How To Use Photic In A Sentence
Arizona State University anthropologist Jane Buikstra, co-author with Charlotte A. Roberts of The Bioarchaeology of Tuberculosis: A Global View on a Reemerging Disease (2003), says “that looks like the typical kyphotic spine of TB.”
TB or not TB
Seasonal highs that pushed this euxinic layer into the photic zone would then lead to the greatly increased preservation and the TOC maxima.
The 240 muscles of the erector spinae allow small movements in the thoracic cage (chest) for breathing and simple and complex facial movements. has a natural curve in the lumbar region of the lower back, called Lordosis, while gorillas have a backwards curve so that they are said to have a kyphotic spine.
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Vertebroplasty makes no attempt to restore height and correct the kyphotic deformity which results from an osteoporotic compression fracture.
Oceans Shallow ocean waters (euphotic zone) contain a greater concentration of organisms than the rest of the sea Phytoplankton (algae) is food not only for zooplankton (protozoans and microscopic animals) but also for small fishes Coral reefs - areas of biological abundance just below the surface in shallow, warm, tropical waters Chief constituents are stony corals, animals that have a calcium carbonate (limestone) exoskeleton, and calcareous red and green algae Most of the ocean lies within the pelagic zone Epipelagic zone lacks the inorganic nutrients of shallow waters, and therefore it does not have as high a concentration of phytoplankton Animals in the deeper waters of the mesopelagic zone are carnivores, which are adapted to the absence of light, Waters of the bathypelagic zone are in complete darkness except for an occasional flash of bioluminescent light Abyssal plain - many invertebrates survive there by feeding on debris floating down from the mesopelagic zone
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TJ 15 (3): 79-84, December 2001. backbone has a natural curve in the lumbar region of the lower back, called Lordosis, while gorillas have a backwards curve so that they are said to have a kyphotic spine.
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Extension of the ankylosed kyphotic cervical spine during conventional immobilization or for radiologic procedures resulted in neurologic deficits.
Lordosis elsewhere than in the lumbar segment is met with as a compensatory deviation to kyphotic or backward curvature of the spine: in Fig. 211, for example, a kyphotic projection in the mid-thoracic region has led to a lordosis in the cervico-thoracic segment above, and in the thoracico-lumbar segment below, the forward curve being again a necessary outcome of the resuming of the erect posture.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
This is known as autosomal dominant transmission, so photic sneezing now has the irresistible scientific name of “autosomal-dominant compelling helio-opthalmic outburst,” the acronym for which is, of course, ACHOO.
Book review: Wicked by Gregory Maguire
The implications of this work on thought about evolution of photic behavior in fireflies are considered.
Complementing the large compound eyes, locusts have three much smaller simple eyes or ocelli characterized by rapid signal transmission and high photic sensitivity but very poor spatial resolution.
The efficiency of retention is strongly determined by the occurrence of a match (where zooplankton are available to graze and recycle the primary production) or mismatch (where zooplankton are not present in sufficient numbers and primary production sinks out of the euphotic zone to be grazed by the benthos).
Future change in processes and impacts on Arctic biota
If asked to lift up both hands, this person will sink into a posterior pelvic tilt and kyphotic seated position, in an attempt to maintain sitting balance.
Straining her eyes into the aphotic depths beyond the carved and painted pillars -- no two alike and all gaily colored like psychedelic barber poles -- she heard the whispery hiss of the torch as it burned in her hands and the faint, quick creaking of Antryg's belt as he moved here and there, drawing out a five-point star within the double circle around them.
The Silicon Mage
Sunlight can only penetrate to a depth of about 183 meters (m) (the photic zone).
Differences between aquatic and terrestrial environments
When the disease begins in childhood it may induce a permanent deformity of the pelvis, the conjugate diameter at the brim being increased, while the transverse diameter at the outlet is diminished -- kyphotic pelvis, and, in females, this may lead to complications in parturition.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Reflux of NO3 - to the euphotic zone through upwelling and vertical mixing largely regulates primary production except in remote areas (high-nutrient low-chlorophyll regimes) such as the equatorial Pacific and the Southern Ocean where low concentration of a micronutrient (iron) appears to limit photosynthesis.
Marine nitrogen cycle
Sunlight rarely penetrates below 250 meters and this dark water without any light is called the aphotic zone. - Articles related to Scientists uncover mysterious workings of cholera bacteria
Sneezing as the result of being exposed to a bright light-known as the photic sneeze reflex-is a genetic quirk that is still unexplained by science, even though it has intrigued some of history's greatest minds.
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
Biomorphotica: those neuropterous insects in which the pupa is active.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Among other things, he asked those with photic sneezing (18 percent of the patients and 24 percent of the students) if they had any close relatives who reacted to sunlight the same way, and found that 80 percent of the sneezers said they did, compared to only 20 percent of the non-sneezers.
Book review: Wicked by Gregory Maguire
Carbonate shell sinking is also an efficient means of removing organic carbon from the euphotic zone (see Biological Pump above).
Carbon cycle and climate change in the Arctic
There was a significant correlation between the kyphotic angle and the degree of spinal cord flattening.
Elements of Life & Sunfood www. obtain energy through a process called photosynthesis and must therefore live in the well-lit surface layer (termed the euphotic zone) of an ocean, sea, lake, or other body of water. - Articles related to The dead sea: Global warming blamed for 40 per cent decline in the ocean's phytoplankton
Marine Ocean Alive's Phytoplankton Elements of Life & Sunfood www. obtain energy through a process called photosynthesis and must therefore live in the well-lit surface layer (termed the euphotic zone) of an ocean, sea, lake, or other body of water. - Articles related to French holiday firm debuts 'Eco-Nature' resorts
The authors skimmed their bacteria samples from the top, or photic layer, of the Mediterranean and Red Seas.
Primary production (PP) occurs in the euphotic zone when light and nutrient conditions allow.
Future change in processes and impacts on Arctic biota
At each station a composite vertical series of five 3 liter water samples were taken above the photic zone and placed in a carboy, mixed, and a 500 ml sample drawn off and fixed with Lugol's solution.
They are therefore true deep-brain photoreceptors that bypass the eyes as a pathway for photic information.
This urge does not necessarily result in novels with nameless characters, mutating typography or unpunctuated attempts to explore the aphotic realm of human consciousness.
Lordosis, while gorillas have a backwards curve so that they are said to have a kyphotic spine.
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_ -- This affection is almost always met with in adults, and the earliest symptoms are pain and weakness in the legs, and sometimes a slight kyphotic projection of the spinous processes.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Macroalgae benefit from this relationship because fertile drift plants are retained in the photic zone where they continue to contribute to the gene pool.
In general, the deep sea is considered to start at the aphotic zone, the point where sunlight loses its power of transference through the water.
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the aphotic depths of the sea where no photosynthesis occurs
One and Three Photographs [Ety.] stands out within this series because it makes photography the subject of this inquiry and because the term used to verbally represent the photograph is "photic," which means of or related to light.
Provided you according to aphotic skinned teens getting busy, that's one.
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In this report we describe a patient with a chronic kyphotic deformity who was treated with an anterior release, posterior reduction and fixation, and anterior interbody fusion.
Because photosynthesis is only possible in the photic zone and because the average depth of the oceans is about 3,800 m, most of the ocean is too deep to for photosynthesis to occur.
Differences between aquatic and terrestrial environments
Something swooped at her, some winged and flabby thing whirling out of the aphotic pits of this non-being; she felt it cut her arm, felt blood hot on the cold flesh.
The Silicon Mage
Along with genetic analysis of a variety of other traits (such as photic sneeze) Eriksson presented data on two novel regions significantly associated with hair curl, one close to the the abstract for details).
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
However, having said that, I remember reading about whether their doctor would correct the kyphotic curve in addition to the scoliosis.
This strongly indicated that photic sneezing has a genetic component, and further studies have borne that out.
Book review: Wicked by Gregory Maguire
Kirk stood in silence for a long time, gazing at the aphotic depths of interstellar space.
In the early stage the patient complains of pain and stiffness in the back; later the spine becomes rigid, and gradually develops a kyphotic curve, sometimes accompanied by lateral deviation.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
In particular, light measurements are performed at sunset because increased prey and predator interactions occur at twilight, when animals previously hidden in the deep, aphotic (without light) zone migrate vertically up to the surface.
Scientific American
All plankton, kelp forests and seagrass beds are found in the euphotic zone.
This primary production may be retained by recycling within the euphotic zone or exported to deeper waters and be available for the benthos.
Future change in processes and impacts on Arctic biota
Stromatolites were built by photosynthesizing organisms occupying shallow-water environments within the photic zone.
They must dive, in fact, to get their nice little plankton food (you see how all my obsessions tie together?) and for a number of other reasons involving the euphotic zone and the water column that we don't need to get into now (primarily because I haven't hit that part of the course yet).
The feel-good story of the morning
The invention discloses a kind of light source module, which includes cathode ray tubes, heat dispersing cavity, photics film, light filtering layer and cooling fluid.
Exhibiting uncharacteristic panache, John used this result to question Jacques Loeb's then popular theory of photic orientation in insects, which required paired eyes.
To characterize this photic entrainment we examined frq expression in constant light, under which condition the mRNA and protein of this clock gene were strongly induced.
As in the case of all algae, cells below a minimum size (about a mm or so) are effectively neutrally buoyant, which would have been extraordinarily important, as they would otherwise sink into the sub-photic zone and die.
Ancient Predator Revealed!
Furthermore, extraretinal photoreceptors appear to be involved in the photic entrainment of the circadian clock.
Her image on television is nothing like the cute, crazy and kyphotic Clara Peller yelling, "Where's the Beef?" or a hobbling elder actor doing a last curtain call at the Academy Awards.
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The relatively moderate brachiopod generic diversity is consistent with a moderately restrictive environment, including one below the photic zone.
In contrast, the many shale layers seem to be poor in macrofossils largely because they were deposited at depth below the photic zone (upper bathyal depth) as indicated by benthic foraminifera.
Familial Scheuermann disease is characterized by kyphotic deformity of the spine that develops in adolescence.