
How To Use Phraseology In A Sentence

  • It must be entertaining to hear the peculiar phraseology and observe the humorous vulgarities of these _naiades_, if one could do so The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • This phraseology is grandiose, rotund and sonorous, but signifies a fatal weakness in Walcott's approach to both Brand and Philip.
  • My phraseology was perhaps too colloquial and informal - I was trying to pay them a compliment for getting the story.
  • The phraseology might have been a bit offside, though.
  • This question, divested of the phraseology calculated to represent me as struggling for an arbitrary personal prerogative, is either simply a question who shall decide, or an affirmation that nobody shall decide, what the public safety does require, in cases of Rebellion of Invasion. Balkinization
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  • No one could soar into a more intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology ( Anthony Trollope ).
  • This combination of physical and mental conditions so amazingly favorable to the spread of the Voltairean ideas was a circumstance independent of the state of the surrounding atmosphere, and was what in the phraseology of prescientific times might well have been called providential. Voltaire
  • This phraseology cannot be very assuring to the Karzai government.
  • One of the advantages of being a manager with responsibility for appointing staff is that you get to see lots of other people's CVs and can steal good ideas for presentation and phraseology.
  • In this afternoon’s Queen Speech debate (quite how our esteemed representatives can spend two days debating seven minutes worth of platitudes is beyond me), the Health Secretary, Andy Burnham, described the Tories’ shambolic health policies as an ‘omnishambles’ - very ‘hip’ phraseology stolen from an Armando Ianucci penned Malcolm Tucker rant. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • By this, I have always meant as at "Qumran" -- the name scholars give to the subject of "the Dead Sea Scrolls" to avoid repeating this tedious phraseology -- it being the location of the River Wadi emptying into the Dead Sea where the Scrolls were found what the documents themselves say and not the more imprecise conclusions of paleography, archaeology or even AMS carbon dating, such as these may be. Robert Eisenman: The James Ossuary: Is It Authentic? (An Update)
  • There appeared to be an unusual number of peacocks about the place, and I was making some remarks upon what I termed a flock of them that were basking under a sunny wall, when I was gently corrected in my phraseology by Master The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • Moreover, in true Yorkshire speech, the accent is inseparable from the dialect - though not many would be willing to practise the dialect today, even if they were familiar with the phraseology.
  • I was making some remarks upon what I termed a flock of them, that were basking under a sunny wall, when I was gently corrected in my phraseology by Master Simon, who told me that, according to the most ancient and approved treatise on hunting, I must say a MUSTER of peacocks. Old Christmas
  • Interesting phraseology from the Republican Leader! Think Progress » Limbaugh Now Says He Won’t Move To Costa Rica — Will Just Go There To Use Its Public Health System
  • Again, he is often loose and vacillating in the use of the English words he has selected as corresponding to the technical phraseology of the Arabian jurists, and sometimes infelicitous in the selection of his English terms. International Weekly Miscellany - Volume 1, No. 9, August 26, 1850
  • The pathologist's phraseology would be different but his meaning undeniably clear. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • On the air since January 2, it is, to use the cliched phraseology, a television show with a difference in the sense that it has Ruby playing a double role in all the episodes.
  • This careful phraseology is clearly intended to appeal to various sides of the conflict.
  • Many of his tracts are still extant, and they contain extravagant prophecies couched in the peculiar phraseology of the day. Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (1652-54)
  • Long-winded sentences and pedantic phraseology have yielded place to brief reports.
  • Nor will my modern versionist relegate to a foot-note, as is the malpractice of his banal brotherhood the interesting and often startling phases of his foreign author's phraseology and dull the text with its commonplace English equivalent -- thus doing the clean reverse of what he should do. Arabian nights. English
  • I liked her neat phraseology.
  • To paraphrase Tommy's robust phraseology, O'Neill will kick certain parts of the anatomy.
  • In the 1802 Preface, this thought is preceded by a return to the 1798 Advertisement: "They who have been accustomed to the gaudiness and inane phraseology of many modern writers ... will, no doubt, [here] frequently have to struggle with feelings of strangeness and aukwardness: they will look round for poetry, and will be induced to inquire by what species of courtesy these attempts can be permitted to assume that title" (596). Wordsworth’s Balladry: Real Men Wanted
  • He smiled at his own phraseology, apologizing to the huge window. MORE TALES OF THE CITY
  • After this came the gift of the ring, a part of the ceremony which in ecclesiastical phraseology long retained the name of the subarrhation.
  • Now, if I were one of those posey restaurants I'd talk that lot up into some wonderful concoction of over-flowery phraseology.
  • Its phraseology, while peculiar, was utterly precise in definition 'the mind behind it was certainly of precisionist grade. Children of the Lens
  • These examples suggest that the phraseology is most common with the verb know – forming what amounts to a fixed expression. C is for Conditional (the Third) « An A-Z of ELT
  • The musical phraseology was convincing, and the crescendos and decrescendos were accurately measured and performed.
  • I try not to be conscious of music philosophy, but to stay tuned to attitude and phraseology and the musical vocabulary of the area that spawned me.
  • One or two sentences in the original will reveal at a glance the origin of the phraseology: _brahma_ (being) _v [= a] ekam idam-agra The Religions of India Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume 1, Edited by Morris Jastrow
  • This professor is a specialist in the study of the origin of phraseology.
  • Shakespeare's genius would manifest itself in the superior effect with which he used knowledge acquired in this manner; but his _genius_ would not have led him to choose the dry and affected phraseology of the law as the vehicle of his flowing thought, and to use it so much oftener than any other of the numerous dramatists of his time, to all of whom the courts were as open as to him. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
  • Accounting, Business Negotiation, Marketing, English phraseology, vocabulary and other basic courses.
  • We know that he valued Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer, and one of the most wonderful of his later poems raids Coleridge for its closing phraseology.
  • This phraseology is grandiose, rotund and sonorous, but signifies a fatal weakness in Walcott's approach to both Brand and Philip.
  • In ancient medical phraseology, herbs possessed of healing natures were called simples: in God's laboratory, all things that heal are simple -- all natural enjoyments -- all the deepest -- are simple too. Sermons Preached at Brighton Third Series
  • PARACELSUS 'views were based upon his theory (undoubtedly true in a sense) that man is a microcosm, a world in miniature. 24 Now, all things material, taught PARACELSUS, contain the three principles termed in alchemistic phraseology salt, sulphur, and mercury. Bygone Beliefs
  • At the dawn of an October day in 1827 a young fellow about sixteen years of age, whose clothing proclaimed what modern phraseology so insolently calls a proletary, was standing in a small square of Lower The Celibates
  • Were he to complain, which he rarely ever does, he would in all probability say, that his non-promotion has been due to independence of spirit, or, shaping it in his own phraseology, owing to his not having "bootlicked the swabs above him. The Flag of Distress A Story of the South Sea
  • ‘The phraseology used in the past is not going to disappear because of the new guidelines,’ he said.
  • Simple phraseology throughout makes the work easily accessible.
  • Readers accustomed to the gaudiness and inane phraseology of many modern writers, if they persist in reading this book to its conclusion, will perhaps frequently have to struggle with feelings of strangeness and aukwardness: they will look round for poetry, and will be induced to enquire by what species of courtesy these attempts can be permitted to assume that title. Lyrical Ballads 1798
  • The judge said that this phraseology strongly suggested to him that the relevant charterer had to be exposed to one or more of the prescribed claims ‘in a setting analogous to that which would usually implead an owner’.
  • He smiled at his own phraseology, apologizing to the huge window. MORE TALES OF THE CITY
  • I know the signs are not good as the Gramsci moles seem to have reached Eton, too, judging by some of phraseology emitting from the Cameroons, but I have to go on hoping that they are appealing to the deserters of NuLab in a vote-catching exercise and subterfuge; that they will restore some traditional conservatism and patriotism if they get into power. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Note the cautious phraseology, which implies that these could have nothing more than a placebo effect: if you think a treatment is doing you good, then you may well perk up a bit anyway.
  • This phraseology, Lakoff argues, implies first that tax is a burden or a virulent disease which cries out for a cure.
  • 'Deplorable phraseology or not, I've got enough data to put the probability out beyond the nine-sigma point-the same probability as that an automatic screw-machine running six-thirty-two brass hex nuts would accidentally turn out a thirty-six-inch jet-ring made of pure titanite, diamond ground, finished, and fitted. Masters Of The Vortex
  • ‘Chaucer would have thoroughly absorbed the language of the streets, that rich polyglot mixture of Latin patois, Anglo-Norman phraseology and English demotic,’ he writes.
  • Hardy's rhetoric allows the critic to overlook the simple wrongness of Tess's act, and mask it in a neutral phraseology more appropriate to suicide or death by natural causes than homicide.
  • And noting that Chopin founded whole paragraphs "either on a single phrase repeated in similar shapes or on two phrases in alternation" -- a primitive practice in Polish folksongs -- he asserts that "Beethoven does not attain the lucidity of his style by such parallelism of phraseology," but admits that Chopin's methods made for "clearness and precision ... may be regarded as characteristic of the national manner. Chopin : the Man and His Music
  • The precision of definition alerted Kemp; she would be at home with the phraseology. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • There is no science of cookery possible without a correct phraseology.
  • However much we are forced to recognize that reformism sometimes manifests itself as a sane rebellion against the apriorism of orthodox Marxist dogma, and as a scientific reaction against the phraseology of pseudorevolutionary stump-orators, it is nevertheless incontestable that reformism has a logical and causal connection with the insipid and blasé sociolism and with the decadent tendencies which are so plainly manifest in a large section of the modern bourgeois literary world. Political Parties; a Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy
  • In Hegelian phraseology the State is the reality of which justice is the ideal.
  • The musical phraseology was convincing, and the crescendos and decrescendos were accurately measured and performed.
  • Introduced in July 1999, the software ignores misspellings, interprets incorrect phraseology or unclear terminology, accepts ambiguity and expects error.
  • Sure enough, he is attempting to ‘keep a lid on things’ - part of his staple phraseology.
  • Hence, although the meaning of dyspepsia must be restricted, as its derivations demand; the term, digestion, bears a much more extensive signification than it generally receives, and any error in its process may be properly denominated indigestion; however, Mr. Halsted regards the term dyspepsia as equivalent to indigestion, and we may, for once, adopt the same phraseology. The American Quarterly Review, No. 17, March 1831
  • Simple phraseology throughout makes the work easily accessible.
  • This is comparable to attempting a critical analysis of Shakespeare's Elizabethan phraseology and idiomatic expression in Chinese, while ignoring the relevance of the English language!
  • So I was strict, marking the Custer manuscript heavily, lacing into its phraseology, conception, and organization.
  • The Etymology and the sourcing of all the words and phraseology is from the world over, and it is this universality which makes for the Numero Uno status that the language enjoys. The GigaOM Weekly Recap
  • He joined his hands and began a prayer, which excited my laughter from its odd phraseology.
  • I was, however, most disturbed by a town in Maine … Hobbs … The people there, and the things which will not leave my mind … But your phraseology … To be disgusted is to not understand, and it is my role to understand those things which cannot be understood. Interview With My MC – Bellamy « The Graveyard
  • The essential requirement is to remember that Lyly the dramatist is the same man as Lyly the euphuist, and that his audience was always a company of courtiers, with Queen Elizabeth in their midst, infatuated with admiration for the new phraseology and mode of thought known as Euphuism. The Growth of English Drama
  • The word cyclone is associated in popular phraseology with a terrific storm, but it has no such restriction in technical usage. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume III: Modern development of the physical sciences
  • I was making some remarks upon what I termed a flock of them, that were basking under a sunny wall, when I was gently corrected in my phraseology by Master Simon, who told me that, according to the most ancient and approved treatise on hunting, I must say a _muster_ of peacocks. Old Christmas From the Sketch Book of Washington Irving
  • Tweed saw Monica wince behind Howard's back at the pompous phraseology. COVER STORY
  • Although he calls the treatise in which he addresses himself to this endeavour St. Paul and Protestantism, therein following Renan's phraseology, in the treatise itself he speaks rather of St. Paul and Puritanism; and this he does because here in England Puritanism is the strong and special representation of Protestantism. Matthew Arnold
  • Such phraseology is needed if one wants to name things without calling up mental pictures of them.
  • The pathologist's phraseology would be different but his meaning undeniably clear. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • Mr Sumption says, if necessary, that in the present case the phraseology is both obscure and ambiguous.
  • I know that my phraseology and way of putting things is sometimes a bit direct.
  • This careful phraseology is clearly intended to appeal to various sides of the conflict.
  • The death of Jonathan in 2 Samuel "how are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished" is one of a number of passages in which scholarship combined with literary skill to turn clunky and even tortured phraseology into paragraphs of clarity, memorability and – yes – majesty. The King James Bible reconsidered | David Edgar
  • First, if one studies Charles' hymns, one is struck by the fact that most of their phraseology comes from Scripture or from allusions to Bible texts.
  • That phraseology is flat-out a class argument based on a class theory that has been grafted onto the Constitution during the 20th century. The Volokh Conspiracy » Kagan’s New View of Confirmation Hearings?
  • LaChiusa's libretto is packed with convoluted phraseology (even containing the seven-syllable "anaesthesiology" at one point), but lacks heart. Undefined
  • Though the phraseology is a bit confusing, the technique is relatively simple.
  • But most readers can probably recognize the cloying phraseology as self-serving.
  • The words: 'formal education' belong to that crude kind of unphilosophical phraseology which one should do one's utmost to get rid of; for there is no such thing as 'the opposite of formal education.' On the Future of our Educational Institutions
  • To one could soar into a more intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology.
  • Although by another saying of the Lord, it is rendered certain that hired, and even in a sinister sense "hireling," shepherds were known at the time in the country, the presumption that the flock which this shepherd tended was his own property is favoured both by the specific phraseology employed in the narrative, and the special circumstances of this particular case. The Parables of Our Lord
  • Tweed saw Monica wince behind Howard's back at the pompous phraseology. COVER STORY
  • The story, though it will not greatly rouse or deeply agitate, is yet sufficiently interesting to excite and prolong the attention of the reader; and the phraseology is at once correct and appropriate. Reviews in the Analytical Review of Robinson's Poetry and Novels
  • However, their voices have been lost; that is, their idiom and phraseology were bowdlerized by pious editors like Hibbins
  • Vane to "cozen" the Scottish Presbyterian Commissioners in the phraseology of the Solemn League and Covenant; with Samuel Vassall, whose name shares with those of Hampden and Lord Say and Sele the renown of the refusal to pay ship-money, and of courting the suit which might ruin them or emancipate England; with John Venn, who, at the head of six thousand citizens, beset the House of Lords during the trial of Lord Strafford, and whom, with three other Londoners, King Great Epochs in American History, Vol. II The Planting Of The First Colonies: 1562—1733
  • Worse, their concern for readers accustomed to short Dick-and-Jane sentences and political cliché has often led them to chop up Herodotus 'long, marvelously organized paratactic clauses, scramble his sentences, omit his oral-style repetitions altogether, pepper his text with unmarked explanatory glosses, and turn his concrete phraseology into a series of bland bureaucratic abstractions. The Great Marathon Man
  • This phraseology is open to numerous interpretations, and hopefully the yet-to-be published regulations will provide assistance to employers.
  • He spoke of him afterwards as “that amphibolous being sitting calmly and unmoved on the throne of amphibology, while he cheats and deludes us by his double meaning, covert phraseology, and claps his hands when he sees us involved in his insidious figures of speech, as a spider rejoices over a captured fly.” Luther and Other Leaders of the Reformation
  • Though this phraseology is mine, knowledge of a similar sort is included in Archie's abstractions about motion, and has its psychical equivalent in his views about poetry and his own poetics.
  • The precision of definition alerted Kemp; she would be at home with the phraseology. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • Antiochene phraseology, and they respect the hypostatic union (enosis kath hypostasin) as well as the physike enosis as unorthodox and unscriptural. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • In the phraseology of the period, all were "belles"; Hetty and Constance The Long Roll
  • In the ordinary so-called raw phosphates, such as bone-meal, bone-ash, coprolites, &c., the lime and phosphoric acid are combined in the form of what is known, in chemical phraseology, as _tribasic phosphate of lime_. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • In so far as they still clung to socialist phraseology, it was simply to give their nationalist programme a more acceptable cover.
  • I think, translation of much Indian poetry loses their vibrancy, because more than often the phraseology is itself the essence and cannot be reproduced in English. Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) : Rigoberto González : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • I will hush ma mouth, especially as he complimented me on my phraseology as I recounted the horror of the unseen tentacles lurking behind the perfect faces of the fur-clad trophy wives who were climbing a hill from which they would call the undying from the deep. Hey hey hey
  • One or two sentences in the original will reveal at a glance the origin of the phraseology: _brahma_ (being) _v [= a] ekam idam-agra The Religions of India Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume 1, Edited by Morris Jastrow
  • In these and similar places, while the phraseology is exceedingly simple, the variations which the text exhibits are so exceeding numerous, — that when it is discovered that _a Church Lesson begins in those places_, we may be sure that we have been put in possession of the name of the disturbing force. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark
  • In the ordinary so-called raw phosphates, such as bone-meal, bone-ash, coprolites, &c., the lime and phosphoric acid are combined in the form of what is known, in chemical phraseology, as _tribasic phosphate of lime_. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • I myself have usually called them by the French name corvette, which has a recognized place in English marine phraseology, and means a sloop-of-war of the smaller class. From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life
  • Nor will any modern versionist relegate to a foot-note, as is the malpractice of his banal brotherhood, the striking and often startling phases of the foreign author's phraseology and dull the text with well-worn and commonplace English equivalents, thus doing the clean reverse of what he should do. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
  • The fragment seemed Kosher, with phraseology, vocabulary, metaphor, style and expression of apparent authenticity and verisimilitude.
  • Such phraseology is needed if one wants to name things without calling up mental pictures of them. Barry Eisler: The Definition of Insanity
  • But the lawyer is always in a hurry; there is the water of the clepsydra driving him on, and not allowing him to expatiate at will: and there is his adversary standing over him, enforcing his rights; the indictment, which in their phraseology is termed the affidavit, is recited at the time: and from this he must not deviate. Theaetetus
  • Here is the celebrated passage about "Wragg is in custody," the text of which, though no doubt painful in subject and inurbane in phraseology, is really a rather slender basis on which to draw up an indictment against a nation. Matthew Arnold
  • So spare me your showy concern for sensitivity by using the appropriate phraseology.
  • More often, Carson employs a sort of linguistic camp: a phraseology that is obviously exaggerated or out of place, but which is meant to be relished for that very reason.

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