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  1. surgical procedure that uses an intense laser beam to destroy diseased retinal tissue or to make a scar that will hold the retina in cases of detached retina

How To Use photocoagulation In A Sentence

  • The majority of fellows had no experience with interventional procedures such as stent placement, laser photocoagulation, and cryotherapy.
  • A specific application that may benefit from the optical clearing technique is blood vessel photocoagulation.
  • The treatment is usually applicable to choroidal neovascular lesions that do not extend under the centre of the retina since photocoagulation will usually destroy any viable photoreceptors overlying the abnormal vessels.
  • Its visible fluorescence on leaking from damaged vessels makes it particularly useful in the diagnosis of retinal vascular disorders and monitoring of treatment of conditions amenable to laser photocoagulation.
  • Any treatment to be used routinely to prevent proliferative diabetic retinopathy likely needs to be relatively safe because the condition already can be treated successfully and safely with panretinal photocoagulation. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The next line of therapy involves the use of semi-invasive non-surgical modalities including electrocoagulation, sclerotherapy, cryotherapy, photocoagulation, and diathermy.
  • Laser photocoagulation uses laser light to heat the intraocular tissue around a retinal hole or tear.
  • The family was counseled about management options that included selective laser photocoagulation therapy for selective bipolar umbilical cord cauterization given the high likelihood of death in the recipient fetus. Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
  • Any treatment to be used routinely to prevent proliferative diabetic retinopathy likely needs to be relatively safe because the condition already can be treated successfully and safely with panretinal photocoagulation. “Nevertheless, further investigation with regard to the role of pharmacotherapy for reduction of the incidence of progression of retinopathy appears to be warranted," they added. The Times of India
  • Pain relief during panretinal photocoagulation for diabetic retinopathy: a national survey Naturejobs - All Jobs
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