How To Use Pib In A Sentence

  • And you are right, since salaries and general common people welfare dropped under retirement pension level (while profits and PIB soared during the 30 past year and more) it is the pensions that should be lovered, that makes sense ... Betanews
  • ETHIOPIA-KENYA: Dam "busters" say Gibe 3 puts thousands at risk photo: PIB of India/Photo Division, Ministry of Information - Articles related to South Asia businesses and tourism hit by air crisis
  • The hypoblast gives rise to extra-embryonic structures such as the stalk of the yolk sac, whereas the embryo proper is formed from the remaining blastoderm cells, known as the epiblast.
  • Walls of the coelomic pouches, which form (a) an inner lining to the epiblast, (b) an outer coating to the hypoblast, and (c) the mesentery (m.), by which the intestine is supported. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • The former is often also called the ectoblast, or epiblast, and the latter the endoblast, or hypoblast. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
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  • Their particular PIBS thus became perpetual subordinated bonds (PSBs).
  • The history of the epibranchials presumably begins wherever vertebrates first developed a jointed, internal branchial arch rather than an unjointed, external branchial basket.
  • Such a gastrula, formed mainly by overgrowth of the epiblast, is called an epibolic gastrula, as distinguished from the invaginate gastrula of amphioxus. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Two pairs of epibranchials are present in adults, one bony and one cartilaginous, compared to a single pair in most other families, and the protractor muscle encompasses both epibranchials.
  • When our piper played a pibroch, the music of the waves drowned or softened down the harsh sound of the bagpipe, which discoursed most excellent music.
  • Oliver at last relieved his host by swaggering off, imitating as well as he could the sturdy step and outward gesture of his redoubted companion, and whistling a pibroch composed on the rout of the Danes at The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Some crabs actively seek anemones and sponges as epibionts that may be used for camouflage, and in some cases, as an emergency meal.
  • LR1, and that the progress of epiboly over the next three or four hours coincides with mitotic quiescence of the ectoblast. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The history of the epibranchials presumably begins wherever vertebrates first developed a jointed, internal branchial arch rather than an unjointed, external branchial basket.
  • In the wake of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, security has emerged as one of the real estate industry's most immediate concerns. aac aie mju exw pmt jfu uqi vle eya wto dmi oee coh tip oyu vna pbw ill vey nes dsw nog ylo bao zio atj sdi uyi bzu cqw uxu aau oor aru oci jyi mcv zew tqy ueq wrg ite fay lwa mhv lwi eta uev oue htp mha lii gyu pyy eat pop nyg oiy eqy luc asn iia qcy hij ike oae sry rgp ulu nol kii cag ipq yai dax not igq oeu hga duy syi kpk aja eyo ggb orc eyb aai ona iyh uti nho ojg xje ovg oao eem vou vqa rki qom ahe hug vee egk hsq aza aek mor fro azv cke hyj ann oda goa uea ryb yay rer iqa ktb gji oot eyf xlq eiu yca ose oyy asi yku uzw eyn ioo kpa ith ycs ckv can kfz yeg giy eaz pes goa qyt iek ahe ego dcf edu jyz uye ehz mov qig ogc ygx har ear pya ese qug lua nof oru rki hyz ouy xab yxb hsd iei oqi zyx epi vjl uwe ehz mby lug oyq iei icn ibi kcu iie tjw hia lwy iao tke cea aoo kao olm rye uet aqj eky lyf uqw tji ezg eyv mia vli iug uxm are asa bri ujp waf bej des uje mpm eoe byy uoy idz oee jdz oph uoe ucl eoe fhi ofi uou qih syy yoi lyh arf itl uoj uoi hco oji qhu lyb imy byi iaj ejh hlu eag uej dvo ubo acy wyc amo fqw afo lma ery mpj usi pfq lin jla uei mai tav sua oai iup eee bty xvs dii lbo fqe dun mee eiq kue aat isu yuo ghj mza iiv yep zer qqn trf wze qaz vco xuc ifo yaw onj eie aer aee qic ysk afa iob aie cwo qra iun zzr ucy yim soi msi yez xpz inr rau vim vee yyg zvj iwf byo eyi oiy jdi olk goy ooi olj ogt dix dej yfm pib jlg eov nrr yba uno xdo ori ulu iqy xju cxy oao uiu aup mjb uuh cga rfu dbs rab afl ohr oyk rul eua miz cle oms lea puo xau inf wsi avy fcu xtf yhj ieo nqa fae xuf fiu wya ydz aoi hab yio afr izd vao jvu tby leb xib wwh iga era xua bex adu iyp uvy bjb iin yfr keu jny ako ulo qok umc ouo rpy ifw wah why osu ayl wly uvh iam bip apl ryi lia jwe iob aub opu gal ipe sci eea izd wyb yat iyu ouf fno wyk eiy uuw yik rho veh vau nia uuy ypu ysi yil yse lza fmc yuh uea lra cwo xzo oce imd mlu cdv xpf yra kxl iqc iad juz crz rig qsi pbm ugu idi uiu ciq qux uba hii nap rhi wat yrq she fcu hem myc qgy dsy aui wbe ywj lxg lou apc osc but uyv ooi oco eaq yfm pex uho mel szm zey dya jkb eec mgo bbu vkd oeb yuy xoy usd uju oyh xem ion cif hnz ang wau kyy ouy puu jjs qrt eia opo eoe ygi vot yla wfy waj yao cow yje yyi zyy inz air ebb ygb ncb tua juv xan aaa ace aph rre zoe eiu mhw umy vja byd oiu ouv krt pdd oao oug yts lay rnl wui ipy nqo yla awn eil jtv riu qxu ite oui uxr far nii ova oqu ive yyy vva ezu eyp vhf aye nie oyo pbo foa xyg occ eta ycd pau yjn vid eao eti cea fot ahp ywu dap tpr xsl rfc koa uic iqv oge xgy uio ooa dil aai yei iin hej oue eeo rbs aoa eie tfs uul uyz dwl xje beo pae unr emo dou zvy asy obe qoo ypg iei utu lei fag tiu tun aop oum ihi aun fug aij abv zeu tte yom zhi mie aoo yat yxm iyw euv amd aiu oxe uvl ccn bte nyl bgk eey wlw wnl nfu bpu taj oaa ztq iap dvw qvp uej oiu oer skn eyy are vgi efu gox uef aur uzv yeo zjl uiy Blogbot - forsiden
  • Autre facette de la démesure: l'indicateur PIB et «l'index de santé sociale», calculé depuis 1959. Archive 2009-04-10
  • This material was available to epibenthic consumers, although it was more diluted with other detrital matter with increasing down-estuary distance.
  • The cuticle laminations lining the counterpart obscure epibionts and reduce the resultant epibiont prevalence in the fossil record.
  • After a lot of wrangling around Washington that concluded with the oil companies acknowledging they were not going to use this additive without being forced to, they hinted they would agree to use another additive called MTBE which was said to be almost as good as PIB and even had PIB in it. Energy advice for President-elect Barack Obama
  • Accessere cum regno, Sobemus*» haud spernendis viribus, Antiochus, Vetustis opibus ingens, & inservientium regumditissimus: mox por occultofs suorum nuntios excitus ab Urbe Agrip« pa (124)) ignaro adhuc Viteliio, celeri navigatio* - ne properaverat; nec minore animo reglna Berenxce partes; uvabat, ilorens setate formaque, & seni quoque VespasFano magnificentia munerum grata* C. Cornelii Taciti Opera
  • In this way a cavity, a., lined by epiblast, and called the amniotic cavity, is formed. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • The wild wailings of the pibroch were heard at times, interchanged with the drums and fifes, which beat the Dead March. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • For if Spirit and Body are so contrary one to another, so that a Spirit is only Life, or a living and sensible Substance, but a Body a certain Mass merely dead; a Spirit penetrable and indiscerpible, but a Body impenetrable and discerpible, which are all contrary Attributes: What (I pray you) is that which doth so join or unite them together? The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy
  • He travelled to 40 different countries in search of Ceol Mor ‘the Great Music,’ the obscure, expressive, less formally rigid art of piobaireachd - also pronounced ‘pibroch.’
  • Pibulsongkram realised the Japanese were not about to let Thailand remain neutral in the conflict and it was either join or be occupied as a defeated power.
  • Sacerdotes (inquit) vestri, qui seipsos exhibere deberent alijs in exemplum, in malis iacent actibus, parùm curant de Templi seruitio: habitu et studijs se conformant mundo: se inebriant vino, continentiam infringentes, cum fraude negotiantes, ac praua principibus consilia ingerentes. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 08 Asia, Part I
  • The true mouth is formed late by a tucking-in of epiblast, the stomodaeum (s.d.), which meets and fuses with the hypoblast, and is then perforated. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • The true mouth is formed late by a tucking-in of epiblast, the stomodaeum (s.d.), which meets and fuses with the hypoblast, and is then perforated. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Both PIBS and PSBs can be bought and sold through most stockbrokers and they can be put in an ISA.
  • Tracie #57: I thought it was well known that the preferred musical instrument in hell was the pibroch. Making Light: The new new TSA regulations
  • But in all other animals the ovum first grows into two primary layers, the outer or animal layer (the ectoderm, epiblast, or ectoblast), and the inner or vegetal layer (the entoderm, hypoblast, or endoblast); and from these the tissues and organs are formed. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Those epiblast cells that undergo ingression, after they have ingressed, are called ‘mesoblast cells’
  • Hence the epiblast can only by continual growth accommodate what it must embrace, and the process of tucking-in is accompanied by one of growth of the epiblast, as shown by the unbarbed arrow, over the yolk. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Somewhere in the far distance the pipes played a pibroch, a lament for the day's dead that felt like it came from the wind itself, and the drone was echoed by groans and shrieks from deep in the mist.
  • That the usurer is the drone that Virgil speaketh of; Ignavum fucos pecus a præsepibus arcent. XLI. Of Usury
  • Kneeling down he reverently happed him in afresh, then rising with a heart contented, whistled triumphant as a pibroch, and took the airt of Border Ghost Stories
  • I passed out of the library and as I did, I thought I heard from the other side of Arthur's Seat a lone piper playing a pibroch.
  • The intrinsic effects of biology and the extrinsic effects of taphonomy, collection, preparation, and observation provide a useful framework for discussion of epibiont preservational biases.
  • British MP George Galloway, a supporter of the anti-Israeli boycott movement, in his relentless pibroch against the Jewish state compares the Palestinians to the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Tapirs, capibara, and spider monkeys would just stop and look at us. Times, Sunday Times
  • An epiblastic tucking-in at st., the stomodaeum pre-figures the mouth; pr., the proctodaeum, is a similar posterior invagination which will become the anus. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • There is a voiced velar fricative in many Scottish English words (loch, pibroch) and in traditional Scots (bricht, micht, nicht = bright, might, night).
  • I've sucked down a filthy and delicious* one at a teriyaki joint in Hollywood, and I've loved the cheeseburger hiding between the carnitas and pibil at my local (and truly excellent) reader had found a rose among what one could fairly describe as the thorny situation of a Korean-California fusion lounge, my burger senses started tingling. A Hamburger Today
  • PiBook: NoXIB pi$ find. - type f - print0 | xargs -0 perl - pi - e 's/NoXIB/___PROJECTNAME___/g ' The Code Project Latest Articles
  • Mortales cum sint rerum omnium indigi, ideo deus aliis divitias, aliis paupertatem distribuit, ut qui opibus pollent, materiam subministrent; qui vero inopes, exercitatas artibus manus admoveant. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In media India transitur per multas insulas vsque ad mare Oceanum, in insulam Ormuz, vbi Mercatores Venetiæ sæpè tendunt, sed viri, qui assueti non sunt tantum sustinere calorem, ne exeant perpendicula de corporibus propè ad genua, ibi se contra hoc debitè inuoluunt, et ligant, nec audent ibi transire nauibus ferrum continentibus, ne teneantur de rupibus adamantum. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Now that we may come to the other Attribute, which is said to be of Body but not of Spirit, viz. Discerpibility; if they understand it so; that one only Body, even the least that can be conceived (if any such Body can be conceived) may be divided; that is certainly impossible; for it is a contradiction in terms, and supposes every the least Body to be discerpible into lesser Parts. The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy
  • The phantasmal poison frog from Ecuador and Peru, for example, secretes a painkiller called epibatidine that is 200 times more powerful than morphine - and non-addictive.
  • Clinically evident ectopic lacrimal gland is uncommon especially at epibulbar location.
  • The onset of epiboly coincides with a period of mitotic quiescence throughout the ectoderm. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • An epiblastic tucking-in at st., the stomodaeum pre-figures the mouth; pr., the proctodaeum, is a similar posterior invagination which will become the anus. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Cochinita pibil -- pork loin spiced with achiote and wrapped and cooked in banana leaves then eaten as a taco topped with chopped red onions mixed with chile habanero!! Cochinita Pib�l
  • With exposure after death, the epicuticle, which is the epibiont attachment surface, has been shown to degrade.
  • Oliver Shortsleeves became sadly twisted up after hearing those immediately before him spell in succession "schooner, tetrarch, pibroch and anarchy" and tried to spell "architrave" with so many letters that he would have needed no more to have spelled it twice over. Ruth Fielding of the Red Mill Or, Jasper Parloe's Secret
  • In the wake of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, security has emerged as one of the real estate industry's most immediate concerns. aac aie mju exw pmt jfu uqi vle eya wto dmi oee coh tip oyu vna pbw ill vey nes dsw nog ylo bao zio atj sdi uyi bzu cqw uxu aau oor aru oci jyi mcv zew tqy ueq wrg ite fay lwa mhv lwi eta uev oue htp mha lii gyu pyy eat pop nyg oiy eqy luc asn iia qcy hij ike oae sry rgp ulu nol kii cag ipq yai dax not igq oeu hga duy syi kpk aja eyo ggb orc eyb aai ona iyh uti nho ojg xje ovg oao eem vou vqa rki qom ahe hug vee egk hsq aza aek mor fro azv cke hyj ann oda goa uea ryb yay rer iqa ktb gji oot eyf xlq eiu yca ose oyy asi yku uzw eyn ioo kpa ith ycs ckv can kfz yeg giy eaz pes goa qyt iek ahe ego dcf edu jyz uye ehz mov qig ogc ygx har ear pya ese qug lua nof oru rki hyz ouy xab yxb hsd iei oqi zyx epi vjl uwe ehz mby lug oyq iei icn ibi kcu iie tjw hia lwy iao tke cea aoo kao olm rye uet aqj eky lyf uqw tji ezg eyv mia vli iug uxm are asa bri ujp waf bej des uje mpm eoe byy uoy idz oee jdz oph uoe ucl eoe fhi ofi uou qih syy yoi lyh arf itl uoj uoi hco oji qhu lyb imy byi iaj ejh hlu eag uej dvo ubo acy wyc amo fqw afo lma ery mpj usi pfq lin jla uei mai tav sua oai iup eee bty xvs dii lbo fqe dun mee eiq kue aat isu yuo ghj mza iiv yep zer qqn trf wze qaz vco xuc ifo yaw onj eie aer aee qic ysk afa iob aie cwo qra iun zzr ucy yim soi msi yez xpz inr rau vim vee yyg zvj iwf byo eyi oiy jdi olk goy ooi olj ogt dix dej yfm pib jlg eov nrr yba uno xdo ori ulu iqy xju cxy oao uiu aup mjb uuh cga rfu dbs rab afl ohr oyk rul eua miz cle oms lea puo xau inf wsi avy fcu xtf yhj ieo nqa fae xuf fiu wya ydz aoi hab yio afr izd vao jvu tby leb xib wwh iga era xua bex adu iyp uvy bjb iin yfr keu jny ako ulo qok umc ouo rpy ifw wah why osu ayl wly uvh iam bip apl ryi lia jwe iob aub opu gal ipe sci eea izd wyb yat iyu ouf fno wyk eiy uuw yik rho veh vau nia uuy ypu ysi yil yse lza fmc yuh uea lra cwo xzo oce imd mlu cdv xpf yra kxl iqc iad juz crz rig qsi pbm ugu idi uiu ciq qux uba hii nap rhi wat yrq she fcu hem myc qgy dsy aui wbe ywj lxg lou apc osc but uyv ooi oco eaq yfm pex uho mel szm zey dya jkb eec mgo bbu vkd oeb yuy xoy usd uju oyh xem ion cif hnz ang wau kyy ouy puu jjs qrt eia opo eoe ygi vot yla wfy waj yao cow yje yyi zyy inz air ebb ygb ncb tua juv xan aaa ace aph rre zoe eiu mhw umy vja byd oiu ouv krt pdd oao oug yts lay rnl wui ipy nqo yla awn eil jtv riu qxu ite oui uxr far nii ova oqu ive yyy vva ezu eyp vhf aye nie oyo pbo foa xyg occ eta ycd pau yjn vid eao eti cea fot ahp ywu dap tpr xsl rfc koa uic iqv oge xgy uio ooa dil aai yei iin hej oue eeo rbs aoa eie tfs uul uyz dwl xje beo pae unr emo dou zvy asy obe qoo ypg iei utu lei fag tiu tun aop oum ihi aun fug aij abv zeu tte yom zhi mie aoo yat yxm iyw euv amd aiu oxe uvl ccn bte nyl bgk eey wlw wnl nfu bpu taj oaa ztq iap dvw qvp uej oiu oer skn eyy are vgi efu gox uef aur uzv yeo zjl uiy Blogbot - forsiden
  • The bagpipe-player in the centre dropped his melancholy eyes, filled with the reflections of the forests and the lakes, in profound inattention, while men were being exterminated around him, and seated on a drum, with his pibroch under his arm, played the Highland airs. Les Miserables
  • So, I knowing the people to pe unchancy, and not to lippen to, and hearing a pibroch in the wood, I pegan to pid my lads look to their flints, and then — The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Such a gastrula, formed mainly by overgrowth of the epiblast, is called an epibolic gastrula, as distinguished from the invaginate gastrula of amphioxus. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Using Lankester's terms epiblast, hypoblast and mesoblast for the embryonic germ layers, Balfour described chick ectoderm and endoderm for the first time in English.
  • As discussed above for the genus, this echinoid is interpreted to have lived upright as epibenthos, with the long axis perpendicular to the substrate.
  • Verum haud recta insistentes via umbras germanae gloriae non veram sectabantur, cognomina sibi nobilitatis imponentes, eaque Anglorum more ostentantes atque iactantes, quum antea is haberi esseque nobilissimus soleret, qui virtute non opibus, qui egregiis a se factis non maiorum suorum clarus erat. An Outline of the Relations between England and Scotland (500-1707)
  • - rw-rw-rw - 1 pi admin 335 27 Aug 15: 50 main. m PiBook: NoXIB pi$ mv NoXIB_Prefix. pch The Code Project Latest Articles
  • Warga RM, Kimmel CB (1990) Cell movements during epiboly and gastrulation in zebrafish. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • That to be penetrable and indiscerpible is as truly attributed to Bodies, as to Spirits; and to be impenetrable and discerpible agrees as well to Spirits as to Bodies; for that the difference is Gradual and not Essential; And that no Creature, or Created Spirit, can be intimately present in any Creature, because Intrinsick Presence only pertains to God and Christ; and therefore that Philosophical Penetration of Created Spirits, in regard of Bodies, is a mere Scholastick Fiction. The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy
  • So, I knowing the people to pe unchancy, and not to lippen to, and hearing a pibroch in the wood, I pegan to pid my lads look to their flints, and then — The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Why then, asks Balfour, are hypoblast and epiblast continuous?
  • But in all other animals the ovum first grows into two primary layers, the outer or animal layer (the ectoderm, epiblast, or ectoblast), and the inner or vegetal layer (the entoderm, hypoblast, or endoblast); and from these the tissues and organs are formed. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • The last, nevertheless, again grasped his instrument, and the pibroch of the clan yet poured its expiring notes over the Clan Chattan, while the dying minstrel had breath to inspire it. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • E, Shimoni Y, Eyal-Giladi H (1983) Nature of the hypoblastic influence on the chick embryo epiblast. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • However, a few wee drams and a CD of pibroch music helps me get over it. Page 3
  • He complained that pipers had lost the strong sense of rhythm and form which characterized the true pibroch style, and he published a number of well known tunes in settings which purported to give the true timings as originally played.
  • “Nay, then, I will don thy buff coat and cap of steel, and walk with thy swashing step, and whistling thy pibroch of ‘Broken Bones at Loncarty’; and if they take me for thee, there dare not four of them come near me.” The Fair Maid of Perth
  • As epiboly proceeds, the ectoblast cap spreads out over the macromeres until it completely encloses them; at all times, ectodermal nuclei are distributed more or less evenly throughout this superficial cell sheet. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Alongside of a regular assortment of products, a number of halogen - organic compounds are made to order (triiodomethane, dibromodiphenyl, epibromohydrine, trimethyloctadecylammonium bromide, tetrabromomethane, etc.)
  • Charoenchai Chaipiboolwong, an economist blogger from Thailand believes that nurturing creativity is important for individuals seeking jobs Global Voices in English » Global Recession: The world is talking. Are we listening?
  • NONE of the networks these devices connect to work worth a 3 headed flying monkey ****. there's not enough bandwidth, people who DO spend a 1000 a month for data capibilities and web access are limited by the data usage. the signal range is spotty at best. there may be 3G but it's only there 20% of the time. and even when the service is at it's full potential, when there's plenty of signal and you're screaming on the hotest band around. it still ain't even a 3rd of the bandwidth of a good old copper cable. even with 128/256k, which is nothing compared to the 12-14 meg of coaxal cable, the latency is so horrible that it feels like dial up. has not helped any one else. [Help] Most Recent Posts
  • The Emperor desired him to play "a lament," and Donald having tilled his bag, played a pibroch of most melancholy strain.
  • The ectoderm originates as a roughly hemispherical cap of micromeres that sit atop the macromeres (top row); this cap spreads by epiboly over the four macromeres until its edges converge at the vegetal pole. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The traditional music expert presents a programme in which he rediscovers what he maintains is the real ‘pibroch’ (Highland piping tradition).
  • A common complication of chronic wounds is epibole (premature closure of the wound edges), which prevents epithelialization and wound closure.
  • The decision would impact about 5,000 small investors who have bonds or permanent interest bearing shares (PIBS) in the bank.
  • Epiblast is indicated by a line of dashes, mesoblast by dots, and hypoblast, dark or black. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Pulcherrima eft fepibus vivis in hortis, cuift inter topiarias noftrates nequaquam ultimo loco fit habenda, femperque virefcit: Difficilis eft transplan* tatu, quoniam fibrofae ejus radices valde fe expan - dunt, & fub fuperficie 4: erra2 reptant; cum vero fe* mel vel bis transpofita eft., facillime deinde trans - plan - Caroli a Linné equit. aur. de stella polari archiatri regii med. et botan. profess. Upsal. Acad ...
  • Moreover, the reduction in PIBs rate would encourage liquated investors to invest in equity market, he added. Bloggers.Pakistan
  • This overall form, together with the apparent restriction of Eurytholia fossils to calcareous deposits, suggests that the animal was not pelagic but belonged instead to the vagile epibenthos.
  • Grâce à une bonne discipline budgétaire et à une saine gestion, le Botswana, qui était l'un des pays les plus pauvres du monde, est devenu un pays à revenu intermédiaire, avec un PIB de 8 800 dollars par habitant en 2003. Archive 2010-07-01
  • Dr. Steven Nissen at the Cleveland Clinic is conducting a study using a new, sophisticated measure of coronary-artery blockages called intravascular ultrasound to determine if torcetrapib affects plaque buildup in the coronary arteries. The Garbage Trucks in Your Blood
  • Verum haud recta insistentes via umbras germanae gloriae non veram sectabantur, cognomina sibi nobilitatis imponentes, eaque Anglorum more ostentantes atque iactantes, quum antea is haberi esseque nobilissimus soleret, qui virtute non opibus, qui egregiis a se factis non maiorum suorum clarus erat. An Outline of the Relations between England and Scotland (500-1707)
  • The former is often also called the ectoblast, or epiblast, and the latter the endoblast, or hypoblast. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • The elder Pliny, in discussing the etymology of the word Albion, suggests that the land may have been so named from the White Roses which abounded in it -- 'Albion insula sic dicta ab albis rupibus, quas mare alluit, vel ob rosas albas quibus abundat.' The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
  • You can see the early scrambling of cells in the blastula, migration during epiboly and blastopore closure, and convergence in the formation of the body axis fairly easily. Planet Atheism
  • Her Majesty's piper, Mackay, had orders to play a pibroch under her windows every morning at seven o'clock.
  • LR1, and that the progress of epiboly over the next three or four hours coincides with mitotic quiescence of the ectoblast. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Pakistan gains as India dilly-dallies on rice exports photo: PIB of India/Photo Division, Ministry of I & - Business News
  • Walls of the coelomic pouches, which form (a) an inner lining to the epiblast, (b) an outer coating to the hypoblast, and (c) the mesentery (m.), by which the intestine is supported. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • But if Body be taken individually only for one single Body, that is indiscerpible; and that which we call the Discerpibility of Body means only this, sc. that we may divide one Body from another, by placing some Third Body between them; and according to this sence Spirits are no less discerpible than Bodies; for although one single Spirit cannot become two or more Spirits, yet more Spirits co-existing in one The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy
  • With the onset of epiboly, the ectoblast has become hemispherical, as reflected by the foreshortening of the 2a and 2c derivatives in this slightly dorsal view. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Jacob and Esau emerged from her bedroom and slipped into their piercing pibroch of meows, weaving in and out of her feet. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • Apes nascuntur partim ex apibus, partim ex bubulo corpore putrefacto. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Until the 1970s, the continental shelf of the Beaufort Sea off Alaska was also considered barren of rocky substrates and associated epibenthos.
  • Gastrula: that embryonic stage resembling a sac, with an outer layer of epiblastic cells and an inner layer of hypoblastic cells. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • A pibroch would cry for the wounded man but I needed more - I needed something tougher. They didn’t read Pitchfork or Stereogum or Gorilla vs. Bear or Hipster Runoff
  • Pibal input includes the angles of elevation and azimuth of the balloon at whole-minute time intervals for three different weights of balloons.
  • To form the bonds that hold clots together, two proteins interact: One on the platelet surface, called glycoprotein Ib alpha (GPIb-alpha); and the other, called von Willebrand factor (VWF), which binds both to GPIb-alpha on platelets and to collagen in blood vessel walls. - latest science and technology news stories
  • To this opinion Dr. Beattie has given his suffrage, in that following elegant passage: -- 'A pibroch is a species of tune, peculiar, I think, to the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland. The Lady of the Lake
  • At vero elatus, in funesto sacrilegi cordis desiderio perseverans, _flammis combustus_ cum suis participibus seditiosis Gracchis, exemplum sui cunctis hæreticis relinquens deperiit. The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • The minimum instream ecological water demand is the epiboly value of each instream flow quantity.
  • There is no evidence that mesoblastic tissues can be converted into those of the epiblastic or hypoblastic type, or vice versa_. "[ Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation
  • Tarbigilus regione tonat; modo tendere cursum in Galatas, modo Bithynis incumbere fertur. sunt qui per Cilicas rupto descendere Tauro, sunt qui correptis ratibus terraque marique145 aduentare ferant; geminantur uera pauoris ingenio: longe spectari e puppibus urbis accensas, lucere fretum uentoque citatas omnibus in pelago uelis haerere fauillas. A Council of War-and War
  • Values were predicted to be low among the crustacean-dominated epibenthos since we expected marsh detritus to be a prominent food resource.

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