
  1. a genus of temperate and Arctic evergreen trees (see spruce)
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How To Use Picea In A Sentence

  • Accordingly, we have no data to predict whether recent logging would favor or inhibit Picea rubens from recolonizing cutover areas and again becoming a major component of the forest canopy in the Valley.
  • Four species, White Spruce (Picea glauca), Engelmann Spruce (Piceaengelmanni), Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta), and Alpine Fir (Abieslaciocarpa) comprise the spruce-pine-fir species group.
  • Principal forest species include Scots pine Pinus silvestris, Norway spruce Picea abies, hornbeam Carpinus betulus, little-leaved lime Tilia cordata, oak Quercus robur, sycamore Acer platanoides, maple Acer spp., ash Fraxinus excelsior, downy and white birch Betula pubescens and B. verrucosa, aspen Populus tremula and black alder Alnus glutinosa. Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park, Belarus
  • At this western periphery of the Eurasian taiga, forests are dominated by Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, and Betula spp.
  • Production of Picea abies in south-east Norway in response to climate change: a case study using process-based model simulation with field validation. Climate change in relation to carbon uptake and carbon storage in the Arctic
  • Climate change and the effect of temperature backlashes causing frost damage in Picea abies [An article from: Global and Planetary Change] by A.M. Jonsson OpEdNews - Diary: Take Back Our Power
  • It mainly attacks Picea jezoensis and causes a white rot of root and butt.
  • The boreal forest in this ecoregion is characterized by dwarf, open and sometimes closed cover patches of black spruce (Picea mariana) and balsam fir (Abies balsamea) alternating with communities of dwarf kalmia (Kalmia polifolia) and mosses. Newfoundland Highland forests
  • The silver-fir, of a whitish colour, like rosemary under the leaf, is distinguished from the rest, by the pectinal shape of it: The cones not so large as the _picea_, grow also upright, and this they call the female: For I find botanists not unanimously agreed about the sexes of trees. Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
  • In contrast, exploration of the climate signal in Picea engelmannii ring width has been limited and the few climate reconstructions developed from this species are based primarily on densitometric data Parker and Henoch 1971; Hamilton 1987; Briffa et al. North American Upper Treeline #3 « Climate Audit
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