How To Use phosphor bronze In A Sentence
- The bending property in transverse direction of tin-phosphor bronze strip is a very important quality index which has a great inference on the quality of final products.
- The balanced pressure duplex phosphor bronze diaphragm is a highly sensitive modulating unit thermally programmed to provide accurate steam conserving operation.
- The hub upon which the platter was mounted was phosphor bronze, and weighed an additional 17 pounds.
- Phosphor bronze strip is the most widely used ductile material of copper alloys at present.
- What's wrong with a material such as phosphor bronze? Undefined
- Phosphor bronze strip is the most widely used ductile material of copper alloys at present.
- The balanced pressure duplex phosphor bronze diaphragm is a highly sensitive modulating unit thermally programmed to provide accurate steam conserving operation.
- Anodic phosphor bronze is commercially produced by upward casting process with the technology introduced.
- Chill cast leaded gunmetals are widely used for miscellaneous small bushes of low stressing but they are, of course, considerably less wear resistant than gunmetal and phosphor bronzes.