piece of cake

  1. any undertaking that is easy to do
    marketing this product will be no picnic
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How To Use piece of cake In A Sentence

  • Planting those in my dear hubby's fishing creel will be a piece of cake.
  • Can you manage another piece of cake?
  • Persuading him to give us the day off won't be a piece of cake.
  • Just another surveillance job, old chap. Piece of cake to somebody like you.
  • Landing this type of aircraft is a piece of cake for an experienced pilot.
  • The court suggests he quit moping in the corner and bring us a piece of cake.
  • Most of all, I enjoyed the cappuccino and large piece of cake I was forced into having to warm up afterwards!
  • Tom gave Helen an apple in exchange for a piece of cake.
  • Blowing out the driveway is a piece of cake compared to that. Ho ho ho! Let it friggin’ snow « A Progressive on the Prairie
  • Landing this type of aircraft is a piece of cake for an experienced pilot.
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