How To Use Phragmites In A Sentence
The result showed that the daily variation process of Phragmites communis was fit to the single peak curve, namely high at noon while low at morning and night.
Phragmites employs a strategy known as allelopathy, in which plants release toxic chemicals into the soil to deter other plants from growing close to them.
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The invasion of Spartina alterniflora had increased rhizospheric soil organic carbon contents and storages of the wetland of indigenous Phragmites australis.
Articles from this project include: Alcids in marine ecosystems, Environmental and social implications of dam removal, Freshwater mussels in North America - factors affecting their endangerment and extinction, Mercury in the Gulf of Maine watershed, Phragmites australis - cryptic invasion of the Common Reed in North America, Secondary salinization.
Student Science Communication Project
Ring-necked pheasants, descendants from flocks released for a hunting estate in the nineteenth century, dart between clumps of phragmites.
Seven major grassland types have been identified, which consitute about 20% of the park's area: Themeda villosa forms a tall grass cover in clearings in the sal forest; Saccharum-Narenga associations grow as mixed and pure stands of tall grass (Saccharum spontaneum is one of the first species to colonize newly created sandbanks); Arundo-Phragmites associations form dense tall stands along stream beds on the floodplain and around lakes; Imperata cylindrica grows prolificallyin areas within the park which were occupied by villages prior to their evacuation in 1964; various short grasses and herbs grown on exposed sandbanks during the dry months and become much more prolific with the outset of rain in May (e.g. Polygonum plebeium, Persicaria spp. and sedges such as Cyperus, Kyllinga and Mariscus spp.); Cynodon dactylon and Chrysopogon aciculatus and other short grasses grow in highest areas near riverine forest all the year round; and low-lying stands of Saccharum spontaneum, which are destroyed by repeated flooding early in the monsoon.
Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
A paleoecological assessment of Phragmites australis in New England tidal marshes: changes in plant community structure during the last few millennia.
Phragmites australis - cryptic invasion of the Common Reed in North America
The marsh vegetation is dominated by reeds Phragmites australis which form floating or fixed islands of decaying vegetation ( 'plaur') with some Typha angustifolia and Scirpus sp.
Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania
Cattails and bulrushes will replace the invasive phragmites that have choked the waterways.
Cattails and bulrushes will replace the invasive phragmites that have choked the waterways.
There is a small, rank pond hidden from most casual viewers behind a wall of phragmites.
The dominant vegetation, covering two thirds of the reserve and forming a thick barrier around the lake, is the reed community Phragmites australis with lesser and greater reed-mace Typha angustifolia and T. latifolia and Schoenoplectus spp.
Srebarna Nature Reserve, Bulgaria
Zebra mussels, phragmites, and exotic snails are but a few of the more pervasive impediments to the recovery of some listed species.
Mr. Leahy, who is Kilmeaden's local county councillor, pointed out that there were no less than 40 different species of aquatic life growing in and around the lagoons, with about 10 to 12 main species such as thyfa, iris and phragmites.
I found that by going behind one of the buildings I got a great view of a little lagoon surrounded by phragmites.
Below, the greens of windswept reeds and phragmites are intersected constantly by the twisting, interlocking Hackensack and Passaic Rivers, canal drainages, raised highways and railroad tracks.
The vegetation types of the mid-montane subzone are mixed mid-montane forest, Castanopsis forest, Nothofagus forest, coniferous forest, mid-montane swamp forest, mid-montane sedge-grass swamp, mid-montane Phragmites grass swamps, mid-montane Miscanthus grassland and succession on abandoned gardens.
Lorentz National Park, Indonesia