How To Use Physalis In A Sentence
Dehydrated fruit in bulk quantities depending on availability. Mango, Pineapple, Coconut, Early Fig, Goldenberry or Physalis grape, Banana.
After a chocolate pudding served with physalis berries, the ministers were introduced to each backer.
Times, Sunday Times
The fruit, as usual with physalis fruits, is enclosed in a papery thin calyx or husk, which is cream in colour.
Effect of phytohormone ABA and 2,4 - D on tissue culture of Physalis pubescens was investigated.
Two strains of TBE virus were isolated from Haemaphysalis concinna. Antibodies against T BE virus were assayed in the sera of wild mice and local inhabitants by IFA.
Also in the box: The last of the neverending box of physalis, three grape tomatoes, a minipudding, a yoghurt and some nori on the side for the riceballs.
Backdated Bento #61 – Hastily thrown together snack bento « Were rabbits
And life is too short to dunk a physalis.
Times, Sunday Times
Take the physalis (cape gooseberry) I tried raising from seed for the first time this season, for instance.
A species of ground cherry(Physalis ixocarpa) native to Mexico, widely naturalized in eastern North America, and having an edible, yellow to purple viscid fruit.
Physalia was inspired by the “Physalia physalis” jellyfish, whose name translates roughly to “Water Bubble”.
Whale-Shaped Floating Garden Cleans the World’s Rivers | Inhabitat
Pineapples are being grown in Karachi and its environs in increasing numbers so a few of these wouldn't go amiss along with physalis peruviana, better known as either Chinese gooseberry or cape gooseberry.
Its name comes from “Physalia physalis”, meaning “water bubble”.
IRobot Looj Cleans Gutters Faster and Easier
I've also been cheered up by the unexpected emergence of some physalis plants I'd convinced myself had died when I transplanted them.
And for a touch of the sunbaked south, Chef Eysteinsson drops an orange Colombian physalis berry (Cape gooseberry) complete with papery ecru leaves, on top of the whipped cream.
Icelandic Dining After the Collapse
In the middle is a happy egg weebl, then there are two pieces of bellpepper filled with caponata (which is still good) and decorated with fresh herbs, then there are some grapes, two dates, two physalis, bell pepper sticks, and the last of the tiny cheese tarts. * sigh* They were cute, but expensive, since I ended up not liking one of three …
Bento #103 – Happy Egg « Were rabbits
Whales include migratory humpback Megaptera novaeangliae (VU) and occasional blue Balaenoptera musculus (EN), rorqual Balaenoptera physalis, sperm Physeter macrocephalus (VU), Bryde's Baleanoptera edeni, killer Orcinus orca, false killer Pseudorca crassidens, pygmy killer Feresa attenuata, Cuvier's beaked Ziphius cavirostris, beaked Mesoplodon sp., shortfin pilot Globicephala macrorhynchus and melon-headed Peponocephala electra whales.
Malpelo Island Flora and Fauna Sanctuary, Colombia
Luckily all the other fruit gave less resistance – banana slices with chocolate sauce, grapes, and physalis are all friendly, well-known fruit. (but beware, I hear there are feral banana trees out there in the jungle that would eat you as soon as look at you!)
Bento #102 – Lessons in Life are best taken from Bears « Were rabbits
Middle layer (breakfast): Two apple bunnies, a physalis, toasted dark bread sandwiches with butter and chives – one of my childhood favourites!
Backdated Bento #59&60 – When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie… « Were rabbits
Sow physalis in heated propagator; plant out shallots; mulch blackcurrants and raspberries; tidy strawberry bed; finish compost trenches on allotment where squash will grow; weed incessantly.
I know them by the name of physalis or pineappleberry. it is a type of currant/berry.
Ground Cherry and Watermelon Salad
There was no pointless clutter of brandy snap baskets, tuiles, mint leaves or physalis either.
Place ¼ of a physalis in each of the financier tin moulds (or use mini-muffin tins).
Times, Sunday Times
Shortly before serving, dust the cake with icing sugar, and decorate with physalis, with their petals pulled back if wished.
Times, Sunday Times
Blueberry toast sammich polyhedron (uh … I need a nice cookie cutter …) with a star cutout; apple slices, grapes and physalis; a babybel cheese and Oreo cookies.
February « 2007 « Were rabbits