[ US /ˈfɪzɪkəɫ/ ]
[ UK /fˈɪzɪkə‍l/ ]
  1. concerned with material things
    the physical size of a computer
    physical properties
    the physical characteristics of the earth
  2. having substance or material existence; perceptible to the senses
    surrounded by tangible objects
    a physical manifestation
  3. impelled by physical force especially against resistance
    forcible entry
    a real cop would get physical
    strong-arm tactics
  4. involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit
    physical exercise
    was sloppy about everything but her physical appearance
    physical suffering
  5. according with material things or natural laws (other than those peculiar to living matter)
    a reflex response to physical stimuli
  6. relating to the sciences dealing with matter and energy; especially physics
    physical laws
    physical sciences
  7. characterized by energetic bodily activity
    a very physical dance performance
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How To Use physical In A Sentence

  • Fertilization therefore results in an egg carrying a nucleus with contributions from both parents, and it was concluded that the cell nucleus must contain the physical basis of heredity.
  • A substantial element of the system is the set of physical exercises performed in pairs and again based on the idea of the power of co-operation.
  • My stepfather was strict and didn't let us have friends in the house; he physically abused me but not sexually.
  • In a landmark case/decision, the Governor pardoned a woman convicted of killing her husband, who had physically abused her.
  • We berate those who cross the line and leave the immature and underdeveloped open to the physical abuse of contact and collision sports.
  • The woman sitting next to me had counseled children facing severe emotional and physical abuse for 20 years.
  • So far, only a couple of the trees (literally two) have been found to be successful in fending off beetle attacks, using chemical and physical responses similar to those in lower-elevation tree species, such as lodgepole pine and Douglas fir. Louisa Willcox: Whitebark Pine: Functionally Gone in Much of the Greater Yellowstone
  • This was physical attraction, sexual temptation, nothing more.
  • However, your best bet is to look for a personal fitness trainer that is trained and certified in post-rehabilitation, a manual physical therapist, or an osteopath .
  • The pursuit of such metaphysical questions is just a high-minded distraction from the more pressing issue of confronting the dilemma of one's existence here and now.
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