How To Use Phs In A Sentence
If we got into Ceram (and got out again), the doctor would reduce the whole affair to a few tables of anthropological measurements, a few more hampers of birds, beasts, and native rubbish in the hold, and a score of paragraphs couched in the evaporated, millimetric terms of science.
The Spinner's Book of Fiction
So, the system of existential graphs actually requires three dimensions for its representations, although the third dimension in which the torus is embedded can usually be represented in two dimensions by the use of pictorial devices that Peirce called “fornices” or “tunnel-bridges” and by the use of identificational devices that Peirce called
Nobody Knows Nothing
Years of early art, pencil sketches, architectural renderings, magazine covers, newspaper clippings and personal photographs are also on display in the new gallery.
Ralphs et al. suggested no difference in locoweed consumption between native cattle and cattle introduced to locoweed under natural grazing conditions.
Representing France, Jean-Marc Bustamante conjures a ‘Pavilion of the Amazons,’ which centers on four large color photographs of solitary, unsmiling young women standing in resolutely unpicturesque landscapes.
The photographs are on exhibition until the end of September.
Radiographs of the fingertips of rock climbers, for example, show unusual bony spurs and thickened phalanges.
Photographs of Ayesha were appearing in all the papers, and the pilgrims even passed advertising hoardings on which the lepidopteral beauty had been painted three times as large as life, beside slogans reading _Our cloths also are as delicate as a butterfly's wing_, or suchlike.
The Satanic Verses
For those who don't know about Shannon, he was the father of information theory, which in its simplest form means he made possible the leap from telephones and telegraphs to computers.
With these prohibitions should be connected the somewhat unintelligible fact that the most pious Caliphs sat upon thrones (_mimbar_, "president's chair") of clay.
Christianity and Islam
Being a school photographer means being employed by a firm that contracts to do school / class / individual pupil photographs.
The Christian conspectus or theatre in the old sense has a happy ending, whether the protagonist triumphs or is damned, because God's justice has been done.
The photographs of black cotton pickers, including young children, are reminders of the harsh reality underlying the glory.
Loans of photographs and other illustrative items are being sought to accompany the displays of Silsden's old industries.
In addition, small chondral fragments are radiolucent and not evident on standard radiographs.
Since draughtsmanship was the foundation of all his art, engravings, etchings, lithographs, linocuts, and drawings poured from him in astonishing quantity and quality.
I'm not prudish but I think these photographs are obscene.
These last three paragraphs will get you by the usual, garden-variety botany mid-term.
Other student-poets cleaved to the justified left margin; still others wrote in paragraphs.
He ran the torch over the shelves cabinets table drawers but there were no more photographs and no obvious photo albums.
Can nonstandardized bitewing radiographs be used to assess the presence of alveolar bone loss in epidemiologic studies?
With the public onside, the Department of Postal and Telegraphs was established in 1883 with Prince Bhanarungsi as director-general.
A number of photographs, in colour and black and white, show the various facets of the process in great detail.
Photographers made use of the pandanus to lend striking silhouettes to black and white photographs of Reef twilight.
Such status also supports the photograph's definition as object, thus affirming its artistic value through a disassociation with traditional photographs, both fine art and commercial.
The moment of revelation came in the last two paragraphs.
The town was kept going by a fine Abbey, whose last church still stands as one of the final triumphs of the Perpendicular style.
He is also eligible for the PHSC Yearling Lounge Line, two-year-old western pleasure and three-year old reining futurities.
Perhaps acknowledging this incongruity, he spoofed his desperation in a series of photographs that mock his suicide.
Left, the company's chairman Philippe Varin, right, and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi posed for photographs with a Peugeot 508 during the signing of an agreement in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, Sept. 1.
India's Auto Hub, Gujarat
Looking like film noir stills, these photographs were nighttime shots of the actual sites where the fateful encounters between police and civilians occurred.
There were four framed photographs in the house.
Like "just A moment," the album sees the act expanding the posthardcore sounds that dominated their early releases. "shandy" starts as an experimental pop song filled with dizzying distorted noises and then morphs into a dramatic rocker. "this is is this?" is the disc's most dynamic composition.
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My mother has inherited the photographs of her oldest friend who died aged 93 without any blood kin.
Times, Sunday Times
And they can meet online with a Quinn Draftsperson to discuss and review drawings, markups , photographs, or anything else you may need at virtual meeting room.
He looked around the garden which was familiar to him from photographs and films from the initial stages of landscaping and even prior to that, when the Saadhu first settled down here in the uncleared jungle.
In his Decision Letter dated the 8th November 1999 the Inspector dealt with locus in paragraphs 3-11.
We got close enough to see them with binoculars but not close enough for photographs.
What is it about this particular ceremony that obligates people to travel vast distances, buy expensive casserole dishes, wear unnaturally tidy clothes, and take stupid numbers of photographs?
He writes, directs, photographs, edits and probably paints the scenery and makes the chow as well.
But Mr. Erwitt also has a gift for clicking off multiple photographs of a single scene, finding and preserving evanescent moments likely to leave the viewer alternately laughing or enrapt.
Photo-Op: Head or Tail
But action filmmaking knows no restraint and so the plotline galumphs on to its inevitable conclusion.
It was probably true that Herkomer had at least copied from photographs in the execution of some of his portrait commissions.
The hawkers, or dragon nymphs are longer and thinner and they patrol up and down looking out for prey on which to swoop.
His experience there exemplifies what he says regarding the need to be philosophical about the photographs that you miss.
For one thing, it will force the government to produce a compelling, coherent, consistent, and persuasive account of their programs, their debacles, and their triumphs.
Kathryn led her own contemporary dance company for eighteen years and now choreographs for ballet companies nationally and internationally.
On view are nearly 100 sculptures in beeswax, paper and bronze, along with photographs, miniatures and drawings in an exhibition largely installed by the artist.
More photographs of the carolling will be in Wednesday's Guardian.
You probably feel at times like a chord of a conic section that passes through a focus and is parallel to the directrix, but know for certain that the phonemic differences between allormorphs of the same morpheme is supported by the idea that the quantitative measurement of many characters to the determination of taxa and to the construction of diagrams indicating systematic changes can make or break us.
The following paragraphs deal with intra - source offsets and the so - called " bubble " concept.
Indeed, before entering the first of two main spaces devoted to the exhibit, you encounter five 1968 lithographs inspired by the poet Pablo Neruda's epic work, "Canto General," an all-embracing distillation of Latin American history, geography and culture.
Siqueiros in Unfamiliar Terrain
While examining your irises, both in-person, and later when reviewing the photographs, the iridologist will look for subtle signs of developing illness, such as symptoms of stress or a build-up of toxins.
BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
Roy Round, whose dance photographs fill this handsome volume, is at his best when he is straightforward, when the subject seems to emerge from luminous, unpunctuated space, and when the challenge of pure movement is palpable.
Drawings, paintings, photographs, charts, schematics and maps enliven technical discussions of building sequences that might tax a nonexpert.
The Times Literary Supplement
Case in point: Compare current photographs of George Benson with pictures from early in his career.
Sometimes his collection of gnomes would be on display, and every anniversary was commemorated by faded buff photographs and artefacts.
CompuServe recently shut down direct access to certain newsgroups containing indecent photographs and material.
The chapters commenced with a short description of the particular subject, followed by numerous photographs of vehicles and other ancillary equipment.
Though humans are never present in the photographs, human presence is emphasised through foregrounding the conscious activity of design.
The lawyer confuted the testimony of the witness by showing actual photographs of the accident.
We will be covering the flights of the Stormbird and will be presenting air-to-air photographs of this World War Two classic in an upcoming issue.
YouTube, members decide which photographs and videos should rise to prominence by " favouriting ", linking and commenting.
To quantify the cortical flow we measured the mean velocity of the myosin foci using kymographs.
Radiographs are usually negative; rarely, they show avulsion of the apophysis at the tibial tuberosity.
Other organisms placed in the Ecdysozoa include kinorhynchs, priapulids, nematomorphs, onychophorans and tardigrades.
It fights for its own hegemony in literature; wherever it triumphs, the older genres go into decline.
To illustrate the generality of these ideas, we review two additional mating systems in which paternity markers have been used to study the heritability or fitness consequences of alternative morphs.
His father was a keen photographer and he would colour in photographs using cotton buds and oil paints.
Times, Sunday Times
She also added on the final page a note that she hadn't taken all the photographs.
For the next 1,300 years, a succession of Arab, Mameluke, and Ottoman caliphs, beys, and sultans ruled the country.
University presses still compete for many monographs, including revised dissertations, and, contrary to this belief, they pay advances for a significant number of them.
Liphschitz N (1986) The vegetational landscape and the macroclimate of Israel during prehistoric and protohistoric periods.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Reinvestigation of dioptase-plancheite pseudomorphs after calcite from the Tantara copper deposit Katanga, Republique du Congo.
OpEdNews - Diary: Humanitarian Crisis in Gorilla Habitat
They were married on July 14 of that year, and in early 1884 moved to Boston, where Chase arranged employment for Welch at L. Prang and Company, publishers of chromolithographs.
Gregory suggested a relationship to lagomorphs, and Simpson united the two into a major division of Eutheria, the Glires.
The dispute was over the ‘spy in the cab’ use of tachographs, which showed the speed and length of travel.
When carrying out interviews, artefacts or old photographs can sometimes provide useful stimulus.
Invaded by photographs the toys are decontextualised from childhood, sinister, tragic recollections of a half-forgotten adventure.
I took the photograph in an impromptu manner, the manner in which I take most of my photographs.
One of the most interesting of the pictographs pecked in the rock is a figure which, variously modified, is a common decoration on cliff-dweller pottery from the Verde valley region to the ruins of the
Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895 Seventeenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1895-1896, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1898, pages 519-744
block the graphs so one can see the results clearly
To make the glyphs, the ancient carvers used chisels, probably of hard, fine-grained quartzite, which they struck with hammers of stone or antler, each blow chipping out one small stone flake.
Some of these tools: the ambition, the fixation on data, the subsequent doubt about what to do with that data taken on dexterously by Justin McGuirk, and the photographs.
Todd Reisz: Making Sense of the City
Independent characters when used as partial components in compound characters sometimes occur in different positions in these more complex graphs.
Some of the photographs possess a macabre, ethereal quality.
Times, Sunday Times
For now there are just the vestiges of the past—triumphs and disappointments alike—and the brightness of things to come.
In Washington, Hoyos said that roughly 1,500 rebels are hiding out in Venezuela and he showed fellow diplomats numerous aerial photographs of what he identified as rebel camps on Venezuelan territory.
Venezuela Severs Diplomatic Ties With Colombia
They provide perhaps a clue to the subtle working of his mind in extracting a formal imagery from instantaneous photographs.
Tracing the growth of the border is a pleasant pastime, a game of history in which amorini, grotesques and nymphs are the personages, and garlands of flowers their perpetual accessories, but first comes the time when there were no borders, the Middle Ages.
The Tapestry Book
Ansel Adams' photographs of the American wilderness are now worth thousands of dollars.
A summary of quartz grain features is given in Fig. 5.11 and photomicrographs in Fig. 5.12.
These can include site plans, satellite images, aerial photographs, geophysical survey, as well as maps.
Recorded information can be viewed via charts and graphs.
Times, Sunday Times
A case is presented of a seropositive patient whose chest radiographs showed a diffuse interstitial pattern.
Once the police had a camera, the number of photographs increased to become an archive of mugshots.
I tried for a few photographs to show my appreciation but there was a frisky breeze, too light to notice if it were not for the constant erratic movement of flowers and leaves.
He telegraphs a curious expression across the curious pseudo - restaurant that serves as the canteen in the bowels of Television Centre.
Electron micrographs revealed that the sheets and filaments were composed of densely packed colloidal rods of twinned witherite crystals interspersed and coated with silica.
There are also regimental photographs and pictures of the famous mountains that he once climbed.
Times, Sunday Times
Their sprawling theme park of paintings, photographs, sculptures, installations and videos amounts to a surprisingly ambitious exhibition.
The crucial issue is whether the short term morphs into something enduring.
Times, Sunday Times
'Bow' meaning the front of a ship, 'bow' meaning a loop made in a string or ribbon and 'bow' meaning a device used to shoot arrows are all homographs.
All photographs are monochrome, which, although fine for electron micrographs, is perhaps a little restrictive for modern light microscopy.
The text is liberally punctuated with useful graphs tables and illustrations that help to summarize data and convey key concepts.
I mentioned, a few paragraphs ago, the conceptual structure of a plural noun, such as houses.
The photographs in the archive can be categorized under three major rubrics: objects, portraits, and landscapes.
Greaves achieves considerable intensity on this tiny scale through his mastery of infinitely subtle tonal gradations, often in black and brown or gray hues that evoke the palette of old photographs.
They asked me to get out of the way so they could take photographs of her alone.
This new volume celebrates 10 more years of limited-edition serigraphs that were printed and published from the original artwork of Eyvind Earle.
Love triumphs over everthing. Love has no age, no limit and no death.
Many species of Chlamydomonas are facultative auxotrophs, capable of utilizing acetate as their sole carbon and energy source.
Egypt, because of its antiquity and the affinities of the hiero - glyphs to Chinese characters, was identified by some as the center from which the great postdiluvian migra - tion to the East began.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
The term strophe has come to be used also for verse paragraphs where there is no antistrophic arrangement.
Select Masterpieces of Biblical Literature
Also, does anyone know how to separate paragraphs with a line or something on a chapter?
Fluorescence micrographs of radicle cells of dry seeds and seedlings of Medicago truncatula, labelled with tubulin antibody and with a fluorescent secondary antibody.
Photographs show the shuttle's protective tiles has about 25 dings in it.
Þ sech x ¼ 2 = ðex þ eÀx Þ coth x ¼ ðex þ eÀx Þ = ðex À eÀx Þ Now let's look at the graphs of the six hyperbolic functions.
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The aerial photographs suggest at least one Romano-Celtic temple alongside other circular or rectangular structures.
These allow homeowners to take their own photographs and upload them with details of the property.
Times, Sunday Times
It chiefly concerns one Alex-Li Tandem, who deals in fame, obtaining, verifying and selling autographs.
The exhibits will include paintings, graphics, masks, photographs and sculptures by more than 200 prominent and emerging artists nationwide.
The Red Sea guide is illustrated with full colour aerial photographs with overlays showing suggested underwater routes.
- but the timeless survival saga quickly morphs into something very different: A new-fangled reality (or perhaps "surreality") TV show with life and death stakes.
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There are photographs of funereal stock-in-trade monumental grave sculptures — mostly limp angels with oversized wings.
Psychedelic Denver
Supine and upright abdominal radiographs with stepladder pattern of air-fluid levels and no colonic gas are suggestive of obstruction.
On the coffee table, on the bookshelves in between books with worn bindings, were framed photographs of Phil and Karen.
However, further studies showed a significant number of hodographs for left-moving storms exhibiting clockwise curvature below 1 km.
Upstairs were decorative objects, documentary photographs, advertising posters, costumes, film clips and tchotchkes, interspersed occasionally with oil paintings.
There are no photographs of him so we can only guess at what he looked like.
When you start developing your narrative, choose photographs of your personas.
Instead of staying indoors, healthily watching a black and white screen – Grandstand, Hancock, Terry and June – they were out canvassing, attending ward meetings, collecting ministers' autographs, drafting position papers and generally behaving in a way unbefitting to young persons.
The Ed Balls roadshow: enough to make you weep
Favoured motifs include the stylized biomorphs, such as the cat demon, and bodiless heads.
While the nymphs lie low, sucking roots in sheltering soil, you will steer a course from the eager springs of boyhood to the braided delta of manhood and majority.
The other two photographs are closer, and shows many birds dead, some near death and very few still standing.
Like some other mammal taxa, but unlike rabbits and other lagomorphs, male rodents have a baculum (penis bone).
The photographs will be imprinted on the pendants which can be made in four shapes - heart, oval, circle and hexagon.
It offers a wide variety of Christmas decorations, small gifts such as frames for photographs and figurines, silver candlesticks, candles and non-kitsch trinkets.
Using three works - two entitied Shad Fishing at Gloucester on the Delaware River and Mending the Net - they found underdrawings in graphite directly related to existing photographs.
Non-winged and winged adults are usually shiny black while the smaller nymphs may appear to be a dull gray to black.
It is a glossy, expensive 22 page long document, liberally illustrated with colour photographs.
The Pentagon was last night investigating what appeared to be a major breach of security over the photographs.
And, though it should hardly need saying, ensure your bid is well written in grammatical sentences and (if appropriate) paragraphs.
Freelance Writing: 7 Tips for Getting Well-Paid Work on Job Auction Sites | The Creative Penn
Better photographs (if not as flattering) appear in the sports pull-outs every day now.
There are photographs of ‘jilleroos’, but while nominally these are the female equivalent of ‘jackeroos’, the important difference is that jackeroos are young men getting station hand experience before passing onto something better, while jilleroos are merely female station hands full stop.
These photographs have come out fuzzy.
Sansovino could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
But the story is enlivened by photographs, Evon Zerbetz's striking linocut illustrations, and excerpts from the Marzluffs' journals, which add a certain immediacy to recollections now more two decades old: "We hear the deck and even the trees popping, like shots from a rifle, especially when the temperature drops below 0° F," Colleen writes.
Coming of Age as a Bird of Prey
For, although they refer to lacerations of the hand, it is clear from the photographs used to illustrate the paper, both on the front and inside the journal, that these are incised wounds.
His data on these matters are accentuated here by dozens of Rasmussen's microphotographs.
Some said they were victims of upskirting or had photographs taken down their tops.
The Sun
The Egyptians had a bases 10 system of hieroglyphs for numerals.
Apart from autographs, the gallery also sells small pieces of signed film footage, framed and mounted, the cheapest items in the shop.
The book contains many photographs of bygone times and also includes former electric tramways in the area.
We carefully examined each of the 134 graphs and tallied errors on a checklist of common graphing errors we developed.
Their eyes teeming with concentration searched the graphs and numbers on the screen intently as the information changed second by second.
Rewinding some paragraphs post-appreciation, one can almost believe Kinsella's one-sheet sickener.
One of the last photographs of him shows him in his seventeenth-century timbered cottage, resting on a sofa beside the massive open fire chimney corner.
Cheliceramorphs are distinguished by having a body divided into two main divisions, technically called the prosoma and the opisthosoma.
The newspapers have been amusing us with photographs of David Cameron and George Osborne on their summer breaks, above sarky little captions about how badly they're dressed.
Face it, we all look dire on holiday | Victoria Coren
A number of photographs, in colour and black and white, show the various facets of the process in great detail.
I've flagged the paragraphs that we need to look at in more detail.
He harrumphs loudly at the very idea.
Times, Sunday Times
I keep the photographs in an album.
Pictographs also are fragile, since prehistoric artisans do not appear to have used any fixative, such as animal fat, in their pigments.
She put the photographs on the table, located the spare eiderdown, and draped it over him.
Not only are her paintings immensely popular, selling for at least $100,000, but she also creates serigraphs, stone lithographs, and limited-edition prints.
These photographs capture the essence of working-class life at the turn of the century.
Whereas phototrophs generally harbor a large number of isoforms, animals exhibit only two or three isoforms.
About 50 children took part in the Down My Street competition, creating drawings, collages and photographs of where they live.
In other polymorphic insects, flightless morphs result from wing muscle histolysis even though fully developed wings remain.
English artist Walter Sickert, Ms. Easton notes, pushed for some sort of requirement forcing artists to flag works that were based on photographs.
When Artists' Kodaks Were Supercool
How extraordinary is obvious when Leiser discusses his triumphs over a glass of cranberry juice.
The book is a hand-made collection of Emmanuel's etchings and lithographs, some of which are painted by the artist.
We saw several fist-sized sea squirts which were bright pink in colour, and only when studying the photographs afterwards noticed that each was attended by a number of well-camouflaged commensal prawns, also pink.
These images enlarged to a scale of 1:100 000 provide information complementary to that from conventional aerial photographs.
What about ‘non-traditional’ scholarship, which may appear in obscure peer-reviewed journals or specialized monographs.
It provides a snapshot of its time, as well as a sense of how language morphs under pressure.
The Times Literary Supplement
Family photographs cover various side tables perched at the end of faintly floral sofas.
Times, Sunday Times
In maths they should be able to multiply two digits by two digits, read graphs as well as working with percentages and fractions.
One thing you cannot do is simply shuffle paragraphs around on the page to "deduplicate" things.
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Rodents and lagomorphs are prime examples of breeders among mammals and have enormous incisors for their body size.
Sophie's life, as rendered here, is a series of catastrophes nearly averted, not a string of triumphs.
In addition to paintings, he produced a large number of prints - etchings, lithographs, and woodcuts.
I have taken photographs of our good butchers, bakers, fruiterers and grocer and am sending a copy to the Museum.
Other drawings and photographs, projected as slides or mounted on easels, picked out details of the city, highlighting the jumble of old and new.
If the Air Force wants an ectomorphic / mesomorphic force, so be it, but one day it may be hard to fill our manning boots without all our hard-working endomorphs.
Add black holes and photographs of asteroidal moons around Jupiter, and our world seems increasingly expansive.
Above float an airborne cast of Gods and Goddesses, heavenly nymphs and tree spirits, and snake-hooded nagas and naginis.
Now the general issue about whether rich countries should do this is a complex one; but the issue raised by one of the epigraphs with which the article starts is not.
Each chapter opens with an overview in the form of a bulleted list of paragraphs, and each concludes with a literature cited section.
The light was so-so, and I took the photos surreptitiously and quickly, as the proprietors of many stores do not like people taking photographs inside.
They contain, according to him, mostly proper names, with devotional formulae, similar to those of the Sinaitic inscriptions and the Kufic and later epigraphs which we discovered.
The Land of Midian
Included are samplers, embroidered pictures, portraits, sewing implements and patterns, quilts, clothing, linens, fabric swatches, photographs, and other documents.
Also in 1975 Chung published her first joint paper with Ron Graham On multicolor Ramsey numbers for complete bipartite graphs which appeared in the Journal of Combinatorial Theory.
One and Three Photographs [Ety.] stands out within this series because it makes photography the subject of this inquiry and because the term used to verbally represent the photograph is "photic," which means of or related to light.
Aerial photographs showed great swaths of slum dwellings flattened or swept away by landslides.
Times, Sunday Times
In childhood photographs, while physically resembling Daisy, he had looked anxious, striving, as if already faintly disapproved of.
Axial radiographs can demonstrate the presence of trochlear dysplasia, patellar tilt or subluxation, and the extent of patellofemoral arthritis.
This would have continued suspension of disbelief in two ways. 1) the daughter would have recognized him at the train station from old photographs or something 2) It would have made better sense that they had a connection later in the movie, rather than Shia Lebouf just being cool with finding out the man he knew as his father for years and years just wasn't, and now this old deadbeat is calling him "son.
If I had written...Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull