How To Use Phototherapy In A Sentence

  • Objectives : To investigate the effect of two different phototherapy applied to the premature infant unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia.
  • When jaundice does not respond to phototherapy, or when the baby is anemic, a blood transfusion may be necessary.
  • Phototherapy can give your baby loose stools, temperature problems, or dehydration.
  • Infants receiving phototherapy may continue to be breast-fed or bottle-fed by their mothers.
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  • If 50 percent or more of the scalp is involved, treatment options include topical immunotherapy, systemic steroids or phototherapy.
  • In some cases, a jaundice baby has to have a treatment called phototherapy.
  • As a result, light therapy or phototherapy has been developed.
  • Neonatal blue-light phototherapy could increase the risk of dysplastic nevus development. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • Severe itch may be reduced by modifying inflammation with topical steroids or by using phototherapy or photochemotherapy.
  • Light therapy, also called phototherapy, has been used to treat seasonal affective disorder since the early 1980s, and it has many benefits.
  • The authors conclude that it is not necessary to keep infants in the hospital to check for rebound serum bilirubin levels in infants treated with phototherapy.
  • The side effects from phototherapy may include a rash and diarrhoea.
  • Neonatal blue-light phototherapy could increase the risk of dysplastic nevus development. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • Medical Devices: - Radiant Warmers, Incubators, Infant Warmes , Phototherapy Device, Temperature Monitor and Suction Units Medical Equipment.
  • Phototherapy can give your baby loose stools, temperature problems, or dehydration.
  • Details of previously affected pregnancies - particularly transfusions in the womb, neonatal anaemia, and the need for exchange transfusions or phototherapy - should also be obtained.
  • Also, some dermatologists believe that home phototherapy is inferior to hospital treatment and carries more risks, such as inaccurate dosimetry, phototoxicity, and unsupervised continuation of irradiation. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • When jaundice does not respond to phototherapy, or when the baby is anemic, a blood transfusion may be necessary.
  • If 50 percent or more of the scalp is involved, treatment options include topical immunotherapy, systemic steroids or phototherapy.
  • Lights that are used for SAD phototherapy must filter out harmful UV rays.
  • An NHS paediatric nurse monitors a baby undergoing phototherapy for jaundice at a London hospital. Third of NHS children's units fail to comply with EU working time directive
  • The side effects from phototherapy may include a rash and diarrhoea.

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