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How To Use Philosophy In A Sentence

  • Since 1993, I've gone through a great deal of philosophy, in particular works by the Roman stoics such as Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Cicero.
  • The best philosophy is to change your food habits to a low-sugar, high-fibre diet.
  • My philosophy of life is to stick close to the golden mean.
  • _R.dolf Eucken's Philosophy of Life_, by Professor W.R. Boyce Gibson Rudolph Eucken : a philosophy of life
  • He was a large, meaty, oily type of man — a kind of ambling, gelatinous formula of the male, with the usual sound commercial instincts of the Jew, but with an errant philosophy which led him to believe first one thing and then another so long as neither interfered definitely with his business. The Titan
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  • Paul Tillich is a great thinker who made great contributions in both philosophy and theology.
  • The study of this aspect of language provides links with other disciplines such as sociology, social anthropology, psychology and philosophy.
  • a constructive philosophy
  • Theories of mental diseases commixed with philosophy and religious beliefs.
  • It is not my culture or philosophy. The Sun
  • I would also argue that the results Kumon reports achieving have little to do with their philosophy and practice about teaching and learning and much more to do with the fact that it gets parents and assistants as its teachers are called genuinely involved in children's learning. Ellen Galinsky: Fast-Tracking to Kindergarten? How About a Good Track to Learning in Kindergarten and Beyond?
  • We crammed into the small kitchen, drank tea and talked politics, philosophy and music. Times, Sunday Times
  • She majored in philosophy at Harvard.
  • These are tasks which confront legal theory and political philosophy together.
  • It suited a society that wanted a select few to pursue the life of the mind, through immersing themselves in such fusty subjects as Classics or philosophy, while everybody else did something less useless instead.
  • His ponderous declaration: "I write by the light of two eternal truths, religion and the monarchy," was a sort of cheap-jack recommendation of the so-called philosophy in his _Comedie Humaine_. Balzac
  • But unlike Karl Barth or Paul Tillich, for example, who saw themselves as fusing philosophy and theology, Rosenstock-Huessy refused to see himself primarily as a philosopher or theologian ” though when the term philosopher was qualified by the preceding ˜social™, he was more willing to accept that designation. [ Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
  • Thoughts on "philosophy otherwise known as sophistry [philosophy] otherwise known as sophistry
  • This argues a different philosophy of life. Molly Keane's Ireland
  • Buddhism recognizes neither the mind/body dualism that characterizes much of Western philosophy, nor the concept of an essential self, such as the Hindu atman.
  • Philosophy aims only at the truth, not at mere persuasion regardless of truth, which is a dubious enterprise in both its intentions and its methods.
  • It is also the first English version that claims to emphasize Chuang-tzu's philosophy.
  • He's a graduate in philosophy.
  • If you want to get an earful of vegan philosophy, just ask this author what she thinks of genetically engineered foods.
  • Descended from a long line of respected yogis in Yoga Vedanta philosophy, Swamiji was born in Rajasthan in Northwestern India where he has established a school and other social welfare facilities.
  • Most American designers are either obsessed with objective space or suffer from just trying to make things look cool - but here there is evidence of honesty, conceptualism and philosophy.
  • I should steer clear of the throw-it-all-in-a-pot philosophy, though.
  • Ethics is a branch of philosophy.
  • Philosophy Philosophy deals systematically with questions that every reflective person asks from time to time.
  • It's interesting that he lards the book with homespun stories of his upbringing in Louisiana, because his philosophy of politics and government is very much a community based approach writ large.
  • General Philosophy covers such topics as mind and body, theory of knowledge, causation and personal identity.
  • Newton had indeed been inspired by theories of sympathies and antipathies in alchemy and Hermetic philosophy.
  • The booklet reflected the philosophy behind this managerial approach by showing the economic rationale behind subcontracting.
  • A personal philosophy is something which all people have nomatterwhat their background, class, or educational attainment.
  • His system admits no contradiction between free will and determinism, the God of philosophy and that of the Quran.
  • This common-sense approach to philosophy had a profound impact on early American history. Christianity Today
  • Philosophy major Wylie Dufresne hopes to dine with founding fathers, Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson; compares line cooks to lab researchers; and rejects the term molecular gastronomy to define the cuisine at his Michelin-star namesake restaurant, wd~50. Louise McCready: Curious Wylie Dufresne Defends the Science of Cooking
  • In part two, theoretic formulize is developed to Late Greek Privacy Philosophy.
  • The text forms a patchwork quilt of anecdotes that weave together domesticity and philosophy. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Keill acted as a propagator of Newton's philosophy and argued against Whiston and others.
  • Marx may be described as a humanist, and in this century humanism has been given expression, in both secular and religious forms, in the philosophy of existentialism.
  • You want to look at any philosophy that millions of people subscribe to, and some bad things are going to happen - but to my knowledge "godlessness" has really only been around for about 100 years, and in that amount of time its probably led to more murder, misery and mans 'inhumanity to man than all the other "isms" ever created. Sound Politics: Obsession Shown At Cedar Park
  • Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is a trick life plays on philosophy of life.
  • He will graduate with a major in computer science and a minor in philosophy, and he plans to pursue his interest in freelance photography and photojournalism.
  • Wherefore, upon all these accounts, as well as for all the reasons before mentioned, youth stands in need of good government to manage it in the reading of poetry, that being free from all prejudicate opinions, and rather instructed beforehand in conformity thereunto, it may with more calmness, friendliness, and familiarity pass from thence to the study of philosophy. Essays and Miscellanies
  • As he expounded the philosophy of enterprise and free-market wealth creation, there was a stir of interest in the public gallery.
  • We can see in this Nietzsche's aspirations towards a total philosophy of life.
  • Athenians so far forgot their Philosophy, and the nature of humane production, that they descended unto belief, that the original of their Nation was from the Earth, and had no other beginning then the seminality and womb of their great Mother. El Hombre Que Comía Diccionarios
  • Within this context, philosophy and ethics still have a crucial role to play.
  • Histories make men wise ; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep ; moral grave ; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 
  • Traditional Chinese philosophy embraced these as yin and yang, each of which contain the seed of the other.
  • Until philosophers rule as kings or those who are now called kings and leading men genuinely and adequately philosophize, that is, until political power and philosophy entirely coincide, while the many natures who at present pursue either one exclusively are forcibly prevented from doing so, cities will have no rest from evils, ... nor, I think, will the human race. All the President's Lies
  • Their inconsistency in away matches this season has not led to a change in philosophy. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is, rather, a handbook for philosophy students, written to illustrate how arithmetic, geometry, stereometry, music, and astronomy are interrelated.
  • For example, an interest in the context sensitivity of realization in philosophy of mind (Wilson 2004, ch. 6) invokes issues pertaining to the context objection, individuation, temporality (especially causation versus constitution), and intrinsicality. Reductionism in Biology
  • He was compelled to study philosophy and theology by his parents, which he greatly resented, and he graduated from the University of Basel with a master's degree in philosophy in 1671 and a licentiate in theology in 1676.
  • While Barnett believes in being positive during his broadcasts, the Warriors have certainly tested that philosophy.
  • Copernican revolution in philosophy", as he termed it: the most fundamental revolution in the whole history of epistemology; and his ethics is the most important one since Aristotle's. New Releases
  • There are numerous excursions in scientific realms of chemistry, biology, meteorology, computer science, and most of all mathematics and philosophy.
  • Most of the political philosophy written in the last thirty years has been on this question.
  • Unless we wish to end up with a two-tier system, the literati and the illiterati, then there seems to be a need for the education system to change the philosophy of the last decade or so, and return to an emphasis on literacy.
  • This is the inexorable logic of Lancaster's philosophy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence that wide-spread Pythagorean philosophy, with its spheral harmonics and esoteric mysteries, uniting in one brotherhood for many years men of thought and action, -- dare we say, our inferiors? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 20, June, 1859
  • Even more fundamental than these pragmatic constraints, however, is the educational philosophy underlying the two initiatives.
  • Another important branch of philosophy relevant here is metaphysics, which tries to discover the basic structure of reality.
  • As a governing philosophy, it has been able to tack for decades from statism to laissez-faire, from big government to individual freedom, with only occasional discomfort.
  • We may observe here the singular paradox, which we believe that the philosophy of the mind and the experience of the scholar equally establish, that what are usually called the heaviest or severest subjects of thought are the least exhausting to the thinker. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 121, November, 1867
  • He extrapolated a new religion or philosophy called monism from evolutionary science. SMART Grant Update - The Panda's Thumb
  • The term played a key role in the PHILOSOPHY of KANT. Concise Dictionary of Religion
  • Descartes'rational intuition has brought durative effect to whole philosophy later.
  • There seem to be only two well-known theories from the history of the philosophy of mind that have not been attributed to him, namely behaviorism and functionalism.
  • This philosophy allowed for an understanding that a part of the body could stand for the whole.
  • Histories make men wise ; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep ; moral grave ; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 
  • Many Long Islanders have used the locavore philosophy to inspire flexibility and freedom in creating their Thanksgiving menu.
  • Philosophy is the scientific knowledge that summarizes the nature and society.
  • From whatever standpoint or philosophy, works of art can never be judged as essential to basic living.
  • And herein is divinity conformant unto philosophy, and generation not only founded on contrarieties, but also creation. Religio Medici
  • He has also done work in the philosophy of science and the philosophy of mathematics.
  • Today's enemy, however, is not a philosophy that condemned millions, but an implacable, unappeasable, pitiless fanaticism that exists on the very fringes of humanity.
  • He published On Humanism, a letter to Beaufret in which he distanced his own philosophy from French existentialism.
  • He has a highly pertinent comment, to my mind, when he notes that [d] ebate in analytical philosophy is not directionless. Archive 2009-06-01
  • They abound in matters of interest to the investigator of masonic symbolism and philosophy, but should be read with a careful view of the preconceived theory of the learned author, who refers everything in the ancient religions to the influences of the Noachic cataclysm, and the arkite worship which he supposes to have resulted from it. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • The whole philosophy of a stone quarry is to leverage out a wholesome material, free of cracks and other faults.
  • Born in Lisbon, he studied history, philosophy, and jurisprudence at the University of Lisbon.
  • Scholastic theology, condensed in the "summae" and "books of sentences", is henceforward regarded as distinct from philosophy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Neither the physical well being resulting from the diet, nor the knowledge of oriental philosophy really dealt with the matter of self-development or self-realization.
  • You don't have to be an egghead to read philosophy, you can even read it on the conveyer belt at your local gym, thus combining your physical and intellectual work-outs and saving valuable time.
  • The philosophy of switching to pharmacy medicines or over the counter medicines is to empower the patient to participate more fully in his or her health care.
  • Transcendental philosophy started with Descartess philosophical principle which makes the world objective in subjectivity with "transcendental self" as the Archimedess point.
  • Ms. Seidman said that the least satisfied career changers she works with tend to be those who fell into general majors, such as philosophy or African-American studies, and ended up in unrelated fields. Psych Majors Aren't Happy With Options
  • Justice Sotomayor's famous ­declaration — that a "wise Latina" will often come to a better judicial ruling than a white male — implies an ethnic-and-gender "essentialist" philosophy that is ­repugnant to Justice Kennedy's core individualism. The Decider
  • In turn the profession would articulate philosophy and justify efforts and achievements with confidence to the wider community.
  • When we see how they are not being transparent with their members it shows very scant regard for the founding philosophy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The philosophy and approach to vinification of these two wines were very similar. Red Newt Cellars 2007 Sawmill Creek Vineyards Gewurztraminer
  • The main religious philosophy schools in the history of Indian thought, including Brahmanism, Buddhism, Jainism and Lokayata, all have put forward their own distinctive ethical viewpoints.
  • I didn't care over-weeningly for it for personal gratification; and in my philosophy I completed the circle, finding myself as equable with the lack of a ten-cent piece as I was with the squandering of scores of dollars in calling all men and hangers-on up to the bar to drink with me. Chapter 18
  • She was a philosophy major at an Ivy League college.
  • Neither the physical well being resulting from the diet, nor the knowledge of oriental philosophy really dealt with the matter of self-development or self-realization.
  • Arguably, it is this route that Continental philosophy has followed ever since.
  • Sera is one of the three great Gelug monastic universities where monks do intensive study and training in Buddhist philosophy.
  • It is not my culture or philosophy. The Sun
  • They go further to claim that autism is not really a disorder but just a different form of brain wiring -- some call this philosophy "neurodiversity". Neurodiversity: Just Say No
  • Philosophy's miracle worker retinoid pads are different! Times, Sunday Times
  • The background of liberal philosophy shapes the opposing interpretations of the modern law of contract presented in recent books and articles.
  • Hobbes is just one of many famous philosophers Berlin castigated in his lecture, but it is Hobbes's bleak and elemental philosophy that most conveniently sums up what Berlin and other moralists so revile. Was Democracy Just a Moment?
  • In the end, she reconciles her new amour with her personal philosophy of maintaining two lovers.
  • He also sought to impart a philosophy of diligence, persistence, and excellence.
  • For many the philosophy was merely a fashion, and the novelty soon wore off.
  • It is a poetic philosophy that not only sings and sizzles about life, it also affirms life.
  • For anyone drawn to Stoic philosophy, for example, bodily suffering could not finally be of great significance.
  • It doesn't say anything about philosophy, but it says a lot about our society, and it's a stonking good read.
  • S6 pupils also undertake a dissertation on a subject of their own choice such as Roman Law, philosophy, etc.
  • So the idea that philosophy does relate to the everyday concerns reflected in the news is not a fanciful one at all.
  • Religion is part of the human make-up. It's also part of our cultural and intellectual history. Religion was our first attempt at literature, the texts, our first attempt at cosmology, making sense of where we are in the universe, our first attempt at health care, believing in faith healing, our first attempt at philosophy. Christopher Hitchens 
  • Now, I have issues with YouTube, and I fully support an artist's right to decide what happens to their music, but Prince's decision to make his new album available as an exclusive covermount goes against his philosophy of reaching as many listeners as possible. Prince's war with iTunes plays into the hands of illegal filesharers
  • Universities must also be willing to examine their philosophy, pedagogies, and practices.
  • I love your philosophy, and I certainly agree that many medicines are overprescribed.
  • But this ‘primitive chemistry’ was also a sophisticated hermetic philosophy.
  • German philosophy after Kant could be summarized as hankering after the noumena, and thus as more “Platonic” than Kant. Matthew Yglesias » Time For a Blogger Ethics Panel
  • Mosley too became increasingly prone to blur the distinction between art, philosophy and life.
  • Having established the color of the first man by a draft on Scripture narrative, etymology and mental philosophy, I shall, in another chapter, establish the color of the first woman by the same means, perhaps using the argument of two or three affinitive sciences in addition thereto. Afro-American Encyclopaedia; or, The Thoughts, Doings, and Sayings of the Race, Embracing Addresses, Lectures, Biographical Sketches, Sermons, Poems, Names of Universities, Colleges, Seminaries, Newspapers, Books, and a History of the Denominations, Givin
  • Not philosophy, after all, not humanity, just the sheer joyous power of song, is the primal thing in poetry.
  • Dominant currents in the philosophy of technology thus essentialise technology, decontextualise it, and abstract it from culture and human meaning, and thus fail to see how deeply embedded technology is in everyday life.
  • But she didn't have one and was worried about resigning herself to the "crapshoot" of a random doctor at the hospital, someone whose birthing philosophy she would not know and with whom she'd have no relationship. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • From his youth Nobel had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy.
  • First, there's the unrepentantly epicurean philosophy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that he cites, in his defense, a first class degree from Cambridge ‘specializing in philosophy’ only makes more indefensible his howlers and misconceptions.
  • Traditional Chinese philosophy embraced these as yin and yang, each of which contain the seed of the other.
  • When they started working on the case, not only did they find clear-cut Batson violations—a former prosecutor who worked in the DA’s office around the time of Bo’s trial would later testify that the philosophy of his office was, in his own words, “that prospective black jurors at that time were antipolice, antiestablishment, and should not be left on juries”—but they also turned up significant evidence that Bo was innocent of murder. Living Justice
  • This article is mainly in the background of multi-subject of political philosophy, legal philosophy and moral philosophy, analyzing the famous American scholar Dworkin's Rights Theory.
  • The recording process was the continuation of a long-held Underworld philosophy. Times, Sunday Times
  • His main work involved applying philosophy to mathematics, the philosophy taking precedence over rigorous mathematical proofs.
  • Locke is anxious to defend his political philosophy against the accusation that it encourages rebellion.
  • But probably the most impactive dualist thinker would have to be Descartes, the father of modern philosophy.
  • I've considered myself particularly qualified to weigh in on the subject ever since my philosophy professor pointed out to me as a college freshman that the Italian derivation of my name, Mal-erb-a, can be interpreted to mean "bad weed. Larry Malerba, D.O. : Medical Marijuana: The Pros and Cons of Legal Cannabis
  • He has additionally been working on different aspects of the behavior of seabirds, especially the common murre (Uria aalge), and is knowledgeable about biological philosophy as well as biology education. Contributor: Jonathan M. Jeschke
  • But it is impossible by words to convey any idea of the effect of his conversation, and of the impression made by so much philosophy, gaiety and humour, accompanied by a manner at once so animated and simple.
  • I saw in a flash that I might revolutionize all of philosophy by daring to ask Why do you wish to believe what you claim to believe? I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
  • As a cross of philosophy and divine Platosophy, Plato s doctrine of reminiscence has theological form.
  • I want you to be mindful of what is called hylozoism and reification in philosophy.
  • The philosophy based on the transcendental existence was departed into three parts: existential philosophy of Greek, modern metaphysical and the existential philosophy of Heidergger.
  • Echoes of the subsequent post-Hegelian criticisms of Kantian transcendental philosophy are found in the early work of Horkheimer and Marcuse.
  • As a cross of philosophy and divine Platosophy, Plato s doctrine of reminiscence has theological form.
  • Her Libran philosophy of accepting what couldn't be changed helped dry her tears.
  • He believed in the Adwait philosophy with its aim as self-realization.
  • Histories make men wise ; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep ; moral grave ; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 
  • I am surprised that he did not cite as evidence in support of his case the moral philosophy of his own Monklands District Council.
  • Eitel makes an important contribution to contemporary missiology, and challenges Southern Baptist missionaries to study mission methods and philosophy more thoroughly.
  • Using the humanistic technique of history and reminiscence, this article traces the idiosyncracies of the pythagorean philosophy: the refusal to put law in writing, the use of hieroglyphs, the dependence upon oracular judgment, the belief in multiple lives, askesis and akousmata, and places them at the root of what is most emblematically common law. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Such an approach will only work for true intellects - scientists with unique philosophy and vision.
  • His strategy is rooted not only in calculated opportunism, but also in a rock-hard philosophy of how the game must be played today.
  • DYNAMITE: The term applies to TNT's bittersweet Men of a Certain Age, continuing its terrific second season, but not so much to the instantly tiresome new legal dramedy Franklin & Bash, which implodes in the belief that aggressive quirkiness, smarmy frat-boy sexual innuendo and a "suits are douches" philosophy will endear its Peter Pan protagonists to a wide audience. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • The philosophy of science deals with philosophical issues that arise in connection with science.
  • They have a reasonably good grip on the philosophy of science - far better than my own, anyway.
  • His ponderous declaration: “I write by the light of two eternal truths, religion and the monarchy,” was a sort of cheap-jack recommendation of the so-called philosophy in his Balzac
  • Mersenne both kept in touch with savants all over Europe, and seems to have had a clear vision himself of what a new philosophy must consist in.
  • If such a result can be arrived at by the logical and philosophical conception of a gravitative Aether, then the three Rules of Philosophy are fully satisfied, and the assumption of a gravitative Aether is warranted on a strictly philosophical basis. Aether and Gravitation
  • He therefore was commissioned to abridge and write a preface to a now obscure work of mental philosophy, The Light of Nature Pursued by Abraham Tucker (originally published in seven volumes from 1768 to 1777), which appeared in 1807 and may have had some influence on his own later thinking. William hazlitt | the man of letters « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • It is important to note that we often have to look beyond academic philosophy to find the women who were influential social philosophers.
  • Obviously we have to be balanced but the philosophy is to play offensive football. The Sun
  • A simple answer would be to establish a sociology / psychology / philosophy core for all pupils.
  • If a 260 tennis coach followed this philosophy, students would practice dropping the ball for a week.
  • Their education philosophy is full of anti-vaccine woo-woo.
  • Jiansheng Philosophy : Dedicate to the eduction cause, and serve the numerous students.
  • The truths he affirms are encoded in his own poetry, rather than mysteriously embodied in Scripture, and he addresses a cultured but non-Latinate audience unschooled in philosophy.
  • The displacement of subject theory out of philosophy occurred a long time ago. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Toryism is a traditionalist political philosophy, which grew out of the Cavalier faction in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 18, 2010
  • And the key to this drastic and fateful change in the history of western philosophy from a consideration of the being of things (Sein des Seienden) to a consideration of the "thingliness" of things (Seiendheit des Seienden) is, at least in the case of Plato, to be found in the second meaning of being which Heidegger found among the Greeks, the aspect of being as appearance. Enowning
  • Sounds, that is: forget that you know that philosophy begins with a ph -, and "respell" it FLSF; ignore your recollection that psychology likewise begins with a p -, and render it SKLJ. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 3
  • Otherwise we get a philosophy that tends to become insubstantial and vaporous.
  • Elena is a very young regisseur also flown in from Milan, representing the Scuola Civica del cinema di Milano to promote the philosophy "Milano for the Young Generation. Jim Luce: Italian Cultural Institute of N.Y. Hosts "Milano for the Young Generation"
  • And he vowed City will not change their football philosophy despite their poor run. The Sun
  • A counterargument would stress that the greatest learning is derived from the inimitable, silence betrays cowardice, disaffiliation and indie culture give the lie to the unavoidability of affiliation, the literary field exists in many sites other than the academy, self-victimization is the reigning philosophy, program writers are more self-commodifying than the disaffiliated, the system purges internal feedback from dissenters, and the end of excellence is well in sight. Anis Shivani: Can Writing Be Taught? The Systems-Theory Rationalizations Of An Insider
  • Upon this noblest youth -- so far in advance of his rude and turbulent time -- throw a horror that no philosophy, birth, nor training can resist -- one of those weights beneath which all humanity bows shuddering; cast over him a stifling dream, where only the soul can act, and the limbs refuse their offices; have him pushed along by Fate to the lowering, ruinous catastrophe; and you see the dramatic chainwork of a part which he who would enact Hamlet must fulfil. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 103, May, 1866
  • Oriental mystery cults attempted to answer the need for a salvationist faith with its mysticisms and forms of sacrament; philosophy outside the Church was running to religiosity. CHRISTIANITY IN HISTORY
  • For a bird's-eye view of the history of the idea of irrationalism in philosophy, two preliminary method - ological observations are in order. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • As a non-specialist in both science and philosophy, I found Arthur Peacocke's treatment of time very helpful - he sees God's relation to time as dipolar - God transcends and gives existence to time, but also interacts with created time, and does not know the future, except through probabilities, as it does not yet exist I am paraphrasing - probably poorly - as I do not have the text here with me. God and Time
  • The philosophy underpinning integrated healthcare places considerable emphasis on empowerment and self-help.
  • The historical tendency of the unity of science movement is toward a unified science departmentalized into special sciences, and not toward a speculative juxtaposition of an autonomous philosophy and a group of scientific disciplines. Archive 2009-09-01
  • It has since undergone six name changes and numerous revolutions in technology, style and editorial philosophy.
  • Jenny was bookish; the only young man capable to follow her train of thought was Michael - with whom Jenny often engaged in heated debates about philosophy and boring books.
  • Ignore the kind of self-helpy title: this is a fabulous and rather dense tome that manages to synthesize the state of the art in neuropsychology (Schwartz is one of the pioneers of cognitive therapy for the successful treatment of patients with OCD), neurobiology, quantum physics, Buddhist philosophy, and the question of free will into a sensible whole. Ashes to ashes baby, dirt to dirt
  • In Satre's philosophy, being is prior to "nothing" but would be meaningless without "nothing"; however, man pursues the being in the unstable state, which causes useless warmth of life.
  • Respecting the confidentiality of our biographees is always at the forefront of our employees’ thoughts and is our overall company philosophy.
  • In turn, the film's title comes to suggest a greater theme about the attempts of humanity to comprehend the apparently incomprehensible - this endeavour being the fount of science, mathematics, philosophy and, yes, art.
  • Mathematics broke away from philosophy and became tied to physical science.
  • Counterculture environmentalists never constructed a unified philosophy that united like-minded individuals and organizations under one banner.
  • The very simplicity belies the profundity of the philosophy, for each title reflects a much deeper insight into a given problem and often, at the same time, hints at the mode of operation to be employed.
  • In his book on _Adolescence_, Stanley Hall refers to three ecbolic records in his possession, all made by men who were doctors of philosophy, and all considering themselves normal. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • Their conformity to the tenets of a philosophy that was supposed to be about non-conformity, suggests that, deep down, they were were playing at it.
  • We need not argue at length that philosophy is serious, but this does not mean that it needs to be solemn or humourless.
  • Behaviorism has long justified itself by a philosophy that exalts prediction and control over theoretical explanation.
  • Fear, fury, desire, shame -- the whole philosophy of the religious moralist is simply an abstraction, systematisation and indoctrination of emotional reactions as so-called moral principles. Duncan Does Deus
  • Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
  • Santayana employs a naturalistic account of poetry and philosophy, attempting to combine comparative structures with as few embedded parochial assumptions as possible while making explicit our material boundness to particular worlds and perspectives. George Santayana
  • A taxonomic philosophy embodying a wider species concept based on recognition of the extraordinary variability within single stromatoporoid skeletons requires many described taxa to be placed in synonymy.
  • Any religion or philosophy which is not based on a respect for life is not a true religion or philosophy. Albert Schweitzer 
  • Most importantly perhaps the philosophy of land tenure and inheritance was quite different.
  • In your average bookstore, the volumes stacked by the dozen and sold under the heading of Self-Help are liable to be found quartered in the same part of the building as those falling under the less obviously improving rubric of Philosophy.
  • Many mathematicians were interested in natural philosophy, and geology in particular.

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