
[ US /ˈfɑnɪk/ ]
[ UK /fˈɒnɪk/ ]
  1. pertaining to the phonic method of teaching reading
  2. relating to speech
  3. of or relating to speech sounds
    phonetic transcription
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How To Use phonic In A Sentence

  • As I did at FIAC, I selected 18 galleries and asked their most anglophonic expert to pick an image and talk about it for under two minutes. Michael Kurcfeld: Doing Shots: The Old and the New at Paris Photo 2011 (VIDEO)
  • Immersed in her ample lap, her adoring voice broadcasting stereophonically through her bosoms, I absorbed the sensationalistic stories and lush illustrations of baby Moses in his basket, later parting the very Red Sea. The Full Feed from
  • Whether we take the signified or the signifier, Saussure argues, language has neither ideas nor sounds that existed before the linguistic system, but only conceptual and phonic differences that have issued from the system.
  • If the instrumentation is more sparse, the music is no less symphonic in its scale and approach than we would hope.
  • There was, of course, a vast amount of music in the U.S. in this period besides symphonic music, Lutheran hymnody, and Wagnerian opera.
  • The first movement is a conventional symphonic Allegro.
  • A tracheotomic case may be aphonic, hence unable to call for help. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • It does not matter who owns the schools, he says, as long as we have phonic teaching of reading and as long as we have performance pay.
  • Its symphonic narrative revolves six characters through six ages of man - from the 19th century to distant millennia - then brings them full circle as each one completes their interrupted history.
  • It was a great moment near the end of the colloquium when it became clear that the three-choir polyphonic complexity scheduled for the last motet was not really viable. 250 Sing Liszt's Ave Maris Stella
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