How To Use Phosphate In A Sentence
Their dried dung is found everywhere, and is in many places the only fuel afforded by the plains; their skulls, which last longer than any other part of the animal, are among the most familiar of objects to the plainsman; their bones are in many districts so plentiful that it has become a regular industry, followed by hundreds of men (christened "bone hunters" by the frontiersmen), to go out with wagons and collect them in great numbers for the sake of the phosphates they yield; and Bad Lands, plateaus, and prairies alike, are cut up in all directions by the deep ruts which were formerly buffalo trails.
VIII. The Lordly Buffalo
Humus being highly colloidal, has the ability to adsorb and retain for future plant use many of the ions such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphates and ammonia which might be leached from the soil and lost in drainage.
To acidify soil, sprinkle two tablespoons of aluminum phosphate or sulfur around the shrubs in early fall.
Irvine has presented a detailed analysis of the controversy regarding the role of these two inositol phosphates in regulating calcium entry.
The frequency shifts show an electron movement toward -phosphate, which probably contributes to catalysis by reducing the free activation energy.
It is suggested that ad libitum feeding conditions decrease NAD availability which also decreases metabolism of the triose phosphate glycolytic intermediates, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone-phosphate, which can spontaneously decompose into methylglyoxal MG.
The low-fat diet cascade | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
Newborns 'levels of an enzyme called paraoxonase 1 (PON1), critical to the detoxification of organophosphate pesticides, average one-third or less than those of the babies' mothers.
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Enter AICAR, which targets a protein called adenosine monophosphate - activated protein kinase ( AMPK ).
The majority of the oxygen supplied to the cell is utilized by the mitochondria to make a chemical known as adenosine triphosphate, or ATP.
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A wide area of coastal plains extends across the western seaboard, a region of phosphate mining and the cultivation of citrus, olives, tobacco, and grains.
The use of superphosphate in manure to prevent nitrogen losses by reducing pH is not usually recommended because the added phosphorus is not necessary or desirable when poultry manure is used as a fertilizer.
Uranium, gold, phosphates, tin, coal, limestone, salt and gypsum mining are prominent in Niger.
Onions coincidentally contain a lot of potassium metaphosphate (KPO3), which, when combined with all the water soaked up from the Gatorade, is used to produce even more KH2PO4!
These rhythmic contractions represent an ultradian cycle in worms that repeats every 47-50 sec and is controlled through inositol trisphosphate receptors in the posterior gut cells.
In the case of Pradeep Phosphates the government may be refunding more money to the purchaser than the realisation from sale.
Phosphates, potash, and agricultural produce are the mainstay of the economy.
Other alkalis, such as ammonium carbonate, sodium tribasic phosphate, acetone, and various glycols (such as triethanolamine, pH 8 at 1% dilution), are sometimes used.
Kiribati21 of the 33 islands are inhabited; Banaba (Ocean Island) in Kiribati is one of the three great phosphate rock islands in the Pacific Ocean - the others are Makatea in French Polynesia, and Nauru
The vessel was placed in a Petri dish in phosphate-buffered saline kept on ice and carefully cleaned of adventitial, adipose and connective tissue.
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+ ions that demineralize the enamel beneath the surface of the tooth; calcium and phosphate are dissolved in the process.
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Part of the dissolved aluminum can subsequently settle in the sediments of atmospherically acidified lakes and reservoirs, reducing orthophosphate availability and disrupting the phosphorus cycling in those water bodies.
Inorganic nitrogen pollution in aquatic ecosystems~ causes and consequences
The kit comprises the following main components: buffer solution, reduced coenzyme, pyruvic acid, adenosine triphosphate, pyruvate oxidase, pyruvate carboxylase, malic dehydrogenase and a stabilizer.
Bone consists of collagen banded fibrils sprinkled with tiny crystals of the mineral hydroxyapatite, which is basically calcium phosphate.
Other sugar nucleotides such as uridine diphosphate acetylglucosamine and guanosine diphosphate mannose were also isolated.
Luis Leloir - Biography
The zinc phosphate-coated bodyshell then gets a coat of primer which provides more corrosion protection, along with a good base for the colour coat itself.
In tissues that have rapidly varying energy requirements, such as muscles and neurons, phosphocreatine serves as a crucial source for high-energy phosphate groups.
Exposure to some pesticides, particularly the organophosphates, destroys important enzymes in the nervous system.
This polished section of a tooth crown reveals figure-eight patterns of the blue mineral vivianite, a phosphate of iron.
Springs and rivers that drain into lakes carry dissolved nitrates and phosphates.
With the mixture tests design, the interaction mechanism of borate, chlorinated paraffin and zinc dialkyldi thiophosphate (ZDDP) additives is studied.
These crystals, by careful analysis, were shown, first by Hilgenstock, to consist of a form of phosphate of lime hitherto unknown, in which four equivalents of lime were combined with one equivalent of phosphoric acid, and which was therefore called "tetrabasic phosphate.
Manures and the principles of manuring
Although much is known about the transport of orthophosphate in soils, very little is known about the fate of phytate, a compound that is indigestible by poultry and abundant in poultry litter.
All cells have sodium pumps in their membranes; these consume energy by hydrolysing adenosine triphosphate.
The E.coli bacterium has an enzyme, DNA ligase, which can be used to repair these nicks in the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA chains to form an intact double-strand.
Copperas or blue stone, kainite and superphosphate are sometimes used for the same purpose.
The First Book of Farming
Several formulations are available, and all are based on fertilizers such as urea, ammonium nitrate, ammoniated phosphates, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate.
First, a few basics: the ailment is known as G6PD deficiency (for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) and, according to a 2008 article in The Lancet, it "is the most common human enzyme defect, being present in more than 400 million people worldwide.
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Overuse of superphosphate chemicals in the farming industry have given this element a bad name, but used sparingly in the home garden is it a vital plant growth stimulant.
Several formulations are available, and all are based on fertilizers such as urea, ammonium nitrate, ammoniated phosphates, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate.
Further work showed that uridine diphosphate glucose is involved in glycogen synthesis and adenosine diphosphate glucose in that of starch.
Luis Leloir - Biography
Most of the carbon fixed by mature leaves is exported from the chloroplast by the triose phosphate/phosphate translocator for subsequent utilization in sucrose and amino acid biosynthesis in the cytoplasm.
This paper introduced the preparation methods , application and flame - retarded mechanism of Resorcinol bis ( diphenyl phosphate ) ( RDP ).
Phosphate and oil is the standard finish on most circlips, the remainder being self finish and oil.
Work with fruit flies, sea slugs, and mice has revealed the role of the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) - protein kinase A (PKA) - cAMP responsive-element binding protein (CREB) signaling pathway in key forms of experience-driven synaptic plasticity.
Multiple Realizability
Gradually the situation of the farmers improved through better farming techniques, especially the growing of clover and the use of superphosphate brought in from the island of Nauru.
Objective To investigate the feasibility, safety and efficacy of high-power Potassium titanyl phosphate(KTP) laser vaporization of bladder neck for treatment of bladder outlet obstruction in women.
The agency said there were high levels of nutrients, particularly phosphate and nitrate, which entered the river through sewage effluents and agricultural activities.
Since the phosphate group is water soluble, this part of the molecule tends to be hydrophilic.
In the commonest form, popularly called bone-phosphate, which is the form in which lime and phosphoric acid are combined in bones, guano, and the ordinary mineral phosphates, the lime and phosphoric acid are combined in the form of what is known as tribasic phosphate of lime, or tricalcic phosphate -- that is to say, for every equivalent of phosphoric acid there are three equivalents of lime.
Manures and the principles of manuring
Lipid concentrations of liposome suspensions were determined by phosphate analysis.
Objectives : To improve the ability to recognize and diagnose hypophosphatemic rickets ( HYP ) in children.
In other words, one product is used over the course of a year followed by use of a different classification (mebendazole, organosphosphate, avermectine, etc.) of dewormers the next year.
As your sweet peas begin to grow, sprinkle a little superphosphate over the bed and water well in.
Analyses for TP double for every 10°C rise in temperature, as rates do in many and orthophosphate were by the USBR laboratories in Den - biochemical reactions.
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May elevate levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate to boost memory.
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This enzyme rapidly increased the formation of lactic acid and esterification of hexosediphosphate in muscle extracts.
Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
Phosphates in the water, from agricultural run-off and discharge from sewage works, provide nutrients on which the algae thrive.
Oh, Trizein says the little creature is indeed mammal and will need a lactoprotein, heavy in calcium, glucose, salt and a good dollop of phosphates.
Cattle Town
Des Plaines, IL) and SpectrumGreen - and SpectrumOrange-labeled deoxyuridine triphosphate (Abbott Molecular Inc.).
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The higher nitrogen prices are also affecting the cost of ammonia used in production of DAP, MAP and polyphosphates.
The powder was homogenized in 750 ml phosphate buffer containing pinene as an internal standard.
It doses the water with a chemical called orthophosphate which lines the pipes and limits the amount of lead dissolved into the water.
At the time of sacrifice, blood was obtained for measurement of serum calcium, phosphate, and albumin.
The island's population - made up of Chinese, Malays and Europeans - is descended from indentured labour brought in to work the deposits of phosphate of lime discovered in 1887.
Patients in group I received 2.4 g of monobasic sodium phosphate and 0.9 g of dibasic sodium phosphate for mechanical bowel preparation on the day before surgery.
What would be the consequence to an organism IF arsenate were substituted for phosphate? Arsenate is very toxic to most organisms. Explain why.
It has been observed in patients with2,5 and without4,7 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency and is characterized by the presence of Heinz bodies.
Stones can be composed of calcium, oxalate, urate, cystine, xanthine, phosphate, or all of these.
The effect of the phosphonation of the counterpart samples and the load condition on the tribology of the phosphate coatings are also determined.
It occurs in all kinds of minerals, such as oxides, carbonates, nitrates, sulfates, and phosphates.
The mix we use contains compost, peat, perlite, rock phosphates, blood meal, calcite clay and gypsum.
Each nucleotide unit is composed of a sugar, a phosphate, and one of four bases, adenine, cytosine, guanine, or thymine.
Spider Bones
The Pi-starvation (low-Pi) signal is transmitted by a class of inositol polyphosphate (IP) species, IP
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Acute haemolysis Ambilhar cure glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase insufficiency
In an associative transition state a penta-coordinated phosphorus atom would be formed, in a dissociative transition a trigonal metaphosphate.
Oh, Trizein says the little creature is indeed mammal and will need a lactoprotein, heavy in calcium, glucose, salt and a good dollop of phosphates.
Dinosaur Planet
Then why does no one call G proteins motors, despite the fact that they harness the energy from hydrolysis of a nucleoside triphosphate to cause a conformational change by the same mechanism seen in myosins and kinesins?
Analogy, How Scientifically Powerful is It?
Aminoacidopathies (maple syrup urine disease; homocystinuria; cobalamin deficiencies; tyrosinemia; urea cycle defects (ornithine transcarbamylase, carbamyl phosphate synthase, citrullinemia, argininosuccinic aciduria, arginase deficiencies) and non-ketotic hyperglycinemia)
Biochemical Genetics-Metabolic Disease
In mineralized tissues the molecules are further tied by calcium and phosphate bridges to the mineral crystallites.
The basic structure of a nucleotide contains ribose with a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group.
I wanted to explore signals transmitted through more complex biochemicals such as cAMP (cyclic 3',5-adenosine monophosphate) and the wider, more fashionable world of macromolecular interactions.
Roger Y. Tsien - Autobiography
Hollow hydroxyapatite (HAP) microspheres with pores on their surfaces were prepared by in situ conversion reaction of Li-Ca-B glass in phosphate solution.
Some manufacturers also have coated their implants with a calcium phosphate-based material called calcium hydroxyapatite.
These nutrient needs are satisfied with urea, triple super - phosphate and potassium chloride.
Floors were vacuumed with a high-efficiency particulate air filter vacuum cleaner at a floor-specific rate, uncarpeted floors were wet-washed with a high-phosphate detergent, and all floors were again HEPA-vacuumed.
The radium-bearing minerals are torbernite and autunite (hydrous copper-uranium and calcium-uranium phosphates), and are found in dark felsite dikes near their intersections with east-west gold-silver-quartz veins.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
The measurements not only highlight the gel-phase miscibility of the two lipid components but also provide information about the relative stability of phosphatidylinositol monophosphate-enriched domains.
It was not appropriate for sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate and disodium tetraborate decahydrate to be used as detergent builder.
Cathine also stimulated the production of cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate - a chemical messenger within cells) in uncapacitated sperm whilst inhibiting it in capacitated sperm.
They include many human antibiotics, penicillins and some names I recognise from the bad days of the European fish-farming industry -- nitrofuran, chloramphenicol and organophosphate pesticides.
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Blain described central and peripheral nervous system effects associated with low-level exposures to organophosphates.
The work included polymers, organophosphate chemistry, gasification of coal and of course, cyanoacrylate.
Harry Coover, Super Glue inventor, dies at 94
; and as phosphate in the uranites, torbernite (hydrated phosphate of uranium and copper), and autunite (hydrated phosphate of uranium and lime).
A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
On examining the tables given above, it is obvious that guanos may be divided into two classes, the one characterized by the abundance of ammonia, the other by that of phosphates; and which, for convenience sake, may be called ammoniacal and phosphatic guanos.
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
Geographynote: 21 of the 33 islands are inhabited; Banaba (Ocean Island) in Kiribati is one of the three great phosphate rock islands in the Pacific Ocean - the others are Makatea in French Polynesia, and Nauru
Circular dichroism in 10 mM phosphate was used to determine the secondary structure and thermal stability of tropomyosin model peptides.
Farm tractors are used to move organic and phosphate wastes onto the dykes.
Jordan earned 61 million dinars from phosphate exports in 1987.
The enzyme AGT is found almost exclusively in liver peroxisomes and requires phosphate as a coenzyme.
It is therefore impossible to predict with certainty what amount of supplementation will result in what increment in the serum phosphate concentration.
On the large scale, mechanical arrangements are employed for mixing the materials, so as to economise labour, and mineral phosphates, such as apatite, can then be used with advantage.
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
Osmium tetroxide was used as a secondary fixative and stain prior to a second wash in phosphate buffer.
It occurs in all kinds of minerals, such as oxides, carbonates, nitrates, sulfates, and phosphates.
Hydroxylation of vitamin D gives a derivative that will increase intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphates.
It had been observed by Harland Wood's group at Western Reserve that when 14C-lactate or 14C-glycerol are fed to a fasted animal the labeling of the glucose units of liver glycogen was such as to suggest that triose-P isomerase had failed to equilibrate its two triose phosphate substrates during synthesis, or that the condensation reaction of FDP aldolase did not give equal labeling of the two halves of
Irwin Rose - Autobiography
The deuteration effects arose from the reversible deprotonation of the Schiff base formed between glutamate and pyridoxal phosphate.
He regarded the iron phosphate strengite to be the typical form of authigenic phosphate in freshwater deposits.
But although government agencies now admit that neurotoxins - for example isomers of tri-cresyl phosphate - are present in these fumes, they claim their quantities pose no threat to health.
Organophosphates act like a nerve gas, paralyzing the nervous system of the flea.
Here is a list from one package: sodium phosphates, sodium ascorbate, sodium erythorbate, sodium nitrite, potassium lactate, sodium diacetate.
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Monofluorophosphate! It doesn't exactly trip off the tongue, does it?
Most fertilizers contain nitrogen and phosphates.
This activates so called protein kinases, which cause certain "key proteins" to become phosphorylated, that is phosphate molecules are added.
Physiology or Medicine for 2000 - Press Release
The radium-bearing minerals are torbernite and autunite (hydrous copper-uranium and calcium-uranium phosphates), and are found in dark felsite dikes near their intersections with east-west gold-silver-quartz veins.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
As yet no gene responsible for a Mo transporter has been identified, although there is some evidence that molybdate may be taken up by the phosphate and/or sulphate transporter.
A phosphate sink, and the inevitable takeover of blue-green algae, might be reversed by adding, say, a lightning - generating appendage to the glass globe.
Fluorimetric and spectrophotometric analysis in pure phosphate buffered saline and solvent mixtures has been used throughout the study.
The reaction is so facile that it would be surprising if it didn't occur given the presence of these molecules (cyanimide, cyanoacetylene, glycolaldehyde, glyceraldehyde, and inorganic phosphate).
The pentose phosphate pathway is primarily an anabolic pathway that utilizes the 6 carbons of glucose to generate 5 carbon sugars and reducing equivalents.
Five classes of pesticides were examined in the new study: phosphates, pyrethroids, halogenated hydrocarbons, carbamates, and endocrine disruptors.
- 100 mg piperazine hydrate = 120 mg adipate = 125 mg citrata = 104 mg phosphate.
Chapter 4
In general, the corrosion rate of the alumina refractory and the chrome refractory in the iron phosphate melts was not higher than their corrosion rate in the DWPF melt.
The sections were developed at 37°C for ~4 h in the same buffer with nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-phosphate (BCIP) diluted 1 / 50 from the stock solution (Roche Diagnostic).
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The plant material, which forms deposits of peat locally, is likely the source of the phosphate.
This crisis has arisen, the Prof says, because intensive cultivation has given rise to an upward trend in "diffuse" pollution from nitrates and phosphates which is proving difficult to reverse.
Surely we should be debating this?
A fundamental principle of treatment is to first diagnose the cause of the hypophosphatemia.
The repressor also recognizes sequence-dependent distortion or flexibility of the operator phosphate backbone, conferring specificity even for inaccessible base pairs.
French Polynesiaincludes five archipelagoes (4 volcanic, 1 coral); Makatea in French Polynesia is one of the three great phosphate rock islands in the Pacific Ocean - the others are Banaba (Ocean Island) in Kiribati and Nauru
The mix we use contains compost, peat, perlite, rock phosphates, blood meal, calcite clay and gypsum.
In this paper, The factors such as the choice of lanolin, vegetable oil added into phosphate reaction and reaction conditions were discussed when manufacturing PME series phosphated lanolin fatliquor.
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal-5-phosphate) 10 mg Magnesium (as Creatine MagnaPower® creatine magnesium chelate, magnesium glycyl glutamine chelate) 202.5 mg Chromium (as Chelavite® chromium nicotinate-glycinate chelate) 20 mcg AminoBolic Hyperhydration Complex ™ 24.5 g Replenish BCAA Matrix ™ (L-Leucine, L-Valine, L-Isoleucine), MagnaLoad Creatine Matrix ™
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The phosphate leaves the protein near pH 4, slightly lower than where Glu - 58 becomes ionized.
Developmental changes in carbachol-stimulated inositolphosphate release in pigmented rat retina (SuDoc EP 1.23/6: 600/J-94/035) by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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These include water, phosphate, sulfate, and selenite (a form of selenium).
Typical plasticizers for PVC are long chain organic compounds such as phthalates, adipates and organophosphates.
Molecular dynamics analysis of a second phosphate site in the hemoglobins of the seabird, south polar skua.
Words to look for on ingredients lists include sodium chloride, monosodium glutamate, baking soda, baking powder, disodium phosphate, sodium nitrite, sodium propionate, and sodium sulfite.
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The organophosphate type of insecticides (examples parathion and malathion) vary greatly in their toxicity and hazard to man.
Enter AICAR, which targets a protein called adenosine monophosphate - activated protein kinase ( AMPK ).
The central domain is typical of class 1 pyridoxal - 5'-phosphate-dependent enzymes.
I just want to describe, when we talk about nerve agents, we are specifically talking about a special compound known as organophosphates.
he argued that the controlling factor in eutrophication is not nitrate but phosphate
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According to Rose, apatite is made up of three molecules of tribasic calcium phosphate (Ca (PO_4) _2), combined with one molecule of calcium fluoride (Ca F_2) or one molecule of calcium chloride (CaCl_2) respectively.
Manures and the principles of manuring
Acid anhydride bonds have a high DG 0’ for hydrolysis imparting upon them a high potential to transfer the phosphates to other molecules.
I was very surprised when, following a phosphate surge in my tapwater, I used a phosphate-removing compound in my filter.
Sure enough, when the researchers inhibited GlgE, the bacteria underwent "suicidal self-poisoning": a sugar called maltose 1-phosphate accumulated to toxic levels that damaged bacterial DNA, causing the death of TB bacteria grown in Petri dishes as well as in infected mice. - latest science and technology news stories
Among these may be mentioned -- Alder Wright's method of using an ammoniacal salt, the acid radicle of which neutralises the caustic alkali, ammonia being liberated; the use of sodium and potassium bibasic phosphate (Eng.Pat. 25,357, 1899); a substance formed by treating albumen with formalin
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In this way they effect the decomposition of the tartrate, from which they must necessarily obtain the carbon of their food without which they cannot exist, while the nitrogen is furnished by the ammonia of the ammonical salt, the mineral principles by the phosphate of potassium and magnesium, and the sulphur by the sulphate of ammonia.
IV. The Physiological Theory of Fermentation. Fermentation of Dextro-Tartrate of Lime
Phosphate has remained the largest revenue earner among Jordanian export commodities and still retains its prime importance.
Phosphate in the digests and in culture solutions was measured spectrophotometrically using the molybdate and malachite green method described earlier.
Though founded in 1893 as a port for the Kalgoorlie goldfields, growth was slow until the 1960s, when a farming boom followed the discovery that the poor soils could be greatly improved by adding superphosphate and trace elements.
Geographynote: includes five archipelagoes (4 volcanic, 1 coral); Makatea in French Polynesia is one of the three great phosphate rock islands in the Pacific Ocean - the others are Banaba (Ocean Island) in Kiribati and Nauru
French Polynesia
His conclusion: "It remains to be established that this bacterium uses arsenate as a replacement for phosphate in its DNA or in any other biomolecule.
Life on Earth, with a little arsenic
After an hour you reach the top, a shunting yard next to the phosphate mine, and then you trundle back down again through deep romantic chasms and caverns measureless to man.
Now it was naturally concluded at first that the tribasic phosphate was the form in which these two substances existed in the slag.
Manures and the principles of manuring
He worked on production of Adenosine tri phosphate (ATP), the multifunctional nucleotide involved in intracellular energy transfer, from Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), and Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) which plays key role as a carrier of electron and participate in redox reaction.
Prof. Arthur Kornberg, Nobel laureate, died on Sunday, October 26, 2007
Intermediate in composition between these two phosphates there is another known as precipitated phosphate of lime, or dicalcic phosphate (the same as reverted phosphate), which contains two equivalents of lime and one equivalent of water as follows: --
Manures and the principles of manuring
Common chemical bleaches include household chlorine bleach, a solution of approximately 3 – 6% sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), and oxygen bleach, which contains hydrogen peroxide or a peroxide-releasing compound such as sodium perborate, sodium percarbonate, sodium persulfate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, or urea peroxide together with catalysts and activators, e.g. tetraacetylethylenediamine and/or sodium nonanoyloxybenzenesulfonate.
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Embden believed that the appearance of hexosediphosphate was related to his lactocidogen, while Meyerhof proposed early on that all glucose must go through esterification leading to formation of phosphates.
Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
It is deoxyadenosine monophosphate one-click solution program.
Salt marshes cover the central belt, where there are also large phosphate deposits.
Parnas soon postulated a phosphate cycle, whereby the use of one ATP for phosphorylation is balanced by regeneration of ATP during subsequent steps in glycolysis.
Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
But the road to its discovery and understanding of its critical and almost universal role as energy provider in cellular processes began with and led through the analysis of creatine phosphate.
Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
For 40 years, efforts to understand the prebiotic synthesis of the ribonucleotide building blocks of RNA have been based on the assumption that they must have assembled from their three molecular components: a nucleobase (which can be adenine, guanine, cytosine or uracil), a ribose sugar and phosphate.
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Alkaline earth metal ions more readily bind ‘hard’ ligands such as phosphates, carboxylates, and hydroxyl groups.
This thesis use the methods of ultra-filtration, phosphate buffer, flowing-alkaline, centrifugal to concentrate the Yoghurt starter, and optimize the processing techniques of it.
Work some superphosphate into the soil about a foot from the base of the plant.
“Where mixed alkalies and superphosphate,” said the Doctor, “are added to the ammonia, the increase _from the ammonia_ is far greater than where ammonia is used alone.
Talks on Manures A Series of Familiar and Practical Talks Between the Author and the Deacon, the Doctor, and other Neighbors, on the Whole Subject
The pH of the tubular fluid gradually approaches the pK a for the dibasic / monobasic phosphate buffering system.
Mutation of the inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase OCRL1 causes the X-linked disorder oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe, characterized by defects in the brain, kidneys, and eyes.
Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
On plot 5, with 300 lbs. of superphosphate of lime per acre, the yield is precisely the same as on plot 2, with 100 lbs. of plaster (_sulphate of lime_), per acre.
Talks on Manures A Series of Familiar and Practical Talks Between the Author and the Deacon, the Doctor, and other Neighbors, on the Whole Subject
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Parallel experiments were performed in acetonitrile and phosphate-buffered saline aqueous solutions under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
Histones are protein - found in eukaryotic cell nuclei, tightly bound to DNA, which has many phosphate groups.
Because of the phosphate mining, all but the very edges of the island has been turned in to a desolate, moonlike setting.
[226] The solubility of tribasic phosphate, of course, is not always equal in different manures.
Manures and the principles of manuring
Harden and Young also demonstrated that the process stops before all sugar (glucose) has been used up, but it starts again on addition of inorganic phosphate, and they suggested that hexose phosphates are formed in the early steps of fermentation. von Euler had done important work on the structure of co-zymase, shown to be nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD, earlier called DPN).
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
The lower part is a 6 m thick sandstone whose base is characterized by closely spaced erosion surfaces, common phosphate nodules, black quartz pebbles and fragmented bioclastic debris.
A main types of mineral phosphate, soft rock phosphate comes mostly from ancient sea deposits.
This messenger in turn activates a so-called kinase, an enzyme that attaches phosphate groups to other proteins.
(cerussite), sulphate (anglesite), and phosphate (pyromorphite) of lead also occur as ores, but in much smaller quantities.
A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
Phosphate may also replace calcite or be precipitated instead of calcite in neutral or slightly acidic pH conditions.
These 5-to 6-nm - wide chains of globular subunits are interpreted as individual tubulin protofilaments in a curved guanosine diphosphate conformational state.
In nature, the function is performed by the enzyme triose phosphate isomerase.
Among them are Chilean nitrate, rock phosphate, greensand, and sulfate of potash magnesia.
Transepithelial reabsorption of amino acids occurs at the proximal convoluted tubule, as does that of organic acids, such as lactate and acetate, and of sulphate and phosphate anions by cotransport with Na+.
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Only the thick blob of blue-green algae will thrive in low phosphate environment, and so over time this species tends to dominate these stable systems.
VD deficiency reduction of intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate Hypocalcemia Parathyroid hormone hyperfunction hypofunction Excretion of urinary P↑ decalcification of mobilization of bone old bone↑ Calcium into blood Serum p ↓ Ca normal or slightly↓ Ca X p↓
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Inorganic flame retardant mainly include aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, antimony oxide, borate, inorganic phosphate etc.
The harmful effects of many pesticides, such as organochlorines, organophosphates and carbamates, have led to the use of pyrethroids as alternatives.
Common to their discoveries is the unique adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule, which can store and transport energy in all organisms, whether it be a simple bacterium, a dandelion, a finch or a human being.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1997 - Presentation Speech
Some additives, such as salt, sodium lactate and phosphate, have antimicrobial activity.
Lastly, there is a fourth compound of lime and phosphoric acid, which only occurs in one phosphatic manure -- viz., phosphatic slag, in which indeed it was first discovered -- which consists of four equivalents of lime to one of phosphoric acid, to which the name tetrabasic phosphate of lime or tetracalcic phosphate has been given.
Manures and the principles of manuring
Zerenex represents a niche market opportunity within well understood/established class of drugs (phosphate binders) that has a key differentiation of being iron-based compared to existing treatments such as PhosLo, Fosrenol, and Renagel/Renvela. Home Page
Other Ingredients: May contain one or more of the following: magnesium stearate, cellulose, vegetable stearin, dicalcium phosphate and silica.
rock phosphate," a variety of apatite which is mainly phosphate of lime.
A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
The two most stable species of phosphates are the two extremes of hydrates, the anhydrous salt and the fully hydrated salt.
The phosphate used in this trial was dibasic sodium phosphate and this is known to alter the ratio of dibasic and monobasic phosphate.