How To Use Physical process In A Sentence
The walls were mostly slate, apparently quite normal, grained rock produced by a perfectly standard physical process of alluvial deposition.
The study of these energetic particles will broaden our understanding of the formation and evolution of the solar system, as well as of the astrophysical processes involved.
It works by combining the atom-splitting reactions of a "normal" nuclear bomb with some atom-joining fusion reactions -- this is the physical process that drives our sun, and it's much more powerful (for this reason they're more properly called a thermonuclear bomb).
Fast Company
In the years since, the conceptual categories that divided the biological and physical sciences, for example, have been supplanted by an entirely new understanding of the interdigitation of chemical, electrical, and physical processes.
Archive 2005-11-01
The walls were mostly slate, apparently quite normal, grained rock produced by a perfectly standard physical process of alluvial deposition.

Recent advances in neuroscience and physiology prove that it is also a physical process.
Times, Sunday Times
So this is what the much vaunted scientific position become - faith in unobserved physical processes.
Adjusting Pre-configuration to Design Outcomes
life depends on many chemical and physical processes
However, this physical process cannot result in the simplification of septal folding in gerontic conchs.
In other words, only a partial physical processor is allocated to a logical partition in shared processor mode.
The result shows that the new model can simulate the turbulent structure and the cloud microphysical processes of the marine stratocumulus-topped planetary boundary layer.
Jenkns and Perez write about a provocative hypothesis known as the anthropic principle, which states that the existence of intelligent life capable of studying physical processes imposes constraints on the possible form of the laws of physics.
Searching for Life in the Multiverse | Universe Today
The hail cloud over the mountainous terrain may be effected by the air-flow of middle layer over the mountainous terrain and the microphysical processes of the hail cloud.
Such sequences of pseudorandom numbers play crucial roles not only in computer games but also in simulations of physical processes.
Optical transition effect is a fundamental physical process in the narrow gap semiconductor infrared detectors.
The physical process of committing these ideas to some form of permanent record relies on the ability to capture that image, to write the words, to read music, to handle the paintbrush in the desired way.
Changes in the coordinate frame along the path mean that the component would change, irrespective of any physical process.
We may speak of mental processes as internal and of physical processes as external; but neither internality nor externality is applicable to mental processes as such.
If our mind refuses to let our body respond, the feeling stays locked in and can affect all our physical processes.
If our mind refuses to let our body respond, the feeling stays locked in and can affect all our physical processes.
It had floated out from some deep, plasmic interior, defying all the chemical and physical processes around it.
The Wall
The first is that the Cartesian view completes the picture by being the extreme immaterialism that lies at the other end of the line from the extreme materialism that totally identifies mental with physical processes.
The Angels and Us
The physical process of making sound with a reed is clearly not the same as it is for a transverse flute.
The morning Te peaks which are found above the ionosonde stations at hmF2 altitudes are explained by the sunrise physical processes.
IPCC and Solar Correlations « Climate Audit
The individual always acts as a whole, which includes all mental and physical processes.
I initially started the ARCMIP project to see if looking at high resolution regional simulations could help us understand how to better parameterize the physical processes in the arctic like clouds, radiation, boundary layer etc, since the climate models were not doing a fabulous job on these in the arctic.
Bill Gray Presentation « Climate Audit
DPMs consist of the gene products of what is known as the "developmental-genetic toolkit," but considered in subsets, as dynamical networks embodying physical processes characteristic of chemically and mechanically excitable meso - to macroscopic systems like cell aggregates: cohesion, viscoelasticity, diffusion, and spatio-temporal heterogeneity based on lateral inhibition, and multistable and oscillatory dynamics.
At the moment I am lying here absolutely exhausted from the whole mental and physical process of childbirth - I mean the afterbirth was a bit like having another baby.
Neuroscience, for him, more or less just identifies organismic physical processes that underlie animal/environment interactions.
If our mind refuses to let our body respond, the feeling stays locked in and can affect all our physical processes.
They were gene products (proteins) but also networks of physical processes that shaped and patterned organisms using adhesion, polarization, viscoelasticity, etc.
What we want is a characterization of every physical process so that the invariance of cause and effect corresponds to nomological irreversibility.
This article addresses physical processes in the viral life cycle through a quantitative framework based on insights from structural biology, single molecule biophysics, electron microscopy, and solution biochemistry.
A physical processor is organized as different execution units at the hardware level, for example, fixed point and floating point operation units.
A burning cigarette is a complex system in which many types of chemical reactions and physical processes occur in parallel.
The walls were mostly slate, apparently quite normal, grained rock produced by a perfectly standard physical process of alluvial deposition.
How do physical processes in the brain give rise to the subjective life the conscious mind?
Although the structure of microchannel plate heat pipe is simple, the physical process taking place within them are complex. Experts have not yet reached a consensus on some mechanism.
The concept of hormones as potent substances regulating physical processes in organisms implied a drastic change in the paradigm of physiology.
At the moment I am lying here absolutely exhausted from the whole mental and physical process of childbirth - I mean the afterbirth was a bit like having another baby.
Geological evidence for precipitation, erosion, mechanical abrasion and other fluvial activity says that the physical processes shaping Titan are much the same as those shaping Earth.