How To Use Piece of work In A Sentence
Although I have finally been given a small piece of work to do (nothing crucial, generous deadline), I'm finding it hard to apply myself after such a long period of enforced inactivity.
From a corporate sense, this is a slick piece of work.
THIS PIECE OF WORK FOR ANY EVENT, AUDITION, ETC. "party in the usa" @ studio 429 featuring cassidy worley, margot leach, jacki lewis, tanner clark, keara geckeler, and bianca vallar. - Business News
I'm afraid your last essay was a very scrappy piece of work.
The entryway of our brownstone was a magnificent piece of workmanship and masonry.

Your boss asks you to do a piece of work for the following day.
The Sun
When I produced this piece of work, my lecturers were very critical.
But the man who led the revolt is a thoroughly nasty piece of work.
Your boss asks you to do a piece of work for the following day.
The Sun
At first, in spite of his sex, it was hard not to believe that his nest was in the tree; and to satisfy himself, my companion "shinned" it, schoolboy fashion, -- a frightful piece of work, which put me out of breath even to look at it, -- while I surveyed the branches from all sides through an opera-glass.
The Foot-path Way
She produced an excellent piece of work in the final examination.
This spoiled an otherwise excellent piece of work.
You'd best steer clear of him, Manderley, he's a nasty piece of work.
* Sean Collins dubs the latest League of Extraordinary Gentlemen book "a funny, creepy, nasty piece of work that encapsulates and articulates many of Alan Moore's most heartfelt themes as explicitly and entertainingly as any book he's ever done.
Everyone’s a critic: A round-up of comic book reviews and thinkpieces | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
it was a nice piece of work
Marked Allegro non troppo, the Concert Overture (for which Raff made a piano, 4 hands arrangement) lasts about 10 minutes and is a very superior and craftsmanlike piece of work - hardly typical of the run of the mill celebratory pieces churned out by dozens of kapellmeisters at the time.
The negroes were busy poisoning arrows with the juice of the euphorbium — a piece of work deemed a great affair among these savage tribes, and carried on with a sort of ceremonial solemnity.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
It is an immensely accomplished piece of work.
Times, Sunday Times
It's a magnificent piece of work, created by the islanders in over 30,000 painstaking hours.
A hard piece of work exacts patience.
When a piece of work is prepared for publication, every copy-edit and correction costs your publisher money.
Seanan_mcguire: Write! Right? Fifty MORE thoughts on writing.
They're just doing normal canters and will be building up to their first piece of work in a few days, I would imagine.
This piece of work is below standard/is not up to standard.
The next morning, the victim developed "chest pain and other symptoms", leading doctors to conclude he'd been bitten by a dune-dwelling katipo spider - a rare but nasty piece of work related to Australian redbacks and North American black widow spiders.
The Register
This is a piece of work I can be proud of.
I'm afraid your last essay was a very scrappy piece of work.
It's really a dark piece of work, pretty much driven by Mozart's guilt over his father's death; in a lot of ways, I think it prefigures his requiem mass; a big, black truckload of woe.
But it was such a second-rate piece of work, and induced such an amazing sense of tedium, that I am not even going to mention its name.
[T] aken as a whole, cogent piece of work, Paris makes an underwhelming survey of the state of the art house - nothing here even whiffs at the rarified abjection found in Antonioni's segment in 1953's similarly conceived, Rome-set L'Amore in citta," writes Nick Pinkerton at indieWIRE.
GreenCine Daily: Paris je t'aime.
Yet, by cautiously placing precious melodies in the heart of his soundscapes, Octavius creates with this album a disturbingly chilling cinematic piece of work.
What a piece of work is a man! they exclaim in rhapsody, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god, the beauty of the world!
The Psychology of the Suffragette
Intresting post, and not too “jargonized” at all as comparing it to that ridiculously elaborate piece of work by Henry Dougan demonstrates.
Grouping People Together: The Problems and Prospects of Panethnic Language
He has put out a finely crafted piece of work.
This piece of work is below standard/is not up to standard.
But this is a bafflingly unrewarding, unexciting piece of work.
It's really a dark piece of work, pretty much driven by Mozart's guilt over his father's death; in a lot of ways, I think it prefigures his requiem mass.
Holy Innocents 'Day or Childermas, whether or not because of Herod's massacre, was formerly peculiarly unlucky; it was a day upon which no one, if he could possibly avoid it, should begin any piece of work.
Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan
So, too, is Shakespeare & Company's revival a wholly satisfying piece of work, a show full of bull's-eye moments that make you sit up straight in your seat and say, "I've been there—that's just how it is.
The Family and Its Discontents
It is a slick piece of work, more like a product of Madison Avenue than staid Capitol Hill.
Your boss asks you to do a piece of work for the following day.
The Sun
The movie is a turgid, pretentious piece of work that may have played well on the page, but is too heavy and slow-moving to work on the big screen.
It's a well-made, well-acted, well-produced piece of work.
Times, Sunday Times
Is the light good enough to take photos? In formal language you can also say that it is adequate, satisfactory or acceptable. These words on their own may suggest that something is only just good enough and could be better. Compare:This piece of work is satisfactory and This piece of work is very satisfactory.
This major emotional downer is as raw as it gets, and while it doesn't quite chime with the flip ending, it helps cement this as a powerful and evocative piece of work.
This is a piece of work I can be proud of.
Depending on your age, morals and various points of view, she was either the sexiest piece of work around or a brazen hussy or both.
For a longer piece of work, you would have the luxury to break down the symbols further and make those symbols interact in a more abstract manner, which will boost the power of the sigil.
He considered it Menotti's finest text, and it is, indeed, a remarkable piece of work.
I don't like to be interrupted when I am about an important piece of work.
He created the field trip trophy from serpentine and quartz - a beautifully crafted piece of work.
This essay is a most conscientious piece of work.
According to Kangia, the greasy-haired one with the armband was a thoroughly nasty piece of work, constantly ranting on about Hitler and treating the Greenlanders like dogs," Macleod said.
Crusader Gold
Greig says Pyrenees is an actor-friendly piece of work, with no constant scene changes, no running on and off.
That may sound as though I'm intending to dispraise the book, but to the contrary; I think it's a fine piece of work in lots of ways.
Another great piece of work was his invention of harmonic measure in 1936.
This is a well-researched piece of work that demonstrates the skill and care of the architects in telling such a story.
So, too, is Shakespeare & Company's revival a wholly satisfying piece of work, a show full of bull's-eye moments that make you sit up straight in your seat and say, "I've been there—that's just how it is.
The Family and Its Discontents
These cloths include silk and chiffon and each piece of work takes eight to ten days, and she has to paint from four to six hours each day.
It's a spartan, occasionally pretentious piece of work, but more than redeemed by two elegant central performances.
This spoiled an otherwise excellent piece of work.
Meanwhile as a backdrop the tapestry is an ongoing piece of work, as we say in the NHS.
The Needle in the Blood
It was a pleasant surprise, after all this, to find that the book is a very professional piece of work.
Instead of retreading other artists' material, SND have turned in an interesting and original piece of work on Tender Love.
The Heartbreak Kid, by contrast, is a mean piece of work with an unsympathetic, lying stinkard of an anti-hero.
It is an immensely accomplished piece of work.
Times, Sunday Times
An exquisite piece of workmanship, it is operated by a manual lever and recreates the sounds of the harp, harmonica and piccolo.
It's a mighty piece of work and you should appreciate the supreme effort it's going to take you to get a copy of this because it is truly worth it.
Every piece of work which is not as good as you can make it, which you have palmed off imperfect, meagrely thought, niggardly in execution, upon mankind who is your paymaster on parole and in a sense your pupil, every hasty or slovenly or untrue performance, should rise up against you in the court of your own heart and condemn you for a thief.
Lay Morals
Uncle Satch was a real piece of work -- the quintessential Irishman with a big red face, loudhailer voice, shock of white hair, bawdy laugh, fiery temper and wicked sense of humor.
Cathleen Falsani: It's What You Do, Not What You Say: Requiem For Uncle Satch
True though it is that Roy Cohn was an unsavory piece of work, what do we learn about him from being told by Louis that he is "a polestar of human evil … the worst human being who ever lived"?
Seven Ways of Looking at 'Angels'
It was all "sprightly" -- that was Murray's tone -- but also it was cordial; and it referred to Thyrsis 'earlier novel, "The Hearer of Truth", as "that brilliant piece of work".
Love's Pilgrimage
Sewn exults confidence and creativity, and proves a totally enchanting and captivating piece of work.
Entrants should remember to include their name, address and age on a label on the back of each piece of work.
McFadden's character is unlucky in love and a nasty piece of work because of it.
a botchy piece of work
It is an immensely accomplished piece of work.
Times, Sunday Times
The leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, David Trimble, described the 175-point document "as the shoddiest piece of work I've seen in public life.
Of New Blueprints And Old Orangemen
A tale of a legendary swordsman gathering a team of ronin to kill the Shogun's ruthless brother, it appears to be Miike proving that he can direct an accessible piece of work.
This week's new DVD & Blu-ray
It was an interesting piece of work.
You'll have to redo this piece of work.
Alberich's nominal reason for indulging his present passion for hurting -- he is haling Mime by the ear -- is that the latter is overslow with certain piece of work which, with minute instructions, he has been ordered to do.
The Wagnerian Romances
She produced an excellent piece of work in the final examination.
Nonetheless, this is a solid piece of work and will be very welcome to their diehard fans.
The Sun
You shouldn't use the phrase "dog days" anymore as it is "speciesist" - by the way I know Ruth - and she is a nasty and loyal piece of work.
Dog Days
Is the light good enough to take photos? In formal language you can also say that it is adequate, satisfactory or acceptable. These words on their own may suggest that something is only just good enough and could be better. Compare:This piece of work is satisfactory and This piece of work is very satisfactory.
Don't trust him; he's a nasty piece of work.
Sounding at times like a drunken pop song, the title track is in fact an exhilaratingly happy and twisted piece of work.
It was a vicious and malevolent piece of work which was designed to smash the marriage into pieces.
It's unquestionably a high-minded and ambitious piece of work.
She was referring to her meticulous joke file, featured in her 2010 documentary, "Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work.
A Joan Rivers Moment
Spirited Away made me cry, which Howl's doesn't do, and I think Spirited Away is the superior film overall, but Howl's is still a magnificent piece of work.
Is the light good enough to take photos? In formal language you can also say that it is adequate, satisfactory or acceptable. These words on their own may suggest that something is only just good enough and could be better. Compare:This piece of work is satisfactory and This piece of work is very satisfactory.
This is a great piece of work from a veteran troubadour, and should be a prominent part of your music collection.
Any con artist would appreciate the bait-and-switch as a nifty piece of work.
Rule a line at the end of every piece of work.
It was a fine piece of work, a silver foxhead nearly as big as his palm.
Knife of Dreams
Nonetheless, this is a solid piece of work and will be very welcome to their diehard fans.
The Sun
He was complimented on a very professional piece of work.
Is the light good enough to take photos? In formal language you can also say that it is adequate, satisfactory or acceptable. These words on their own may suggest that something is only just good enough and could be better. Compare:This piece of work is satisfactory and This piece of work is very satisfactory.
In her hands, the premise became a deft and intriguing piece of work.
It sounds a bit dull when I say it like that, but it was an enormously complex and intricate piece of work.
He personally coined it his 'Wal-Mart film' after the artier and more personal Unbreakable was ill-received by mass audiences, but it's still a potent and often terrifying piece of work.
Scott Mendelson: Just in Time for Halloween: 10 of the Scariest Horror Films of the Last 20 Years.
It's really a beautiful little piece of work, bound in leather that's been tooled with a lovely design of roses and vines.
It is a slick piece of work, more like a product of Madison Avenue than staid Capitol Hill.
I had periods of my life where I was a nasty piece of work.
Times, Sunday Times
This is a piece of work I can be proud of.
Many framers often find themselves underbidding themselves to keep a piece of work in the shop for framing.
That retail palace was a piece of work -- complete with a VIP-esque level on the top devoted to Nokia's pricey, blinged-out Vertu line of phones.
Nokia to adopt Microsoft's Windows Phone 7, scuttling Symbian
It is a simple, delicate, honest piece of work that strikes so many chords it could almost be music itself.
This was a beautiful piece of work where one could almost hear the water trickling over the flagstones.
It is a substantial piece of work and a wonderful, and inspiring, record of bravery.
It was an impressive piece of work and it led to him being awarded a National Research Council Fellowship to enable him to undertake postdoctoral study at Princeton.
We still have the letter in which Burns enclosed "Scots wha 'hae," and it is curious to note his misjudgment of the verse; and side by side with that kind of misjudgment we have men picking out for singular affection and with a full expectation of glory some piece of work of theirs to which posterity will have nothing to say.
On Something
Because of the movability of the grinding table and the pressure shoe all parts of the surface of the piece of work are reachable.
4. The Operation of a Belt Grinding Machine
It's a delightful piece of work that may not exactly appeal to the teeny-boppers, but then Daniel is not looking to teeny-boppers as his audience.
In a festival where easy laughs are mostly the order of the day, this is a serious piece of work that separates the grown-ups from the kids.
Some parents get involved because of their 16-year-olds' apparent inability to buckle down to such an extended piece of work.
Times, Sunday Times
But while Hornby and Sweeney had family conflicts driving their books, Red Mist is a more curious and engaging piece of work, lit by flashes of sharp humour and wonderful idiosyncrasies.
It was a fabulous piece of work, a perfect mix of melodrama and dark comedy in right taste incorporated in a strong script.
After a precious piece of work, she fixed herself in my house, really and truly without my consent; but, owing to my indolence, and not being able to keep my countenance, for if I began in a rage, she always finished by making me laugh with some Venetian pantaloonery or another; and the gipsy knew this well enough, as well as her other powers of persuasion, and exerted them with the usual tact and success of all she-things; high and low, they are all alike for that.
Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 4 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
The blurb describes it as an ‘altogether morally confused piece of work’.
With abrupt fades to black, punctuated by mysterious notes, the auteur got Grace Kelly and Grant together for a magnificent piece of work.
The book is a detailed and thorough piece of work covering all aspects of the subject.
In one of the most important presidential addresses of his seven-year archiepiscopacy, described by one insider as a "brilliant piece of work", the Archbishop is expected to salvage hope from the despair felt by many Anglicans over pressure brought by the liberal, evangelical and Catholic wings of the established Church.
Top stories from Times Online
It's a spartan, occasionally pretentious piece of work, but more than redeemed by two elegant central performances.
An unwieldy title for a curiously featherlight piece of work.
Times, Sunday Times
Rule a line at the end of every piece of work.
I had periods of my life where I was a nasty piece of work.
Times, Sunday Times
The report was, in short, an incredibly shoddy piece of work.
He claims to be flattered that I called his book on O. Henry a 'yeomanlike piece of work.'
Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
He began to recover a fortnight ago and, after a sparkling piece of work last Tuesday, he was back on target.
The discussion of literature that I take Brad to be decrying is not really about how “deep” a piece of work is.
Matthew Yglesias » Fight Club
It is an immensely accomplished piece of work.
Times, Sunday Times
I turned off a good piece of work this morning.
The Ambassadors is the representative piece of works of Hans Holbein of Younger, who is one of the outstanding German painters in the period of the Renaissance.
These cloths include silk and chiffon and each piece of work takes eight to ten days, and she has to paint from four to six hours each day.