How To Use Pierced In A Sentence
10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
These nonentities are pierced by longings they can't name or fathom.
Times, Sunday Times
The dead man has a Batman tattoo and a pierced navel.
The roster of tattooed, pierced misfits and post-punk gals has become a phenomenon with a recent burlesque revue touring North America.
Here and there a soldado pulled up, screaming, as a barbed shaft found a crack or pierced a foot or leg.
Fire The Sky

His scream pierced right through the howl of the winds, and it made her eyes water with tears.
The escarpment has been shaped into numerous irregularities, indentations, and promontories, and is pierced by thalweg ravines, gorges, and rocky passages connecting the plain and plateau.
Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali
Q: So you went and pierced your tongue with a small diamond.
The doctor had dreadlocks, pierced ears and nose and tattoos everywhere.
He pierced her amniotic sac, making a therapeutic abortion necessary.
Peter, however, reassured them somewhat, for, although he was not clad in buckskin and feathers, he wore exquisitely beaded moccasins, a scarlet sash about his waist, a small owl feather sticking in his hat band, and his ears were pierced, displaying huge earrings of hammered silver.
The Shagganappi
Steam the corn until it can easily be pierced with a fork.
Shafts of sunlight pierced the heavy mist.
Another saddle had Sir Gavlok Whitfell's pierced cinquefoil insignia.
The Big Girl chooses to pester me with her pleas to get her ear pierced just before school, just before bed, or when I'm rifling in the refrigerator with a wolfish look.
Steam leeks for 6-8 min until tender when pierced.
Times, Sunday Times
Pierced by curves and angles of thin metal, the precarious, canted structure is poised on elegant little wheels.
The Artist in All His Dimensions
Then a thick, terrific blast pierced through the shield and glanced off the ship, blistering the hull and raking a starboard section open.
The only contact they have had is through three bore holes which have pierced their bunker.
Times, Sunday Times
Roger was a shy, sweet Jewish boy with very short black hair, a little stub of a beard and pierced ears.
He pierced another hole in his belt with his knife.
The endosperm cap (the testa included) was placed on the needle and was pierced by moving the needle down into a polyvinyl chloride block with a conic hole with a minimum diameter of 0.7 mm.
She has already pierced her nose, her ears, her navel and now, her tongue.
He pierced another hole in his belt with his knife.
So the unhappy mother had pierced her breast with a dagger, and, by her side, similarly self-slain, lay the serving woman who had miscounselled her to wrongdoing, yet, as I could quite well comprehend, from motives of sincere affection, to safeguard for her her husband's love and to give her the joy of motherhood for which she craved.
Tales of Destiny
Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
The Two Trees
The dominant decorative feature is the array of ornate brasses with pierced backplates.
Just then, a shrill voice pierced through the thick tension in the room.
The pus has formed beneath the derm, and has pierced a small hole through it.
We walked down the valley through rainforest so thick with plants that light barely pierced the canopy.
Times, Sunday Times
Cook the duck until the juices run pale yellow when the flesh is pierced.
unpierced ears
Polakow-Suransky pierced the consciousness of Gotham's education community late last year, in the wake of Cathie Black's appointment, assuming the role of deputy chancellor for performance and accountability to buttress his boss' subpar C.V. Dubbed "a data mining administrator" by The New York Times, he was introduced to the locals with the menacing headline, "New Schools No. 2 Wants More and Better Testing.
Susan Ochshorn: Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Getting It Right
Sirens pierced the silence of the night.
I will disarm him with smiles and pleasant words," she every day resolved; yet every day was she pierced anew with his arrowy verbality.
Hubert's Wife A Story for You
To let the air in, the cheese wheel is regularly pierced all the way through with a long needle, and the mold develops all along the thin tunnels thus generated.
Beyond it was what Jamie referred to as "the doocot"; or so I assumed, from the assorted pigeons that were fluttering in and out of the pierced-work opening at the top of the building.
Sick Cycle Carousel
A hole is pierced through the skin and cartilage of the nostril.
One of these pierced the envelope and set it on fire.
Times, Sunday Times
His head had a halo of curls at the bottom and both his ears were pierced with spike earrings.
The sarrusophones of French invention are a complete family, made in brass and with conical tubes pierced according to geometric relation, so that the sarrusophone is more equal than the oboe it copies and is intended, at least for military music, to replace.
Scientific American Supplement No. 819, September 12, 1891
Rose underwent emergency surgery after a bullet pierced her lung.
It pierced his left lung and spleen.
The Sun
I have a pierced nipple and I breastfed for a year and it was no problem.
On each side of the groove the dura is rough, because of its attachment to the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone and because it is pierced by numerous olfactory nerve bundles.
Her most emotional moments are pierced by shafts of wit.
Times, Sunday Times
Her words pierced the students
He turned around and two cloudy purple eyes pierced through her.
Cameo breastpins were a favorite with many, while nearly every girl had her ears pierced for earrings.
There are many instances in which the lumbricoid worms have pierced the intestinal tract and made their way to other viscera, sometimes leading to an anomalous exit.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Why on earth did you fasten a quarrel on me?" asked the spadassin; "and why, having done so, did you spare my life; for your sword was at my heart when you shifted its point, and pierced my shoulder?
The Parisians — Complete
Nigel was beaten down on to the crupper of his horse by a sweeping blow; but at the same instant Chandos 'quick blade passed through the Frenchman's camail and pierced his throat.
Sir Nigel
Rain bars are long tubes pierced with spray holes.
One man laboriously cut the pierced decoration with a fretsaw and a variety of steel punches.
One bullet pierced the left side of his chest.
The name pierced the core of his silence and shat'tered into echoes, each one a pledge of compassion.
Arthur, with his sword holden in both his hands, on the side of the head, that the sword pierced the helmet and the brain-pan; and then Sir Modred fell stark dead upon the earth.
The Age of Chivalry
One of these pierced the envelope and set it on fire.
Times, Sunday Times
Rutherford knew that alpha particles, which readily pierced the atom's cloud of electrons, didn't have enough energy to penetrate and pry apart the nucleus.
The knife had pierced his heart, but incredibly he was still alive.
Suddenly a light pierced through and she shielded her eyes from the sudden blinding glow.
Sixteen to 18 year olds could have other parts of their bodies pierced provided they had clearly verifiable permission from a parent or guardian.
Out of the Blue's "Dead Gnome" line features garden gnomes with pistols in their mouths, or holding up the dripping heads of decapitated brethren, industriously sawing their own hands off, hanging from a gibbet, grinning glassily at the arrow that's pierced their heads, and so on.
Boing Boing
Wulfgar's gray eyes pierced the man.
Our inner being, which we call ourself, no eye nor touch of man or angel has ever pierced.
Solitude of Self
But the fpear of Gaul pierced the gloomy chief; his fword lopped off his head, as it bended in death.
The Poems of Ossian
Hepplewhite is most associated with pierced and shield-back chairs often with wheels, lyres, or Prince of Wales feathers, and painted or japanned work of gold on black.
The Big Girl chooses to pester me with her pleas to get her ear pierced just before school, just before bed, or when I'm rifling in the refrigerator with a wolfish look. She couldn't pick worse times.
The nail pierced through the sole of his shoes into his foot.
Shrieks of pain and anguish pierced the night and more yelling sounded as other survivors tried to put out the multiple fires before more were hurt.
The knife had pierced his heart, but incredibly he was still alive.
Nothing had gotten past them, but the lenses were badly abraded by the hurtling glass particles from the bullet-pierced windshield.
And he is quite right: things, when pierced, can never be unpierced.
Times, Sunday Times
The nail pierced through the sole of his shoes into his foot.
Rain bars are, as they sound, long tubes pierced with spray holes.
Times, Sunday Times
He exhaled the smoke and through the haze his eyes rested on the day's end; gulls scraped the underside of a grey sky, cormorants pierced leaden waters to emerge gullet-choked with fish.
On each side of the groove the dura is rough, because of its attachment to the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone and because it is pierced by numerous olfactory nerve bundles.
The city would be encircled by its defensive walls pierced by town gates.
Generation X, best known for its pierced bodies and jaded outlook, is more optimistic about Wall Street than previous generations.
Feed the other end of the cord up through the pierced hole in the bottom of the flap.
As if on cue, the sounds of an ambulance siren pierced the air.
Alain Vaës, whose décors typically have a strong, disquieting presence, has pierced the dancing ground with five huge, asymmetrically placed pillars unconnected to any architectural structure.
All concrete surfaces should be pierced at regular distances so that rainwater percolates into the ground.
She had pierced ears but wore neither studs nor earrings and there was no jewellery.
A moment afterwards he was killed, pierced through the brain by a Rebel bullet.
He pierced the skin of cooking Frankforts with a fork.
Rose underwent emergency surgery after a bullet pierced her lung.
Ten thousand strengths seemed then to heave him from her heart; and struggling with a power that amazed even herself, she threw him from her; and holding him off with her shackled arms, her shrieks again pierced the heavens.
The Scottish Chiefs
They clothed her with heavenly garments: on her head they put a fine, well-wrought crown of gold, and in her pierced ears they hung ornaments of orichalc and precious gold, and adorned her with golden necklaces over her soft neck and snow-white breasts, jewels which the gold-filleted Hours wear themselves whenever they go to their father's house to join the lovely dances of the gods.
Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
In order to stay away from these images, I will leave you with this: Think innovative punk rockers with safety pins through freshly pierced ears.
Ignorance and Rashness, then they will see him whom they pierced, when they neglected their Neighbor, sought after money and nothing else; whereas were they cordial in their profession, they would spend Nights and Days in Labour that they might become more learned in their Art, whence more certain health would accrew to the sick with their estimation and greater glory to themselves.
Old-Time Makers of Medicine The Story of The Students And Teachers of the Sciences Related to Medicine During the Middle Ages
Perpendicular window, the heads of the lights below the transom being cinquefoiled, while above each window is a cornice supported by small arches resting on corbels; over all is a pierced battlement, which is also crenelated at the actual east end.
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Winchester A Description of Its Fabric and a Brief History of the Episcopal See
I'm 31, and got my left ear pierced a couple of years ago.
I cracked up laughing as Lane suddenly appeared in all her black and pierced glory, bowing to an imaginary crowd before posing for photographs that weren't being taken.
She fingered one of the three earrings, a miniature church key, that depended from a triply pierced ear.
All around was evidence of the explosion of water and dammed-up pressure that had brought Casca into the air once he had pierced the underground dam that held back the qanat.
The Eternal Mercenary
He pierced the rubber ball with a needle.
Thurlestone takes its name from a 'thirled' or pierced rock, on the shore through which the waves have drilled an arch.
Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts
The girl clutched her head and let out a scream of pain that pierced the air, falling to her knees with tears spilling down her cheeks.
Suddenly I stopped propelling the ball forward and pierced the prism, ripping a huge jagged scar in it.
The arrow pierced his shoulder.
She was pierced to the heart with guilt.
Short-sighted, when she lifts her lorgnettes to her eyes, her gaze becomes profound and inquisitive, and her interlocutor feels pierced to the very depths of his soul.
DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
Squab are done when juices run clear when thigh is pierced with a fork.
Eleventhly, God of his grace had pierced her heart, it is read that S. Clare for to dispend amorously the time that God had lent her, in especial she was determined that from the hour of mid-day unto evensong time, she would dispend all that time in thinking and beweeping the passion of Jesu Christ, and say prayers and orisons according thereto, after unto the five wounds of the precious body of Jesu Christ, as smitten and pierced to the heart with the dart of the love divine.
The Golden Legend, vol. 6
The interior of the cave, pierced by apertures giving onto the sea and by a sort of skylight open to the heavens, reflects a light of mist and water on its damp walls.
And right so he smote his father Arthur with his sword holden in both his hands, on the side of the head, that the sword pierced the helmet and the brain-pan, and therewithal Sir Mordred fell stark dead to the earth.
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
The rough grating voices tore through the darkness and pierced his ears.
For some unaccountable reason, someone has pierced a tunnel through the western end of the southern summit rock blade.
A sudden howl pierced the silence.
She was the first girl in the class to get her ears pierced, the first to own a velour tracksuit (we all lusted after it - this was 1980 after all), the first to have her own record player in her room.
The thorns pierced my skin and grazed my arms and neck.
He pierced the first, and hurled him to a distance; a second he deprived of existence; a third he emboweled; a fourth he made a warning to all that beheld him.
Antar :
Now it was, it is clear, that the sword of sorrow pierced her through and through, for the Queen of martyrs was fearfully and mortally wounded in that part which is impassible, that is, in her soul; and she bore the death of the Cross in that which could not die, suffering all the more her grievous inward death, as outward death departed farther from her.
Meditations on the Life and Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
And till that Spirit is given us, there is nothing but enmity and disaffection towards God; there is nothing but feebleness and impotence, as to any thing that is good; there is nothing but distemperature and diseasedness in man, which have pierced him to the very heart.
The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
The darkness of the ink pierced into my eyes like it was incandescently glowing with blackness and burning into my soul.
The beam of the searchlight pierced the darkness.
On the stroke of half-time, Stoke finally pierced through the resolute City rearguard with a swift, incisive move.
The ball the schoolboys originally swatted was a globe of vulcanized India rubber pierced with a hole.
He had been away since the first rays of watery sunshine pierced the woodland gloom.
Her shrieking, wailing voice was the whisper of mortality piercing the ears like the banshee's own call, a twin to the driving terror that pierced the mind.
Recalling the Mother Superior's words of warning, she recorded her failure, as the first of its kind, and prayed that it might not be irretrievable, and that resentment and regret might ebb away and leave her again as she had been before the unforgettable voice had pierced her ears with the truth she had never guessed.
The White Sister
The bullet pierced the skin of the aircraft.
This analysis was performed by following the displacement of holes pierced with fine needles in the basal part of the leaf as presented earlier but extended here for very young leaves.
A sterculia, the stem of which had served as one of the props of our mess tent, and to which we had nailed a sheet of copper, with an inscription, was considerably grown, and the gum had oozed out in such profusion where the nails had pierced the bark that it had forced one corner of the copper off.
The History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888
Suddenly, one lonely songbird pierced the wall of silence with a stunning serenade.
Both ears were pierced, but she wore no earrings.
The third storey of the town gaol was pierced by a doorway over which projected a beam.
I grew my hair long, pierced my ears and then got slightly stranded by the punk thing.
Times, Sunday Times
Typically, the corporate veil is pierced when the company is incorporated for an illegal, fraudulent or improper purpose.
He noticed something he hadn't before, her body was naked of any jewellery, not even her ears were pierced.
The darkness was pierced by the beam from the lighthouse.
I'm going to get my ears pierced so I can wear one of those cool crosses.
The men's lanterns pierced through the dense mist.
She responded with an outburst of laughter that pierced his eardrum.
Doctors feared an air rifle pellet had pierced his brain when the joke went horribly wrong.
And right so he smote his father Arthur, with his sword holden in both his hands, on the side of the head, that the sword pierced the helmet and the brain-pan, and therewithal Sir
Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
After she told him she pierced her belly, Dueck began fondling her.
One bullet pierced the left side of his chest.
Splinters pierced his porcelain fingertips, such terrible reminders to what had happened only hours before.
I approached some adorable creature in a belly shirt with a pierced tongue.
The arrow pierced his skull.
Place potatoes in middle of preheated oven and bake until tender when pierced with a fork, about 1 hour.
A pregnant woman goes into hospital, six-months pregnant, and, after a doctor confuses her for a different patient and tries to remove a non-existent coil, she is given an abortion after her amniotic sac is pierced.
It had a heavy pierced stand with a glass reservoir for the oil and a chased glass globe on the chimney glass.
Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
Aislinn froze as his steely gray eyes pierced her.
The bullet pierced the skin of the aircraft.
The eastern slope below Playfair's buildings has been pierced by a rusticated colonnade of battered piers framing large windows.
He pierced the skin of cooking Frankforts with a fork.
Instead of a heated iron, the upper part of the base supports a pierced basket for charcoal.
Earth-moving equipment pierced through the jungle.
When his chest was pierced, he clenched his fist.
The Sun
A spear point cut through her fur robes, pierced her skin, then drew back.
The darkness in my eyes weakened and was pierced by a dim light.
Suddenly, the serenity is pierced by the distinct tone of a ringing bell.
A whimsical high arched pavilion with a trellised canopy rises on spindle columns, which are fine twisted supports, from a fragile stepped garden bridge with a pierced fretwork balustrade echoing that of the head of the bed.
All was well and beautiful for the first 10 minutes, till a chorus of sharp voices pierced my champagne reverie.
The pierced motifs were mechanically cut with a steel punch and the embossed decoration on the borders stamped out with steel dies.
With a sharp jab, Jake pierced the skin on her forearm, leaving a small puncture mark.
Last week in South Yorkshire a metal pole was placed on a railway line which pierced the underneath of a passenger carriage.
Less than a week later, Sam received another commission from the same gentleman; this time, to fix the pierced wooden fretwork of his grand piano, which had somehow sustained damage.
An X-Ray showed that both bones in her forearm were broken and splintered, and in one place a bone had pierced the skin.
pierced ears
He let his fork rest gently on his china plate, food still pierced on its prongs, a look of consideration daubed onto his face.
She had a nose ring on and her ears were pierced at least 8 times each.
The site ran a feature about the recently pierced singer, in an attempt to attract a younger audience.
A light drizzle permeated the foliage, and the bite of the wind pierced Clyde's windbreaker.
The sudden voice pierced through the hallway and I immediately dropped the card and spun around to face Devon's approaching figure.
From Hyderabad in the Deccan is a parcel-gilt vase, an example of pierced-work, the _opus interassile_ of the Romans.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878.
The sweet voice pierced through his mind, and with it sweet memories of safety, understanding, and love.
The bullet had pierced the bone, leaving behind fragments which the surgeon was unable to remove.
Her voice pierced the Fire Master's ears, sending sparks of fury through his body.
Place in a shallow roasting pan and roast for 45 minutes, until vegetables are tender when pierced with a fork.
Viz., the day of the passion of Christ, the source of all our good: when this precious stone shall be graved, that is, cut and pierced, with whips, thorns, nails, and spear.
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete
The undergrowth was not too thick; they had found an easy way under the canopy of oak and hickory, blackgum and beech, pierced here and there by a tall pine or leatherleaf, or the white slash of a paperbark.
The Great Hunt
I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry. Rita Rudner
It had a heavy pierced stand with a glass reservoir for the oil and a chased glass globe on the chimney glass.
Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
With pierced nose, wild red hair and an enormous collection of tattoos, Joolz is a revelation.
The darkness was pierced by the beam from the lighthouse.
Thus placed, they were all firmly lashed with strong cords of watap, by means of holes pierced in the bottom plank.
Popular Adventure Tales
Three days later, Gawain and I answered the door to a newly lip-pierced individual who was grinning like a madman.
Wulfgar's gray eyes pierced the man.
The shards of humanity pierced the heart.
Times, Sunday Times
A two-year-old boy died after falling on a 'cuirass' fish and one of its bones pierced his brain on Monday.
Stabroek News
A small branch that is pierced by a pair of garden shears and sits atop a classicized wall bracket with Corinthian details suggests a large-winged bird that has just landed.
An unsteady hand raised to the offending body part, shaking fingers drawing up to pull the dart out of her flesh and the hood it had pierced through to reach her neck.
The gnomon is pierced with the letters I. C., and the arms of Mr. Conduitt, the owner, as granted to him in 1717, are engraved on the plate with his motto: "Cada uno es hijo de sus obras.
The Book of Sun-Dials
A wolf's howl pierced the empty silence of the night.
A narrow chancel originally lay east of the nave and parts of its north wall can still be seen, pierced by the arcade between the nave and the north aisle.
The Raj-Gonds will not have the ears of their children pierced by any one but a Sunar; and for this they give him _sidha_ or a seer [651] of wheat, a seer of rice and an anna.
The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
As the dagger pierced Mystic's arm he felt a small prick.
The bounty so much delighted mine host, that he ran to fill the stirrup-cup (for which no charge was ever made) from a butt yet charier than that which he had pierced for the former stoup.
The Monastery
The eggs were properly poached, which is to say when pierced they released a copious amount of yellow fluid, but not clear, and it sat atop the hearts of English muffins, trimmed to be just the right size for the small package that topped them.
Rose underwent emergency surgery after a bullet pierced her lung.
The secondary formations on the east of the Havannah are pierced in a singular manner by syenitic and euphotide rocks united in groups.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
Turning them over I saw that the zarape was pierced with holes-bullet holes.
The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
I remembered hearing about brave young boys going through the tribal rituals of manhood, their skin pierced with bone and marked with plant pigments to show their acceptance into the clan.
The rocket pierced through the space.
Fragments of sunlight pierced the thick canopy, spattering them with shifting flecks of light.
End of Time
My little sister and all my other little girly cousins went to the chemist to get their ears pierced.