How To Use Phenotypic In A Sentence
Environmental factors can determine the phenotypic presentation of familial Alzheimer's disease.
The temperature at which the eggs of ectothermic vertebrates incubate can influence several phenotypic traits of offspring.
This phenotypic conversion is specific to cancer cells and does not occur in co-cultures of GFP labeled fibroblasts with myogenic C2C12 cells.
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They'll pump out this dry language with words like "appetitive" and "phenotypic" but they won't use any pleasing visual aids, on that one-out-of-a-thousand occasion on which it is directly related to the chosen topic.
House of Eratosthenes
The two populations allow for a comparative phenotypic analysis of species-specific genome introgressions in a common genetic background.
The fact that phenotypic differentiation is most pronounced in male secondary sexual ornaments suggests a primary role for sexual selection.
The temperature at which the eggs of ectothermic vertebrates incubate can influence several phenotypic traits of offspring.
A second testicular metric that may correlate with reproductive potency and phenotypic condition is directional asymmetry.
There is no experimental evidence so far that phenotypic plasticity allows plants to adapt cuticular permeance to changes in evaporative demand.
An immediate species identification was based on phenotypic traits, including color, spot pattern, and the size and shape of the metatarsal tubercle, but this method is not fully reliable.
The plants that survived appeared phenotypically normal in all growth phases and produce viable seed that germinated normally.
A conceptual framework for understanding how polygenes give rise to discrete phenotypic variation is the threshold model.
The dominant approach to the study of heredity at the time was biometry, spearheaded by Karl Pearson in London, which involved statistical analysis of the phenotypic variation found in natural populations.
Population Genetics
The test is based on phenotypical reversion to the wild-type red eye colour.
Recent data has shown that women can have full phenotypic expression of HH, including cirrhosis.
Phenotypic plasticity is a trait that has a certain genetic basis and can evolve independently.
Individual phenotypic cancer cell subsets were purified, and their tumor-initiating properties were investigated by injection in NOD/SCID mice.
Also, while I'm too lazy to look for it, when the subject of women not having fetishes came up a few years ago I wondered whether that might be because for maybe thousands of years have been under ... quite a lot of pressure since childhood to "powerfully and persistently displace sexual interest onto objects, behaviors, or situations other than in copulatory or precopulatory behavior with phenotypically normal, consenting adult human partners.
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The phenotypic analysis of fru mutant embryos along with fru's temporal and spatial expression pattern suggests that the fru gene functions during axonal outgrowth.
Numerous phenotypic characters have been associated with DNA C-values (DNA content of the chromosome complement) and with genome size (DNA content of the monoploid chromosome set) apart from the genetic effect.
The selective forces promoting such phenotypic conformity in groups should in theory make it more difficult for group members to identify other individuals.
[62-64] A particularly impressive evidence of the capacity of NGF to modulate phenotypic expression is the case of SIF cells which have been hypothesized as immediate precursors of both sympathetic and chromaffin cells.
Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
Warnock DG, Disse-Nicodeme S, Fiquet-Kempf B, Corvol P, et al. (2003) Familial hyperkalemic hypertension: phenotypic analysis in a large family with the WNK1 deletion mutation.
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The open circles indicate variation of pigmentation inside the phenotypic class.
Woese then hazarded that such chimerism probably would not prove a significant problem, from the example provided by congruent alpha-proteobacterial trees based on cytochromes c and rRNA, from the general robustness of the rRNA phylogeny, and from its ability to predict certain domain-level phenotypic characters (for instance, the differences in bacterial and archaeal cell envelopes, transcription, and translation).
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It is not easy to find out which substrate molecule is implicated in a particular phenotypic or functional change, if any.
Classical quantitative genetics has applied linear modeling to the problem of mapping genotypic to phenotypic variation.
In cultures used for phenotypic analysis, the ammonium tartrate was omitted from the medium.
Now the core of natural selection is the claim that phenotypic traits are selected for their adaptivity, that is, for their effect on fitness.
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Researchers Susan Lolle and Robert Pruitt encountered phenotypic traits not according with inheritance concepts derived from Mendel; leading them to contemplate whether the plants they were working with might revert to their grandparents 'allelic frequency.
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The difference in the slopes of the lines indicates that the genotype at one QTL influences the phenotypic effect of the other QTL.
The genetic variability commonly observed in these cultures includes variation in phenotypic expression, yield variability and loss of organic potential, and is generally the result of chromosome abnormalities and/or ploidy changes in chromosome number.
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In the second step these probabilities are used as independent variates in a model to analyze the phenotypic data.
Screening of M2 lines representing approximately 5,000 M1 individuals identified mutations that enhance the seuss mutant phenotypic disruptions in ovules and gynoecia; here we describe the phenotype of the sum63 mutant and enhanced disruptions of ovule and gynoecial development in the seu sum63 double mutant.
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As such, they are commonly viewed as adaptive mechanisms that can capture and stabilize blocks of coadapted genes with strong phenotypic effect, hence allowing ecological expansion in marginal habitats.
This phenomenon, known as phenotypic robustness, presents an apparent contradiction: if biological systems are so resistant to variation, how do they diverge and adapt through evolutionary time?
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An underlying factor may be any measurable value, continuous or discrete, that influences the phenotypic traits of interest.
Under different traffic stress, growth and phenotypic of Shanghai JD - 1 Zoysia decreased differently.
Unfortunately, no study so far has compared the variation in phenotypic characters among all taxa of the X. guttatus superspecies.
A gene product that normally contributes to this robustness is termed a phenotypic capacitor.
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It will be argued below that the circu - larity of De Beer and Simpsons 'definition is not at all vicious, but whether it is or not, the circularity points up the priority of a nonevolutionary, phenotypic sense of homology, defined solely in terms of pheno - typic similarity, and logically independent of criteria of descent.
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Phenotypic plasticity enables individuals or genotypes to assume obviously different phenotypes during the life cycle.
We chose unexposed siblings to provide phenotypic controls, a standard way of establishing acquired rather than inherited abnormalities.
Phenotypic traits include barbed lemmas, small sterile lateral spikelets, short glume awns, narrow leaves, semismooth awns, and long rachilla hairs.
Phenotypic manipulation by the cestode parasite Schistocephalus solidus of its intermediate host, Gasterosteus aculeatus, the threespine stickleback.
Parasite Rex
Long before we knew anything about the physical basis of heredity, factors or genes were identified in terms of their functional or phenotypic effects.
Quite distinct phenotypic modifications were elicited from the clone by the different ryegrass strains.
Either way, the pattern that we describe here suggests that bird subspecies may be regarded as units in the process of either cladogenesis or of phenotypic divergence.
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Chi-square analysis was used to determine the statistical significance of phenotypic differences observed among different genotypes.
There is no experimental evidence so far that phenotypic plasticity allows plants to adapt cuticular permeance to changes in evaporative demand.
If the large-scale evolution of life on Water and Earth are a good indication, then gravity seems to be related to an increase in phenotypic diversification.
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Phenotypical profile of ex vivo-generated NK cells using Method II with GBGM. (a) Flow cytometric analysis of a second NK cell product generated from CD34
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Phenotypic variation coefficients were all greater than the genetic variation coefficients.
In this case, the phenotypic description included the measurements of the length of the awn considering those of the more distal spikelets of the ear.
Rapid phenotypic changes are expected to occur in invasive species in response to new environmental conditions.
Correlation studies between the genomic classification and the biotypes led to identify phenotypic variants, which were progressively described as individual species or subspecies.
Phenotypic testing was initially a laborious process involving multiple cultures of HIV.
Hutcheson JC, Stein R, Chacko S, Carr M, Canning DA, Zderic SA: Murine in vitro whole bladder model: A method for assessing phenotypic responses to pharmacologic stimuli and hypoxia.
Publications of the Urology Division
It is thought to be a multigene dominant condition with variable phenotypic expression.
Clearly, such a rise in genetic diversity may also have important phenotypic implications, such as the emergence of viruses with altered antigenicity, virulence, or tissue tropism.
This is particularly important, as the mapping is only as good as the quality of the quantitative phenotypic data.
Phenotypically, melon andromonoecious (a) gene appears to act similarly to cucumber
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There is an important conceptual distinction between the evolutionary response to natural selection and phenotypic selection.
Woese then hazarded that such chimerism probably would not prove a significant problem, from the example provided by congruent alpha-proteobacterial trees based on cytochromes c and rRNA, from the general robustness of the rRNA phylogeny, and from its ability to predict certain domain-level phenotypic characters (for instance, the differences in bacterial and archaeal cell envelopes, transcription, and translation).
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Selection experiments have even targeted the degree of phenotypic plasticity of particular traits.
A similar phenomenon can occur at the phenotypic level through a genetic property known as pleiotropy.
The scientists think the technique may be useful in showing the ability of organs to show extreme anatomical adaptations, known as phenotypic flexibility, in other species. - latest science and technology news stories
And yes, genetics research has consistently shown that the groups of people that share certain phenotypic traits such that we roughly group them into the major racial categories, also share a lot of non-phenotypically expressed genetic traits.
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Intriguingly, NeuN+ and / or Map2+ neurons showed marked phenotypic defects on the glass surface, characterised by an absence of migration, and poor elaboration of processes and fasciculation among neuronal colonies as compared to REST-100 and REST / KD-50
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Phenotypic variation can be brought about by altering hormone metabolism.
At the proximal level, attraction may be facilitated by phenotypic matching, a mechanism proposed to foster recognition of close kin.
These rescued flies were fertile and phenotypically normal, except that one line produced rescued males with a weak extra sex combs phenotype.
But there is a more subtle form of adaptation called phenotypic plasticity which is used to describe how animals use the genes they have to change their behavior.
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That is, phenotypic value data were generated following a normal distribution with variance 1.0 and mean determined by the summation of the genetic effects of QTL.
Therefore , it is important to derive sufficient protein from a single Daphnia for phenotypic analyses.
The objectives of Dr. Kang´s current research are to determine the long-term phenotypic and genetic effects of anti-retroviral drugs on human oral epithelial cells in patients with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
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Their television daughter shows no phenotypic signs of being biracial.
This may make it possible for 23andMe to tap long-term phenotypic change, such as the progression of symptoms in patients suffering from diseases such as Parkinson's.
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Here we identify three reproductive strategies of adult male grackles and the phenotypic traits associated with each strategy.
Experiments that examine genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity in trees are often limited in replication or restricted to early seedling stages.
The mean phenotypic plasticity for the seven variables decreased significantly with increasing leaf longevity.
Phenotypic traits include barbed lemmas, small sterile lateral spikelets, short glume awns, narrow leaves, semismooth awns, and long rachilla hairs.
In some cases, the position of the gene on a chromosome can affect the phenotypic outcome.
Rapid phenotypic selection has resulted in canine breeds as diverse as the tall, refined borzoi and the short, stocky pug; no other species of animal displays the range of phenotypic diversity seen in purebred dogs.
phenotypical profile
Physical structure and characteristic of river habitats affect echolocation design in part degree. The echolocation call of M. macrodactylus had phenotypic flexibility and eco-adaptability.
Strains containing [PSI+] can acquire complex phenotypic traits distinct from [psi −] strains, and when outcrossed to wild-type strains, these phenotypic traits can sometimes be maintained even after treatment to remove [
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Most hermaphroditic mutants were phenotypically similar with a mature gynoecium composed of five carpels and 10 stamens.
P. aeruginosa isolated from the sputum differ phenotypically from the initial intermittent strains even though they produce similar pulse field gel electrophoresis patterns and therefore are considered isogenic
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The third instance of cord torsion resulted in the delivery of a nonviable, 15.5-week, phenotypically female fetus.
In contrast to thermodynamics, where molecular motions can be averaged out over macroscopic scales, genetic details do influence phenotypic evolution.
Isolates underwent polyphasic analyses employing phenotypic (selective media and biochemical testing) and genotypic (polymerase chain reaction) assays to determine species identification.
In order to obtain replicated phenotypic data, plants were vegetatively propagated through cuttings.
Results of phenotypical, patho-psychological and molecular-genetic analysis of the 53 probands with clinical features of the fragile X syndrome and 10 female carriers are presented.
Phenotypic manipulation by the cestode parasite Schistocephalus solidus of its intermediate host, Gasterosteus aculeatus, the threespine stickleback.
Parasite Rex
Woese then hazarded that such chimerism probably would not prove a significant problem, from the example provided by congruent alpha-proteobacterial trees based on cytochromes c and rRNA, from the general robustness of the rRNA phylogeny, and from its ability to predict certain domain-level phenotypic characters (for instance, the differences in bacterial and archaeal cell envelopes, transcription, and translation).
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Long before we knew anything about the physical basis of heredity, factors or genes were identified in terms of their functional or phenotypic effects.
The concepts of penetrance and expressivity and also of the systemic regulation of the formation of phenotypic traits - the foundation of phenogenetics and the genetics of ontogenesis.
The phenotypic effect of some particular gene might be, say, green eye colour.
Review of the flow cytometric immunophenotypic data failed to reveal a monoclonal B-cell or aberrant T-cell population.
Yet 8 of the 16 phenotypic males did not produce milt by abdominal pressure, and may have been intersexes.
As the process continues, phenotypic traits unfold.
The phenotypic adaptation in our study may help explain their frequent occurrence.
In this case, phenotypic plasticity and not genetic uniqueness confer disparate leaf morphology.
But evolutionary biologists believe they can detect natural selection at work in the very recent past by looking at so-called phenotypic, or bodily, data.
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The genome-wide 5 % significance threshold was estimated by randomly reshuffling the phenotypic data 500 times in QTL Cartographer.
These differences are not taken to be sufficient to merit recognition of a new species as they may be the result of ecophenotypic variations or gerontic developments in A. gigas.
Consequently, unlike other tumour suppressor genes, only one allele need be mutated to produce a phenotypic effect.
Non-pathologic, non-ecophenotypic dwarfism and giantism are considered to be rare processes.
Lack of correlation between impaired T cell production, immunodeficiency, and other phenotypic features in chromosome 22q11. 2 deletion syndromes.
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Molecular heterogeneity for PKU results in wide phenotypic heterogeneity, which contributes to biochemical individuality.
The subsequent phenotypic analysis and molecular cloning of many of these genes, and investigation into the interactions of their products, resulted in a rather complete general picture of the mechanisms establishing the anteroposterior and the dorsoventral axis of the early embryo
Nobel Lecture The Identification Of Genes Controlling Development In Flies And Fishes
Although the epidemic isolates were mainly mucoid and had increased antibiotic resistance, these phenotypic features were highly variable and could not reliably discriminate between strains.
Further work will be required to create methodologies to analyze these variants to determine if they are potentially disease-producing or are phenotypically silent.
Clonal plants adapt themselves to different level of resource availability by phenotypic plasticity.
It is important to note that there is evidence that, at least in Lake Krankesjön, these phenotypic changes occurred after colonization of the stonewort, since when isopods were initially sampled shortly after the stonewort started to expand (in 1987) they were phenotypically similar to reed individuals
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Physical intersexes are rare but do occur, and there are also cases in which chromosomal sex is different from phenotypical sex.
These phenotypic classes are discussed below, with reference to previously identified zebrafish melanocyte mutants.