How To Use Physiological In A Sentence
Ten plant functional types (PFTs) are differentiated by physiological, morphological, phenological, bioclimatic, and fireresponse attributes.
Effects of climate change on landscape and regional processes and feedbacks to the climate system in the Arctic
Concentrating on psychophysiological medicine, the four divisions cover aspects of cardiology, gastroenterology, transplant surgery and the menstrual cycle respectively.
These new findings highlight the physiological importance of different GS1 isoenzymes in plant nitrogen metabolism.
The effects of the structures of the compounds on the insect glutamate potentials were investigated by using electrophysiological intracellular microelectrode recording technique.
The complementary substances or substituent groups with which these nuclei are more or less firmly combined in nature exert a stabilizing and perhaps otherwise favorable influence on the curative nucleus, but do not themselves possess the vitamine type of physiological potency.
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The fourth locale, Massachusetts, permitted a medical monitoring claim to move forward, but only because the tobacco plaintiffs in that lawsuit presented expert evidence regarding "subcellular" or other physiological changes. - Newswire
The primary binding pattern between caffeic acid and BSA included electrostatic and hydrophobic interaction, and the latter was identified to be the main force under physiological condition.
To date, no physiological mechanism for facultative sex ratio adjustment in birds has been identified.
Physiologically, when brain cells are activated by the memory process, the nerve cell coating, known as the glial sheath, increases in thickness and becomes thicker and thicker with each repetition, strengthening the electrical pathway in brain that constitutes memory.
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We performed the procedure using electrical rather than high potassium stimulation, because it yields a closer representation of the physiological condition found during tetanic stimulation.
In particular, where a stimulus is applied to the most rostrally situated regions, the cat adopts the normal posture for the physiological deposition of faeces; therefore the stimulus activates the skeletal musculature, which is innervated by the cerebrospinal axis, and which is also responsible for the abdominal muscular pressure.
Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
Home recordings produced physiological data from 34 of 61 patients during subsequent clinical events.
Physiologically, it is closely related to the paralysis that occurs as a natural part of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is known as REM atonia. - Articles related to Sleep debt
The four basic physiological components of fitness are rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being excellent.
Current areas of investigation include neurohumoral, cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating airway contractility, airway smooth muscle growth and cell surface receptor expression; regulation of postnatal development and growth of the lung; developmental effects of pulmonary inflammation and oxidative lung injury on airway and pulmonary vascular reactivity; biochemical and molecular regulation of membrane ion channels in cystic fibrosis; maturational changes in chest wall and airway function; pulmonary manifestations of sickle cell disease; the physiological basis of ventilator dependence in children with chronic respiratory insufficiency; and developmental aspects of respiratory mechanics and ventilatory control.
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The release of colonic regulatory peptides by bile salts does make physiological sense.
Although the model ternary compositions we study are too simple to completely represent a biological membrane, we often find irascibility transitions close to physiological temperatures.
In the concrete design, the main design factor was body measure, which asked for the furniture effect on human body to coordinate with the human being's physiological characteristic and measure.
Primarily introduced the nutritional constituents of the urtica and its physiological function. Propose as a kind of new food resource. The urtica will have broad prospects for exploiting.
The term set point is often used to describe a physiological version of that same mechanism that controls our body temperature, weight, or any one of many other types of bodily homeostasis.
The Answer
Circadian rhythmicity in regulation of endogenous physiological processes is a characteristic feature of eukaryotic organisms.
Others claim it to be psychogenic, an emotional state of mind that causes a physiological reaction.
Can we observe differences in our psychophysiological response to malodours and pleasant smells?
Biorhythm A periodic physiological or behavioral change that is controlled by a biological clock.
Thiazolidone derivatives also have very important physiological activities, and they can be used as a fungicide, radiation sensitizing agents, antihypertensive drugs and diabetes.
Physiological maturity of most of the varieties was likewise not generally affected by the spray treatments.
Physiological problems Finally, a few words about some physiological problems which result from nutrient deficiencies and weather conditions.
Sinus tachycardia is usually a physiological response but may be precipitated by sympathomimetic drugs or endocrine disturbances.
Most annual agricultural crops are determinate, and their growth stops once they reach physiological maturity.
It was here that he published his physiological essays.
Physiologically, plant conversion or seedling development involves a transition from the heterotrophic embryo to an autotrophic plant.
Adaptationist arguments are essential because they suggest the function of homologous and analogous physiological structures.
Physiological addiction may occur after repeated use of analgesics for relief from chronic pain.
Typically the word describes a relatively uncomplicated event, physiologically speaking: just a pain in the noggin.
Senescence is the syndrome caused by the functional decline and physiological disorder during the organism deterioration.
Given that finding alone, the Student has a substantial likelihood of demonstrating that he has a physiological disorder of his hemic, lymphatic and reproductive systems.
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It now becomes clear that prolonged exposure to man-made infrasound and ultrasound has similar effects via apparently similar physiological mechanisms.
Emotions influence us mentally, spiritually, psychologically and physiologically in everyday life. We will gain if we are blessed with positive emotions. We will lose if we are controlled by negative emotions. Dr T.P.Chia
This jibes with research showing that women are physiologically and emotionally more sensitive to unsatisfactory relationships.
The move towards writing poetry down deprived it of music, perhaps, certainly of the suprasegmental qualities of pitch, timbre, etc., which are personal in a physiological sense.
Cows frequently experience physiological problems during the transition period.
Three Stages and the idea of a hierarchy of the sci - ences; the worship of natural science and of technol - ogy; the commitment to a physiological view of the mind; the subjection of the historical process to laws of human nature; the interweaving and interdepend - ence of scientific and historical method; the increas - ingly emphatic view of themselves in messianic terms, and the development of a full-blown religion to replace orthodox Christianity, complete with disciples — all these and other teachings were common to the two men.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
The neurophysiological effect of the messenger, and possible resultant behavioral change in the organism, depend on whether there is a net receipt or donation of energy by the organism.
Their physiological studies further illuminated female sexuality and the female response cycle.
Today, we are ideally positioned to combine the remarkable advances in emergency medicine and physiological understanding with the pranic healing sciences.
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Physiological mechanisms which control the population dynamics are also subject to variation and selection.
To capture the physiological reality of speaking a language, I proposed the idea of a “linguistic error limit”: the number of distinguishable sounds in a protolanguage, and therefore the number of objects that can be accurately described by this language, is limited.
The warmth comes instead from the carbon dioxide's physiological effects on the plants.
Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
Physiologically salt tolerance is also complex, with halophytes and less tolerant plants showing a wide range of adaptations.
Functionally, the total behaviour of the animal illustrates the fact that, in the part of the diencephalon indicated, a meaningful association of physiological processes takes place, which is related on the one hand to the regulation of the internal organs, and on the other involves the functions directed outwards towards the environment.
Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
In the same paper I had speculated on the possible occurrence of acetylcholine in the animal body, and on its physiological significance if it should be found there; and had pointed out the extraordinary evanescence of its action, suggesting that an esterase probably contributed to its rapid removal from the blood.
Sir Henry Dale - Nobel Lecture
The observed fusion events occurred on the second timescale, a trait similar to the physiological fusion rate in unstimulated neurons.
The work is a violent political satire, largely couched in crude physiological terms, many of them scatological.
Moreover. shifts in protein conformation could be analyzed in physiological environments to complement crystallography.
Diagnosis is based on clinical and neurophysiological findings, serology, and by identifying the organism or toxin.
I have a strong interest in cryptozoology, but I prefer to pair it with, rather than set it into opposition, with what physiological, zoological and forensic knowledge I possess.
As the days pass, our participants discover and discuss new possibilities of psychophysiological self-regulation - breathing deeply to relax in spite of the anxious anticipation of leading a group for the first time, or to find a calm place from which to encounter memories of family members "martyred" by violence.
James S. Gordon: Open Minds, And Warm But Troubled Hearts In Closed Gaza (Pt. 1)
Now researchers are identifying the neurochemical mechanisms behind these behavioral and physiological effects.
Because the term therapy is usually used in medicine when there is a disease or condition that requires therapy and the menopause transition is a normal physiological process, this chapter will use the more neutral term “hormone treatment” instead of “hormone therapy.”
Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
The cause of white drupes in blackberries is unknown; some think it may be due to stink bug damage during bloom, sun scald around harvest or another unknown physiological disorder.
Mortality was better predicted by the composite physiological index than by pulmonary function tests.
Nevertheless, Bichat rendered a solid service to physiological progress by insisting upon the fact that what we call life, in one of the higher animals, is not an indivisible unitary archaeus dominating, from its central seat, the parts of the organism, but a compound result of the synthesis of the separate lives of those parts.
Science & Education
Of course, physiological benefits, injury risks and calorie burn can vary widely depending upon the technique, vigor, care and enthusiasm with which one pursues sport.
These channels play an important physiological role in living cells of diverse phylogenetic origin.
Biologists who specialize in the biochemical and physiological effects of toxic chemicals in living systems - toxicologists - use the term hormesis to refer to the effects of certain (often environmental) chemicals, having definite toxic effects when exposed to the system at certain known doses, yet having beneficial effects when exposed to the system at doses lower than those that cause toxicity.
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Inherited genes may lead to certain physiological effects, which could account for personality traits common among entrepreneurs, such as extroversion and openness to new experiences, Shane says. Latest Articles
A4M believes that the disabilities associated with normal aging are caused by physiological dysfunction which in many cases is ameliorable to medical treatment, such that the human life span can be increased, and the quality of one's life improved as one grows chronologically older. - Articles related to TV food advertisements promote imbalanced diets
One exercise involves the planning of dives, and how to deal with the physiological effects and challenges of deeper scuba diving.
Times, Sunday Times
The body is about 70 per cent water, and this most basic of fluids participates in all the major physiological and biochemical processes in the body.
Environmental hormone comes from the exterior of the human body, it will interfere with normal endocrine system and lead to great effects on physiological reaction of organism.
How do unconscious motivational needs (i. e. , implicit motives) influence physiological, cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses to incentives?
Furthermore, isolated mutant axonemes lacking the central pair or radial spokes can vigorously beat in certain nonphysiological solutions.
In its mission statement, the academy says the disabilities associated with normal aging "are caused by physiological dysfunction which in many cases are ameliorable to medical treatment, such that the human life span can be increased.
Boomers will be spending billions to counter aging
There is a whole host of other physiological responses" to exercise, such as heart rate, cholesterol levels, blood pressure and insulin metabolism, that are related to genes other than those implicated in the aerobic response, says co-author Tuomo Rankinen, a scientist in the human genomics laboratory at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge.
Exercise won't boost endurance for 1 in 5
For example, besides the physiological detriments, cigarette use often precedes marijuana and alcohol use and is concurrent with other risk behaviors such as fighting.
To explore possible correlative effects among physiological and growth traits, we conducted two separate analyses of covariance, using the main effects of treatment and species.
Their physiological basis is reasonably well understood; they result from the saturation or bleaching of retinal photopigments under intense or prolonged illumination.
To supply, to some extent, this lacuna in our popular literature has been the object of the present work, in which, it is hoped, may be found much curious and interesting physiological information, interspersed with _recherché_ and festivous anecdotes.
Aphrodisiacs and Anti-aphrodisiacs: Three Essays on the Powers of Reproduction
Methods Produces the fog grain of inspiration treatment sand butylamine mellow, Vitamin K1 and the physiological saline mix solution through the oxygen actuation.
Against massive physiological trauma the human body and spirit still fights for life with all it's got!
Diacylglyceryltrimethylhomoserine is known to be an important component of cryptogamic plants, including bryophytes, but its physiological role is still uncertain.
Afterwards, their livers return to normal size and the birds show no physiological side effects.
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When administered, the therapeutic composition for use in this invention is, of course, in a pyrogen-free, physiologically acceptable form. Notable Patent Applications - 07/22/2010
Exposure to such pressures is apt to be followed by disagreeable and even dangerous physiological effects, which are commonly referred to as caisson disease or compressed air illness.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
It appears that the physiological data from a number of studies indicate the welfare of sows in stalls is equal to, or better than, that of sows in tethers or groups.
However, in other cases, it may be associated with a biochemical and/or physiological defect in the brain of the patient with epilepsy presumably due to an imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters.
The problem was psychological rather than physiological.
This short summary demonstrates the diversity of substrates used by SOT proteins in addition to the identical co-substrate PAPS, and the broad spectrum of physiological processes where sulphonated compounds are involved.
Between, inter alia, physiological issues (vaginisimus, primary anorgasmia, etc), hormonal problems (especially menopause, later in life), and the side effects of medication (many of which interfere with pleasure), women's responses are all over the map.
What? Female narcissism?! It can't be!
The physiological changes required for fighting or running are the same.
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The fundamental genetic and physiological causes of heterosis remain poorly understood in plants after nearly a century of exploitation in crop improvement.
In the case of human actors, intentions can result in action only by means of some physiological processes.
Choice, Rationality, and Social Theory
There were many other investigations on growth factors for flagellates and ciliates with regard to growth factors, loss of function, and physiological development until the time when Lwoff began working on the problem of lysogenic bacteria.
André Lwoff - Biography
But its residual detection method, degradation dynamics, degradation model in plant and soil and influence on the physiological and biochemical characters of plant were seldom reported.
But the converse is also true: a single physiological experience may be symptomatic of a number of different emotions.
We think it is pathophysiologically linked to menstrual synchrony.
Among the plastics materials used for prostheses, silicone elastomers, also known as silicon rubber or silicones, have been particularly favoured as they combine flexibility with chemical and thus physiological inertness.
This conclusion has been confirmed in physiological experiments and biochemical studies.
To date, fisheries literature has suggested three approaches to this problem: the use of regionally specific climate projections that can be coupled directly to knowledge of the physiological limits of the species; the use of empirical relationships relating local climate (weather) to measurements of species or stock dynamics (e.g., abundance, size, growth rate, fecundity) and comparison of population success temporally (e.g., from a period of climatically variable years) or spatially (e.g., locales representing the extremes of variation in weather conditions such as latitudinal clines); and the use of current distributional data and known or inferred thermal preferences to shift ecological residency zones into geographic positions that reflect probable future climate regimes.
Approaches to projecting climate change effects on arctic fish populations
The one scientific instrument it seemed possible to use was an ergograph, a complicated and expensive instrument kindly lent to us from the physiological laboratory of the University of Chicago.
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There are several physiological changes that occur in the digestive tract of the young pig from birth to eight weeks of age.
Physiological recordings from the central nervous system indicate that the response is almost immediate with a very short latency.
In general, the patients present indigestive complaints in variable degrees after any operation because of metabolic and physiological disturbances.
Research has shown that a variety of physiological changes take place during meditation.
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Prof. Filehne, of Erlangen, who has studied a large number of these pyridine and quinoline derivatives, found, moreover, that the hydrochlorate of ethyl-piperidine had a physiological action quite analogous to that of conine.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
During thawing, the heartbeat is also the first physiological activity that is restored.
Archive 2004-09-01
As Bob Travers ventures to say, “all that talk of physiological ripeness these days with cabernet is simply an excuse to try and get huge crop loads to ripen sufficiently, as cabernet is always going to taste really green at those yields unless you let the grapes hang out there until they are nearly raisins.”
Mayacamas - one of the greatest California Cabernets by John Gilman | Dr Vino's wine blog
Analysis shows that the main reasons behind divorce are discordant personalities, extra-marital affairs, a weak marriage base, or physiological problems with one or other of the couple.
This holds, by analogy to physiological process, that once inflation has been extruded from the economic system by a sufficiently painful application of monetarism - the economic and oral equivalent of a major dose of castor oil or epsom salts - it is gone for good.
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To explore the influence of psychological intervention on emotion, coping style and physiological reaction of bronchial asthma patients.
It covers an incredibly diverse range of issues, from historical, anthropological, sociological, psychological, sexological, physiological, and other perspectives.
Hence, species with limited climatic ranges and/or restricted habitat requirements (related to particular physiological or phenological traits) are very likely to be vulnerable to climate change effects.
Changes in aquatic biota and ecosystem structure and function in the Arctic
This means that when you really have to exert yourself unexpectedly, the effects upon your physiological processes and cardiovascular system will be far less drastic.
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The only significant physiological changes these pills had was an increase in flatulence!
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According to Dr. Jose, the opening up of micro-vascular channels enhances the natural physiological functions.
Severe winter conditions, and sometimes soil deficiencies, may cause physiological problems such as sunscald and purple spot on the leaves of evergreen hollies.
The fact that an abnormal result occurs in 26%, however, suggests that ncytalopia should be evaluated with electrophysiological testing even when the fundi appear normal.
The differentiae of specific emotions are not physiological, but cognitive or something else.
Helping them restore physiological functions is the first step in the treatment process.
The papers cover a substantial range of physiological systems and numerous types of organisms, including ectotherms and endotherms, vertebrates, insects, plants, and bacteria.
New World Catharus thrushes are common nocturnal migrants amenable to biotelemetry, allowing us to measure physiological parameters during migratory flight in the wild.
These examples of biosocial interactions are unusual in that the psychophysiological variable is the dependent variable.
Seed growth slows after this, but does not entirely cease until the seed attains physiological maturity.
This would be part of a general move towards blending physiological information with the anatomical information provided by traditional, diagnostic images.
Methods Produces the fog grain of inspiration treatment sand butylamine mellow, Vitamin K1 and the physiological saline mix solution through the oxygen actuation.
While ejaculation offered proof that a man had reached climax, a female orgasm was confirmed by physiological measurements such as heart rate and anal pressure.
They improve muscle tone, circulation and physiological efficiency and build up strength, stamina and flexibility.
Naomi Feinbrun was selected to teach this subject, having specialized in cytological work with Hannan Oppenheimer (1905 – 1978), who was engaged in physiological botany in Rehovot.
Naomi Feinbrun-Dothan.
Ripening is physiologically divided into two distinct classes: climacteric and non-climacteric.
Surely this inquiry is not one to be superciliously set aside by the materialists, after the failure of their uranological expedition, on the ground that it does not furnish food enough for scientific contemplation, without such physiological fancies as their specialists have been giving us in the shape of force-correlations and molecular theories of life.
Life: Its True Genesis
But this resurrection is so often artless and joyless gloating, reducing an intense physiological/psychological experience to vulgar explication.
For centuries different cultures have interfered with the process of birth, imposing cultural rituals which ignore the basic physiological needs of mother and newborn.
Times, Sunday Times
Of concern is the degree to which the capability lies in predetermined neuroanatomical and neurochemical structures, enabling certain physiological processes.
Thinking angry thoughts can provoke strong physiological arousal.
A final copepod project involves understanding the genetic basis of a vital physiological process in these copepods-their ability to survive dramatic changes in salinity.
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Physiological laws can explain the harmful and pernicious effects of deep breathing.
It can be considered proved, therefore, that ergosterol, or possibly a sterol, the physiological effects of which correspond completely with those of ergosterol, constitutes the antirachitic provitamin, i.e. the mother substance of vitamin
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1927 and 1928 - Presentation Speech
Thinking angry thoughts can provoke strong physiological arousal.
The latter participate in numerous morphogenetic and physiological events, including hematopoiesis, through synergistic interactions with other transcriptional activators.
Apart from any physiological effects on chickens themselves or consumers, feed additives introduce tons of organic arsenic into the environment every year, says Stolz.
Electrophysiological recordings from the optic tectum of the pigeon and the Bobolink revealed the presence of neurons that respond to changes in the direction of the ambient magnetic field, but only in the presence of light.
These crustaceans adaptations for water balance loss, gain and retention are a physiological priority.
Recent psychophysical and electrophysiological studies have demonstrated that shifting attention to a nonpredictive auditory cue modulates the processing of subsequent visual stimuli at early stages as well as later ones.
Most bamboos fall between the two physiological states of constant flowering and constant sterility.
In the course of my studies in physiological chemistry and biology, which have extended over a period of more than thirty years, I have been led to grappel with problems in agriculture, in horticulture, and in aviculture, for the purpose of finding solutions to problems in human nutrition.
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The velarization is only explained structurally, and neither physiological nor historico-social explanation is possible.
It operates through receptors whose molecular and physiological properties closely resemble the calcium-mobilizing ryanodine receptors of muscle.
It colonises the newborn's colon within hours of birth, and serves important intestinal physiological functions for the rest of the host's life.
Spinoza's theory offers an ontological support to the study of the role played by the different physiological factors, such as endocrinal glands, hormones and cerebral zones, in the determination of emotions.
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Interoception, the perception of stimuli inside the body, and exteroception, the perception of stimuli outside the body, fill the gap beneath data and divide Maslows physiological needs.
Pharmacological and therapeutic measures also may be applied to limit adverse physiological reactions to GMA.
This phenomenon is easily comprehensible from a physiological standpoint, but to the man who makes the discovery for the first time, it is a most wonderful thing.
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However, the physiological reports in the literature are conflicting.
It's our first glimpse of what's going on physiologically that's causing age-related cognitive decline, " said study leader Amy Arnsten, a neurobiologist at Yale University.
It is thought that physiological factors may be more important in determining the neonatal mortality rate, and environmental factors are more important in determining the postneonatal mortality rate.
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Schistosoma mansoni (a platyhelminth) [17] Phylogenetic comparisons of putative Hirudo innate immune response genes present within the Hirudo transcriptome database herein described show a strong resemblance to the corresponding mammalian genes, indicating that this important physiological response may have older origins than what has been previously proposed.
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The proposed mechanisms underlying detergency include any of the physiological consequences listed above as well as yet undescribed ones.
His players' nutritional intake after the intense physical exertion of a game is a crucial part of their physiological recovery.
Times, Sunday Times
Different physiological stages of fruits were defined according to their ability to produce ethylene.
Physiological dependence on benzodiazepines can occur and is accompanied by a withdrawal syndrome.
This is the physiological basis for what is called “trichromacy,” that is, the three-color basis for human color vision.
In the Valley of the Shadow
At goldfish retinal bipolar cells, the calcium requirement for physiological release rates is reported to be >100 M.
A vegetative physiological parameter widely used to study plant tolerance to temperature is cell membrane thermostability.
That will give us time to adjust our physiological clocks.
In order to say that, we have to [kind of] recognize that we might be clinging to some kind of scientifically pre-lapsarian [and even physiologically] conservatively reactionary stance, while at the same time, we really cannot imagine "ourselves" apart from the structure of a world that necessitates, as MKH writes,
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It's a pump for bedridden patients that is designed to simulate the physiological pumping mechanism in the sole of the foot that is usually activated by weight bearing.
It's simply not believable that Susan would start to have feelings for Captain Groton, despite the physiological changes that cause him to appear more human and supposedly more endearing.
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In order to give this discovery its full physiological import, some more elucidation is required.
Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
He isolated it as a nervous disease and explained it physiologically as a disorder of the brain.
Bergmann glial processes ensheathe synapses on Purkinje cells, and play a supportive role in normal transmission by maintaining a physiological synaptic microenvironment.
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By spraying different concentrations paclobutrazol on the intact peanut leaves of middle stage in the field, the changes of polyamines and some physiological indexes were studied.
Emotions were simply physiological disturbances that could become attached over time to a wide range of different stimuli.
Can we observe differences in our psychophysiological response to malodours and pleasant smells?
Every capacity for egoistic pleasure -- in the common meaning of the word "egoistic" -- has been equally repressed through physiological modification.
Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things
This detected the sensation of thrill through real-time sampling and analysis of physiological reactions.
There are both anatomic and physiological differences.
It has the same chemical composition as caffeine, and the same physiological action.
Meditation has time and again been shown to have physiological effects.
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Eventually, the small amount of oxygen induces browning and other physiological processes that turn crisp green lettuce to brown stinky soup.
The permanent tooth germ plays an important role in physiological root resorption of deciduous tooth, but not the alone factor.
Salt tolerance of plants is a complex phenomenon that involves morphological and developmental as well as physiological and biochemical processes.
The narrator in the urban nineteenth-century Russian novel is likewise informed by a coupling of the Russian chronicle tradition with the Parisian physiological sketch, filtering via the feuilleton into the serialized novel.
They suggested that the color change is stimulated by perception of the background color by the larval ocelli and effected by a neurophysiological pathway.
It deals with the physiological process of breathing and with the management of energy in the body.
Reticulate leaf venation may also provide physiological advantages in forest understories.
In so doing, measures of physiological variables continue to offer fresh insights into other fields of zoological research, and so bring about new intercourse between physiological-ecology and other disciplines.
Gamma-tocopherol traps mutagenic electrophiles such as NOX and complements alpha-tocopherol: physiological implications.
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And if you deal only with the mental side of things, you're ignoring the biochemical and physiological changes that emotional trauma can bring.
Times, Sunday Times
Polyphagia may be psychological, physiological or pathological in origin.
Researchers looked at physiological changes in volunteers as they listened to music.
Physiological deterioration, which begins to appear within three days, is essentially a humidity-sensitive wound response with increases in enzyme activity leading to the production of phenols including catechins and leucoanthocyanidins which in the later stages of discoloration polymerise to form condensed tannins.
Chapter 11
We continue to use these techniques for the isolation of new genes involved in physiological processes in fish and bivalve molluscs.
An objective physiological measurement is therefore preferable to asking people how they feel.
Each gemmule, according to Mr. Darwin, is really the seat of powers, elective affinities, and special tendencies as marked and mysterious as those possessed by the physiological unit of Mr. Spencer, with the single exception that the former has no tendency to build up the whole living, complex organism of which it forms a part.
On the Genesis of Species
Chronic pain is continuous and unassociated with the physiological responses to acute pain such as sweating and tachycardia.
These different responses between tetraspores and carpospores, suggest a different ecophysiological response with regard to survival and interspecific competition in nature of the gametophyte vs sporophyte.
The need for evolving and coordinating these approach of clinical evaluation of a patient can be appreciated if I realize that many common signs such as dark circles around eyes, early graying of hair, perspiration in palms, or feet, stammering, the peculiar melanization associated with pregnancy on the one hand and alcoholics on the other are hardly understood in terms of the physiological/pathophysiological processes and mechanisms involved in them.
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1 Each such zooid in these pelagic colonial hydroids or hydrozoans has a high degree of specialization and, although structurally similar to other solitary animals, are all attached to each other and physiologically integrated rather than living independently.
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I spoke of phrenology, he said, not with the object of criticising a system which has its good side, in so far as it tends to complete the series of physiological observations that aim at increasing our knowledge of man; I used the word phrenology because the only fatality that we believe in nowadays is that created by our own instincts.
Roots of this length have not initiated physiological death processes, and include a mass of mitotic cells.