
  1. draw blood
    In the old days, doctors routinely bled patients as part of the treatment
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How To Use phlebotomize In A Sentence

  • Thomas Cowell of York County in 1680, and Patrick Napier twice phlebotomized 'Allen Jarves, deceased, in the cure of a cancer of his mouth.' Medicine in Virginia, 1607-1699
  • Then to-morrow morning, six -- phlebotomists themselves phlebotomized secundum artem. Scaramouche
  • Then have we a civil war to phlebotomize us every year, and to prevent our population from starving for want of food — and for the same purpose we have the Plague proposing us a visit, the best of all recipes for thinning a land, and converting younger brothers into elder ones. The Abbot
  • (a red gad-fly) were troublesome as usual, and at night the mosquitoes phlebotomized us till we hailed the dawn. 18 A delightful bath of salt followed by fresh water, effectually quenched the fiery irritation of these immundicities. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Half dead upon the spot where he was phlebotomized, the wretched animal was left to reflect under the shade of a tulip-tree on the cruelty of man, on their barbarous appetites; cursing with all his heart the poverty of Morvinian curates, their conceited hospitality, of which he was the victim, and their brutal affection for pig's blood. Le Morvan, [A District of France,] Its Wild Sports, Vineyards and Forests; with Legends, Antiquities, Rural and Local Sketches
  • And by the way, let me beg you not to call a TROTTING MATCH a RACE, and not to speak of a "thoroughbred" as a "BLOODED" horse, unless he has been recently phlebotomized. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • Purgetur si ejus dispositio venerit ad adust, humoris, et phlebotomizetur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • But so it was, that King Piko, at peace with King Hello, and well content with, the tranquillity of the times, little relished the idea of picking a quarrel with his neighbor, and running its risks, in order to phlebotomize his redundant population. Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. II (of 2)
  • She calmly put on her gloves she had brought her own, and proceeded to behead, disembowel, and phlebotomize this poor fish. It takes a village
  • I'll take the liberty of saying to Monsieur le Baron that I phlebotomized Perdreau last week and Mascareau only a month ago, without any complaint from them. The French Immortals Series — Complete
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