How To Use Piecework In A Sentence
Throughout the 19th century, they used piecework wages and inside subcontracting to control labor costs.
She did what they called 'piecework' and would sew up these dresses for a penny each.
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Thus, Italian women supplemented the family income by taking in boarders and doing piecework alongside their daughters.
It is not uncommon for women to do piecework in their homes.
Few homeworkers doing piecework in manufacturing enjoy employee status.

Health care is one of the few areas left where society pays on a piecework basis: the more you do, the more you're paid.
I think of it less as piecework, more as entrepreneurship.
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The dialogue, too, feels like piecework, as if the bons mots and ripostes have been assembled from a library of index cards.
Thus the allocation of performance-based wage increases, piecework bonuses and other pay incentives is important in determining employee motivation.
The new contract includes piecework payment that would mean workers were only paid for the number of beasts they slaughter and prepare.
It is so much bound up with the domestic, the homely, with the kids, with budgeting and making ends meet, and with piecework type occupations.
Few homeworkers doing piecework in manufacturing enjoy employee status.
He sees the writer beginning as a cultural worker, a pieceworker in a cottage industry, who must enter into a ‘fiduciary’ relationship with agents and publishers, middlemen, in order to find an audience and earn a living.
His parents thought he was crazy, he said, but he did it, while earning a living by doing copywriting piecework at night.
You're a semi-skilled mechanic, just like the municipal rat-catcher, on piecework.
Alternatively, they are contracted on a piecework basis paid 10 pesetas a kilo of broccoli.
The tobacco workers were paid on a piecework basis.
By the 1930s, British factory owners had worked out their own variants of labour control which featured piecework incentives combined with the use of skilled labour.
As well, the greater efficiency of the spinning wheel probably led to lower piecework rates for all spinning, whether with distaff or wheel, despite the fact that wheel-spun yarn was not always the suitable material.
Mexicans were horrified to learn that perishing inside those structures were hundreds of hyperexploited seamstresses and other pieceworkers crammed into more than 500 illegal sweatshops.
They are independent people doing some kind of piecework.
She was crocheting an edge of lace, clumsily; she had never excelled at piecework, but she liked handling the polished ivory crochet hook.
Putting our physician on piecework wages sure made him hustle!
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Our goal was to have both elders and young people as part of the core group, who could then work with other seamstresses from their communities on specific piecework.
Post benefit wage system and incentive piecework system both are incentive staffs business wage distribution methods.
In piecework, which is what most of us do, the case is none the less plain for being even less material.
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Various factors were decisive here: more food for better performance, the widespread introduction of piecework wages, and the constant expansion of the plant-internal system of surveillance and punishment.
Traditionally paid for piecework - how many apples picked - the workers were now to be paid the minimum wage of $6.50 an hour.
The tobacco workers were paid on a piecework basis.
It turns out that prevailing piecework rates worked out to less than the minimum wage, so it's hardly surprising that people didn't want to take them.
To support their families, women would bring in piecework from garment factories, make paper flowers to sell, and take in boarders.
Coffee workers average only a dollar a day in piecework rates when they have work, about the same as the average price of a cup of coffee in most major cities of the world.
Farmers who grew crops and stewarded the land were cajoled into resembling industrial workers from the city who produced piecework in a complex system overseen by major corporations, said Chuck Hassebrook, executive director of the Center for Rural Affairs.
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The courts and legislatures acknowledge this, that modern "piecework" medicine is nearly impossible to account for by reason of its complexity.
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His back was thick enough for toting an oaken ice box, and he would most likely be voiceless, a mute acceptor of direction, of order, a pure pieceworker whose every dollar earned, you could bet, would be quaffed off before nightfall.
Few homeworkers doing piecework in manufacturing enjoy employee status.
The women were on straight piecework, the men on more complex systems of payment.
Under the "piecework" mode, workers are paid 11 to 17 dollars per 23-kg box of nuts, which takes 12 to 14 hours to gather.
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Taylor assumed that piecework incentives would discourage opportunism because workers would be motivated to maximize their earnings.
These pieceworkers are hired to perform work at a job site such as installing drywall or tape to a particular number of homes.
The division of labor and piecework system was a great deal more sophisticated and modern than has previously been thought.
As well, the greater efficiency of the spinning wheel probably led to lower piecework rates for all spinning, whether with distaff or wheel, despite the fact that wheel-spun yarn was not always the suitable material.
But despite their celebrity, the efforts of the champions closely resemble those of the smallest cog in the societal machinery: the factory pieceworker.
Male trade unionists, by contrast, considered piecework anathema, for it was associated in their minds with unskilled labour, exploitative working conditions, and with a loss of control and dignity.
You're a semi-skilled mechanic, just like the municipal rat-catcher, on piecework.
In a bid to encourage dentists to make immediate improvements, the new NHS paid them piecework fees.