How To Use Phthisis In A Sentence
All I remember is that it claimed to cure a whole host of ailments, including “phthisis”of which I had never heardand boasted, “Makes children fat as pigs.”
Snake oil comes in all kinds of bottles | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
When "phthisis" came they all sprang up, and vowed the man who rung
Complete Poetical Works
At last I discovered a cure for phthisis, which is also known as Phthoe, a disease for many centuries deemed incurable, and I healed many who are alive to this day as easily as I have cured the
Jerome Cardan A Biographical Study
The clinic characteristics, curative effect and squeal protection of phthisis and diabetes mellitus have been summarized.
Death rates from silicosis, miners' phthisis, and tubercular diseases were very high on the Rand.
Of course there was nothing unusual in his hopefulness, which is common enough in cases of phthisis -- symptomatic, in fact; and, of course, I did not discourage him.
Wandering Heath
In fact he had died there from phthisis on 9 December 1886: the death certificate describes him as a ‘musician’.
The p, I should add for your guidance, is silent, as in phthisis, psychic, and ptarmigan.
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Traumatic lens subluxation or dislocation was seen in 37 (13. 5\%) cases and phthisis and atrophia bulbi was the presenting sign in 55 (22. 3\%) cases.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
To explore the clinical characteristic of phthisis and diabetes, provide information for diagnosis and treatment.
He learned to recognize pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pleurisy, emphysema, pneumothorax, phthisis, and other lung diseases from the sounds he heard with his stethoscope.
And many were attacked with impairment or loss of speech; at first, those in the commencement of phthisis, but also persons in ardent fever and in phrenitis.
Of The Epidemics
Death rates from silicosis, miners' phthisis, and tubercular diseases were very high on the Rand.
The term phthisis, consumption, appears first in Greek literature. - Articles related to Mekong states to confront China over low river level
He learned to recognize pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pleurisy, emphysema, pneumothorax, phthisis, and other lung diseases from the sounds he heard with his stethoscope.
We were accused and convicted of pulmonary phthisis, which is equivalent to the plague in the prejudices regarding contagion entertained by Spanish physicians.
Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
If we compare the accounts in the literature of the two conditions here in question, namely, nephritis and phthisis, we must be convinced, that aside from so-called autotoxic phenomena, renal disorder seems to be marked by a tendency to depressive emotions but that phthisis shows not only depressive emotion but also euphoric and hyperkinetic phenomena.
The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Adverse outcomes of interventions were corneal exposure, ulceration, phthisis bulbi, and severe recurrent trichiasis.
Tuberculosis, first known as phthisis or consumption, has been recognized as a leading cause of American deaths for as long as records have been kept.
Several other events have acted to reignite the old problem known as phthisis, consumption, or the white plague (named for the pallor it causes).
For this kind of phthisis there is no hope of cure.
Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
Monasticism, such as it existed in Spain, and such as it still exists in Thibet, is a sort of phthisis for civilization.
Les Miserables
Bronchitis both acute and chronic, chronic pneumonia and phthisis, acute pneumonia and broncho-pneumonia, may all leave after them a bronchiectasis whose position is determined by the primary lesion.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
The true tertian comes quickly to a crisis, and is not fatal; but the quintan is the worst of all, for it proves fatal when it precedes an attack of phthisis, and when it supervenes on persons who are already consumptive.
Of The Epidemics
Apoplexy is no longer to be feared, but phthisis is there.
Les Miserables
Whereas the negro constitution, being the opposite of all this, is not subject to Phthisis, although it partakes of what is called the scrofulous diathesis.
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Therefore it is of vital importance, more so in the future, than it has been in the past, that practical physicians employ all possible means to diagnosticate phthisis in as early a stage as possible.
Prof. Koch's Method to Cure Tuberculosis Popularly Treated