How To Use Phosphorous In A Sentence
Fertilizers are made up of three main ingredients: nitrogen, phosphorous and potash (or also called potassium).
The elements that appear enriched from measurements that Spirit took with her alpha particle x-ray spectrometer are potassium, phosphorous, sulfur, chlorine, bromine.
Calcium and phosphorous levels in maize silage are also low relative to grass silage.
Traditionally used as a medicine in different parts of the world, ginger contains minerals such as iron, calcium and phosphorous and vitamins like thiamine, riboflavin and vitamin C.
Jupiter's bands are actually clouds, with the SEB being primarily made up of ammonia ice, sulfur, and phosphorous hovering above the planet's toxic, gaseous surface.
Nutrients found in pulverized rock powders - calcium, phosphorous, and potash - are also important in organic gardening.
Give fruit trees and bushes a dressing of autumn fertiliser, low in nitrogen but high in potassium and phosphorous.
For the most part, the press has bought into the line that white phosphorous is an incendiary munition, and is not properly classified as a chemical weapon.
Think Progress » Exclusive: Classified Pentagon Document Described White Phosphorus As ‘Chemical Weapon’
In addition, the effects of elements such as sulfur and phosphorous from dilution can be a source of trouble.
Activates and increases the formation of osteoclasts (multinucleate cells that break down calcified bone matrix), increasing bone destruction and making calcium and phosphorous available to the rest of the body.
Anatomy 101: The Parathyroid Gland And How It Affects Our Health.
White phosphorous is a legitimate military tool, but U.S. forces have been highly judicious about using it to avoid harming civilians, Marine Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Pentagon reporters Nov. 29.
Balloon Juice » 2005 » November
Bombs, missiles, shells and bullets flood the environment with lead, nitrates, nitrites, hydrocarbons, phosphorous, radioactive debris, corrosive and toxic heavy metals.
As Selman explained, the doubling of nitrogen and tripling of phosphorous in the environment since 1960 -- primarily from intensive agriculture - correlates with the explosive growth in the number of hypoxic and eutrophic sites.
Peter Hanlon: Dead Zones, Now in More Frightening Detail!
Cattails and bulrushes are especially efficient at absorbing large quantities of nitrogen and phosphorous, substances easily transported in runoff.
Most of your mass is carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, plus some nitrogen and phosphorous.
Phosphorous is then diffused onto one side to create an n-type semiconductor layer and a p-n junction where the two semiconducting surfaces meet.
The group is exploring cadmium telluride, cadmium sulfide, boron/phosphorous-doped silicon, and organic/polymeric materials and plans to assess more exotic photovoltaic materials in the future.
The distribution of sweet- and sourveld does not seem to determined by base status itself, but by the concentration of phosphorous and the size of the eady mineralizable nitrogen pool in the soil.
Matty heard the scrape of the wooden match, and then he was being subjected to a close scrutiny in the flaring, phosphorous light.
Enterolith impaction, which is a common cause of colic in California and other regions of the country, is associated with long-term ingestion of large quantities of an alkalinizing feed rich in protein, phosphorous, and magnesium, such as alfalfa, Morton said.
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The methyl halide can be produced by reacting methanol with phosphorous halides, hydrogen halides, or, in the case of methyl chloride, thionyl chloride.
Algal blooms, toxin production and eutrophication (water pollution caused by excessive plant nutrients) occur as a result of this phosphorous.
Nitriles are formed by heating amides with phosphorous pentoxide or by treating organic halogen compounds with sodium cyanide.
Excuse me, but white phosphorous is a chemical that will eat away your skin.
Think Progress » Pentagon officials last week
As noted here previously, the Town of Dryden will be having a public hearing on the removal of phosphorous from the City of Ithaca's sewage treatment plant, which serves the Varna and Route 13 area sewer districts.
Living in Dryden: More on phosphorous, planning
The silicon-phosphorous layer is known as the negative, or n-type layer, because it has lots of spare electrons.
Solar energy offers a vast supply of power, but harnessing it is a challenge
Smoke and CS grenades can be used to flush out men in cellars and sewers, while white phosphorous grenades can be used to create smoke or as an anti-personnel weapon.
The ash contains calcium and phosphorous essential to healthy milk.
The fungicidal composition includes a phosphorus-containing compound such as phosphorous acid, a phosphite salt, and a phosphate salt or mixtures thereof.
A baseball mitt and ball rested on top of the bureau, and on the washstand a pitcher and bowl glowed as white as phosphorous.
The methyl halide can be produced by reacting methanol with phosphorous halides, hydrogen halides, or, in the case of methyl chloride, thionyl chloride.
This gentle contemplation was soon broken, however, by the overwhelming odours of sulphur and phosphorous, and for a brief moment the thought occurred that the building had spontaneously combusted from the pure energy.
Jupiter's bands are actually clouds, with the SEB being primarily made up of ammonia ice, sulfur, and phosphorous hovering above the planet's toxic, gaseous surface.
These new pigs have the ability to better break down "phytase" which is rich in phosphorous and is found in the intestinal tract.
Thoughts: Enviropig - Part E.Coli, Part Mouse...All Wrong?
As the ocean's deeper waters contain more nitrogen and phosphorous, more marine life lives in the upwelled water.
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For example, in the iron and steel industry, the search for methods to neutralize the deleterious effects of phosphorous iron ore not only produced technological change, it also made the range of useable ore inputs endogenous.
Glass-forming substances are usually silica, boric oxide, phosphorous pentoxide, or feldspars.
The on-call Explosive Ordnance Disposal (bomb-disposal) diver was CPO Diver Andy Carss, who had earlier that day safely disposed of a phosphorous flare found on a beach in Norfolk - one of six such incidents this week.
My dishwasher doesn’t always clean because phosphorous is being phased out of the detergent.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Unfortunately, I Have Lately Had Cause to Lament the Same Thing
The technological process for preparing phosphorous acid from the production waste of sodium hypophosphite was described.
Glass-forming substances are usually silica, boric oxide, phosphorous pentoxide, or feldspars.
The technological process for preparing phosphorous acid from the production waste of sodium hypophosphite was described.
Fig.6 shows the pair radial distribution functions between ions and the phosphorous and nitrogen atoms of the headgroup.
Included were artillery shells, phosphorous flares, mortars, incendiaries and cluster bombs.
Calcitriol functions in concert with parathyroid hormone and calcitonin to regulate serum calcium and phosphorous levels.
Farm research continues to revolve around NPK - nitrogen, phosphorous and potash - the three major plant nutrients that the soils are largely deficient in.
These new pigs have the ability to better break down "phytase" which is rich in phosphorous and is found in the intestinal tract.
Thoughts: Enviropig - Part E.Coli, Part Mouse...All Wrong?
Manure gives him enough nitrogen, and more than enough phosphorous and potassium, to raise his crop.
Some artillery guns fired white phosphorous rounds that create a screen of fire that cannot be extinguished with water.
The rover recently examined a rock named ‘Wishstone,’ which contains significant deposits of phosphorous that may have been left behind from water percolating up through the Martian surface.
Lipid spots were identified using a standard phosphorous stain.
Most of your mass is carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, plus some nitrogen and phosphorous.
The latest developments of - halogen and - phosphorous flame - retarded epoxy resin for printed circuit boards were introduced.
Many of these are again pesticides such as compounds of organophosphorous, pyrethroids or carbamate.
Here the primary components including nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous are prepared.
Glyphosate is mainly produced from two kinds of glycine and IDA; other raw materials include glycine, dimethyl phosphite, paraformaldehyde, iminodiacetic acetonitrile, diethanolamine, phosphorous acid, liquid caustic soda, sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, and hydrochloric acid.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Aaron answered each question as best he could, Waziri supplying -- and often inventing -- Hausa words for concepts like phosphorous, ascarid worms, and litmus.
Blind Man's Lantern
Bicknell referred, long before they were commonly known about, to organophosphorous (OP) compounds.
White phosphorous is a nasty CHEMICAL that burns through peoples skin all the way to the bone.
Think Progress » The Truth About ThinkProgress’ White Phosphorus Coverage
Each of these allotropes of phosphorous also has its own subset of forms.
I don't know why I say that. [oh look i'm crying again] I watched it with a certain trepidation, and halfway through the clip, when images of the results of the white phosphorous began showing, I could not stop crying.
Response: [I can't happen to think of a title]
As during late gestation, if an adequate quantity of calcium and phosphorous is not provided in the lactation diet, the sow will demineralize skeletal tissue to meet her needs for milk production.
When the number of units is between three and ten, sodium metaphosphate forms a cyclic ring of alternating phosphorous and oxygen atoms.
The phosphorous infusion at first caused sawgrass to grow rapidly and abnormally large; then it died and gave way to cattails, which usurp 50 acres of sawgrass a day.
The high phosphorous content of soft drinks might cause secondary hyperparathyroidism, leading to bone loss.
Let the wingnuts quibble over the minutae of whether or not white phosphorous is a chemical weapon (clearly it is) …. lets keep our eyes on the bigger picture.
Think Progress » The Truth About ThinkProgress’ White Phosphorus Coverage
Included were artillery shells, phosphorous flares, mortars, incendiaries and cluster bombs.