How To Use Phosphoresce In A Sentence
What's more, the mountain was haloed by phosphorescent blue bands of some sort of energy crackling all around it.
He would watch for the telltale disturbance of phosphorescence in the water which meant the fish were rising on the ebb tide.
Dombey, exulting in the long – looked – for event, jingled and jingled the heavy gold watch – chain that depended from below his trim blue coat, whereof the buttons sparkled phosphorescently in the feeble rays of the distant fire.
Dombey and Son
Sometimes a phosphorescent gleam played over the stagnant pond, into which the terapin plunged heavily at their approach; while on the neighbouring banks the frogs of all degrees croaked forth their inharmonious chant, making the scene more hideous, and certainly adding greatly to the sense of gloom which it inspired in those who penetrated it.
The Partisan: A Tale of the Revolution. By the Author of "The Yemassee," "Guy Rivers," &c. In Two Volumes. Vol. I
The crystals fluoresce and phosphoresce a weak pale yellowish-green in ultraviolet radiation.

the phosphorescent glow of decaying wood
As the outer doors slid shut, the blue light of phosphorescence brightened in the cavern.
You haven't lived until you see a sponge inhaling and exhaling clouds of phosphorescent trace chemicals.
He saw the phosphorescent glimmer of a shark, like a sea ghost, drift sluggishly by.
The source of other light in the cavern appeared to Kirk to be coming from irregular funguslike splotches of glowing yellow and green phosphorescence on the cavern’s rocky surfaces.
Captain’s Peril
When zinc and sulphur are hested together in close vessels the sulphur rises in vapour without t ing to the zinc; but it is staled by Mr.E. Davy, that in some ex - perimenls made in the laboratoiy of the Royal Institution, in which sulphur in vapour was passed over melted zinc, they united, and formed a white crystalline substance, analogous to the substauce found in nature, and called phosphorescent blende.
Elements of Chemical Philosophy: Part 1, Vol.1
This project seeks to develop new organic phosphine oxide electron transporting / hole blocking materials in combination with ambipolar phosphine oxide host materials for achieving charge balanced blue phosphorescent OLED system, a necessary component of white OLEDs.
U.S. Department of Energy - Press Releases
Like Helio, Garun held out his hands, and a phosphorescence appeared between them.
But they have to stay one step ahead of the black-furred and eyeless aliens, who lumber like bears with the speed of wolves and whose snapping maws contain multiple rows of phosphorescently purple teeth.
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Not only that, but the fracture zones were partially coated with a carbonate mineral that fluoresced a pastel bluish-white and phosphoresced a pale greenish-white.
The sensing of oxygen with phosphorescent probes is based on luminescence quenching.
On his thigh Jaq wore that warlock's image in phosphorescent green.
Europa achieves ecstatic permanence in phosphorescence, which originates only due to light from another source, just as myth propagates itself: by tapping into innate human eros.
She had a cold and a smear of phosphorescent snot lay on her upper lip, a hapless, inoffensive leak that I was responsible for.
A few minutes later, Sandro came scurrying from the alley, and placed his blood soaked muzzle in Bodhan’s lap, his bright phosphorescent eyes projecting sheer joy as his striped prehensile tail coiled and uncoiled rapidly.
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It was the yellow Gulf weed that had made so much phosphorescence in the night.
'phosphorescent' - but the children are still and utterly captivated. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
When he saw that Madame Delmare was obliged to make an effort to listen to him, he held his peace, and naught could be heard save the innumerable little voices whispering in the burning wood, the plaintive song of the log as it becomes heated and swells, the crackling of the bark as it curls before breaking, and the faint phosphorescent explosions of the alburnum, which emits a bluish flame.
Another boat chugged past and at that moment our world exploded in hissing silvery blue, the sea whisking and shining in a turmoil of a bustle of fish and phosphorescence, like coins gleaming in a dark, still pool.
The so-called phosphorescence of most inorganic bodies is one of a totally different nature from that exhibited in organic forms.
Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky
From behind his half-lowered eyelashes they shone with a kind of phosphorescent gleam — if I may so express myself — which was not the reflection of a fervid soul or of a playful fancy, but a glitter like to that of smooth steel, blinding but cold.
A Hero of Our Time
A large cavern, lit only by the faintest glimmer of phosphorescence, was exposed, a vast lake in the centre.
Some fluorescent materials, under the appropriate conditions, will also phosphoresce.
Algae, it was noted, could also glow phosphorescently.
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= -- While the luminosity possessed by certain fungi cannot be said to be of distinct utility, their phosphorescence is a noteworthy phenomenon.
Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
We are cautioned against confusing bioluminescence with fluorescence and phosphorescence.
We journeyed out to the Lions Gate Bridge; on the way back, the ocean's phosphorescence electrified our strokes.
It was just like Goa - picturesque, abounded in clean beaches, where, because of phosphorescence, waves glow on a full moon night, and provided a sense of tranquillity.
Another interesting variety of this blue sapphire is one known as "chatoyant"; this has a rapidly changing lustre, which seems to undulate between a green-yellow and a luminous blue, with a phosphorescent glow, or fire, something like that seen in the eyes of a cat in the dark, or the steady, burning glow observed when the cat is fascinating a bird -- hence its name.
The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
Many diamonds are fluorescent and phosphorescent under ultraviolet radiation.
A large cavern, lit only by the faintest glimmer of phosphorescence was exposed, a vast lake in the centre.
The iridescence phosphoresced through the spouts of water from the fountain.
The Art Thief
Finally, we signed and countersigned a declaration that under no circumstances would we dive deeper than 6m, nor deviate from the officially designated route as indicated by the phosphorescent orange guide ropes.
In this study, the consequences of finite excitation flash duration are analyzed using computer simulations, and a method for the recovery of phosphorescence decay times from complex photometric signals is presented.
But once you start talking about washing sperm, intrauterine insemination, Microsort where they actually paint sperm with some kind of phosphorescent dye--eek, IVf, etc., that's up to you.
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This was similar to the flame of a big blue slow moving torch, that had a steady slight wind blowing on it, that made the leading edge wobble and warp in a slow fluttering motion, with the changing gun-blue phosphorescence.
Flanking and behind us marched the giant batrachians, fivescore of them at least, black scale and crimson scale lustrous and gleaming in the rosaceous radiance; saucer eyes shining circles of phosphorescence green, purple, red; spurs clicking as they crouched along with a gait at once grotesque and formidable.
The Moon Pool
Observing that the water charged with gelatinous particles is in an impure state, and that the luminous appearance in all common cases is produced by the agitation of the fluid in contact with the atmosphere, I am inclined to consider that the phosphorescence is the result of the decomposition of the organic particles, by which process (one is tempted almost to call it a kind of respiration) the ocean becomes purified.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
Night Pearl is a kind called "fluorspar" in the ore, phosphorus and other substances absorb light, the issue will be in the dark fluorescent or phosphorescent, the ancients that mysterious, known as "Night
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He saw the phosphorescence of the Gulf weed in the water.
Others were said to depict sexual assaults with objects including a truncheon, wire and a phosphorescent tube.
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Now only the stars have been netted in the casuarinas and the surf snarls with eerie phosphorescence as if glowing with spectral fires.
The lighting uses silhouettes and phosphorescence that give figures and flying coats a garish glow, and none more memorably than the small witch-like figure suspended on high in the second half before she falls and flashes to the ground.
Their skins, a phosphorescent seafoam green, were embellished with a delicate tracery of painted tattoos - leaves, flowers, sperm, tears, butterflies.
A beautiful hole, but it was still a hole when you stripped away all the velvet and phosphorescence.
Some fluorescent materials, under the appropriate conditions, will also phosphoresce.
The water here phosphoresces when disturbed, so it was amazing to watch a few of these lovely animals glowing in the murk.
The place they flew through was eerie, lit only by lightning and the faint phosphorescence of the clouds themselves which both above and below formed a curving tunnel.
Many diamonds are fluorescent and phosphorescent under ultraviolet radiation.
They traversed a long, dark, vaulted corridor in which, Conan noticed uneasily, the skull on the staff glowed phosphorescently.
The Bloody Crown Of Conan
Waves came in as phosphorescent ripples, collapsing on to the beach and running up to merge into the sand.
According to Cheng Chun-ming, a biotechnology scientist from National Taiwan University who started his own business several years ago and maker of the cakes, the phosphorescent protein extracted from the red algae helps increase a cake's attractiveness but is not a health concern to consumers as it is completely natural and edible.
Boing Boing: October 27, 2002 - November 2, 2002 Archives
The phosphorescence screen is usually a plate covered with some platino-cyanide and mounted in the end of a box of convenient size, the opposite end of which is so shaped that it fits the contour of the face, shutting out the light and allowing the eyes of the observer to focalize on the screen at the end.
A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume III: Modern development of the physical sciences
The high degree of iodine substitution in this aromatic molecule facilitates intersystem crossing, and rose bengal exhibits significant phosphorescence.
The only light, a sickly blue glow, oozed from phosphorescent mosses and fungi, gathered into baskets and hung from iron pegs in the wall.
You type in -war" (knocking the errant hair aside as you strike the A), and watch the word shimmer like a line of phosphorescent battle dust on the PC screen.
Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
If we now streak these plates with an organism, _e. g._ a yeast, which saccharifies starch, it is possible to tell whether maltose or levulose and fructose are formed; if the former, only those plates containing _P. phosphorescens_ will become luminous; if the latter, only those containing _P.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
The water about them glowed with a strange green phosphorescence.
When a cyclist rides a bicycle at night with a small phosphorescent spot attached to the rim of one of the wheels, the path that the spot describes as the bicycle moves is a cycloid.
Waited until the light died down, then died out, leaving behind only the diagram, the lines now covered with a kind of phosphorescent slime.
Jinx High
When a nerve impulse raced from the mystery organ to the brain, a green phosphorescent wave trace swept across our oscilloscope screen and a loud crack resounded from a speaker.
The crystals fluoresce and phosphoresce a weak pale yellowish-green in ultraviolet radiation.
It was a greenly weaving ribbon of light, a snakelike stream of glowing, phosphorescent particles that moved like a blindworm over and across the vast rocky shelf.
Hero Of Dreams
This event is often referred to as phosphorescence, because when it was first studied, the light was mistakenly assumed to be caused by phosphorus.
The light from the firefly is an example of phosphorescence.
The block, whatever it was, lay still before her, lipped by the faintly phosphorescent rim of shallow water.
We have ploughed a phosphorescent furrow in the darkness through chunky, Atlantic seas, windward of the West Indies, from Barbados down to Tobago.
Sunset faded and the mainland lights fell away, surges of phosphorescence began to show.
Of course, the use of electrons, photons, phosphorescent light and fluorescence microscopy largely remain a mystery to me, but not because their capacity for imaging is itself mysterious.
The surf phosphoresced on the beach, the stars hung in great frosty clots.
The Languages of Pao
Thus, thought Becquerel, he had extended his discovery of long-lived phosphorescence to metals.
They sank leaving a trail of phosphorescence in the water.
The water phosphoresced at the point of impact, glowing with a sudden green splash.
Deception Point
Becquerel in Paris wondered whether naturally fluorescent or phosphorescent substances might also emit X-rays.
He removed the small stopper from the calabash, and, as the sweet water gurgled into it, he saw the phosphorescent glimmer of a big fish, like a sea ghost, drift sluggishly by.
We need not expect to find in animal organisms potash, soda, ammonia, and the other common alkalies; but it was established by experiment that the alkaline organic compounds cholin and neurin, which are present in animal tissues, would also serve to bring about the phenomenon of phosphorescence in the substances on which the experiments were made.
Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky
Waves came in as phosphorescent ripples, collapsing on to the beach and running up to merge into the sand.
At night, the phosphorescence looks as if all the constellations in the inky sky have fallen into the deep.
Among the Annelid worms a species of _Nereis_, or sea-centipedes, has earned by its phosphorescent property the specific name of _noctiluca_
Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky
I sit in that eerie phosphorescent tubal glow and lounge becalmed, thinking about the microwave emissions being bombarded into outer space like a gazillion ambassadors of tacky schlock.
I stared silently out the window as an eerie aura of phosphorescence crowned the long rows of waves crashing onto the beach under the moonlight.
Researchers report that palladium atoms present at parts-per-million quantities in a polymer LED cause the material to phosphoresce.
Wherever it is rubbed, in the dark, on a door, or on a wall, it leaves a luminous trail of a very peculiar appearance, which has been called phosphorescent, from the name of the substance which produces it.
The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
The only light, a sickly blue glow, oozed from phosphorescent mosses and fungi, gathered into baskets and hung from iron pegs in the wall.
When a nerve impulse raced from the mystery organ to the brain, a green phosphorescent wave trace swept across our oscilloscope screen and a loud crack resounded from a speaker.
Such flexibility has been observed by electrical birefringence, electron paramagnetic resonance, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, phosphorescence, and electron microscopy.
It is called phosphorescence," replied the doctor, leaning over the bulwarks, and looking down at the fiery serpent that seemed as if it clung to the ship's rudder.
The Red Eric
fluorspar" in the ore, phosphorus and other substances absorb light, the issue will be in the dark fluorescent or phosphorescent, the ancients that mysterious, known as "Night Pearl.
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A sparkling phosphorescence blossomed out through the water from where they hit the water, and the pool was lit with a strange iridescence.
A fitful phosphorescence, like the glow of deep-sea fishes: blue, cold, charmless.
Ancient runic lettering on the wall shone clearly yet legibly, some eerie phosphorescence at work; and the dome… pure, sparkling, it needed no lamp to herald its majesty.
Thermoluminescence is phosphorescence of a material due to heating.
In the case of molecules, the emission is called fluorescence if the transition occurs between states of the same spin, and phosphorescence if the transition takes place between states of different spin.
All barites that fluoresce are phosphorescent for variable lengths of time after extended ultraviolet radiation exposure.
The shotgun blast was followed by a sharp percussive explosion as the entire hillside lit up in a white phosphorescent glare.
- to call the phosphorescent-Slurpee spill of paint on our Genesis coupe: Lime Rock Green.
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She had a cold and a smear of phosphorescent snot lay on her upper lip, a hapless, inoffensive leak that I was responsible for.
Waves came in as phosphorescent ripples, collapsing on to the beach and running up to merge into the sand.
Moths bob around in balls of phosphorescent light, and the day's heat emanates from the ground.
If we now streak these plates with an organism, _e. g._ a yeast, which saccharifies starch, it is possible to tell whether maltose or levulose and fructose are formed; if the former, only those plates containing _P. phosphorescens_ will become luminous; if the latter, only those containing _P.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
Becquerel in Paris wondered whether naturally fluorescent or phosphorescent substances might also emit X-rays.
The I.V. stand is dragged along like a broken mast, its medicine bags glowing like ocean phosphorescence; rising from the water, as in a horror movie, a tentacle wields a syringe and a human hand proffers a dripping bottle of pills.
In the case of tabasheer he discovered it was a form of opal that phosphoresced when hot, reflected a curious bluish-white light, and was more holes than solid, so it absorbed liquid.
American Connections
Mr. Hoepfner however thinks the dispersion of the diamond by this great heat should be called a phosphorescent evaporation of it, rather than a combustion; and from its other analogies of crystallization, hardness, transparency, and place of its nativity, wishes again to replace it amongst the precious stones.
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Bits of pink coconut phosphoresced on the front of his uniform.
Practical Demonkeeping
His skin shone phosphorescently, and his hair was plastered across his forehead.
In This Way I Was Saved
Since that time, phosphorescence has been used to describe substances that shine in the dark without burning.
Everything, the real walls, the maze walls, and the floors, are painted with phosphorescent paint and black lights are mounted in the ceiling.
I devoured photographs showing the ghostly glow of bacteria on decaying fish: the shimmering phosphorescence of protozoans in tropical seas.
One city seems to have a giant beam of light shooting upward, visible as a bright phosphorescent glow, and then away, gone.
His first supposition was that it was a fungus growth known in the country as "foxfire," which gives out a phosphorescent glow in the darkness; but after watching and studying it for a long time, he was convinced it was something else.
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There are many familiar examples of fluorescence and phosphorescence in our daily lives.
His fingernails glow phosphorescently white in the evening.
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He saw the phosphorescent glimmer of a shark, like a sea ghost, drift sluggishly by.
During phosphorescence measurements the polarizers are removed.
Related landscape drawings in white charcoal and colored pencil on black paper convey a dreamy quality, as if the flowers were phosphorescent growths on a sunless asteroid.
The absorbed energy excites electrons in the phosphorescent material and causes them to be caught in potential energy troughs.
Good use was also made of neon lights, phosphorescent glow sticks, reflectors, fiber optics, and a thumping dance floor.
True, he had beheld shooting stars (this in reply to Bassett's contention); but likewise had he beheld the phosphorescence of fungoid growths and rotten meat and fireflies on dark nights, and the flames of wood - fires and of blazing candle-nuts; yet what were flame and blaze and glow when they had flamed and blazed and glowed?
It was peaceful: the waves slapping against the hull, the ocean aglow with cold, blue phosphorescence - almost a net of glittering cyan and light.
Now, most of the city lay in quiet ruins that gently phosphoresced by night.
How the Species Began Again, I
The only light, a sickly blue glow, oozed from phosphorescent mosses and fungi, gathered into baskets and hung from iron pegs in the wall.
Under the glare, the water around the boat seemed to phosphoresce in trails and puffs of liquid blue.
Extract from a letter by Mr. S.C. Patterson, second officer of the P. and O. steamship _Delta_: a spectacle which the _Journal_ continues to call phosphorescent:
The Book of the Damned
At times the sea was glittering with phosphorescence, and when dolphins appeared around Pindar at that time, they left silver streaks in the water like Walt Disney characters.
Another guide also turned off the lights in another room to show visitors the dim phosphorescense from a "flowstone" formation.
The Altoona Mirror
There were lanterns hanging in the branches, she saw, giving off a sickly phosphorescence.
Suppose that in an exhausted bulb, under the molecular impact, the surface of a piece of metal or other conductor is rendered strongly luminous, but at the same time it is found that it remains comparatively cool, would not this luminosity be called phosphorescence?
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
Night fell upon them, and the nightbugs flew from the trees of Nightforest with their phosphorescent bodies, and lacy wings.
He is fond of thin paint and frequently layers a dark blue or black wash over phosphorescent pastel hues.
One piece of ore that missed the smelter contained some secondary willemite with a very long phosphorescence.
Flanking and behind us marched the giant batrachians, fivescore of them at least, black scale and crimson scale lus-trous and gleaming in the rosaceous radiance; saucer eyes shining circles of phosphorescence green, purple, red; spurs clicking as they crouched along with a gait at once gro-tesque and formidable.
The Moon Pool
I am inclined to consider that the phosphorescence is the result of organic particles, by which process (one is tempted almost to call it a kind of respiration) the ocean becomes purified.
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