How To Use Physiologist In A Sentence
Musgrave is a surgeon, mathematician, chemist, biophysicist, physiologist, computer scientist, artist and author of important scientific papers in the areas of aerospace medicine, physiology and clinical surgery.
Ex-Astronaut Story Musgrave Blasts NASA, Washington, Over Space Shuttle Program Failures
Many Nobelists in this category (working in such fields as immunology, molecular biology, and bioengineering) would not readily have identified themselves as physiologists.
However, the interest of neurophysiologists has a considerably longer history.
This procedure is also referred to as Pavlovian conditioning, after the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, who first showed, over 100 years, ago that dogs quickly learn to associate the sound of a ringing bell with the presentation of food, so that after a number of pairings of the two stimuli, they begin to salivate in anticipation of being fed when presented with the bell alone.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
I therefore shall not follow the example of LeGallois, in trying to justify physiologists in the eyes of strangers to science who reproach them with cruelty.
Robert G. Edwards, a British physiologist and pioneer in reproductive medicine, poses in this undated handout photograph released to the media on Monday, Oct. 4, 2010.
IVF inventor Robert Edwards wins Nobel
The problems are attacked in a more direct way by endeavouring by direct experiment to determine the composition of the different organs, their functions, etc. In this the efforts of the anatomist, the histologist, the experimental physiologist and the chemist go hand in hand, as they seek together to penetrate the dark secrets of life.
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1910 - Presentation Speech
The most exciting part of this discovery is that this molecule is a whole new kind of antifreeze that may work in a different location of the cell and in a different way," said zoophysiologist Brian Barnes, director of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Institute of Arctic Biology and one of five scientists who participated in the Alaska Upis ceramboides beetle project.
Some physiologists infuses sugar solutions into the veins of animals
Sports physiologists address such questions as: What distinguishes a sprinter from a marathon runner - and each from the ungifted struggler?
However, sensory physiologist Hong Young Yan of the Taiwan National Academy of Science in Taipei, Taiwan suspected that octopus and squid might use another organ called the statocyst to register sound. News of the Underwater World
[84] Dr. Marshall may tell us, with all the authority of an eminent physiologist, that hare-lip is occasioned by an arrest in the development of certain frontal and nasal processes, [85] and we may receive his explanation as a sweetly simple solution of the question; but who that suffers from this leporine-labial deformity would not prefer a supernatural to a natural cause?
Moon Lore
1966-70 Continued microcosm studies: with Scott Nixon metabolism of brine microcosms and analog simulation showed rhodopsin photorespiration in pink Halophilic bacteria before it was found by physiologists.
Annotated contributions of Howard T. Odum
Physiologists and chemists found that carbon dioxide has an important role as a regulator of the processes of metabolism.
In the jugulars, this systolic fall in venous pressure has been called by physiologists the systolic collapse of the venous pulse.
All programs have registered nurses and many have physical therapists, exercise physiologists, registered dietitians, occupational therapists and psychologists.
In contrast, physiologists and developmental biologists emphasize mechanisms to explain Bergmann's rule.
Lawrence Pinneo, a neurophysiologist and electronic engineer working for Stanford Research Institute (a military contractor) is the first "known" pioneer in this field.
Often called "the Olympics of firefighting," the Combat Challenge, which has 20 events a year featuring about 4,000 firefighters, is the brainchild of exercise physiologist Paul Davis.
Grace Under Fire
However, physiologist Mark Andrews of the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine writes in the new issue of Scientific American Mind that noise can lead to stress which actually impairs learning and memory.
Boing Boing
But anatomists and physiologists will not find an ape, or a bull, or for that matter instincts.
As regards the ductless glands, the first clew to their function was given when the great Frenchman Claude Bernard (the man of whom his admirers loved to say, "He is not a physiologist merely; he is physiology itself") discovered what is spoken of as the glycogenic function of the liver.
A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
So far in the Armstrong case, former teammates, a chiropractor, a sports physiologist, and Tour de France champion Greg LeMond are among those who have received subpoenas.
Jonathan Littman: Lance Armstrong Witnesses on Hot Seat
In his own way he is a kind of anatomist and physiologist.
Voice Production in Singing and Speaking Based on Scientific Principles (Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged)
Learning alters us, it does what all nourishment does that does not merely "conserve" -- as the physiologist knows.
Beyond Good and Evil
The physiologists, he complained, 'in their attempts to penetrate the reality of the known, were deliberately ignoring the knower'.
The Times Literary Supplement
According to Őrülttudós, he and his team of 24 researchers spent eight years combing through all the possible explanations for the country's disproportionately large number of world-class scientists, including physiologist Albert Szent-Györgyi, mathematician Paul Erdös, and Edward "Ede" Teller, the famously big-haired father of the "hydrogen bomb.
He has been collaborating with a reproductive physiologist at the University of Missouri.
These animals beat the odds and defy the aging process," says Rochelle Buffenstein, a physiologist at the center who had her scientific eye on Old Man since 1980, when she and colleagues captured him in a Kenyan sweet potato field.
Researchers try to understand naked mole rats' resistance to cancer
Breeders are losing valuable genetic stocks every year, according to the plant physiologist who heads the research.
Leopold is an eminent plant physiologist who discovered the essential metabolic process that allows seemingly inanimate seeds to quicken and spring to life with revivifying moisture.
Sports physiologists know that athletic ability does not deteriorate nearly as rapidly as was once thought.
Another team member, a physiologist, is examining the efficiency of water treatment plants in removing oestrogens.
American physiologist Alfred Hess to come to New York to cooperate in the study of the antirachitic vitamin.
Adolf Windaus - Biography
Handa and Autar Mattoo, a research plant physiologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service and collaborator in the research, had shown earlier that polyamines such as spermidine and spermine enhance nutritional and processing quality of tomato fruits.
RedOrbit News - Technology
Psychologists and physiologists have always been resigned to using statistical analyses to extract meaning from and interpret their data.
Prior to the speech, G. Liljestrand, member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, addressed the laureate: A great physiologist from the 19th century once coined the expression, "The method is everything".
Georg von Békésy - Banquet Speech
German physiologist and psychologist who studied sensory response and is considered a founder of experimental psychology.
Germany, the idea of a common land or folkland -- a territory belonging to the whole community, and upon which new communities might be organized by a process analogous to what physiologists call cell-multiplication -- had been perfectly familiar to everybody.
The Critical Period of American History
In 1902, a Dutch physiologist published the first ECG recorded with his 270-kg machine, the string galvanometer, for which he was awarded a Nobel Prize.
German physiologist and psychologist who studied sensory response and is considered a founder of experimental psychology.
Physiologists have hence sometimes called the former part of the process, or chymification, by the more simple term _stomach digestion_; and the latter, or chylification, has been termed
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Because Brentano had not been habilitated to supervise dissertations, he recommended that Stumpf study with Hermann Lotze in G.ttingen; Stumpf attended Lotze's lectures on psychology, history of philosophy since Kant, philosophy of nature, and practical philosophy; he also took courses from the physiologist G. Meissner and the physician W. W.ber.
On A Trans-Atlantic Flight
In June 2004, an animal physiologist, Kathrin Dausmann of Philipps University of Marburg, Germany found that the mammal Lemur of Madagascar hibernates in tree holes for seven months of the year.
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The physiologist wanted to find out how efficiently the peanut plant uses water.
He's a neurophysiologist and a don at Magdalen College, and I always felt I was stupid because I couldn't get anything like the same results as him.
The afflux of blood to the uterus during the rupture of the ovisac, cannot be shown to be useful by any effort of teleological physiologists.
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Psychologists and physiologists have always been resigned to using statistical analyses to extract meaning from and interpret their data.
All programs have registered nurses and many have physical therapists, exercise physiologists, registered dietitians, occupational therapists and psychologists.
All error is what physiologists term fissiparous, and in exterminating one false opinion you may be hindering the growth of an uncounted brood of false opinions.
On Compromise
Consider the physiologist's intuition that an increased neuronal firing frequency explains increased intensity of experience.
The critical players in the biosystematists were the interdisciplinary Carnegie team that included the Danish genecologist Jens Clausen, the taxonomist David Keck, and the physiologist William Hiesey.
The information encoded in the genes provides a very challenging experimental opportunity for physiologists.
Many intellectual lights of the day were attracted to the movement: writers Tennyson and John Ruskin, philosopher William James, Nobel Prize-winning physiologist Charles Richet, prime ministers W.E. Gladstone and Arthur Balfour, and especially Frederick Myers, the inventor of the word "telepathy," and Trinity College professor Henry Sidgwick.
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When individual animals seem unable to reproduce, keepers can call in physiologists to diagnose possible biological problems.
In 1938, Kisch-Arendt and her husband, physician and physiologist Bruno Kisch, immigrated to the United States, entering the country on nonquota visas.
Ruth Kisch-Arendt.
One of the most significant discoveries of all occurred in 1921 when Canadian physiologists Banting and Best isolated the hormone insulin.
M. Bernard, who is well known as a physiologist and anatomist, after a careful study of the salivary glands, finds that each of the three, common to nearly all animals, furnishes a different secretion.
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 452 Volume 18, New Series, August 28, 1852
Australian physiologist Frank Cotton played a central role in the evolution of the aviation garment in the 1930s and 1940s.
These microbiologists, plant physiologists, soil scientists, and geobotanists shared an interest in pursuing experimental investigations of energy, matter, and life.
He began his academic career as a physiologist and pharmacologist.
Exercise physiologist, author and coach Dr. Jason Karp says that "can translate into muscle growth and strength, as long as each set of training is performed until your muscles fatigue.
Jill S. Brown: A Weighty Issue: Surprising Research on Lifting Light vs. Lifting Heavy
In the remarkable paper read (1861) by Professor Busk before the Ethnological Society, that eminent physiologist proved that the Asiatic apes, typified by the ourang-outang, are brachycephalic, like the Mongolians amongst whom they live, or who live amongst them; whilst the gorillas and the African anthropoids are dolichocephalic as the negroes.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
He identified two factors that marked the development of philosophy during this period: the empty space left by the decline of speculative philosophy and of German idealism during the first half of the nineteenth century; and the remarkable development of psychology and the physiology of senses during the second half of this century, thanks to the works of physiologists and physicists such as Fechner, Weber, Hering and Helmholtz.
On A Trans-Atlantic Flight
Let us first trace the origins in the philosophers, particularly in the group known as the Ionian Physiologists, whether at home or as colonists in the south of Italy, in whose work the beginnings of scientific medicine may be found.
The Evolution of Modern Medicine
This conclusion has lately been beautifully confirmed by a distinguished physiologist (Denis), who has succeeded in converting fibrine into albumen, that is, in giving it the solubility, and coagulability by heat, which characterise the white of egg.
Familiar Letters on Chemistry
Our team includes a psychologist, dietician, exercise physiologist, nursing staff and surgeons, all specially trained in bariatrics.
One of my colleagues, a physiologist, trekker, artist, photographer and many other things besides was an enthusiastic participant.
A team of international researchers, working for the US Department of Agriculture and led by Dr Cai-Zhong Jiang, a plant physiologist at the University of California-Davis, has been experimenting with methods to forestall the natural ageing process in plants - called "senescence" - and have found that TDZ, when added to water in concentrations of five-10 parts per million, can achieve
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The French physiologist Claude Bernard showed in the 1840s that both pancreatic juice and bile (from the liver) were necessary for the absorption of fat.
He's a�physiologist at Cambridge University, and he received the prize in physiology and medicine for his work on in-vitro fertilization.
Nobel Prize For Medicine Goes To IVF Pioneer
Handa and Autar Mattoo, a research plant physiologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service and collaborator in the research, had shown earlier that polyamines such as spermidine and spermine enhance nutritional and processing quality of tomato fruits.
RedOrbit News - Technology
She found him at a laboratory in Shrewsbury , Massachusetts . He and brilliant reproductive physiologist, Gregory Pincus.
(who help with mental and emotional issues) ... not a "physiologist" as you wrote.
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If you just find a way to rev up those contractile fibers for the muscle, then everything else from human biology and gait would allow us to be that fast," said physiologist Peter Weyand of Southern Methodist University, lead author of a study published Jan. 21 in the
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This mode of action has not been hitherto distinctly understood by physiologists.
In other words, physiologists here fully recognize that colour, or any other thing perceived, only exists _as perceived_ in virtue of a subjective element blending with an objective; the thing _as perceived_ is recognized as having no existence apart from its relation to a percipient mind.
Mind and Motion and Monism
Haute-Vienne, under Louis Philippe, small man of fair skin and very insipid appearance, but with gray eyes which betrayed the depth of a physiologist and the tenacity of a student.
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Haller, the ovulist, who had great authority as a physiologist, in a famous work, _Elementa physiologiae_, upheld the principle vigorously:
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The proposal was influenced by the new interest shown by physiologists in the subjective conditions of visual perception.
Best: american - born Canadian physiologist noted for his work on the discovery and application of insulin.