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  1. a region of northern France on the English Channel

How To Use Picardie In A Sentence

  • Picardie, redie to be transported into England: but when it was certeinelie knowen, that king Richard was dead, and that the enterprise of his deliuerance (which was chéeflie meant) was frustrate and void, the armie was dissolued. Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV
  • Picardie makes light of Chanel's World War II collaboration with the German occupiers of Paris.
  • Picardie writes about her parents with deep, unshowy affection and a certain reticence - entirely appropriate, and a pleasant novelty in these days of compulsory gut-spilling.
  • French kings lieutenant in Picardie, who being accompanied with the bishop of Chartres, the lord de Hugueuile, the ladie of Monpensier sister to the erle of March, the ladie of Lucenburgh sister to the said earle of saint Paule, & diuerse other ladies and gentlewomen, which receiued hir with great ioy and gladnesse, and taking leaue of the Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV
  • The linguist Otto Jönicke has traced the word meringue back to an alteration of the Latin word merenda, meaning “light evening meal,” into meringa, a form that was found in the Artois and Picardie near what is now Belgium. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • The era Picardie chooses is the late 1950s, when du Maurier was struggling with both personal and professional crises. Daphne and Rebecca « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The Bath patera can be seen in the Roman Baths Museum, and the Amiens patera in the Musée de Picardie-Amiens.
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