How To Use Phobia In A Sentence
Silence is the rule for our heroes, and that means a bit of extra claustrophobia to scenes that would otherwise be totally generic.
This antimodernist nativism pervaded the 1920s, but it was particularly visible in the scientific racism of the eugenics movement, the xenophobia of the "100 percent American" movement, the sharp resurgence in the Ku Klux Klan, the post – World War One Red Scare (directed primarily at immigrant radicals), and in a series of draconian immigration restriction acts. 11
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
Also well known is hydrophobia, literally ‘fear of water ‘, as a name for rabies, which sometimes appears to cause such a sensation in sufferers because it makes the throat swell and so it becomes difficult for the victim to swallow.’
The plagues of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and ethnic tension are still widespread.
The most common, with 54 per cent of us suffering, is the fear of spiders — arachnophobia.
The Sun

But a growing number accept school phobia as a valid reason to keep their little ones out of the classroom.
The Sun
Despite suffering with emetophobia for nearly 75 years, last year she finally tackled her fear with the support of a therapist.
I have always had a phobia about pregnancy and childbirth, the whole idea of it repulses me beyond belief.
Clyde's request stemmed from either a headache or a sudden phobia, he wasn't sure which.
Racism, homophobia, McCarthyism, classism, it's all on display as they try to muzzle those who disagree by vitriolic, personal attack.
I wrote about coming out in the family and about the insidious homophobia of siblings.
It's as if she has panic attacks and a kind of phobia.
For example, a person may have several spirits of acrophobia (fear of heights).
(Bush and Dr Cheney legacy), not just lock it up in cupboards. another inspiration for my writing is this innovative musician and activist fighting racism, Islamo-phobia and injustice head on through his "Rhythm and beats". although his documentaries and DIY cook book music genre are termed irreverence bordering treason against queen and country and glorifying terrorism among the Pakistani and Muslim youth of Britain, But it is merely exposing the truth about the sentiments of equality, discrimination, integration and assimilation.
Pak Tea House
Due to a combination of cowardice, claustrophobia and Crohn's disease, I do not react well to being kettled at marches.
Industry insiders and experts discuss the causes of aviophobia and, more importantly, how best to overcome it.
Times, Sunday Times
The minor 'phobias, such as pyrophobia, or fear of fire; stasophobia, or inability to arise and walk, the victims spending all their time in bed; toxicophobia or fear of poison, etc., will be left to the reader's inspection in special works on this subject.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
The clinical features of thyroid eye disease include ocular pain, photophobia, chemosis, diplopia, exophthalmos, and eye irritation.
If we condemn Ahmadinejad and other patrons of terrorism, we must, with equal force, commend those Muslim intellectuals and religious leaders who have the courage to speak out publicly against the continued fomentation of Holocaust denial and other manifestations of Judaeophobia in their midst.
Menachem Rosensaft: Finding Common Ground
Perhaps your own ratiophobia and intolerance is at issue, eh?
The Volokh Conspiracy » A Sad Victory for Thuggery in Texas
As for primogeniture, the leading modern authority on the subject, Professor Stanley Katz of the Chicago Law School, has given no weight at all to gerontophobia in causing its abolition.
Growing Old: An Exchange
Brown provides a particularly useful discussion of the impact of homophobia and heterosexism on gay and lesbian couples.
But since 2001 the threat of terrorism and xenophobia has made immigration harder.
This is not to diminish the roles that homophobia played or continues to play in exacerbating the problem.
These include agoraphobia, the opposite of claustrophobia, when sufferers fear public situations from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing or where help will not be at hand in the event of a panic attack.
Among the most common manifestations of previous torture are panic attacks, insomnia and claustrophobia.
He has not given a speech devoted exclusively to xenophobia.
It is often linked to excessive shyness or a social phobia.
Times, Sunday Times
While the police once raided gay clubs to arrest people, today they cruise them to encourage the reporting of homophobia.
Everyone is afraid of death, but those suffering from thanatophobia are afraid of the unknown," Ponomaryov explains.
Faced with technophobia, hyped techno-optimism, and Futurist discourses of progress that make us blind to the clumsy reality of computers, how do we think about and live with technology?
Some overwrought writing mars an otherwise sharp and insightful exploration of homophobia in the deep South.
When my flatmates, years ago, chortled through Arachnophobia, I was rigid with terror and couldn't sleep all night.
The term homophobia implies a fear of homosexuals.
The after-Melth continueth: A 12-step plan |
In the name of bioregionalism they would bring in an age of ultra-nationalist xenophobia.
To compare object neophobia between populations, a second experiment using a similar protocol and the same individuals as in the prior experiment was conducted.
Antisemitism belongs to this series, alongside other forms of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.
On France: I was a Francophobe before Francophobia was cool, but I actually had a splendid few days in France, surrounded by helpful strangers who were entirely accommodating to my recollection of 2 years of French, taken 15 years previous.
Matthew Yglesias » The European Bogeyman
Strategies to confront class inequality, sexism, racism and homophobia started to be discussed.
Even the campaign's biggest newspaper enthusiasts are nervous about any accusation of being prejudiced, devoting many column inches to denying charges of homophobia and bigotry before they had even been made.
Well, I guess there is a fair bit of fear, xenophobia and insecurity huddled away there somewhere too.
Phobias fall under the category of anxiety disorders and describe pathological fears; while many know the term from the infamous expression "arachnophobia" pathological fear of spiders, many different types of phobias have been observed in patients.
Jalees Rehman, M.D.: 'Islamophobia' Is Not A Phobia
The plagues of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and ethnic tension are still widespread.
As well as being a fear of open spaces, agoraphobia is also a fear of being in a crowd, being alone in a house and travelling alone.
The first step has to be the main parties working together to present a united front against racism, xenophobia and the politics of disunity.
While homophobia isn't new to pop, why would the Grammys celebrate someone who as recently as October used a slur in bragging to The Jamaica Observer about his war against gays?
Grammys goofed up nominees in a few award categories
The aviophobia he suffered from kept him on the ground, dreaming of living out his life as an old country doc.
Starfleet Academy: The Edge
There's something called PDA, panic disorder with agoraphobia.
God or religion theophobia gold aurophobia good news (hearing) euphobia gravity barophobia
Pangsuan Diary Entry
English in the West Indies; or, the/[Page xi]/Bow of Ulysses '(the long bow of Ulysses it should have been), provoked numerous damaging replies, the most effective of which was' Mr. Froude's Negrophobia; or,
New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
This phobia is the brightest flower of my inferiority complex.
Times, Sunday Times
Issues of racism, sexism, and homophobia were discussed.
But the White House is out to fight cyberphobia with an initiative intended to bolster confidence in e-commerce.
NYT > Home Page
This is quite important since not every fear is automatically a "phobia"; the psychiatric term "phobia" is reserved for cases when the fear is excessive or unreasonable.
Jalees Rehman, M.D.: 'Islamophobia' Is Not A Phobia
The French Foreign Minister Alain Juppé in turn reproached the PS for threatening to raise the "old demons of Germanophobia.
Seth Engel: Eurozone Woes - Is The Union Falling Apart?
It claims conservatism is rooted in phobias that cause ‘fear and aggression, dogmatism and the intolerance of ambiguity.’
Kim argues that simply heaping more punishment onto bullies is an easy way out for a society that doesn't want to grapple with widespread homophobia.
The Media Consortium: Weekly Pulse: Palin Revives Death Panels; Boobs Against Breast Cancer; and the Anti-Gay Bullying Crisis
It has nothing to do with body dysmorphic disorder, still widely known as dysmorphophobia.
Times, Sunday Times
And it leads me to think that the notion of queer used here is strongly associated with neophilia and neophobia, ie degree of attraction to novelty.
And ixnay on Yet Another Xenophobia aimed at particular trading partners, falsely blamed for our economic woes.
William Easterly: The Coffee Party Manifesto
This path treads a thin line, as history should remind us, between economic nationalism and xenophobia.
Times, Sunday Times
HPConfig. blog_id = 3; var ads_page_type = 'bpage'; var zone_info = "huffpost. world/blog; world = 1; nickname = rev-astrid-storm; entry_id = 334819; anglicans = 1; catholic-church = 1; ecumenical = 1; ecumenism = 1; episcopal-church = 1; gay-priests = 1; homophobia = 1; liberal-protestant = 1; pope-benedict = 1; religion = 1; rowan-williams = 1; women-priests = 1"; if (top!
Rev. Astrid Storm: Memo to Rome: Some of Us Like the Reformation
The Thatcher years also fed an ancient undercurrent of Anglophobia.
Blue, White, Red
A wave of claustrophobia hits her, and she slams her foot on the brake.
Arone Dyer and Aron Sanchez take their freaky instruments six-string baritone ukulele and mutant bass guitar on the road for this smash-and-grab video of a pounding piece of hemiola-ridden art rock about emotional claustrophobia.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Trapped in a hot, heaving crowd, I suffer the most terrifying claustrophobia of my life.
Though the pathological conditions of hydrophobia and serpent poisoning are by no means parallel, the _rationale_ of the methods employed in opening the emunctories of the skin are the same; and were it not for its powerful protracting effect and depressing action upon the heart, we might perhaps secure valuable aid from jaborandi
Scientific American Supplement, No. 421, January 26, 1884
In addition, after one or more doses of Sumatriptan OS, the percentage of patients who were asymptomatic was significantly increased, and the percentages who experienced nausea, photophobia, or phonophobia were significantly decreased.
Health News from Medical News Today
If you have pogonophobia, you’ll probably be avoiding these.
Salem Falls
We saw magnificent sites, endured bouts of car claustrophobia, and encountered extremes of weather.
Its typical ocular manifestations are recognised by a variety of clinical features including pain, gritty eyes, photophobia, chemosis, diplopia, and exophthalmos.
No two adjacent doors are ever opened at the same time and the whole building is a clangour of keys and doors, enough to rapidly induce headaches and rampant claustrophobia.
Obviously, I have issues with food related to the emetophobia.
Simple phobias can often be traced back to specific traumatic experiences.
POSITIVELY FEARLESS: Breaking free of the fears that hold you back
Peter Mandelson is a past master of the politics of xenophilia; his warning against 'the politics of xenophobia' taking hold in the spontaneous direct action now being taken by British workers is his bunker moment.
UK Commentators
Outside the feeling of claustrophobia hadn't lifted.
There is little fear of claustrophobia or boredom, staff say.
Times, Sunday Times
Laurie undergoes a series of trials, trying to find some backbone against his phobias, while singing TV jingles.
Generally speaking, they regarded it as an anxiety neurosis—a “phonophobia” or fear of speech as one therapist put it in 1830; and this pre-Freudian view of the problem would, in fact, prove more pertinent than what psychoanalysis expounded in its wake.
Knotted Tongues
Psychological treatments may attempt either to reduce the symptoms of the phobia by techniques such as systematic desensitization , or to resolve the underlying anxiety.
Shyness - the human equivalent of neophobia - can be detected in infants as young as 14 months.
The claustrophobia of tiny houses.
Times, Sunday Times
Things could be worse: count your blessings that you are not a victim of pantophobia -- the morbid dread of everything.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 1
Instead of an entente cordiale of mutual admiration, he has faced awkward questions about Afghanistan troop levels, Turkey-phobia, and the French nuclear arsenal.
It has nothing to do with body dysmorphic disorder, still widely known as dysmorphophobia.
Times, Sunday Times
Muslim intellectuals are afraid of growing Islamophobia in the West
Charlie is accused of strangling a white boy to death and will be electrocuted, but the father's homophobia prevents him from being there for his son.
Irene Monroe: Black, Homophobic Horror Flicks
As any freshman psych student can tell you, a phobia is ‘an irrational fear.’
The Volokh Conspiracy » Criminal Charges Against Anti-Homosexuality Street Preacher Dropped in England
If these moments are not spent in a way best fitted to wholly occupy the mind, the mental attitude -- to which we previously referred, and which is conducive to the cultivation of nosophobia -- will have been developed.
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They're part of an experiment to find out how a crew would handle the stress, claustrophobia and fatigue real astronauts would face in long-term interplanetary travel. Top headlines
France, French Francophobia freedom eleutherophobia fresh air, draughts aerophobia
Pangsuan Diary Entry
Patients typically report photophobia, watering, foreign body sensation, grittiness, pain, or circumcorneal injection of the sclera.
Stein and colleagues searched for published and unpublished trials of pharmacotherapy for treatment of social phobia.
Kind of like Ed Hardy and outward homophobia, bacne caused by rampant steroid abuse, ...
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He experienced feelings of claustrophobia from being in a small place.
Jane, from Heworth, is convinced it was the shock of her illness which brought on her phobia - a strange mixture of claustrophobia, agoraphobia, and social phobia.
God or religion theophobia gold aurophobia good news (hearing) euphobia gravity barophobia
Pangsuan Diary Entry
Fighting my agoraphobia is one of my missions this year.
2010, whether we like it or not.
I've suffered from coulrophobia since watching "the Brave Little Toaster" as a wee one.
Coulrophobia Cakes
Snake-phobia sufferers take note: redbelly snakes will do anything they can to get away from you and stay alive.
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I've heard that Julius Caesar had Ailurophobia, the fear of cats.
Necrophobia and thanatophobia are allied maladies, one being the fear of dead bodies and the other the fear of death itself.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
In descending order, the most common side effects observed during hyperbaric treatment are barotrauma (2% incidence), sinus squeeze, serous otitis, claustrophobia, reversible myopia, and new onset seizure (which occurs in 1-3 per 10,000 treatments) [8].
BioMed Central - Latest articles
That prices out those who seek cheap ruralness, and probably discourages those who seek traditional, (like God, family) even reactionary values (like xenophobia, patriarchalism, racism), because they won't find them there.
Rural Mexico
So half the time I felt like killing him, and I got agoraphobia, because I was so depressed.
One can be gripped by a vague feeling of claustrophobia, as if entering an underground tomb.
He's not a backslapper, and some of his problems in Aspen may come from a lingering homophobia aimed in his general direction.
Michael Conniff: Con Games: The Good Guy Finally Wins At Aspen Music Fest
Some good questions were asked by the librarians, though, including the problem with gay secondary characters in fantastical settings (I interpreted this as how much 'weight' should be given to homophobia in these books when the world is new and the individual concerned is not the protagonist) and what book were the panelists currently reading (the audience was entertained by my description of Three Bags Full).
Travels and Teeth
He has a phobia about flying.
These experiences tend to bring about two conditions, aerophobia
Opportunities in Aviation
Prejudice against beards (pogonophobia) is a relic of an age when beards seemed shifty.
There is xenophobia (a dislike and/or fear of that which is unknown or different from oneself) and xenophilia (an affection for unknown objects or human beings), and it’s nice to land somewhere in between the two…
Buzzine » Moby
Such fears range from just a bit of anxiety to an extreme flying phobia called aviophobia that can keep a person off airplanes at any cost.
Top 10 Fears and Phobias That Really Scare People | Impact Lab
phobic disorder is a general term for all phobias
The mums-to-be were suffering from tokophobia, an intense fear of labour, and would have been eligible for an elective caesarean.
The Sun
Maybe consider cultivating people who are childless, or… you might give some thought to conquering this phobia with professional help.
A living room or sitting room with salmon walls will seem cozy without inciting claustrophobia.
Benumbed fear often turns into panic, phobias, irrational prejudice, and violence.
It's important to analyze the recurring intersection between homophobia and sexism worldwide.
He's struck a blow against pogonophobia, and claimed beards back for the squares.
Acts of racism, homophobia, xenophobia or just plain discrimination happen all the time.
Negrophobia: A Race Riot in Atlanta, 1906. online edition
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The child may develop school phobias, compulsive eating or psychosomatic illnesses.
It's not subtly or covertly homophobic for a soap to have a gay character experience homophobia, is it?
A couple of examples are claustrophobia and acrophobia.
Although an apology for slavery would be welcome, what is more important, as Creekmur points out is, if people “would just stop practising racism” misogyny, sexism and homophobia then I think most people would wavier the apology.
Hip Hop apologies
Many observers are worried that a resurgent interest in local cultures must inevitably lead to xenophobia and ultra-nationalist sentiment.
Older children may complain of a headache, photophobia (eye sensitivity to light), and a stiff neck, which is often noted by the doctor during a physical exam.
At worst, it may see the world racked by explosions of racialism, xenophobia and ultra-nationalism.
A friend recently pointed out that his confusing French policy with a scifi retelling of Mormon mythology could somehow stem from the weird Francophobia evinced in his "leaked" strategy playbook, wherein his advisers appeared to lay out "anti-France" as a kind of global campaign theme:
Romney, Self-Hating Mormon? - Swampland -
Sadly, this "xenophobia" is once again influencing the European legislators to enact less immigrant friendly laws: Danmark, Holland, so may be we are heading straight up into a new dark age in Europe, as we are already way on our way there in the USA.
Immigration rats nest
The minister's tarantula has been removed from the building as the worker has arachnophobia.
The Sun
If you had a phobia about worms, you may not rush out and buy a wormery, but you're also not going to flee screaming from the garden at the sight of a worm.
Your friend Chip's ailurophobia acts up every Halloween.
Infoplease - Daily Almanac
It is estimated that approximately 500,000 adults in Great Britain suffer from agoraphobia to some extent.
We must therefore educate the young people along a revolutionary line lest they be affected by the war phobia and war-weariness spread by the revisionists.
Can you tell I used to suffer from arachnophobia?
Supporters plan to fill the courtroom to let the courts know that transphobia is the crime.
Disgraced journalist Max Raban, is reduced to raking though bins for celebrity stories, and suffers from phengophobia - ...
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She had such extreme emetophobia that she deprived herself of the opportunity of motherhood, a choice she now regrets.
(1876-1941): author of short stories and novels, pantophobia
Thomas is also exhibiting more obvious signs of agoraphobia, although of a slight degree.
On the one hand we have the nationalists with a lot of xenophobia, people who want to live with their mirror images; on the other hand there are the cosmopolitans, people who are willing to live with others coming from different backgrounds.
Ohm said she simply, "wanted to expose how the media phallocracy normalizes racism and homophobia in American society," but eventually found that she had gotten more than she bargained for.
Will Menaker: "Michele Bachmann" Revealed as Elaborate "Borat" Style Hoax
Many young people are taking an active role in fighting homophobia and intolerance.
Or maybe it's a generalized androphobia (a fear of men).
Who's Afraid of the big Bad Elf?
Dislike of trying new foods, called "neophobia," is very common in children ages two to five but can continue for years and is linked with low vegetable consumption.
Kansas City infoZine Headlines
As far as I can see, many Black wimmin, the descendants of these violated and disrespected slave wimmin are writhing in the grip of some serious erotophobia (scared of tha nasty).
One name for rabies, hydrophobia ("fear of water"), comes from painful throat contraction on trying to swallow.
Most people only know a very few of the more common words formed using the suffix -phobia.
But it's not just homophobia or transphobia that these men are reacting to so violently: their whole masculinity is at stake.
On France: I was a Francophobe before Francophobia was cool, but I actually had a splendid few days in France, surrounded by helpful strangers who were entirely accommodating to my recollection of 2 years of French, taken 15 years previous.
Matthew Yglesias » The European Bogeyman
This section of the proposed bill is a triumph of xenophobia over moral, legal, and economic reason - they are going off the deep end into the abyss.
To illustrate this point, assembled hacks would be encouraged to try new things, and would thus experience this neophobia first hand.
The number one phobia in the United States, affecting 50% of women and 25% of men is Arachnophobia, the irrational fear of spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, and other eight-legged creepy-crawlies.
Halloween Books: Rare Books About Spiders, Scorpions, Ticks And Other Beasts
The assumption is, if there is this kind of violence - if it's recognised as a hate crime at all - it's often seen as something that has to do with homophobia, rather than transphobia.
There is little fear of claustrophobia or boredom, staff say.
Times, Sunday Times
I suffered almost none of the transphobia in the greater world they constantly are complaining about.
Certainly your letter conveys a sense of claustrophobia and of feeling constrained, particularly by the limited sporting opportunities.
Times, Sunday Times
The report, aimed at calming what it calls "fever phobia," also says there is no evidence that lowering a fever will help a child get well faster, or that leaving a fever untreated could cause seizures, brain damage or death, as some caregivers fear.
Sweating Out a Fever
His background and early experiences could not have been more different from the era of counselling, victim status for minorities and po-faced reprobation of so-called ‘xenophobia’.
It must also not pander to xenophobia and not deprive business of workers.
Times, Sunday Times
In Syracuse, as in countless other communities, 9/11 set off a phenomenon that may seem counterintuitive in an era of increasingly vocal Islamophobia.
Certainly your letter conveys a sense of claustrophobia and of feeling constrained, particularly by the limited sporting opportunities.
Times, Sunday Times
Unchecked, the disorder often sets in motion a debilitating psychological sequel syndrome of agoraphobia, avoiding public places.
I have to say that objecting to "Hyphenated Americanism" is not necessarily racist, but I also have to say that it is an easy veil to throw over xenophobia or mysoxeny.
Archive 2007-03-01
If the patient does not recognize the fear as excessive or unreasonable, it becomes very difficult to actually prove that the fear is indeed excessive and unreasonable and thus the term "phobia" is not applicable.
Jalees Rehman, M.D.: 'Islamophobia' Is Not A Phobia
Italy is the last country to hold out against the European arrest warrant that lists 32 different crimes, including the hard-to-define one of xenophobia, that will do away what is often described as the cumbersome system of extradition.
Italians block European arrest warrant
It seems that spider phobia might actually highlight a fear of contact with something disgusting.
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The BLF believes that pogonophobia in the England camp is prevented Panesar's selection for the First Test.4th over: Pakistan 10-0 Hafeez 2 Taufeeq 8 There are some raucious cries of Pakistan Zindabad! echoing around the empty stands in Abu Dhabi.
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In this way they give rise to the symptoms which we meet in hysteria and psychasthenia -- fears, phobias, obsessions, and tics, like stammering.
Introduction to the Science of Sociology
Herewith, our pics for the worst movies to watch on airplanes, aviophobia or not.
WORST Movies To Watch On An Airplane (VIDEO, POLL)
The best treatment for phobia is a psychological treatment called cognitive behavioural therapy.
Since a lack of pigment leaves albinos defenseless against both ultraviolet rays and light; [,] they are subject to severe photophobia and heliophobia (fear of light and the sun) from birth on.
The word agora means "marketplace," and phobia means "fear" in Greek, so it is a fear of the market, which largely affects a huge population of hikikomori. Antenna
In other words, homophobia is to gays and lesbians what racism is to people of color.
The combined feelings of suffocation and claustrophobia caused her to feel the worst terror she had ever experienced.
We're here to educate about homophobia and heterosexism, provide support to students by students, and hold educational and social events.
Exposure to animated spiders in a videogame environment was just as effective in curing people of arachnophobia as the traditional therapy of handling real spiders, according to a study in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.
A Videogame for Arachnophobes
But Bryan suffered from aquaphobia-a fear of drowning-which was so strong during his childhood that the Baptist pastor could not baptize him by immersion.
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She felt she had to escape from the claustrophobia of suburban family life.
A combination of theophobia-the irrational fear of all things religious-and political dextrophobia-an unhealthy worry about the right side of the body politic-runs unchecked in the blood stream of such schools, disabling the open-mindedness normally prized.
The Scriptorium Daily: Middlebrow
We're not accepting or tolerating homophobia, xenophobia, racism, any of that.
Meanwhile, five million workers are suffering from ergophobia - a fear of going to work, the survey suggests.
Times, Sunday Times
It has left me with a lifelong phobia about necklaces.
Times, Sunday Times
His political conclusion repudiates the crude nationalism, a form of anthropomorphism when all is said and done, which projects upon regional botany its vainglorious xenophobia.
You expect abusive behaviour, you expect xenophobia, homophobia, racism.
Those with social phobia have a profound and enduring fear of negative evaluation in social situations where they panic that they will shame themselves.
Times, Sunday Times
A variety of other clinical findings ensue, which may include anxiety, restlessness, hyperexcitability, hallucinations, dysphagia, and hydrophobia.
Paul intensified Christian erotophobia even further when he stated in
Christianity's Persecution of Gays: Historical Bigotry
The ideal candidate was 'courageous, confident and not suffering from aichmophobia, a fear of sharp objects'.
Times, Sunday Times
The Entire City is named after a Max Ernst painting, and Walling casts her metropolis as both comfort and threat; the safeness and succor of Concrete Mother becomes suffocating claustrophobia on Nest, with its suspense-filled percussion, and the war-like rush of the eponymous track becomes stark isolation on Changelings.
Gazelle Twin: The Entire City – review
Although we hear little of her present-day life, the sense of her escape from the claustrophobia of home and the strictures of her upbringing is strong.
The Times Literary Supplement
He brought all his phobias and complexes to his film-making and whatever ingrained attitudes he had about women were also hauled along.
Simple phobias can often be traced back to specific traumatic experiences.
POSITIVELY FEARLESS: Breaking free of the fears that hold you back
I think we need to start using the term disability-phobic, to raise awareness about this, as in the descriptive and accurate term "homophobia
May 1 -- BADD -- Fear, avoidance, and the people we never get to know
On the Dilan-esper definition of homophobia: Then what word connotes an unreasonable fear of homesexuals/ity?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Street Preacher Arrested in England for Public Statements That Homosexuality is a Sin
The eye involvement can include uveitis, episcleritis, conjunctivitis, and photophobia.
The term phobia being an irrational fear of something, nobody is afraid of homosexuals and nobody fears contracting homosexuality
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Mr Le Pen has always played on these, blending xenophobia with an anti - establishment message.