How To Use phrenic In A Sentence
- In some non-Western cultures, schizophrenic delusions single out the person as spiritually gifted.
- Cummings called the Interior Department "schizophrenic" - on the one hand declaring its intent to protect polar bear habitat in the Arctic, yet at the same time "sacrificing that habitat to feed our unsustainable addiction to oil. Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
- Proprioceptor afferents project to the phrenic motor neurons and affect their firing rate.
- Pope Pete, on the other hand, has the same problem as all hermetic-influenced schizophrenics of the past years (Crowley being number one).
- Further, in the sociomorphic and anthropomorphic nature of the morphology that is paranoically and schizophrenically projected upon realty, the God class comes to articulate the discourses at play in our notions of society and humanity. Archive 2007-04-01
- Most HRCT protocols use thin collimation (at intervals or continuously) from apices to costophrenic angles in the supine position with image reconstruction using an edge-enhancement algorithm.
- Method:215 schizophrenic patients with homicidal behaviors were investigated with self-developed criminological questionnaire and then the data were analyzed.
- In 1931 there were no medications to treat mental illness (lobotomies came into vogue in 1935, for example) and psychiatry was divided between those doctors treating state hospital patients (many of whom had paresis or were schizophrenic/bipolar) who were considered “organic” and those who were more psychoanalytic, mostly in big cities. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jerome Frank on Oliver Wendell Holmes:
- I would rather have a schizophrenic stewbum who lives in a refrigerator box make policy at this point than who we have right now.
- New antipsychotic medications such as olanzapine and risperidone often can effectively control schizophrenic symptoms without the extrapyramidal side effects of traditional agents.