierre Yves Petit) comes across as the ideal flâneur, a loiterer who happens to have brought along his camera. Graham Robb's "Parisians" and Yvon's Paris, photos of Pierre Yves Petit
  • Your thirty-three page manuscript combines the brilliance of a young Marcus Paulk with the creative writing of Pierre Deligne, and will surely be devoured by archaean readers everywhere you send it. Archive 2007-02-01
  • I knew Pierre Trudeau cavorted with dictators, dabbled in fascism, embraced communism, tanked Alberta. ProWomanProLife » One more reason to love Margaret Thatcher
  • Jean-Pierre Bemba, a 36-year-old rebel leader, was airlifted into town to boost morale.
  • Pierre-Gilles de Gennes developed the theory for the behavior of liquid crystals and their transitions between different ordered phases (nematic, smectic, etc). The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • At one time he formed part of that merciless decemvirate which -- with Robespierre at its head -- meant to govern France by laws of bloodshed and of unparalleled ferocity. The Elusive Pimpernel
  • Mademoiselle Zélie St. Pierre, on this particular Thursday, even assumed a "robe de soie," deemed in economical Labassecour an article of hazardous splendour and luxury; nay, it was remarked that she sent for a "coiffeur" to dress her hair that morning; there were pupils acute enough to discover that she had bedewed her handkerchief and her hands with a new and fashionable perfume. Villette
  • Pierre Lunaire’ is a clear highlight, a dark, demented meditation on obsession cased in sheeny synths and vibrating turntable scratches.
  • And so it was that people chatted or fiddled with their cell phones or even catnapped during the never-ending show, which was held in the sprawling Espace Pierre Cardin, in Paris 'tony 8th district. Fashion week live blog
  • Pierre L – getting myself into a lather is A Good Thing, but something might have been lost in translation there Glue
  • Ronay has a nose for talent and was an early champion of Marco Pierre White and Raymond Blanc.
  • Jean-Pierre frowned deeply at her, his too-crimson mouth looking rather clownlike against his white skin. A Winter Haunting
  • The role of mediator, filled with distinction by his successors, was first assigned to Count Pierre III, who as avoyer of Fribourg at that time allied with Austria, was empowered to arbitrate the differences which arose between the houses of Savoy and Hapsburg. The Counts of Gruyère
  • Then a French pharmacist named Pierre Bayen pointed out to Lavoisier that calx of mercury, which we would now call mercuric oxide, can be converted to mercury simply by heating.
  • Yup, "parakeet" is probably from a diminutive of Pierre. ORNITHONOMY.
  • ‘There are so many people crowding into this market these days, it's really important to do something special,’ says Pierre.
  • Pierre Briant's "Alexander the Great and His Empire" may be short, but it is of a wholly different order of seriousness from that of Mr. Freeman: an analysis less of Alexander himself than of his record as a state-builder and in particular of the debt that he owed to his Achaemenid predecessors. The Greatest of Them All
  • SOCHAUX GOAL: Pierre-Alain Frau in the 40th minute
  • David Bohm, and Jean-Pierre Vigier to hypothesise the existence of an unobserved deterministic substructure underpinning the apparently indeterministic cavortings of objects on the quantum-mechanical level. Paul Feyerabend
  • This is the sport devised by the father of the modern Olympics, Baron Pierre de Coubertin.
  • Pierre thinks he's found a prize idiot in Pignon.
  • And now, Mdlle St. Pierre's affected interference provoked contumacity. Formations.
  • Modern pentathlon was Modern Olympics by Pierre de Coubertin , the founder of modern Olympic Movement.
  • It was what I had fully purposed to do; but, first, the comic side of Monsieur’s behaviour had tempted me to delay, and now, Mademoiselle St. Pierre’s affected interference provoked contumacity. Villette
  • In 1902, Saint-Pierre was also the bastion of a white supremacy whose power was being challenged by a populist opposition.
  • I learned the next day Elsa and her French boyfriend, Pierre, had gone bar-hopping on Patong Road with Bhoo and Jiap.
  • It sounds like the opening line to a Jean-Pierre Melville scenario and the film has a similar starkness to it.
  • 10A modest laboratory was soon set up, but only at the science faculty in rue Cuvier, where Pierre taught a physics course to those preparing for the certificat d 'études. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • Delicatessen by Mark Caro and Jean-Pierre Juenet is a surreal post-apocalyptic black comedy set in the house belonging to a butcher who provides suspicious meats to his tenants and overlies a world populated by troglydytes who eat only grain. MIND MELD: The Most Intelligent Films of Science Fiction
  • Every homesteader who had a tug that would fasten over a doubletree, a wagon that could still squeak, or a flivver that had a bolt in it, went into the transportation business -- hauling the seekers from Pierre or from McClure to look at the land. Land of the Burnt Thigh
  • The centre of attraction was Pierre Auguste Renoir's oil painting.
  • Jean-Pierre's father likes to regale me of his days as a young motorcycle toughie in the Tehran nightclubs.
  • Mrs.St. Pierre Lawrence knew enough, at all events, Colville reflected, rather ruefully, to disillusionise a schoolgirl, much more a woman of the world, knowing good and evil. The Last Hope
  • In 1971, Pierre Ramond of the University of Florida derived a string theory for fermions by discovering an early form of a new symmetry called supersymmetry, which connects bosons and fermions. Euclid’s Window
  • Pierre-Joseph Macquer adapted Prussian blue pigment to textile uses by 1749 and his technique was published by the Paris Academy of Sciences three years later. 19 reference But it does not appear in any eighteenth-century dictionary or encyclopedia as dyestuff even when detailed descriptions of the painters 'color are featured in entries on "blue. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Frankie had not been neutered, which is a primary reason why male dogs run away, said Joan Roberts, owner of Pierre Le Bark's Pet Boutique, which is inside the animal hospital owned by her husband, veterinarian Humphrey Roberts. > News
  • As 'Stan' is Old English for 'stone', I suppose it could have been used as a nickname or as a name in its own right, like modern French Pierre 'stone', but it's not likely to have been a short form of a -stan two-element name. Wolf Girl
  • As Pierre Weiss, the IAAF general secretary, indiscreetly termed it: "She is a woman but maybe not 100%. Caster Semenya may return to track this month after IAAF clearance
  • 'Pierre put the horse into a little out-house which held their firing and his working implements, and returned with a portmantua to the lady. The Castle of Wolfenbach
  • Pierre offers an Explore New Orleans package, available for $150 per night on weeknights, and $200 per night for weekend stays (excluding taxes).
  • But Pierre is haunted by a vision in his dreams of a strange, dark-haired peasant woman who attracts him in unexplainable ways.
  • Rostov looked inimically at Pierre, first because Pierre appeared to his hussar eyes as a rich civilian, the husband of a beauty, and in a word — an old woman; and secondly because Pierre in his preoccupation and absent-mindedness had not recognized Rostov and had not responded to his greeting. War and Peace
  • Vous savez, Monsieur, que je ne veux que quelques pieds de sable, une pierre de rivage sans ornement et sans inscription, une simple croix de fer, et une petite grille pour empêcher les animaux de me deterrer. Brittany & Its Byways
  • Systematists have described over 80 species, including two cultivated species, C. arabica L. and C. canephora Pierre.
  • She enjoyed trying her French out on Jean-Pierre.
  • Foie grass biggest boost to date came when Strasbourg chef Jean-Pierre Clause baked a whole liver in a crust with veal and lard forcemeat to create Pt de foie gras de Strasbourg, an immensely popular dish of the 1780s that gained an international reputation. The Foie Gras Wars
  • By contrast the Interior Minister, Pierre Joxe, advocated greater internal autonomy.
  • Pierre said suddenly: 'I do not speak English, m'sieur.' Pied Piper
  • Stone of Foundation is said, for peculiar reasons, to have been of a cubical form, must it be confounded with that stone called by the continental Masons the _cubical stone_ -- the _pierre cubique_ of the The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • Valette (she probably had no right to the "nobiliary" _de_ although she signed her name thus) was the daughter of Pierre Valette, Women in the Life of Balzac
  • This collective ethos forms what Pierre Bourdieu, the French sociologist, called the habitus, the coherent amalgam of practices linking habit with inhabitance. 'I Saw a Nightmare …' Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
  • SOCHAUX GOAL: Pierre-Alain Frau in the 10th minute
  • PIERRE BOULEZ. Is there really only lack of attention, indifference on the part of the listener toward contemporary music?
  • The populist politics of discontent were later to be identified as Poujadism, a term attached to a short-lived revolt of the petite bourgeoisie against the stifling bureaucracy of France's Fourth Republic, and led by shopkeeper Pierre Poujade in 1953. Whisky Galore – review
  • His son Pierre-Antoine the younger painted landscapes and topographical works in his father's manner.
  • They both looked at the picture -- a study in black and white, showing an attic room, with a _pierrette_ seated disconsolate upon a bed, a Max
  • Jean-Pierre said the doctors were considered too valuable to be sent into the combat zone.
  • Lately, Glen (my fellow Albertan expat) over at Pierre Trudeau is my Homeboy has been documenting some of the shenanigans the Dalhousie Tory Tots have been engaging in under the "Dalhousie" name. Progressive Bloggers
  • Pierre Ray and colleagues at University Hospital in Grenoble said while deletions of some portion of the Y chromosome have been found in infertile men, their discovery is a rare example in which a mutation in a single gene causes male infertility. Gene Mutation Leads to Male Infertility | Impact Lab
  • By the time the final klaxon sounded to end round five, St-Pierre cut a frustrated and rueful victor, while Hardy walked away with a smile and much to be proud of. Elliot Worsell: In Defense of Takedown Defense
  • Market report stock engagingly from the patronizingly antifreeze biocatalytic with robespierre and fall from lobate primality to pay electorate to the passenger, bebe compulsivity saddlecloth that the retroflexed chapleted came to fingerling and apollinaire! Rational Review
  • Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947) "Impasse ou La ruelle (Le Cannet)" 1925 The New Art Market's Ups and Downs
  • Wenlock is named after the village of Much Wenlock where Pierre de Coubertin visited in 1890 and where his idea for a modern Olympics was born while Mandeville is aclled after the Stoke Mandeville Hospital where the Paralympic movement began shortly after World War II. Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » Meet The 2012 Olympic Mascots
  • Think of him running across Pierre Wome, jinking inside, the low centre of gravity keeping him on his feet and helping him evade the tackle.
  • Over the hills, and once more across country, the howling wind made its way, past the old church of Saint Pierre du Bois, past the lanes to Torteval parish, and along the high road to Pleinmont, where it had full play over a wide moorland district, dotted with low masses of gorze and groups of boulders. Where Deep Seas Moan
  • If you're sick of all this break-dancing nonsense and are looking for a more traditional way to cut a rug, tap dancing with Pierre is what you need.
  • Pierre Vercauteren, politics professor at the University of Mons, called the new political consensus a "historic moment"."The conclusion of the political accord its a huge relief for Belgian people.
  • President Washington, together with city planner Pierre L'Enfant, chose the site for the new residence, which is now 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
  • Gabriel now, as his eye rested full upon that threatening brow and those burning eyes, was convinced that he saw before him the terrible Pierre Guillot, whose very name blenched his father's cheek. Lucretia — Complete
  • According to Robespierre, who copies Rousseau literally, the legislator begins by decreeing the end for which the commonwealth has come into being.
  • Pierre le grand: Or, "The poker chip" and "The buskin," Bacchus, and Aphrodite (not Venus), Comus, and Momus: exalting natural virtues and rebuking hypocracy both in church and state by J. W Rogers New York Times Hypes Iran Threat By Pretending Not To
  • In 1916 Pierre Nizan's efforts to gain full admission to the bourgeoisie were finally dashed.
  • You haven't finished with the French, said Socialist Sen. Jean-Pierre Bel, alluding to an apparently unflagging determination by unions, now joined by students, to keep protests alive – even through the upcoming week of school holidays. French Senate Passes Pension Cuts To Raise Retirement Age
  • Though seeing Dr. Candle in leisurewear comes as a bit of a shock, the first big surprise in the clip is that the doctor’s real name is Pierre Cheng. The Tail Section » Analyzing the New Comic-Con Video
  • The castle passed to Charles Lewis of St. Pierre, who bought it outright in 1857, adding to his extensive estates in the area.
  • The only article of furniture in the antechamber was a wooden bench on which Pierre perceived two female patients awaiting their turn in the charge of a young hospitaller. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Complete
  • Maria Felice Tibaldi, a celebrated miniaturist, was represented by a small 1748 watercolor reproduction of her husband Pierre Subleyras's enormous Feast in the House of Simon the Pharisee.
  • Even more so was the Vienna Philharmonic under Pierre Boulez doing Berg's "Lulu-Suite" and Mahler's "Das Klagende Lied"; though their fortissimo passages were even surpassed in volume by the three Tchaikovsky/Shakespeare pieces performed by the youthful Simón Bolívar Orchestra of Venezuela, conducted by their guru, Gustavo Dudamel. Salzburg's Summer of Shadows and Shakespeare
  • Pierre, who's working at a Dunkin' Donuts in Newburgh, was labeled a "deadbeat dad" in some news accounts but O'Connor said there was never any such allegation relating to his children with Armstrong.
  • Pierre-Alain Frau (PENALTY GOAL) in the 79th minute
  • Pierre was the head of all the servants and he was a very reliable and dependable man.
  • Of all Europe's princes today, Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre must be one of the most amiable and likeable.
  • The disc jockey, a young separatist named Pierre Brassard, has made his name with such hoaxes.

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