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How To Use Philosophically In A Sentence

  • Such a conclusion is as philosophically bizarre as it is textually unwarranted.
  • the movement is philosophically indebted to Rousseau
  • He was the first to use this word philosophically. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • This quotation comes from a conversation between the artist and Sarah Martin in the exhibition catalog, which is essential to understanding the intent of the show—excepting the philosophically naïve yet slightly condescending initial essay, "Re-imagining Reality" by Sîan Ede. An Eruption in Margate
  • Philosophically, pluralism rests on the assumption that ultimate reality is many, multiple, that is, more than one or two.
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  • The separation between the disciplines of biology and cosmology may be philosophically regrettable but it is built into the structure of modern science. Infinite in All Directions
  • Or the business interests that provide campaign cash and are more philosophically in tune with the congressional leadership?
  • Specifically, it might inspire them to revisit the politically arduous and philosophically complex struggle whereby modern liberalism overcame the sanguinary terror of religious conflict in post-Reformation Europe.
  • It should because Bush & Co. are philosophically and authentically uneager to crack down on their corporate cash base. Mark Green: Laissez Isn't Fair
  • Philosophically, the term suggests an organic wholeness in stark opposition to the age of mechanical reproduction.
  • Mask's interanimation of the material and the ideational, of grit and philosophically-oriented intellection -- results in stanzas notably more literary and poetic than Wolfenstein's. Kaufman, Notes- _Reading Shelley's Interventionist Poetry, 1819-1820_ - Romantic Circles Praxis Series
  • He accepted the verdict philosophically.
  • But the botanist that is desirous of wiping off this aspersion should be by no means content with a list of names; he should study plants philosophically, should investigate the laws of vegetation, should examine the powers and virtues of efficacious herbs, should promote their cultivation; and graft the gardener, the planter, and the husbandman, on the phytologist. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2
  • Anonymous talks about things like Link killing a tektite and how nothing philosophically significant should be extracted from such things. Response to Gamers and Others Concerning the Zelda Book
  • Philosophically as well as poetically his Platonism was a muddied stream. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • But don't let the philosophically-alluding title misconstrue your perceptions of what Gaming Nexus
  • Megill writes not as a literary critic but as a philosophically trained historian of ideas.
  • And he's not a conservative, or a liberal, or a maverick, or a Hutterite, or anything much, philosophically, one way or the other. McCain's Doctors: No Recurrence Of Cancer
  • The second is a conviction that human beings are perfectible, not merely spiritually or philosophically, but physically. Times, Sunday Times
  • The second is a conviction that human beings are perfectible, not merely spiritually or philosophically, but physically. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are philosophically unsound because both right and left identify a highly determinate set of rights whether they be basic freedoms or property rights, and postulate that they dovetail in an harmonious set.
  • Now, of course, there are a number of poets, by no means uninfluential, who read Chinese and Japanese and who are philosophically Buddhist or Taoist or both.
  • Such happenings are the norm, whereas objectified, meaningless processes are products of a theoretical attitude that is neither normal nor philosophically necessary.
  • The veteran backstop has learned to take the fierce body blows of his position philosophically.
  • Megill writes not as a literary critic but as a philosophically trained historian of ideas.
  • Or the business interests that provide campaign cash and are more philosophically in tune with the congressional leadership?
  • Well, sir, you know that an oak-ball will smoke when you bust it atwixt your fingers -- but there ain't no fire in it," grunted Ham, philosophically. Swept Out to Sea Clint Webb Among the Whalers
  • he dealt with the problem of evil theologically, not philosophically
  • It is impossible for me to emphasize how much more can be gleaned philosophically from the Graphic Novel than from the movie. The Moral Exemplars of Watchmen | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • His analysis of concepts that play a key role in his theory—plasticity, space, and beauty—is illuminating and philosophically profound.
  • Even more than corporate logos and trademarks, the symbolism embedded in flag design is emotionally, philosophically, and politically charged.
  • I think your question is completely irrelevant unless we define some terms and desist from universalising the experiences of ‘us’ ‘here’ as something important or even philosophically interesting.
  • The faculty who were philosophically accepting of distance education did place a higher value on distance education.
  • The way one moves forward philosophically is by looking backwards in a fresh manner.
  • Occasionally entrance is denied, which is philosophically accepted as a rule, but he was outraged when they were turned away—twice.
  • Well, sor," Terence Reardon replied philosophically, "I suppose there's small use cryin 'over spilt milk -- musha, what are they up to now? Cappy Ricks Retires
  • McDowell develops a stringent reading of Sellars 'diagnosis of a "myth of the given" in perceptual experience to argue that we need always to separate out the exercise of concepts in experience from a causal account of the pre-conditions of experience and that the idea of "non-conceptual content" straddles this boundary in a philosophically unacceptable way. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • Is this something we could philosophically go along with?
  • Wundt's notion of apperceptive separation is one of the most philosophically original, consequential, and ambiguous of his theories. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
  • I don't write messy realism; I write philosophically-driven, distilled, and consciously framed fiction.
  • He took it philosophically when he said, "I've had a pretty injury-free three year, so I suppose I was due one."
  • Some philosophers and philosophically-minded physicists may have been misled on this score by their allegiance to an excessively positivistic epistemology of science.
  • The austerity that has made desire philosophically acceptable is conspicuously absent from pleasure; pleasure is harder to disembody.
  • This competition was philosophically underpinned by the idea of a 'progressive memorial'.
  • The separation between the disciplines of biology and cosmology may be philosophically regrettable but it is built into the structure of modern science. Infinite in All Directions
  • It is remarkably disturbing, and philosophically challenging as well.
  • There has always been something jarring and philosophically disconcerting about their juxtaposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • The essay is both factually enlightening and philosophically thought-provoking.
  • The _accident_, I use the term philosophically, not popularly, the accident of a man's being married, or, in other words, having entered imprudently into a barbarous and absurd civil contract, cannot alter the nature of things. Tales and Novels — Volume 08
  • She explains shifting intellectual perspectives with great clarity, both historically and philosophically.
  • The predominating one is the high, philosophically schooled intelligence, which has succeeded in enlisting in its service both imagination and learning, both sensitivity and the analysis of ideas. Nobel Prize in Literature 1948 - Presentation Speech
  • She has philosophically accepted the fact that there are several standards among which she must choose.
  • I shall argue that this conception is not only philosophically problematic, but also has an implicit politics which is potentially damaging.
  • She chides him for talking so philosophically.
  • The separation between the disciplines of biology and cosmology may be philosophically regrettable but it is built into the structure of modern science. Infinite in All Directions
  • We have learned from the writings of philosophers of science since the 1960s to emphasize corrigibility and anti-foundationalism in our interpretation of scientific knowledge; but a coherentist epistemology and a perspective of causal realism provides a philosophically powerful grounding for social science knowledge. What is social scientific knowledge?
  • Definitions by poll are neither scientifically nor philosophically defensible.
  • Figures who dismiss argument - like the Pythagoreans, who reverence their Master and want only to treasure his words - are always seen as philosophically marginal.
  • If Hexter were more philosophically literate than he appears to be, he might say that when he uses the word "connotative" he has in mind what some philosophers mean by the word "emotive. Letting Go
  • Philosophically speaking, in terms of how people so quickly and easily jump from evolution to evolutionism, that is, from a scientific/historic theory of development to a purely materialist view of reality, then it's not new under the sun.
  • We took it philosophically—life is full of little surprises.
  • In fact, both practically and philosophically our reality often turns out not to be very real.
  • He added philosophically that one should adapt oneself to the changed conditions.
  • Although the innocent might suffer, such tragedies were often accepted philosophically as part of the divine will or punishment.
  • It is typical of Choumnos™ approach that he seeks to argue philosophically, that is by valid inference from principles and definitions that are universally accepted, for views that are already theologically established. Byzantine Philosophy
  • What a pleasure to re-encounter her sense of the classic: philosophically accusatory, desolately funny, rich and plain, timeless in itself. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Again relying on the words of other humans in order to justify a conclusion that can not be scientifically nor philosophically proven. God Is Dead Quotes | My[confined]Space
  • I suppose I am formally polytheistic, philosophically pantheistic, and intellectually agnostic (or maybe I would call myself a autotheist in the sense of believing that the gods are part of the self), yet I spend an hour every day studying subjects related to my religion (history, anthropology, etc). The Volokh Conspiracy » Considering a Candidate’s Religion:
  • The Thomas gospel is actually quite far philosophically from the synoptic gospels in one key respect: Thomas held that Jesus’ message was that the path to God is within us all and we can reach him without going through the power structure of a church organization. Think Progress » Wolfowitz: No WMD, No War
  • There has always been something jarring and philosophically disconcerting about their juxtaposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, philosophically speaking, where humans differ from other species is that they are self-conscious, in a way that albatrosses and flatworms just don't seem to be.
  • An 18-point defeat in an earlier round had been philosophically accepted as 'one of those things'.
  • That underlines just how far apart we are philosophically on those things. Times, Sunday Times
  • What struck me most was the way women working for Jane could be emotionally and philosophically disturbed by the human appearance of the fetuses they removed, could consider abortion to be some kind of excusable homicide, and could still be so committed to letting women make the choice themselves that they were willing to break the law to make it possible. Abortion pre-Roe
  • The apartment is paid in full by the club, which is really an after hours hangout for the grifted and the philosophically maimed. Big City
  • Exchanging freedom for security, self-expression for stability, strikes them as a generally good deal, however philosophically troubling.
  • To put it philosophically, she made the mistake of avoiding all realities, and yet marrying herself to the hardest of realities, a working man; so it was inevitable that she should go back at last to the region of shadows and mate with that ghostliest of all unrealities, the non-working man. The Irrational Knot Being the Second Novel of His Nonage
  • It is easily administrable and is philosophically compatible with a limited and preferably state-based governmental role.
  • But there are also philosophically deeper motives: (2) He takes over from the precritical Kant an idea (inspired by ancient skepticism) that the best way for the philosopher to pursue the truth is by setting contrary views on a subject into opposition with one another in order to advance towards, and hopefully attain, the truth through their mutual testing and modification. Johann Gottfried von Herder
  • His history, richly sourced, philosophically nuanced, thoughtfully written, can stand on its own.
  • He was one of the first creative people to dilate on this theme philosophically in his novel, first by questioning, ‘Where was the providence of the simple faith?’
  • It think it is philosophically impossible and practically impossible. Times, Sunday Times
  • A non-doer is very often a critic-that is, someone who sits back and watches doers, and then waxes philosophically about how the doers are doing. Think Progress » ThinkFast: July 14, 2006
  • She didn't feel at all able just to shrug her shoulders philosophically and go upstairs again into the sitting-room.
  • A positive answer to the above question involves a reliance upon some kind of mind/body duality that can be easily challenged philosophically.
  • These days the restaurant's patrons are more likely to be talking about multimedia money than to be philosophically puffing Gauloise smoke into the air.
  • she took it philosophically
  • Philosophically speaking, here on Earth, when we want to know what's inside a rock, we take a hammer and give it a whack.
  • If it lacks the textual fidelity and contextual insights of the work of Theodore Kisiel, it is more philosophically, that is argumentatively, concerned. Archive 2007-11-01
  • The use of earth constitutes a visual and conceptual pun which is as satisfying to behold as it is philosophically meaningful.
  • This kind of racialist principle was found to be philosophically invalid and extremely socially damaging 60 years ago.
  • They walk down the street musing philosophically about the meaning of basketball.
  • I, the impatient outfielder am awestruck -- by a young Frenchman who runs circles around me, philosophically, having hit another balle of wisdom out of the ball park. French Word-A-Day:
  • But both philosophers do think it important to redeploy enthusiasm and conviviality in philosophically affective ways. Post-Secular Conviviality
  • There has always been something jarring and philosophically disconcerting about their juxtaposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • They took it philosophically, although one very senior figure in the ring told me that it was poor racing from their point of view.
  • Rose's exemplary essay on the history and meaning of the monochrome in the superbly designed catalogue is both factually enlightening and philosophically thought-provoking.
  • He added philosophically that one should adapt oneself to the changed conditions.
  • Ockham, for example, treated the former as philosophically incom - prehensible and religiously believable only on the basis of a special mode of knowing; the great Arab thinkers in Spain, especially the Averroists, raised doubts about personal immortality which were not without influence in the Christian West. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Now all these can be seen as interlinked; as Obama pointed out stimulus = spending, but philosophically I think they are different. I actually agreed with Krugman before I disagreed with him
  • Wiggins says he's not a coward, but that he's philosophically opposed to war.
  • And for the record, I strive to be an equal opportunity belittler of poorly written, philosophically vacant, socially inexcusable prose. Chick-lit strikes back
  • What makes it worse is that we're all just philosophically accepting the crappy service.
  • When all the atmosphere is tremulous with airs from heaven or blasts from hell, must we, forsooth! stop and philosophically investigate what Hamlet means by a "_dram of eale" _? Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 099, March, 1876
  • It took me time to adjust and take it philosophically.
  • Of course, temporal-parts theorists may urge that this categorial distinction between objects and processes is a superficial and philosophically unjustifiable one, rooted in the idiosyncrasies of everyday grammatical forms.
  • I don't write messy realism; I write philosophically-driven, distilled, and consciously framed fiction.
  • Strauss maintained that all philosophers throughout history had hidden an esoteric message because (1) they feared persecution and (2) they believed an open espousal of nihilistic atheism (which Strauss considered philosophically true) would undermine the moral foundations of social life. Matthew Yglesias » Accounting Identities and Straussian Economics

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