How To Use Picardy In A Sentence
La Tour 1704–1788, the son of a musician, was born in Saint-Quentin, a small town in Picardy, France.
A Tour de Force, Honest and Engaging
To prepare for his journey he wrote to Ratramnus, a monk of Corbie in Picardy, asking for information regarding the dog-heads, whom he thought he might encounter.
August 4th, 2009
“poor and honest” at Rollot, a little bourg in Picardy some two leagues from Montdidier.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
It resulted in the development of three great salients, the first in Picardy and in the direction of Amiens along the Somme, which was launched on March 21st; the second on the Lys, which was launched on April 9th; and the third which is called the Oise-Marne salient, launched on May 27th.
History of the World War An Authentic Narrative of the World's Greatest War
I am anxious lest the little line I wrote you may bring you back; reassure me and tell me you are still at Marseille [the château de Marseille in Picardy].
The Ruin of a Princess
In Picardy where seigneurial dues were also minimal, seigneurs used their privileges to lease out logging rights in forests at a time when wood prices were skyrocketing.
She asked us if we could play "Roses of Picardy" like Red Nichols and His Five Pennies, because it was her very favorite song.
The Body Ricardo
We rush through Picardy, which is mainly yellow, and then past Strasbourg which is largely green.
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Hart has no big-picture sense of the place of the Great War in the narrative of the 20th century — he is as committed to the mud of Flanders and Picardy as his forebears were.
The Pity of War
The Magistrates caused cottages and workshops to be erected on a piece of unoccupied land near Edinburgh, where the street appropriately called Picardy Place now stands, ” the greater number of the weavers having come from Picardy in France.
James Nasmyth: Engineer, An Autobiography.
In Picardy where seigneurial dues were also minimal, seigneurs used their privileges to lease out logging rights in forests at a time when wood prices were skyrocketing.
It commemorates the deaths in June 1933, during the Picardy grand prix meeting, of a pair of Bugatti drivers.
Bernie Ecclestone's Formula One architect is off on the wrong track
The small cherry, both black and red, common in gardens, is in Scotland, never in England, termed gean (Fr. guigne), from Guigne, in Picardy.
Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character