
  1. used in treatment of Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma
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How To Use physostigmine In A Sentence

  • Julian was interested in medicinal plants, particularly the Calabar bean whose active principle, physostigmine, was first isolated by the German chemists Jobst and Hesse in 1864.
  • But since physostigmine could be isolated only from the Calabar bean, the drug was not readily available.
  • The symptoms of anticholinergic overdose may be treated with physostigmine in a dosage of 1 to 2 mg given intramuscularly or intravenously at 20-minute intervals.
  • With the help of synthetic chemists, morphine has become hydromorphine; lysergic acid has been converted to methylysergide; cocaine has yielded procaine; physostigmine has been converted into neostigmine and salicin has been changed into acetylsalicylic acid. Chapter 7
  • Conclusion Physostigmine, neostigmine and pilocarpine, when applied locally to the eye in rabbits, could cause myosis and their time-effect relationships were comparable.
  • Some authorities have recommended against the use of physostigmine because of its frequent association with increased bronchial secretions and its rare association with asystole.
  • He has solved the riddle of the morphine molecule's structure, in connection with which quite 20 different formulae have been under consideration, he has clarified the essential features of the strychnine formula, even though some details are still uncertain, and he has made decisive contributions towards the investigation of many other alkaloids with strangely sounding names like gnoscopine, harmaline, physostigmine, and rutaecarpine. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1947 - Presentation Speech
  • Julian worked at a frenzied pace to synthesize physostigmine in the laboratory and was successful in what experts consider one of the most difficult syntheses in history.
  • Obvious examples include nalox - (wanted), metoclopramide-naproxen (the absorp - one for opioid overdose and physostigmine for tion of the latter being hastened by the former for reversal of tubocurarine in anesthesia. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Unfortunately the antagonism between physostigmine and atropine is not perfect, and Sir Thomas Fraser has shown that in such cases there comes a time when, if the action of the two drugs be summated, death results sooner than from either alone. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
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