How To Use Philanthropy In A Sentence

  • Yes, it means a re-think of the way we give, but it promises to truly lift up lives in these hard times and bring us back to the true definition of the word 'philanthropy,' which literally means "the love of humanity. Melanie Lundquist: Time to Change the Way We Give
  • The editors of BLACK ENTERPRISE recognize that philanthropy is the giving of money, time, and talent.
  • All who remember this "beatitude" will be helped to solve many perplexing problems of dress, diet, play, education, philanthropy, morals, and civics. Civics and Health
  • -- The scientific remedies for poverty and pauperism, that is, the scientific methods of dealing with the various dependent classes and of preventing their existence, now form the subject-matter of a great independent science, the science of philanthropy, which, as we have already seen, may be considered a branch of applied sociology. Sociology and Modern Social Problems
  • From what you've seen as both founder and trustee, can you discern where art-philanthropy might be heading?
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  • There were neither lifeboats nor mortar-apparatus in those days, but there were the same willing hearts and stout arms then as now, and in a marvellously short space of time, hundreds of the able-bodied men of the town, gentle and semple, were assembled on these wild cliffs, with torches, rope, &c.; in short, with all the appliances for saving life that the philanthropy of the times had invented or discovered. The Lighthouse
  • Business volunteerism enables you to provide a greater benefit to the community at a lower cost than through financial philanthropy alone.
  • If I inherit a lot of money, I may feel a fiduciary obligation to preserve the corpus," says Patrick Rooney, director of research at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.
  • Suddenly the writer remembers the nameless malady of the poor — that mysterious disease which the rich share but cannot alleviate, which is too subtle for doctors, too incurable for Parliaments, too unpicturesque for philanthropy, too common even for sympathy. The Greatest Thing in the World And Other Addresses
  • States that have been labeled 'stingy' -- reported to lag behind the nation in charitable giving – - actually have higher generosity levels than those previously indicated by a widely-touted annual index, according to a new study by researchers at the Boston College Center on Wealth and Philanthropy. Science Press Releases
  • Philanthropy often has merely abstract rewards for the giver: that warm empathetic feeling; an assuagement of theoretical guilt; perhaps even an aggrandized sense of self, as the largesse is doled out. Billionaire Soros To Help Fight Urban Drug Abuse
  • Under apartheid, the term "philanthropy" was often associated with white missionaries and churches. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The myth of philanthropy is quickly discredited by a realistic look at how older people lead their lives.
  • She has embarked on a career in philanthropy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their philanthropy saved people from destitution. Times, Sunday Times
  • This duty does not exclude the possibility of corporate philanthropy, although the word philanthropy used in the context of profit maximization is misleading. Creative Capitalism
  • In Africa, private philanthropy is buying vaccines for measles and hepatitis.
  • - The Gates Foundation's business is philanthropy, which deals in verifiable benefits. Sound Politics: Best of Times
  • We're saying that it's no longer enough for companies to maximize their profit without a concern for the world, and we're also saying it's time to up the ante on how much social good a company can do and should be expected to do -- beyond the usual, well-accepted, and always needed charity and philanthropy work. David D. Burstein: 1 Million Pairs of Shoes Bought, 1 Million Pairs of Shoes Given Away
  • Soros professes his allegiance to two masters: maximizing private profit in his market dealings and the public good in his philanthropy.
  • The nonprofit sector has traditionally been driven by a reliance on philanthropy, voluntarism , and government subsidy. Earned income has been viewed as something extra.
  • Hunter's spirit of philanthropy is one shared by many of his fellow countrymen and women - self-made people driven to give something back.
  • The Drop-In Center was not a project sponsored by a rich corporation to boost its reputation for philanthropy.
  • Sadly, our current system doesn't - while desegregation is law, most schools are in fact segregated, and worse, our policies and philanthropy are intent on perpetuating this segregation! Creativity
  • She has embarked on a career in philanthropy. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the pecuniary ele - ment in philanthropy, both in concept and practice, was always an essential and sometimes the central emphasis, the term philanthropy was used in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries in both PHILANTHROPY
  • There is nothing morally wrong with a profit motive except where it masquerades as moral philanthropy.
  • Celebrity endorsement and a new breed of venture philanthropy are fuelling a charity bonanza in the Kingdom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, philanthropy and patronage have always played a primary role under capitalism, and even earlier.
  • Therefore, to build harmonious society must emphasize the function of philanthropy.
  • Then, too, consider his philanthropy! and deliberate how insufferable would be our case if you and I, and all our fellow parishioners, were to-day hobnobbing with other beasts in the Garden which we pretend to desiderate on Sundays! Jurgen A Comedy of Justice
  • TinaTheriault Alpha Chi Omega philanthropy event:) casino night, dinner, and auctions! tvwells Just finished up a great session on The Rockefeller Foundation's vision and strategy with @ianwilhelm @philanthropy. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The people realized the philanthropy was the way to solve poverty problem, preserve the social order and rebuild society more than the tool of performing benefaction and moral domestication.
  • To him, philanthropy meant community advancement, and community advancement must be the business of all citizens.
  • I worked my socks off to promote philanthropy. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a fraternal order whose basic principles are philanthropy, truth and brotherly love.
  • It is a fraternal order whose basic principles are philanthropy, truth and brotherly love.
  • The association will manage the Community Service Fund, a philanthropy created to support the community service projects.
  • If ever wimmen soared out in art and business, and genius, and philanthropy, and education, and religion, she does here; and from the floor to the ruff is the highest signs of her tenderness for the children, and all weak and helpless ones. Samantha at the World's Fair
  • It is described as ‘venture philanthropy’, providing cash to pilot schemes that will be passed over to the Scottish Executive as proven concepts.
  • A law that promotes the activities of corporate philanthropy would certainly help - but these are medium or long-term solutions.
  • Carl's three daughters, Ronny, Ellen, and Linda, had sweated every detail to honor their father, a patriarch of American philanthropy whose name graced a legion of hospitals, university buildings, and research facilities. 'Betrayal'
  • We certainly didn't have the confidence in philanthropy that we did in business when we first started," said Mr. Buffett of himself and Mr. Gates. Gates, Buffett Discuss Charity with China's Wealthy
  • Such a cap acts as a strong disincentive to philanthropy just when it is needed most. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having amassed a small fortune, he is now considering philanthropy as his next new thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • No society has ever devoted so many of its resources to philanthropy for humanitarian and social benefit.
  • So you see, the dirty little secret behind his ‘philanthropy’ is that it's the product of thievery.
  • In Europe, they are more likely to see private philanthropy as complementary to state action.
  • Howsoever it may be with all other aberrations of the human intellect, there is one description of errors from which it would be uncandid to deny that they are wholly free, viz. all those which arise from immoderate benevolence or ill-regulated philanthropy.
  • From customer safety to environmental sustainability, corporate philanthropy to community involvement, technological innovation to distribution channel management; taking solid positions on issues that impact business is a tremendous reputation builder.
  • A municipal donation sets a good example of philanthropy at work, but a poor one of financial responsibility concerning taxpayers' money.
  • A new generation of professional charity workers appeared; many of them were college trained women who practiced ‘scientific philanthropy’ in settlement houses, orphan asylums, juvenile courts and reformatories.
  • Philanthropy had come to know Mrs. Crisparkle during the last re – matching of the china ornaments (in other words during her last annual visit to her sister), after a public occasion of a philanthropic nature, when certain devoted orphans of tender years had been glutted with plum buns, and plump bumptiousness. The Mystery of Edwin Drood
  • She has embarked on a career in philanthropy. Times, Sunday Times
  • At different times poets and writers, good people of distinction and philanthropy, weary of the "storm and stress" of life and of invasions and intolerable "bumptiousness" of the vulgar and indiscriminating, have tried to secure a place and surroundings where high thinking and simple living might order their days and secure to them companionship fit for the gods; but the noblest and best of humanity are not permitted to go off by themselves in such ways and have a little heaven on earth all to themselves. Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul
  • We do both business and philanthropy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Damon admits that some might consider this approach "curmudgeonly," but his larger point is that philanthropy will only reach its full potential by admitting and examining its weaknesses better than it does at present. Archive 2007-07-01
  • In this discussion the term creative capitalism has been seamlessly replaced by the likes of corporate social responsibility, corporate altruism, corporate charity, and corporate philanthropy. Creative Capitalism
  • One of the Democratic Party's greatest orators argued, ‘We are not for propagating philanthropy at the point of the bayonet.’
  • Born and raised in San Francisco, the 71-year-old Rosenberg has been preaching philanthropy his entire adult life.
  • Social entrepreneurship grew out of plain old philanthropy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The greater generosity of Conservatives reflects the value they place on individual philanthropy above publicly-funded welfare services.
  • Catalytic Philanthropy cuts through divisions by stimulating cross-sector collaborations and mobilizing stakeholders to create shared solutions... it requires a relentless and unending campaign that galvanizes the attention of the many stakeholders involved and unifies their efforts around the pursuit of a common goal. Dhani Jones: Creating a Culture of Conversation
  • And this seems to be what the advocates of corporate philanthropy find distasteful.
  • Apparently, Hamlyn Publishing Group (as in Paul Hamlyn, who was later awarded the BCE for his publishing efforts and philanthropy) also did a Chinese Fairy Tales and a Persian Fairy Tales, which both sound fascinating. Archive 2008-12-01
  • In the US, the ultra-affluent knew they were barely taxed so they made up for it with personal and dynastic philanthropy: think Carnegie, Mellon and Rockefeller.
  • The sorority is a nonacademic organization dedicated to advancement of philanthropy and charity. Top Stories
  • Having amassed a small fortune, he is now considering philanthropy as his next new thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was certainly not pure philanthropy which made them display all that untiring fervor in order to curb the slave trade on the high seas and so halt the development of countries which still maintained slaves.
  • Still, regardless of the motivation, their philanthropy benefited people in need and deserves appreciation.
  • Well buying a CD is almost like an act of philanthropy: a way to support a band you liked after a show. Matthew Yglesias » The Futile Struggle Against Free Content
  • It's a competence-driven philanthropy strategy that's not just smart PR or bluewash - it's good business. - Development Through Enterprise - Eradicating Poverty through Profit
  • In the four years that Ann and Slate have been producing the list, it has become the definitive index of big-ticket American philanthropy.
  • There is no harm in self-interest reinforcing philanthropy if the outcome is the benefit of mankind, especially in poorer countries.
  • They also impact culture through philanthropy, and give most to educational institutes and second to religious causes. Christianity Today
  • Then there was Sir Thomas himself: a title conferring aristocracy; a man who was urbane, intelligent, and generous, donating millions to charity and supporting worthwhile causes through his philanthropy. The Viognier Vendetta
  • Several nonprofit leaders and experts in the space spoke to The Chronicle of Philanthropy about their anticipations of the impact of midterm elections. Nonprofit Experts Weigh In On What Election Results Will Mean For Organizations
  • With his "energetic advocacy," Lasker "reshaped philanthropy," the authors write, by using "the tools he had embraced in the commercial context, including radio, to change the way the nation thought about cancer and other diseases. Present at the Birth of Modern Advertising
  • In Africa, private philanthropy is buying vaccines for measles and hepatitis.
  • In 2008 he moved into a new activity: venture philanthropy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has betrayed those who, out of genuine philanthropy, donated money to his campaigns.
  • She has embarked on a career in philanthropy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Rockefeller of the Information Age, in business and philanthropy alike.
  • Both novels expose middle-class desires for social control and the inability of philanthropy to alleviate poverty.
  • And yet he knew, furthermore, that hers was a certain stiff-kneed pride that would not have permitted her to accept marriage as an act of philanthropy. Chapter XII
  • His philanthropy and high business profile inevitably brought him into the various efforts to establish peace in the Middle East. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any slack can be taken up by the private sector, philanthropy and especially religious institutions that teach social values grounded in faith.
  • Ontario Moggs, who was at any rate honest in his philanthropy, and who did in truth believe that it was better that twenty real bootmakers should eat beef daily than that one so-called bootmaker should live in a country residence, -- who believed this and acted on his belief, though he was himself not of the twenty, but rather the one so-called bootmaker who would suffer by the propagation of such a creed, -- was beloved and almost worshipped by the denizens of the Cheshire Cheese. Ralph the Heir
  • I should proceed to a view of the life, character, and doctrines of Jesus, who sensible of incorrectness of their ideas of the Deity, and of morality, endeavored to bring them to the principles of a pure deism, and juster notions of the attributes of God, to reform their moral doctrines to the standard of reason, justice and philanthropy, and to inculcate the belief of a future state. Jesus Christ: A Heretical Appreciation | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • The mission of its business-oriented philanthropy is a combination of community service and international friendship.
  • Thus, the novel's obsession with sympathy and its thematization of philanthropy are part of the same project.
  • There were neither lifeboats nor mortar-apparatus in those days, but there were the same willing hearts and stout arms then as now, and in a marvellously short space of time, hundreds of the able-bodied men of the town, gentle and semple, were assembled on these wild cliffs, with torches, rope, etcetera; in short, with all the appliances for saving life that the philanthropy of the times had invented or discovered. The Lighthouse
  • Go ask the very slaves of the inventor of Central American Colonization (that devout apostle of _political philanthropy_, and most zealous advocate of emancipation), go ask _his slaves_ their opinion of the merits of their master's invention, and their faces will kindle with the half ingenuous blush of conscious degradation, as they denounce his project, as the last device of insolence to degrade and oppress them. The Right of American Slavery
  • There was, of course, the same mixture of philanthropy, corporate PR and silly exhibitionism we have come to expect from charity bashes akin to Children in Need and Comic Relief.
  • The new philanthropy consciously challenges the cautious, bureaucratic style of many of today's foundations.
  • Moreover, though great demands were placed upon him, he often made time for personal philanthropy. Christianity Today
  • Has it seen the end of fire-and-forget philanthropy as well? Banks Give U.K. Charities Expertise as Well as Cash
  • Where once such tactics were used to enforce a traditional moral code, today they have found new life in nudging us to conform to "prosocial" behavior, be it philanthropy or strict adherence to the expansive pieties of our reigning civic religion, environmentalism. Ain
  • This is odd coming at a time when the government is keen for arts philanthropy to fill the gaps where public subsidy is short. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having amassed a small fortune, he is now considering philanthropy as his next new thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have come to appreciate the private philanthropy that underlies all artistic organisations in the United States.
  • A fugleman of philanthropy, his rags to riches story defines the twists and turns in one's life.
  • But I remain convinced that some arts managers will be successful in building private philanthropy in Portugal and elsewhere. Michael Kaiser: The Fundraising Challenge in Europe
  • Making a passionate plea for more public philanthropy in arts, she is of the opinion that industrial houses should take up this cause.
  • Hospitals were built as a result of private philanthropy and government intervention.
  • Another implication of prioritising private philanthropy over state welfare is to suggest that if you're rich, you * should * help those on the other end of the scale.
  • Having amassed a small fortune, he is now considering philanthropy as his next new thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both simultaneously are stepping back from their businesses to pursue philanthropy through foundations run by their wives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Page 285 vagabondism and parasitism in the world's economy, no amount of philanthropy and benevolent sentiment can win for us esteem: and if we contribute a positive value in those things the world prizes, no amount of negro-phobia can ultimately prevent its recognition. A Voice From the South
  • The word 'philanthropy' brings up an image of somebody who's had an illustrious career, has retired and is giving to highly established institutions that may or may not have ivy growing up their walls," she says. NYT > Home Page
  • Peter Cooper, the great philanthropist and greenbacker, it might have been expected that Mr. Hewitt would have been somewhat a copyist of Mr. Cooper's ideas on finance and philanthropy, but Mr. Hewitt is sui generis. Country life in Georgia in the days of my youth,
  • In his excellent and thought-provoking address about humanities and philanthropy (Australian Book Review, June), Professor Malcolm Gillies directs our attention to the concluding poem (Carmen xxx) in Book III of the Odes of Horace in the verse translation by John Conington, specifically to the phrase “… usque ego postera/Crescam laude recens …,” of which the fragment “postera crescam laude” has since 1854 served as the motto of my alma mater, the University of Melbourne. Postera crescam laude
  • No one has the money to invest in philanthropy unless there is some business payback.
  • At these ceremonies, her generosity and philanthropy towards students with special needs was recognised with an honorary degree.
  • Nor, as some would have it, does his philanthropy necessarily magnify it.
  • Pagan Emperor Julian the Apostate bemoaned that Christianity's popularity spread primarily through its charitable works: "It is [the Christians'] philanthropy toward strangers, the care they take of the graves of the dead, and the affected sanctity with which they conduct their lives that have done [the] most to spread their atheism. Matt J. Rossano: The Christian Revolution
  • He seemed to project those two shining knobs of temples of his into everything that went on and to brush his hair farther and farther back, until the very roots were almost ready to fly out of his head in inappeasable philanthropy. Bleak House
  • The business model blends the tough-mindedness of capitalism with the tender-heartedness of philanthropy.
  • In addition, due to the impact of Chinese traditional values, the public has high expectations of donors, which means Chinese frown upon the philanthropy which appears to have ulterior motives.
  • Walker practiced generous philanthropy in support of black men and women; and she encouraged her sales agents to do likewise.

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