How To Use Philander In A Sentence
Surely Hislop knows that Marr is in a different category from the horde of philandering newspaper reporters, subeditors and, yes, editors, who are of no interest to the red-top privacy invaders.
Editors tangle with the zip code
He didn't want his friends knowing about his drunken mother's tears or his philandering father's many conquests.
Indeed 'philander', as a word rather than a name, has only negative connotations ...
Archive 2007-01-01
There are hit men, murderers, philanderers, thieves, betrayers, and other assorted riff-raff.
Cheating on a spouse -- is it simple philandering or a psychological affiction? sex addiction "-- clinically known as hypersexual disorder -- has been tossed around with increasing frequency since a growing string of celebrity adulterers have blamed their affairs on what they say are uncontrollable urges.
ABC News: ABCNews

He was a well known philanderer who specialized in slightly tawdry mistresses, a ne'er-do-well who barely kept up a front of respectability and who borrowed large sums of money from his son.
By openly admitting to being philanderers, draft dodgers, liars, weasels and cowards, liberals avoid ever being hypocrites.
Produced by Irving Thalberg for MGM, this salty-tongued, high-seas romance adventure features Gable, then "King of Hollywood", in one of his sauciest and naughtiest roles, playing a caustic, philandering ship captain on the South Pacific who feels outclassed and unworthy of Russell's attention.
John Farr: Clark Gable: King of Hollywood
He finished near the bottom of his class at Annapolis, fought, caroused, and philandered.
Seth Greenland: Scamps vs. Dorks: Why Do We Want to Have a Beer with the President?
You must demonstrate that you have made a decision and will no longer accept philandering, excuses, promises or pleas.
During his days in court, the criminal past of the self-confessed liar and philanderer emerged, with offences of bigamy, theft, fraud and criminal damage, and a faked suicide among two changes of identity.
He was as cold and forbidding as his ancestral home, Glamis Castle, a reckless gambler and philanderer permanently in debt; but her soubriquet "the Unhappy Countess" has nothing to do with Lyon.
Marriages: the good, the bad and the ugly
A success in her career, who's the product of a broken home, the daughter of an alcoholic philanderer.
Claiming a misdeed was a mistake is akin to the evangelist philanderer saying, “I thought the woman was my wife,” or the baseball player claiming, “I thought I was injecting vitamins,” or the politician perjurer protesting, “It depends on what the definition of the truth is.”
It's not a mistake when you lie!
Philander then dances down the track, aims an agricultural heave and is stumped!
Now our television shows are filled with confused men and women who philander, masturbate, harbor homicidal thoughts if not actions, take drugs freely, have anonymous sex, sabotage others and abuse themselves.
Mickey Becomes a Rat And We All Like It: Why Are Our Heroes All Dark?
The fact that McCain had been portrayed by a home state newspaper as a vindictive philanderer with a volcanic temper only adds zest.
How can you make a philandering cheater, who works his way through a family of sisters, anything but a rogue and a rat?
Opening with a full bosomed woman, Grace Tranfield (Rachel Botchan) in a compromising position with a known philanderer Leonard Charteris (Bradford Cover) on a divan, this comedy replete with Shavian tropes on such forward thinking subjects as the sexes, the coy pleasures of friendship vs. marriage, the virtues and joylessness of vegetarianism, the dialogue could have been lifted from the pages of a lifestyle magazine.
Regina Weinreich: Titillation and Tantrums: Shaw's Philanderer at the Pearl Theater
But it was one thing to free a horse-thief, and another to stop and "philander" with him.
Openings in the Old Trail
Opening with a full bosomed woman, Grace Tranfield (Rachel Botchan) in a compromising position with a known philanderer Leonard Charteris (Bradford Cover) on a divan, this comedy replete with Shavian tropes on such forward thinking subjects as the sexes, the coy pleasures of friendship vs. marriage, the virtues and joylessness of vegetarianism, the dialogue could have been lifted from the pages of a lifestyle magazine.
Regina Weinreich: Titillation and Tantrums: Shaw's Philanderer at the Pearl Theater
There were the philanderers (serial and otherwise), the cads, the love children, the sexual deviant, the cash-for-questions johnnies and the perjurers.
Archive 2007-12-16
Who wouldn't like a philandering professor who'd added so many lapidary turns of phrase to my repertoire, including “physiognomy of astuteness” and “a knothole of a town in a stump of a state” about Columbia, Missouri, where my sisters went to college.
My Night With the All-College Girl Revue
Hubert philanders openly with Sonia, while Henri and Ines are in the bedroom trying to shut the child up.
Many of the verses harp on the illicit and conjure a false world where women are mistresses and men, philanderers.
the extracurricular activities of a philandering husband
Shame and hypocrisy are not ideal ways to deal with philanderers and small-time mashers.
A half dozen others, who apparently were truckmen and hoistmen, completed, with Philander, the cook and the bunkhouse cleaner, the human crew at this mine.
Man of Many Minds
By altering a single gene that affects a brain chemical called vasopressin, researchers at Emory University in Atlanta turned philandering mice into devoted mates.
The Biology of Ideology
And I drank a good deal and, being a bachelor, I naggled and philandered as much as I wanted to.
Oral History Interview with Jonathan Worth Daniels, March 9-11, 1977. Interview A-0313. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
This is the story of a boy growing up with a drunken father and a philandering mother.
For all the jokes going round the world about US politics and this country wherein reside those screaming effective, getting-their-job done philandering politicians (all about as funny as a CRUTCH!), every country in the world in turn is soon going to be making a dirty joke out of the United States in general.
South Carolina governor apologizes to Cabinet
You keep expecting Marcello Mastroianni; but instead, what you get is Miles, an angst-ridden nebbish, and Jack, a pathological philanderer.
Some psychologists, though, believe they can explain why there's a steady drumbeat of news about politicians who philander, cheat, attempt to seduce, or, as in Weiner's version of what happened, ignore the potential consequences and seriousness of what he considered harmless frivolity.
Narcissism, risk-taking tend to drive politicians involved in sex scandals
Giles is a philandering upper-class oik, relentlessly snotty and stultifyingly snobbish.
While it's not difficult to understand why Accenture might want to drop an alleged serial philanderer with a taste for floozies, I wonder if doing so won't undermine the exact message they were trying to send with their Tiger Woods campaign: The Medium is the Message
Not when it came to whom he philandered with, Captain!
The tale of King Omar, however, has too much fighting, just as that of Ali bin Bakkar and Shams al Nahar, the amourist martyrs, as Burton calls them, has too much philandering.
The Life of Sir Richard Burton
A constant rule of nature is that Politicians will philander, lie, cheat & steal.
Sanford e-mail: I've 'crossed lines I never would have imagined'
We have had no major philanderers, dirty financial dealers, international playboys and worst of all, no celebrity candidates!
There is, however, one class of married man that should be free to mislead and philander as they wish: guys who were strong-armed into buying expensive engagement rings for their wives.
The naïf in this case is gorgeous Leslie, whose fiancé Logan philanders with Agnes while expecting Leslie to be faithful.
Because there's bound to be a few hideously unsympathetic and philandering surgeons on any given staff that will be seen as models for Alice's attendings.
A Conversation with Elinor Lipman
He's a bit of a philanderer -- don't take him too seriously!
And after that I had learned the bitter lesson that even deathless grief may die; and I had laughed again and done my share of philandering with the pretty, ferocious moths that fluttered around the light of my fortune and artistry; and after that, in turn, I had retired disgusted from the lists of woman, and gone on long lance-breaking adventures in the realm of mind.
Ted has become an unrepentant philanderer, using the façade of his artwork to lure women into posing for his impressionistic and erotic illustrations.
But Jurgenson thought his wife was too good for him, and had long feared she would find out He never philandered.
Neutron Star
We shouldn't philander solemnly with that point of view. On the contrary,we should treat it seriously.
The addition of what the APA is calling "hypersexual disorder" would legitimize sex addiction in a way that was unthinkable just a few years ago, when Bill Clinton's philandering was regarded as a moral failing or a joke - but not, in the main, as an illness. Top Stories
Not once but several times has the libertine Neptune scandalously seduced punts and dinghies from the respectable precincts of Brammo Bay, and having philandered with them for a while, cynically abandoned them with a bump on the mainland beach, and only once has he sent a punt in return — a poor, soiled, tar-besmirched, disorderly waif that was reported to the police and reluctantly claimed.
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
Despite philandering, murder, and just plain ineffectiveness, they are still treated as Gods by the liberal press.
Political family names bring shame as well as fame
Philip was a serial philanderer who did not bother to conduct his affairs very discreetly, which infuriated the moody and jealous Joan.
He spent a lot of his life philandering, that is to say, cheating on my mom, making her insanely miserable.
Hollywood philandering
There are hit men, murderers, philanderers, thieves, betrayers, and other assorted riff-raff.
I hate to be the one to tell this woman that voles don't entertain thoughts of adultery, nor do they defend a lady vole's honor, nor do they "philander," because voles don't commit adultery, and they don't have honor.
Book review: 'For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage,' by Tara Parker-Pope
She philandered with some of them up to the point where comparisons become inevitable, and, so long as they met her in a spirit of frank camaraderie, it was agreeable enough; but when, with their commonplace minds, they presumed to be sentimental, they became intolerable.
The Beth Book Being a Study of the Life of Elizabeth Caldwell Maclure, a Woman of Genius
Wagging tongues philandered from "Foley, who? and Hastert knew when?" to "George Allen's" Macaca "and Jim Webb wrote what?
Crystal Syben Haidl: Fondling Democracy
The man was not chauvinist for cheating on his wife indiscreetly; he was simply a philandering husband.
Bena and her husband, a condescending, philandering doctor named Ted, arrive in Pueblo, Colo., in the midst of a drought, as well as the Depression.
As The Pages Turn
They end up crying on my shoulder because they've found out that he has once again philandered.
Jesse Kornbluth: Keith Richards Lets It Bleed in 'Life,' 547 Pages of Music And Mayhem
His parents quarreled, his father drank and philandered and, when Wilson was 10, left the family for another woman.
Shanti's daughter, Raji, had a philandering husband who ditched her and took up with Kala.
Trampling in stilettos over her father's reputation, she reveals him as a drunken, hypocritical philanderer with a beastly temper.
So even though he shows Ray as a heroin addict, philanderer and at times, generally bad egg, he can't quite bring himself to condemn the man for his actions.
These comprise a kind of picaresque tale of Jack's philandering, selfish, funny life, accompanied by such supporting fables as the Pathetic Fallacy (now going by the name "Gary") and the Queen of Fortune.
Boing Boing
Shams al Nahar, the amourist martyrs, as Burton calls them, has too much philandering.
The Life of Sir Richard Burton
There are hit men, murderers, philanderers, thieves, betrayers, and other assorted riff-raff.
He was a well known philanderer who specialized in slightly tawdry mistresses, a ne'er-do-well who barely kept up a front of respectability and who borrowed large sums of money from his son.
I'd rather have an honest gay who is comfortable with his/her sexuality than a slithery, snaky, whiny, hypocritical, philandering, lying, thieving mark snafu-rd for my governonr.
Sanford accused of smear campaign against Bauer
Posting articles about ethical polyamoury on a philanderer's site is like putting pictures of hands on a foot fetishist site.
He spent his time philandering with the girls in the village.
This show, however, chronicles the adventures of a wealthy, philandering businessman who jets around the world closing business deals while ministering to the "misfortunate" on the side.
Deborah Richardson: NBC's Philandering Philanthropist: Where Is the Rest of the Story?
Nick used to be a philanderer when he was younger and immature, and he had all tastes of women - all gorgeous ones too - but this time, it was different.
There were the philanderers (serial and otherwise), the cads, the love children, the sexual deviant, the cash-for-questions johnnies and the perjurers.
Sir John Fluffs It Again
Gotta have a course in improvised weapons: When the Secret Service hold the only nearby guns and you just HAVE to take off your philandering Old Man's head, how to hurl the nearest lamp with devastating accuracy ...
Home on the Range?
The USA needs women leaders with brains, moxie, spunk and innovative ideas ... not whining, whimpering sots whose only reason for being where she is because she married some lying, disbarred philandering hack who just happened to be a former US president.
Clinton: Vetting process for administration jobs 'a nightmare'
He had a reputation as a philanderer.
How can you make a philandering love cheat, who works his way through a family of sisters, anything but a rogue and a rat?