How To Use phlegmatically In A Sentence
- I pointed out the mysterious and mildly alarming position of the bag to an usher, and he, rather phlegmatically, held on to it until the woman returned to claim it.
- The Justice scratched his head and waxed phlegmatically indignant. The Benefit of the Doubt
- Founded by the British, the city's spirit remains phlegmatically British. Peter Isaac: Will Christchurch Have to Move Somewhere Else?
- It was later confiscated by suspicious guards and, phlegmatically, he simply started all over again.
- It was later confiscated by suspicious guards and, phlegmatically, he simply started all over again.
- he accepted the decision phlegmatically
- Other wealthy nations were no better, phlegmatically reaching for the loose change in their purses.
- Amid all this disorganisation, this nightmare of old furniture, useless machines and discarded objects sit young people, relatively neatly dressed, phlegmatically drinking coffee from old, cracked cups.
- Many critics, theorists, and philosophers have phlegmatically resigned themselves to this space of abnegation.
- The government of the Cayman Islands uncharacteristically took the designation phlegmatically and said that the The most recent articles from Accountancy Age