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Philip V

  1. king of ancient Macedonia whose confrontations with the Romans led to his defeat and his loss of control over Greece

How To Use Philip V In A Sentence

  • That's the optimistic outlook of Bordon businessman Philip Voice, who says he's never had it so good.
  • Philip V introduced new weapons in an effort to mimic the French army. 1698, Oct. 11, and March 13, 1700
  • Edward III, being the nephew of Charles IV, was his closest living male relative, and was at that time the only surviving male descendant of the senior line of the Capetian dynasty descending through Philip VI. Hundred Years War Background part 2
  • In 1336, Philip VI made plans for an expedition to restore David to the Scottish throne, and to also seize Gascony. Archive 2008-03-02
  • Philip Voss overcomes some obstacles - including at one point being dressed in a Babygro - to chart the King's decline.
  • I found on inquiry that it was an apartment fitted up by Italian artists in the early part of the last century, at the time when Philip V and his second wife, the beautiful Elizabetta of The Alhambra
  • He was first cousin to King Philip VI.
  • He first appeared on the culinary scene as a kitchen boy in a royal household in 1326; by midcentury he was in the service of Philip VI and a few years later of the dauphin, whose father was John II. Savoring The Past
  • For the next ten years until the death of Philip V (the first Spanish Bourbon and father of the first Neapolitan Bourbon), Farinelli lullabied the depressed king to sleep with the same four songs every night!
  • It was there that Philip V, King of Macedonia, signed in 197 B.C. a shameful treaty with the Romans after his defeat at Cynoscephalae, and it was there also that Antiochus III, the Great, won a great victory, 192 The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
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