How To Use Phlegmatic In A Sentence
Not that this is likely to perturb a phlegmatic character whose first start against Rangers feels as if it has been a long time coming, following substitute appearances in the past three derbies.
The taxi driver, a phlegmatic man in middle age, showed no surprise at this request.
Yet his bluff and phlegmatic exterior was to some extent illusory.
King Edward VIII - The Official Biography
The brewer was large, raw-boned, and round as a butt of beer, but very fat, unwieldy, short-winded, and phlegmatic.
The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
Such an air as I have described, should have no bad effect upon a moist, phlegmatic constitution, such as mine; and yet it must be owned, I have been visibly wasting since I came hither, though this decay I considered as the progress of the tabes which began in England.
Travels through France and Italy
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Since becoming captain after the pantomime of last winter he has brought a phlegmatic, laidback approach to the job.
The Sun
Commuting in the rush - hour requires a phlegmatic temperament.
Spanish medical knowledge of the age, still heavily based on Galen and scholasticism, assumed that light-skinned men were colder and phlegmatic.
Amid all this disorganisation, this nightmare of old furniture, useless machines and discarded objects sit young people, relatively neatly dressed, phlegmatically drinking coffee from old, cracked cups.
Yet his bluff and phlegmatic exterior was to some extent illusory.
King Edward VIII - The Official Biography
It's almost unbelievably fitting that these supremely phlegmatic men live in Spitalfields.
Of course, it is easier to be phlegmatic for a less important match against a superior team.
Times, Sunday Times
The form of body peculiarly subject to phthisical complaints was the smooth, the whitish, that resembling the lentil; the reddish, the blue-eyed, the leucophlegmatic, and that with the scapulae having the appearance of wings: and women in like manner, with regard to the melancholic and subsanguineous, phrenitic and dysenteric affections principally attacked them.
Of The Epidemics
His letters confirm a highly inquisitive mind regarding natural and scientific phenomena and suggest a phlegmatic temperament and a dry humour.
I have not a thing to say; no thing is of more importance than another; I am flatter than a denial or a pancake; emptier than Judge ” ” 's wig when the head is in it; duller than a country stage when the actors are off it; a cipher, an O! I acknowledge life at all, only by an occasional convulsional cough, and a permanent phlegmatic pain in the chest.
Selected English Letters
Other wealthy nations were no better, phlegmatically reaching for the loose change in their purses.
The normally phlegmatic Jones fumed at reports suggesting that Radcliffe was anything less than ready, saying they might act as an incentive to her rivals.
‘Obviously I want to play, but I understand the manager's situation,’ was his phlegmatic reaction.
But others were less phlegmatic.
Times, Sunday Times
Schismatical, thou shouldst have said, quoth the barber, and not phlegmatical.
The Fourth Book. V. Treating of That Which Befel All Don Quixote His Train in the Inn
British governments maintained their phlegmatic calm and resisted provocation.
As a footballer his great asset was his calm, phlegmatic manner.
I think one should adopt a phlegmatic approach.
Times, Sunday Times
But not for Zander, an impressively phlegmatic young character who just takes that kind of publicity in his stride.
But while, to the outside world, he appeared as phlegmatic and calmly in control as ever, behind the scenes it was a different story.
Famous for his well-honed aphorisms, Burt's phlegmatic response to such negative developments was to say: ‘If you don't try things, you're doomed to failure’.
In Pudong, the skyscraper district of Shanghai, office workers are calm phlegmatic.
Cold and phlegmatic in their own nature, like damp hay, they heat and inflame by co-acervation; or like bees they become restless and irritable through the increased temperature of collected multitudes.
Biographia Literaria
But others were less phlegmatic.
Times, Sunday Times
Then hadn't it been Deeck, the phlegmatic militiaman who had taught her an English limerick ?
Of course, it is easier to be phlegmatic for a less important match against a superior team.
Times, Sunday Times
Overall, he is phlegmatic about his departure from Goodbody's.
I think one should adopt a phlegmatic approach.
Times, Sunday Times
Re: 1641: Captain Colly gives all his answers with the 'Ah Look ...' preface, but it's a doughty Northern phlegmatic one, not a mincy Aussie one
BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
Pablo drifted phlegmatically into adulthood, following his stint in reform school.
The Sanchez Ghost
The other two, maintaining their usual expression of phlegmatic and stubborn sullenness, left the delivery of their message to him, the glibbest talker.
The Return of Blue Pete
Though this course of life agreed well enough with the sluggish, phlegmatic temperament of the wine-dealer, it soon began to play the very deuse with the more sensitive organization of the notary, and finally put his nervous system completely out of tune.
The Wit and Humor of America, Volume VII. (of X.)
Of the awards season hype and hoopla, he is warily phlegmatic.
Times, Sunday Times
Now the other passengers did not react as phlegmatically as I did.
He was almost boringly phlegmatic, as unexcitable as a drugged sloth.
However, he is a phlegmatic character, not fitting the crude European stereotype of a South American, and even in Spain they originally considered his style more North European than Mediterranean.
The taxi driver, a phlegmatic man in middle age, showed no surprise at this request.
The fact that they did so without any great fuss and noise seems to me to be a tribute to the phlegmatic Scottish character and should not be seen as a psychological fault.
The government of the Cayman Islands uncharacteristically took the designation phlegmatically and said that the
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He will not, trust me, have to deal in my person with a sottish, dunsical Amphitryon, nor with a silly witless Argus, for all his hundred spectacles, nor yet with the cowardly meacock Acrisius, the simple goose-cap Lycus of Thebes, the doting blockhead Agenor, the phlegmatic pea-goose
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
He is undoubtedly one of the most phlegmatic sportsmen in the world.
a phlegmatic...and certainly undemonstrative man
Many critics, theorists, and philosophers have phlegmatically resigned themselves to this space of abnegation.
Yet his bluff and phlegmatic exterior was to some extent illusory.
King Edward VIII - The Official Biography
P.S. I forgot to tell you, that my right ancle pits, a symptom, as I take it, of its being oedematous, not leucophlegmatic.
The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
One has a phlegmatic cackle; the other a girlish giggle that belies her 86 years.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet his bluff and phlegmatic exterior was to some extent illusory.
King Edward VIII - The Official Biography
I reproduce this guff in extenso and commend a quick read of the rest of it and then have a root round, provided always you are of phlegmatic mien.
Archive 2008-03-30
Founded by the British, the city's spirit remains phlegmatically British.
Peter Isaac: Will Christchurch Have to Move Somewhere Else?
One has a phlegmatic cackle; the other a girlish giggle that belies her 86 years.
Times, Sunday Times
He was phlegmatic and dutiful, with a wry sense of humor.
The masculine heroes are phlegmatic, resourceful and stoical.
Since becoming captain after the pantomime of last winter he has brought a phlegmatic, laidback approach to the job.
The Sun
Calm and phlegmatic, with a clear eye , Mr.
The most phlegmatic, untroubled rebuilder of wobbling innings in the world today, the 35-year-old left hander shrugged off every ball that gloved him and every one that scuttled.
Senate Minority Leader McConnell, 68, is owlish, phlegmatic, and gray, and often looks bothered, as though lunch isn't agreeing with him.
Morning Bits
In Pudong, the skyscraper district of Shanghai, office workers are calm phlegmatic.
We must even acknowledge that the little Queen-bee fell into a few excesses, such as jumping over ditches where they were the broadest, and clapping her hands and shouting to frighten away phlegmatical crows.
The Home
The Justice scratched his head and waxed phlegmatically indignant.
The Benefit of the Doubt
The form of body peculiarly subject to phthisical complaints was the smooth, the whitish, that resembling the lentil; the reddish, the blue-eyed, the leucophlegmatic, and that with the scapulae having the appearance of wings: and women in like manner, with regard to the melancholic and subsanguineous, phrenitic and dysenteric affections principally attacked them.
Of The Epidemics
It becomes even more acute when viewed through the eyes of phlegmatic observers whose upper lips have been conditioned to stiffness from their earliest years!
I pointed out the mysterious and mildly alarming position of the bag to an usher, and he, rather phlegmatically, held on to it until the woman returned to claim it.
As a footballer his great asset was his calm, phlegmatic manner.
The sanguine humour is the principal humour of the blood which embodies the other three humours: the choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic within it.
Then hadn't it been Deeck, the phlegmatic militiaman who had taught her an English limerick?
Bombing his own men and planes was more than even the most phlegmatic observer could stomach, and it looked like the end for him…
Macha is 145 pounds of phlegmatic composure, a St. Bernard who can't help but look dignified and profound, even when she is waiting for a treat.
The taxi driver, a phlegmatic man in middle age, showed no surprise at this request.
These ideologies, so fanatically nursed, are best described as spectacularly ass-backwards (to borrow an appalling, phlegmatic phrase).
Qanta Ahmed, MD: The Adventures of Itamar Marcus and the Hamas Bunny: Palestine at Play
Since becoming captain after the pantomime of last winter he has brought a phlegmatic, laidback approach to the job.
The Sun
Are my books perhaps, quoth the innkeeper, heretical or phlegmatical, that you would thus roughly handle them?
The Fourth Book. V. Treating of That Which Befel All Don Quixote His Train in the Inn
Imbalance of the humours resulted in various temperaments, thus the dominance of black bile causes melancholy; blood, sanguine temperament; phlegm, a phlegmatic temperament; or yellow bile, a choleric temperament.
This is heady stuff for a world as phlegmatic as racing.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet his bluff and phlegmatic exterior was to some extent illusory.
King Edward VIII - The Official Biography
he accepted the decision phlegmatically
I think one should adopt a phlegmatic approach.
Times, Sunday Times
It was later confiscated by suspicious guards and, phlegmatically, he simply started all over again.
But others were less phlegmatic.
Times, Sunday Times
It was later confiscated by suspicious guards and, phlegmatically, he simply started all over again.
What phlegmatical reasons soever were made you," wrote the Queen, who but three weeks before had been so gentle and affectionate to her, ambassador, "how happeneth it that you will not remember, that when a man hath faulted and committed by abettors thereto, neither the one nor the other will willingly make their own retreat.
History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609)
Sanguine relates to air, choleric to fire, melancholy to earth and phlegmatic to water.
To our surprise, the lean, mean killing machine turns out to be a "phlegmatical," "pale sot.
Archive 2010-02-01
In later work, which got little attention in the West, Pavlov sought to prove that dogs are of four temperamental types, "strong excitatory," "lively," "calm imperturbable, or phlegmatic," and "weak inhibitory.
The Most Interesting Blog Comment I've Ever Read, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Yet even his phlegmatic character would have been bewildered by the mountain of a task which he had roped himself into.
He is also phlegmatic on the subject of his dealings with Hollywood.
Looking back at my review of Mourning Becomes Electra's debut, I notice that I complained of the opera's uncertain dramatic pacing and the music's phlegmatic, anonymous character.
Of course, it is easier to be phlegmatic for a less important match against a superior team.
Times, Sunday Times
If we are as phlegmatic as we like to believe would we revel so conspicuously in our tragedy?
Yet his bluff and phlegmatic exterior was to some extent illusory.
King Edward VIII - The Official Biography
The masculine heroes are phlegmatic, resourceful and stoical.