phone line

  1. a telephone connection
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How To Use phone line In A Sentence

  • When Garmin announced in the lead-up to the Mobile World Congress an ongoing deal with Asus to build its long-anticipated Nuvifone GPS phone line, you could practically hear the wincing. How the Nuvifones Can Survive As Niche Devices
  • The actual amount of data going over the phone line is quite small.
  • A second set of power lines, phone lines, water pipes or natural gas pipes is too expensive and inefficient. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The fallen tree pulled down electricity and telephone lines, plunging the entire area into darkness and cutting off land line communications.
  • Computers that don't share a local network talk to each other through telephone lines using modems.
  • However, they had no phone lines between their main bases and had to rely on runners to keep in contact with each other.
  • The plaintiff submits it was not paid the $33,000 invoiced for site services, nor was it paid $10, 200 for wiring and telephone lines, plus other amounts owing.
  • If the show is found to have breached the code of conduct regulating the use of premium phone lines, viewers could be entitled to their money back.
  • They somehow got the phone company to install three phone lines to their outdoor base in two days.
  • It claims that prior to completing the purchase their phone line will be tested to ensure they are placed on the correct package. Times, Sunday Times
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