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  1. an expanded petiole taking on the function of a leaf blade

How To Use phyllode In A Sentence

  • Seedlings are able to switch back from phyllode to true leave production when the sunlight reaching them is reduced (Walters and Bartholomew 1990). Chapter 2
  • In trials where rainfall is relatively high, the Charleville, Queensland provenance, a broad phyllode form, has grown more rapidly than provenances from central Australia (Ryan and Bell 1989). Chapter 10
  • The phyllode has the ability to photosynthesize and for all practical purposes, it is the equivalent of a leaf. Chapter 2
  • Trees with different phyllode forms have been observed to have different growth rates (Fox 1980). Chapter 10
  • The same bird was afterwards named "Diphyllodes respublica" by Prince Buonaparte, and still later, "Schlegelia calva," by Dr. Bernstein, who was so fortunate as to obtain fresh specimens in The Malay Archipelago, the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature — Volume 2
  • Seedlings are able to switch back from phyllode to true leave production when the sunlight reaching them is reduced. Chapter 8
  • Its form and phyllode morphology are exceptionally variable (Midgley and Gunn 1985). Chapter 10
  • A. holosericea is perhaps the most frequently planted Australian Acacia in development projects because of its superior yield and because it retains a large phyllode biomass during the dry season, while African species shed their leaves during this period (Cossalter, 1986). Chapter 2
  • There are 3 prominent longitudinal nerves running together towards the lower margin or in the middle near the base, with many fine crowded secondary nerves, and a distinct gland at the base of the phyllode (Pedley 1978). Chapter 41
  • FODDER: The fodder potential is mainly due to the large phyllode biomass produced during the dry season, a period when most non-Australian acacias traditionally used for fodder shed their leaves. Chapter 10
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