
  1. (Judaism) either of two small leather cases containing texts from the Hebrew Scriptures (known collectively as tefillin); traditionally worn (on the forehead and the left arm) by Jewish men during morning prayer
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How To Use phylactery In A Sentence

  • Becoming a lich is a pretty good prospect for the less-than-sane casters in Azeroth (and phylactery safe.
  • Well if NYC cyclist keep an eye out, you can't hide phylactery under a long sleeve jersey, well maybe he wears a old 'hairnet' helmet to pass. The Indignity of Commuting by Bicycle: Bike Month Round-Up
  • One kind or phylactery was called a "frontlet," and was composed of four pieces of parchment; on the first of which was written, Ex 12: 2-10; on the second, Ex 12: 11-21; on the third, De Barnes New Testament Notes
  • If pressed, could you spell syzygy or capybara, phylactery or omphaloskepsis or acouchi? - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Equips the Necron Lord with the Phylactery artifact.
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