How To Use Picking In A Sentence
People were gulping down sundowners, women seemed to be, rather disinterestedly, sipping their drinks and picking up a bite.
In the sunlight, the steel surface comes alive with reflections, picking up the green of the surrounding grass.
You know, a couple of weeks ago, I was charged with what they call a presidential decision, and that's picking a running mate.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Bush Campaign Holds Rally in Bartlett, Tennessee - August 18, 2000
This was a sad day indeed for the big bad wolf of the banking world, and not just because it must forego those rich pickings it planned to cream off from two billion cash machine transactions a year.
Erin Lyle, co-owner of Marty's Auto on Rathbone Avenue, told the Daily Herald "We have three houses right next to us and we've never had a noise or nuisance issue ... they're (city) not picking on tattoo parlors or grocery stores or anyone else.
Archive 2009-04-01
The dangers for girls were especially acute: “It is estimated that two-thirds of the girls who appear before the Court charged with immorality owe their misfortune to influences derived directly from the movies, either from the pictures themselves or in the ‘picking up’ of male acquaintances at the theatre!”
A Renegade History of the United States
In its third section, the piece lands into a melancholy return with a re-established tonic and some layered guitar/autoharp picking.
While I'm not picking this title up unless Cass gets treated properly, I will say that the artist who made the teaser is very good.
Who’s behind the mask this time? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
Thereby, you will be able to navigate your way ahead, carefully picking your route around bloated wobbly people, inconsiderate ‘wallowers’ and arsey posers as they try to impress the girls.
During an earlier scene of cooperative fruit picking with Cambodian and Laotian refugees, we are offered an opportunity to meditate on a pan-Asian Thailand of agrarian-pastoral well-being, and a move away from the tense border security of the 70s when refugees from Cambodia and Laos led Thailand to turn sharply to the right.
Many simple things, for example picking up an item, activating a switch or initiating a dialog, can be done with a single mouse click.
Then he would eat his favourite food by picking off choice meat off of the bone of extra rare chicken tikkas.
Besides picking the more familiar lemon balm, coltsfoot and mullein, I found myself picking honeysuckle flowers for their antibacterial and antiviral properties.
Watching the boy toss, turn and slip in and out of a light doze, Laras wondered if he wasn't somehow picking up on his father's tension and frustration in some subtle way.
Picking a character involves moving the stylus from the stamen into a petal, and then back to the stamen (in some cases via another petal).
Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » 2005 A sight for sore thumbs?
The single crochet is just like picking up a stitch then binding it off as you go.
Yay for google! « Compulsive Knitter
Gardeners regularly stroll the grounds, picking up stray pieces of trash and trimming unruly bushes.
She did some fingerpicking, then strummed softly again.
Therefore I reasoned, the longer I left it before I started sewing, the longer it would be before I was squinting well into the night unpicking it.
I'd like to be picking holes in him but he was mightily impressive at Leopardstown and seems to have it all.
Times, Sunday Times
Picking up three crisps and two biscuits, he slides them around the coffee table to make his point.
Times, Sunday Times
Physical Geology is full of such selections — of the picking out of the soft from the hard, of the soluble from the insoluble, of the fusible from the infusible, by natural agencies to which we are certainly not in the habit of ascribing consciousness.
He munched his way through 165 kernels, picking them up with a toothpick.
When it came for picking teams for tours abroad they were ignored.
The drunk was picking at one of his pockets, he had pulled it inside out.
In these solitary regions, the cattle under the charge of our drovers subsisted themselves cheaply, by picking their food as they went along the drove-road, or sometimes by the tempting opportunity of a _start and owerloup_, or invasion of the neighbouring pasture, where an occasion presented itself.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 280, October 27, 1827
Hand picking ensured that mineral separates were at least 99% pure.
Growling and sweating the ursine fellow untied the knot, picking at it with clumsy claws, then reeled her down fast.
He is concerned that young people are picking up on a lot of adult behaviour which is neither praiseworthy nor consistent.
On the way back from the bathroom I have to pass by them he catches my eye and smiles so I just give a little wave and keep walking as I don't want to interrupt his picking up.
Since they are wearing bug repellent they only have a very small few spots on their body that is left undefended and ripe for the picking, and these sweet spots can sometimes be pretty hard to get at.
Sure wouldn’t he have looked a gipe picking a fight with somebody my size …?
After years in the doldrums, the economy is picking up, and the seemingly intractable budget deficits have been avoided for the past two years.
Alex Ferguson picking up top coach last year was the nearest we've been to basking in any reflected tartan glory since Liz McColgan did the biz in 1991.
Because the four judges on the show kept picking on him for bringing dance into disrepute.
Times, Sunday Times
` ` This year it's been a little more difficult in nitpicking little things, and I think sometimes we get guys hesitating.
She stepped back to consider whether a slim juniper tree was satisfactorily finished before picking up a new set of brushes.
They also give you robust flavours and are ready for picking to spice up a hearty winter roast.
Times, Sunday Times
And year after year, my mum always tried picking a different cake --- She never understood, why I wouldn’t eat my own cake --- Now she just thinks, I don’t like cake
but I do actually
Ugotsoul Diary Entry
The flowers will keep appearing as long as you keep picking!
Times, Sunday Times
The irony gets a little heavy-handed - one of the baldies discovers love while picking up an anorexic chick in the hospital cafeteria - but the sentiment is genuine.
Picking up his big, green turban from beside his rug, I bound his arms to his sides and then, going forth, got baggage-cords from the _oont-wallah_ and likewise his _puggri_, and Moussa Isa bound his feet and hands and knees.
Driftwood Spars The Stories of a Man, a Boy, a Woman, and Certain Other People Who Strangely Met Upon the Sea of Life
There were rich pickings to be had from the stock market.
On these trips Fred learned many skills such as picking locks and cracking safes.
Have confidence in picking the same group of players.
Times, Sunday Times
He just had that amazing knack of picking great songs - whether it was punk, techno, jazz, blues, rock, pop or rap.
You won't be covering your ears from the lack of pleasantries coming out of the speaker, but if you get busy picking at a pesky hangnail, you won't even notice that Desmond is on.
Carefully picking a spot between support pillars on the undead side, I lased the target.
Day by Day Armageddon: Beyond Exile
Their caper involves a nightlong journey of picking up cash all over town in a purloined bank van with Wayne and Henry posing as bank guards assigned to collect all this money.
Certainly Asda struggled to beat it yesterday when I went to explore the new supermarket in Leith with an express aim of picking up some Lamb Mince for some stovies.
Archive 2009-03-01
Ellery wandered up and down, picking up shells and sea clams, and peering through the nets of the nearest weir at the "horsefoot crabs" and squid and flounders imprisoned in the pound.
Keziah Coffin
Staff have organised two trolley loads of perishable food for the hospice and Santa will be picking up the presents.
A figure that makes for significant private label pickings for food formulators.
ConfectioneryNews RSS
So now he wants to train crows for search and rescue, picking up trash, and other mutually beneficial tasks. posted in:
TED 2008: Crow vending machine maker Joshua Klein - Boing Boing
They met in the post office at teatime one afternoon as they were picking up their copies of the newspaper, which arrives in the village too late for morning collection.
To the average western man, who has an aversion to what he considers unsportsmanlike conduct, merely the mention of the word sniper evokes an image of an evil little foreign man sneaking through the jungles of Okinawa picking off the good guys, or of a merciless Viet Cong hiding in a tree waiting for the opportunity to kill a 19-year-old GI from Des Moines or Wichita as he walks patrol at Nha Trang.
Down comes the Goddess Isis, and she says, ‘Little God Anubis, I don't want to see you picking up the field mice and bopping them on the head.’
The toilet stank of urine, and at one point a chef was seen picking his nose while preparing food.
In essence, I begin the editing process - redacting the data, picking useful bits - while taking handwritten notes.
At the foot of the garden path she found her eldest sister, picking some of the flowers their gardener had allowed to grow wild there.
Thereafter, he seemed to have an unerring knack for picking the wrong script.
Scott put the blame for the early miscues on not picking up on the ice, which she called the trickiest of any Scotties in which she's played.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Day after day we're treated to an over-long British news sequence covering the ‘events’ of the preceding twenty-four hours on the campaign trail, and nit-picking over the meaning of the latest polls.
Now, the smaller firms are fighting back by picking up laid-off bankers from big firms or entering partnerships.
Movie bombshell Megan Fox gave new meaning to the word transformer during a recent day out in L.A., when the sexy star, who is rarely seen without her signature dark eye makeup and slash of red lipstick, dared to go bare while picking up beauty supplies.
Megan Fox Without Makeup (PHOTO)
Eighteen cabbies have been banned from picking up fares after their vehicles were found to be too dangerous to drive.
From the edge of the small waves Somers heard one man talking to another, and the English tones — unconsciously he expected a foreign language — and particularly the peculiar educated – artisan quality, almost a kind of uppishness that there is in the speech of Australian working men, struck him as incongruous with their picking up the coal – cobs from the shore.
Martin honed his expertise of various banjo styles, such as "three-finger" picking, made famous by Scruggs, and "clawhammer" - also known as "frailing" - a style known for its syncopated rhythms and distinct melodic phrasing that employs the back of the fingernails to strike or strum the strings, and a thumb technique that alternates between the strings.
NPR Topics: News
Grandma is up about then and is found sweeping up the street in front of the family home picking up the beer cans and shoveling away the cinders left from the fires.
OK! Now that I know . . . . . .
She was picking out pieces of limestone with a golden, jeweled dagger when she heard a deep, dangerous voice.
Walking was like picking his way through the wreckage of his own lite.
If you click on a door, and if the door is locked, then the menu would show options for bashing the door, picking the lock of the door, or setting a mine to blow open the door.
I hated tomatoes as a child and spent a lot of time picking those bad boys off salads and burgers and sandwiches.
The sun, not yet obscured, was picking out its fuscous shape with dazzling light, and marking its front with grey stripes running right down to the horizon.
Mac put his foot down and the truck moved through the gateway picking up speed as it motored down the dirt road.
Where Mediterranean fruit fly is a potential problem, bait should be laid six weeks before picking.
I'm picking them up, much more deliberately, much more slowly, taking time to really look them over.
He was edgy, picking away at his arm, not making eye contact and appeared to have weighty matters on his mind.
The Sun
To be even more blunt: If the entire haruspical tradition is from the Near East and related closely with Babylonian or Hittite religion which share the same practices, then why aren't Etruscologists doing the sensible thing and putting away their childish toys namely Capella's fictitious poetry and picking up a book on Babylonian or Hittite divination practices in order to understand Etruscan religion more competently?
Finding structure in the Piacenza Liver despite academic claptrap - Part 4
When Ralph buys a racehorse, Tony discovers he has a knack for picking the ponies.
It was a classic piece of opportunism by Ryanair, the cut-price Irish airline, which has cultivated a reputation for irreverence and has a history of picking fights with the big guys.
What Do We Do About Ireland?
As the fingerpicking gets faster and more furious, you get swept up in the frenzy without even once noticing how out-there the opinions or plans you're contemplating are.
The reason this fund outperformed its peers was due to good stock picking.
Do stop picking at that scab or the cut will never heal.
So the adjustment involved not picking up a stitch, not starting the row with k2tog, and doing an extra k2tog next to the faggoting.
Archive 2009-02-01
In Sweden you only work 40 hours a week and there isn't a lot to do, so we used to go picking blueberries, wild strawberries, blackberries and gooseberries in the forest near my house.
You're impossible," he said, picking up the channel selector.
This administration has debauched our once independent civil service. It has also plundered our pension funds, condemning millions to meagre pickings in their retirement.
for those 'budging' to the front at lights, no problem. like the guy who wants to be at the front of group ride, except instead of the wind picking them off, it's the guy beating the already red light.
The Indignity of Commuting by Bicycle: Competition
Given that your persona is rough and tough (I gleaned this from your frequent mentions of having been "in the can"), it's not so shocking that you're an action movie fan; but it is surprising that you frequently go to bat for women, picking up on gender issues that many reviewers might miss, especially ones trying to gain a female audience while still impressing adolescent fanboys.
Caroline Hagood: On Yippee Ki-Yay Moviegoer!, Movies, and Manhood
Billions have gone to wind farm and solar energy firms in recent years with business and households picking up the tab.
The Sun
Teeth whitening kits can be tricky so seek advice from your dentist before picking one to do at home.
The Sun
They play their cards in a completely random fashion, laying down and picking up whenever it suits them.
In the previous episode during the first dance Claire captures Nate's image as he contemplates a seagull picking at the wedding cake.
I didn't have to pedal at all, I just freewheeled and freewheeled, all the time picking up more and more speed.
A one-handed lift can be used for picking up all objects except the heaviest or most unwieldy items.
Picking up a book was my default setting.
Times, Sunday Times
Now he spends much of his spare time picking the brains of local farmers to glean as much knowledge of his impending new career as possible.
The Sun
So what is deterring me from picking up these shares?
Times, Sunday Times
The child refuses to eat this fruit without first picking out the stones.
There's snowbirds coming from Canada and Washington, they're stopping in, picking up cheese and taking it down to Phoenix and Southern California.
As he showered he could imagine the water pumping up from the sun-baked earth, picking up heat as it went.
I don't know about you, my reaction when Kitty Pilgrim reported that is that the Social Security Administration has to be out of its cotton-picking mind not to have advanced the interest of Social Security cardholders, which is all of us in this country, and to deal with that.
CNN Transcript May 12, 2006
She claimed not to have seen signs warning visitors that picking is illegal and that local bylaws prohibit taking anything from the woods.
Times, Sunday Times
Graveney, a man who knows a little about picking international cricketers after his 11 years as chairman of the selectors, witnessed what he calls "an extraordinary performance with both bat and ball" against Hampshire at the start of the month, in which Stokes scored a boisterous 135 not out and took six wickets with his skiddy medium pace.
New kids on the block stake their claim for England Test place
I therefore kept the felucca away until I found that she was rather more than holding her own in the race, when I once more lashed the tiller, and, calling to Dominguez to look out for the things that I was about to launch overboard, ran to the gangway, and first successfully set the wash-deck tub afloat, then rolled the breaker of water out through the open _gangway_, and finally sent the mast and sail adrift; after which I returned to the tiller and watched the process of picking up the several articles, as I gradually brought the felucca to her former course, close-hauled upon the starboard tack.
A Pirate of the Caribbees
Witness tourists wandering around picking posies of rare flowers to take home for their mums.
They are picking on a lame duck.
Times, Sunday Times
Morgan watched her as she fiddled with the corner of her notebook, picking at it with her small fingers…
For two or three days it's OK, but for more than that it's a big problem for me," said Matar, 25, a worker at the aluminium refinery who was picking disconsolately through the broken glass and charred debris by Lulu hypermarket.
Protests in Oman Sputter
The penalty for picking salal or other forest-based products outside of designated areas can start at $275.
'Twilight' town death sparks Border Patrol debate
While most systems are automatic, DeWeerdt notes that many retrieval or picking processes still include manual elements.
The filthy rich footballer is not playing at the moment after picking up an ankle injury.
The Sun
It is not just about picking the playing eleven, setting the field and ringing in the bowling changes.
Theo slipped the bridle onto the horse, and leaned over, picking the book up.
It was exciting, but also scary and overwhelming - like picking up a haul of something illegal.
Times, Sunday Times
Picking up his briefcase, he headed towards the police station, noticing a little more furtive activity today than usual.
Tom Hawthorne was at the Social Security office picking up paperwork for a disabled associate when the bomb exploded.
That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste. John Green
And sow's ears have not suddenly turned into silk purses simply because there is a different name picking the team.
The Sun
It is in picking the projects where he is almost guaranteed to succeed.
Times, Sunday Times
People are that much harsher with new writers, as though they cannot tell the difference between constructive criticism and plain old nit-picking.
There was a macramé hanging basket on the back veranda and the friarbirds were picking at the wool to line their nest.
On Election Day the county Democratic leaders would drive around the rural areas picking up African-American voters and shuttling them to the polls.
When picking which boots to buy, authentic is important to the eye at a contrariety of retailers, as prices boundness vary wildly. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
It's more the kind of book you want to go back and read again in more detail taking notes and picking up on the subtleties and connections you know you missed.
Eventually I began to wonder if the baby monitor was picking up the newborn from across the street.
And a big crubeen for threepence to be picking while you're able.
Thousands of victims of the earthquake are now faced with the task of picking up the pieces of their lives.
If nitpicking is the best Republicans have, they are in for a very crushing defeat this fall.
RNC hits Obama over Auschwitz claim, Obama camp responds
It's also great for picking up any loose powder that's dropped from the brow.
The Sun
Picking and choosing from such a list is a fool 's errand.
Times, Sunday Times
Brettingen, who hit .478 with 44 RBI and a .739 slugging percentage in 2002, is picking up right where he left off, hitting .438 in the young season.
Once, out picking blackberries, he over-reached and fell headlong into the prickly bramble.
There are a lot of people who think that's what's needed to be successful is always being right, always being careful, always picking the right path. Amy Tan
I pull on my swimming costume, leaving shoes behind, picking up a towel.
Joe is hard one to understand maybe he just has probelm which a lotta polt. have has mouth running with his brain in neutral which a lotta them are not real honest Joe seem be fairly honest and people are always picking Joe that by way kudo to George Jetson the picture Obama and company i think that fit them perfectly
Vice Prez Gaffe-o-matic: Biden Praises Jersey Auto Tunnel Project… Wonders Why Rail Tracks Are In The Way - Warner_Todd_Huston’s blog - RedState
She was picking out pieces of limestone with a golden, jeweled dagger when she heard a deep, dangerous voice.
Such species as love birds, parrots and doves are spending more time near the water trough and less on picking for food.
According to one cabbie, the unlicensed drivers are touting for trade on Chislehurst High Street without insurance and picking up unsuspecting customers.
We are also familiar with dogs for people with physical disabilities, opening doors and picking things up from the floor.
Times, Sunday Times
Staphylococcus - a germ species most commonly associated with nose-picking - was found in abundance on steering wheels and driver's seats.
She claimed not to have seen signs warning visitors that picking is illegal and that local bylaws prohibit taking anything from the woods.
Times, Sunday Times
So Thursday night, 11.30 pm, I'm on the Habitat website, picking out new pendant light fittings.
I think I will find sympathy here if I say that my solution was to retrofit simple 3x3 cables along the front by picking which 8 stitches I wanted to use outlining in purls, of course, throwing a rescue line, and bravely dropping those 8 stitches down all 20+ rows of finished knitting, and reknitting them cabled, in place.
Making Light: Open thread 135
Experts warned residents to expect more than 10 inches of rain and several feet of floodwater capable of picking up whole vehicles and carrying them away, or over-running millions of homes.
He discarded before picking up another card.
Expensive golf equipment makes rich pickings for thieves, and the lucrative nature of golf crime was highlighted by a recent theft from the pro shop at the Golf Club.
She sat picking at her small plate of rice salad with an air of martyrdom.
Picking it up her mind wandered to when her won father had gone fishing with her and her brother.
The two friends only discovered Jake had a painful condition after picking him up in Bolton.
Now they are so terrified of picking another dud they want to put the next one on a three-year trial.
The Sun
Picking it up, she reads where a page is indented.
St. Vincent reported to Iron Duke that she was picking up strong, nearby wireless signals from ships on the wavelength used by the High Seas Fleet.
Castles of Steel
Picking up a book was my default setting.
Times, Sunday Times
The midfielder has only made two appearances since picking up a hamstring injury on the opening day of the season.
The Sun
Picking out her clothes she put on her undergarments and quickly slipped on her pants and a white blouse.
And I'm the same as most out-and-out goalscorers in not being as comfortable with one-on-ones as picking up on scraps.
He would sit or kneel until his body ached, picking and stroking in his efforts to please her.
He's seen him picking footballs out of the net in Highfield Road with alarming frequency.
They longed for jobs picking fruit, cutting timber or doing construction - anything besides hanging poultry.
Shrugging, Vicki lowered her gaze to her fingers picking at a tattered section of knee on her jeans.
Haas is sent off after picking up another yellow for fouling Paul Scholes.
Everything from mud facials and exfoliators, to soothing bath treatments, to foot spas are yours for the picking.
He remarked that the Ring Road bus service, which looked worryingly unviable at first, was fast picking up, and would take a lot of pressure off the City's roads.
Along the brink of the bog, picking their road among crumbling rocks and green spongy springs, a company of English soldiers are pushing fast, clad cap-a-pie in helmet and quilted jerkin, with arquebus on shoulder, and pikes trailing behind them; stern steadfast men, who, two years since, were working the guns at
Westward Ho!
It lays out in painstaking detail how to replace the garbage bags, crush the plastic bottles, and separate the trash between burnable and nonburnable items while picking out paper, plastic bottles, glass bottles and cans for possible recycling.
Evacuees Set Rules to Create Sense of Normalcy
But when I was bitten, while picking some herbs to heal a sick friend, they made me one of their Elders.
Instead, he instigated a demand-led programme, encouraging staff to come up with innovative ideas and then cherry-picking those that would add value to the economy.
For those that fail, the remaining pickings may be small.
Of course, in a scavenging post-modernist climate, art history offers rich pickings.
Times, Sunday Times
I said, ‘Wait a cotton-picking minute - I've always known him, knew he was a good operator and all that, but don't talk to me about taking over this thing now.‘
His fingers were picking at a thread on my quilt.
Millionaire publisher Steve Forbes, who is suddenly picking up steam?
Our true leader and master is the oil and war companies who have gotten obesely fat picking our pockets and removing our freedoms, including our right to a truthful, fair and balanced media.
George Bush Nostradamus Third Anti Christ and Iran's Greatest Hero
For the time being, there was a minor bounty on his head, which led him to be prime pickings for the two partners.
I won't do the simple-minded approach of picking each tile and figuring out what words it forms.
The mother wanted her little son to get rid of the bad habit of picking at his food.
I knocked over the bowl with all the beads in it and spent fifteen minutes grovelling on my hands and knees on the living room carpet painstakingly picking them up again.
Receiver Marshall Williams lost a fumble, Skinner badly overthrew Brinkman and it was picked off by Wyatt Middleton, Skinner lost a fumble after picking up a first down and then Ketric Buffin intercepted another badly thrown ball.
Just the thought of picking the lock had my hands sweating inside the thin gloves.
Although I'm surprised to find I miss the faint tanginess Nigella's sour cream imparted although full marks for accuracy, Marcus, this is the first cheesecake I find myself actively picking at as I portion it out – it is indeed deliciously smooth, rather than fluffy, and really quite moreish.
How to cook perfect cheesecake
Consulting a copy of "The Chinese Automobile Driver's Book of Maps," Mr. Hessler decides to follow the printed crenellations of the Great Wall west into the arid heartland of the country, picking up hitchhikers as he goes.
China's Long, Strange Road Trip
For a while, all I could think of was picking at the welting on the arm of my chair.
As Husbands Go
See yourself picking up hammer and chisel.
POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
Plus I think I will actually get to HANG OUT with Pansy every once in awhile, which is something that only happens on an occasional weekend or for the brief time in between picking up and dropping off children.
Dru Blood - I believe in the inherent goodness of all beings: A few personal notes, and then...
Mr Weston, a lifelong biker, said: " Bikers are easy pickings.
They want to study it and dissect it, picking away at its component parts like a cat worrying a mouse.
Examples might include cleaning out the garage or picking up litter in the neighborhood.
A favorite in our household because of the large size and taste, we concentrate our picking efforts biannually on these trees when blessed with a crop.
Archive 2008-12-01
The new rates do nothing to incentivise buyers into picking fuel-saving motors.
The Sun
Emilio just started picking trash up in the streets.
Bierce is always amusing, and the idle moment spent picking through his definitions is never wasted.
Tonight those winds are picking up in the Mexican resort town of Cancun, which could suffer catastrophic damage from this powerful storm.
By picking Kagan contra Wood, whom I gather is a fierce liberal and would have been branded as such in the confirmations, Obama takes the liberalism card out of play and minimizes the Novemberpolitical storms.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Preliminary Reflections on the Kagan Nomination
We've been through a bit of a bad patch, but things are picking up again now.
I can get down to nitpicking detail, I am pretty fussy about certain things.
Nitpicking aside, the new approach seems to have sharpened their pop instincts.
Times, Sunday Times
At the station she picked up the parcels that had come on the night train, still slightly dazed by her thoughts, picking up more stares than usual from sojourner and peasant alike.
Intelligence monitors are picking up less terror threat talk than a year ago, the Homeland Security Secretary said Thursday.