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[ UK /fˌə‍ʊtə‍ʊsfˈi‍ə/ ]
  1. the intensely luminous surface of a star (especially the sun)

How To Use photosphere In A Sentence

  • Typically the corona is a million times fainter than the solar surface, which is why it cannot be seen except when the photosphere is mostly extinguished.
  • The penumbra is the transition from the photosphere to the umbra.
  • A hydrostatical pressure difference between the start from the photosphere and the landing on the photosphere is clearly impossible.
  • The answer comes from a fourth line of evidence on the deep-Earth composition: cosmic abundances of the elements deduced from analyses of chondritic meteorites and the solar photosphere.
  • The rotated elliptical shell could explain the polarization angle, but failed to match a feature in the supernova's flux that suggested an uneven absorption of light from the photosphere.
  • The trip from the radiation zone to the photosphere - the yellowish-white sphere of light that we see - takes about one week.
  • Observing the solar photosphere in white light is traditionally carried out with neutral density filters.
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