How To Use Phenotype In A Sentence

  • The contours show combinations of mimic phenotypes that are attacked by predators with equal probability.
  • The blue and red boxes indicate the amino acid changes associated with the andromonoecious phenotype in melon and cucumber, respectively. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • That notion identifies heritability with the regression of the offspring phenotype on the parental (or biparental mean in the case of sexual reproduction), where both phenotypes are presented as z-scores (i.e., set to mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1). Miss Winter Solstice
  • The resulting dikaryons were cultured on slant medium to test for fruiting phenotypes.
  • Objective: To study phenotype trait of Shigella boydii aerogenesis variety type 14 in shandong province, and to compare it with F. coli O32.
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  • This study offers new perspectives to clarifying our understanding of the specific phenotypes of bacterial biofilms and thus enables control of their development.
  • He was lucky to have chosen traits in his plants that are governed by such genotypic interactions by luck; if he'd observed phenotypes influenced by polyploidy he would probably have concluded that 'god did it.' Full Text Of Obama's Big Race Speech: A Big Break With Political Precedent
  • Objective. To compare proliferation and expression of osteoblastic phenotype of cells derived from vertebral lamina and iliac grafting.
  • The present invention relates to a method of diagnosing the risk of thermolabile phenotype diseases.
  • We can test the association between a phenotype and a set of haplotypes rather than a single haplotype.
  • Our phenotype is influenced by both our genotype and our environment. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • These unstable phenotypes that varied between siblings included widely variable flower morphology, stem fasciation, variation in rosette leaves, and anthocyanin variegation of the stem.
  • However, a small percentage of males showed male intersexual phenotypes at 25°.
  • The sterile females also had rough eyes and clipped wings, two phenotypes associated with cell division defects.
  • Methods Osteoblast related gene expression frequency, specialty, and the relationship between osteoblastic phenotype and biological behavior of osteosarcoma were studied.
  • If there is conversion from memory to naive phenotype, the conversion rate will be significantly greater than zero.
  • A quantitative model with additive effects was used to link genotypes to phenotypes.
  • Without regressive evolution to prune the phenotype, all species would be encumbered by billion-year-long lists of superannuated traits.
  • Even though abstract, the analogue's phenotype supports the idea that in vitro cytogenesis may be explained by a small number of generative principles adhered to tightly by each individual cell. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The corresponding larval phenotypes include hypertrophied hematopoietic organs, increased numbers of circulating hemocytes, and abnormal differentiation of lamellocytes that represent up to 50% of the cells.
  • Prophylactic treatment with sialic acid metabolites precludes the development of the myopathic phenotype in the DMRV-hIBM mouse model Random feeds from
  • These biochemical and organismal effects are evolutionarily dissociable to some extent, because some changes in gene expression appear to have no consequence for organismal phenotype.
  • Perhaps not NDS specifically, but "modern evolutionary theory," "standard model of evolution" and whatever else you want to call it has always assumed evolution proceeds by incremental small changes in phenotype by virtue of the relative success of certain minor variations. Approaching Difference, Not Likeness
  • Mark Pagel: We are learning to make phenotypes: "If these developments are not life changing enough, they will, in the longer-term usher in a new era in which our minds, the thing that we think of as" us ", can become separated from our body, or nearly separated anyway. Sentient Developments
  • The phenotype of cancer invasion depends on composition and density of the ECM, and can vary from amoeboid blebbing, mesenchymal fibroblast-like motility and multicellular streaming or chain migration PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • See also q arm. pharyngeal transfer: phase in which food is moved past the airway to the esophagus. pharynx: the throat. phenotype: the visible expression of a gene. platelet: blood cell which assists in blood clotting — also called a thrombocyte. pneumonia: lung inflammation as a result of infection. Glossary
  • Prevalence of a metabolic syndrome phenotype in adolescents: findings from the third national health and nutrition examination survey, 1988-1994. References
  • Apoptotic phenotype of SPCA - 1 was observed by HE dying and electric microscope.
  • I added it to the list on our Instructors' Blog, stated as follows:Students should be able to define dominance as a particular relationship between the effects of two alleles; dominance is said to exist when the phenotype of the heterozygote is the same as that of a homozygote for one of the alleles the 'dominant' one. How to teach about dominance
  • Weak png mutations permit several transient S-M cycles to occur, producing embryos with a characteristic phenotype of multiple polyploid nuclei.
  • Other items of an interest at the forum will be susceptibilities and inborn anomalies, determination of the phenotype, genealogical study and risk assessment prevention.
  • More detailed morphological analysis of this extreme phenotype showed the conversion of stamens into very small leaf-like structures.
  • Our next goal is to find out through linkage analysis whether or not the aberrant phenotype is caused by a mutated sex-linked or autosomal gene and, if autosomal, on which autosome the defective gene is located. OpenWetWare - Recent changes [en]
  • Because these systems include redundant components, even strong perturbations may lead to only a subtle phenotype.
  • We propose that the genotype-phenotype map can evolve by two main routes: epistatic mutations, or the creation of new genes. Darwin and neutrality - The Panda's Thumb
  • Virulence phenotypes of parental lines and individual F2 progeny used for bulked-segregant analysis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The overall phenotype frequency distribution was positively skewed.
  • Peranteau WH, Heaton TE, Gu YC, Volk SW, Bauer TR, Alcorn K, Tuschong LM, Johnson MP, Hickstein DD, Flake AW. Haploidentical in utero hematopoietic cell transplantation improves phenotype and can induce tolerance for postnatal same-donor transplants in the canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency. CHOP stem cells publications
  • Each candidate was then backcrossed to the unmutagenized parent and tetrads were dissected to ensure that the synthetic lethal phenotype resulted from a single mutation.
  • We will thoroughly teach how DNA sequences determine phenotype, building a solid molecular foundation for such concepts as ploidy and dominance. Preparing for a meeting with our usual textbook rep
  • Ten F 1 intercrosses were set up to restore the phenotype.
  • The most common mutant phenotype was an embryo with a polar body near one end and the development of one or two spindles in the middle.
  • This implies that it per definition cannot relate the nonadditivity between alleles in each genotype to the dominance value for RNA and protein phenotypes PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The phenotype is subtle, with minor dysmorphic features and developmental delay during childhood.
  • Thus prolonged incubation with HC-056456 produces a phenocopy of the lack-of-hyperactivation phenotype of the CatSper null sperm. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A relationship between eyespot phenotype and N and Dll expression is demonstrated in a loss-of-eyespot mutant in which N and Dll expression is reduced at missing eyespot sites.
  • Although these phenotypes and their resulting dynamics are important, we have little understanding of the proteins that mediate these phenotypes, particularly for species groups where postmating, prezygotic traits are the primary mechanism of reproductive isolation. ScienceBlogs Channel : Physical Science
  • Phylogenetic adaptation represents the production of superior replicator genes, whose phenotypes manifest in any or all of a variety of abilities.
  • The yellow phenotype was completely rescued in all five lines.
  • These morphological facts show that the pentadactyl limb arose after the fin-limb transition and is the product of the canalization of the phenotype of the archaic limbs.
  • Many dark-eye phenotypes are not clear cut and often appear to represent a continuum of shades and hues of reddish brown.
  • Eventually, they develop a mucoid phenotype, which marks the establishment of chronic infection.
  • Classical genetics of human disease deals with monogenic disorders in which a single mutation in a single gene is causatively related to the phenotype.
  • This explanation seems unlikely to us because the Cit+ phenotype is characteristic of the entire species, one that is very diverse and therefore very old. Assessing Fault
  • Thus, suppression of the cut mutant wing phenotype is most likely due to the overexpression of Lola.
  • It could be argued, however, that the lack of embryonic or larval phenotypes could be due to a long-lasting perdurance of maternal deposits during oogenesis.
  • How you design a mutant hunt, isolate additional mutations in a known gene, define a null phenotype, and order genes into a pathway is the same, whatever the problem being addressed. H. Robert Horvitz - Autobiography
  • TM (a biotherapy indicated in invasive melanoma) and a first-in-class anticancer drug that targets invasive cancers and makes tumor cells revert to a normal phenotype. Undefined
  • The idea that the ˜genetic program™ or ˜genetic instructions™ for phenotypes are literally written in the genetic code is a continuing barrier to the public understanding of genetics, one that is reinforced every time a journalist reports that scientists have ˜decoded™ the gene for something. The Distinction Between Innate and Acquired Characteristics
  • Cells expressing pol are hypersensitive to DNA alkylating agents and express neoplastic phenotype in animal model.
  • Thus, both may act to suppress the wing phenotype by influencing cell growth and proliferation.
  • Progeny plants were scored for pigmentation phenotype and analyzed for genotype using SSR markers.
  • The authors suggest that this phenotype may predispose to the development of fibromuscular dysplasia.
  • Objective To characterize the immunophenotype and cytogenetics of chronic myeloid leukemia blast crisis ( CML - BC ).
  • AtAsp38 allele exhibits a combination of embryonic and gametophytic lethality, a wide range of seed phenotypes, and a complex inheritance pattern. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Ovicidal trait in DH lines was phenotyped by necrotic symptoms on the leaf sheaths due to ovicidal response.
  • In many instances, a complex phenotype can be assessed continuously or discontinuously.
  • To determine whether the andromonoecious phenotype is due to a loss of ACS enzymatic activity, we expressed the four isoforms in PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The phenotypes of cells expressing alleles that lacked all or most of the amino terminus were indistinguishable from those of rrm3 cells.
  • Our phenotype is influenced by both our genotype and our environment. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • 'neoplastic' phenotypes, but the autonomous effect of these mutations on cell cycle control has not been examined. Elites TV
  • This distinction between the genotype and the phenotype is crucial. The Developing Child (7th edn.)
  • Homozygous phenotypes of the recombinant lines were analyzed.
  • When an organism is heterozygous for a trait, the resulting phenotype for that trait expresses only the dominant allele .
  • However these different precytokinesis cell-cycle arrest phenotypes are all imprecise, as the arrested cells repeatedly re-enter S-phase, and show characteristic multinuclear, multikinetoplast and multiflagellar phenotypes. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The Dnd phenotype was also found in DNA of Mycobacterium smegmatis mc 2155 by PFGE.
  • Transition of peritoneal mesothelial cells to a mesenchymal phenotype plays an integral role in the angiogenic and fibrotic changes seen in the peritoneum of patients receiving long-term peritoneal dialysis. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The way in which mutations are modeled is extremely important in determining the steady-state distribution of phenotypes.
  • The differential fitnesses are weighted averages of phenotype fitnesses.
  • One of the diverged phenotypes in cultivated rice is observed in the patterns of coloration due to anthocyanin pigmentation in spite of invariant pigmentation in the wild forms of rice.
  • Screening of M2 lines representing approximately 5,000 M1 individuals identified mutations that enhance the seuss mutant phenotypic disruptions in ovules and gynoecia; here we describe the phenotype of the sum63 mutant and enhanced disruptions of ovule and gynoecial development in the seu sum63 double mutant. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Physiological canalization may limit the number of phenotypes that can be produced in response to environmental variation.
  • In both strains, haploid phenotypes from tetrads yielding four viable spores may be used to measure the strength of crossover interference.
  • In fact, the only among your children that could have the Rh disease would be those with the Rh+ phenotype if the mother is Rh-, of course. Neanderthal DNA
  • The second mutant phenotype is a slower rate of photoreceptive disk membrane renewal in the outer segments, caused by perturbed phagocytosis of disk membranes.
  • Plasticity is the property of a given genotype to produce different phenotypes depending on the environment.
  • Prof Oreffo added: "It is important to realise the ability to retain skeletal stem cell phenotype using surface topography offers a step change in current approaches for stem cell biology.
  • Thus these phenotypes are selectively advantageous for the microorganisms.
  • In September, uninfected survivors (both males and females) were all adults while collaborative females typically retained a nymphal phenotype.
  • Here, we utilize proteomics, RNAi, mating experiments, and the Allonemobius socius complex of crickets, whose members are primarily isolated from one another by postmating, prezygotic phenotypes ScienceBlogs Channel : Physical Science
  • The use of “evolution” to describe a predictable progressive alteration of phenotype usually is classified under the idea of orthogenesis which I think has been discredited. Special Magazine Issues on Darwin, Evolution, ID Creationism - The Panda's Thumb
  • Analysis of the double-mutant phenotype indicated that at the nonpermissive temperature, cells failed to undergo cytokinesis efficiently.
  • These findings provide insights into how genomes and environmental factors interact to determine phenotypes.
  • It is known that induction of telomere shortening leads to the extinction of yeast clones similar to a senescent phenotype.
  • As in mammals, both chromosomal constitution and cell interactions are involved in the development of germ-cell sexual phenotype.
  • Thus, the commonly held theoretical model of schizophrenia is of a group of processes leading to phenotypes (the expression of genes) and phenocopies (the mimicking of genetic expression) sharing similar signs and symptoms. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Phenotypic plasticity enables individuals or genotypes to assume obviously different phenotypes during the life cycle.
  • Subsequent genetic crosses showed that only 3 out of 13 new mutant phenotypes were allelic.
  • These strains offer the genetic reproducibility that is so valuable in lab mice, but with a wider variety of genotypes and phenotypes.
  • In addition, enhancement or suppression of the H mutant phenotype was evaluated.
  • How these mutations lead to the skeletal phenotype is not known.
  • Our current study uncovers both a proliferative and novel antiapoptotic role for MLK3 in the acquisition of a malignant phenotype in mammary epithelial cells. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • This finding is reminiscent of what we found in vitro: M2 cells repolarized to the M1 phenotype maintain a certain level of Arg I expression, which is absent in directly polarized M1 MØ. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Pedro Santamaria, a postdoc with whom I shared the lab in Freiburg, was a skillful transplantation person, he did some attempts to rescue the dorsal phenotype by transplantation of wildtype cytoplasm. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard - Autobiography
  • Perhaps in ideally favorable environments most genotypes yield more or less the same phenotype.
  • The corresponding larval phenotypes include hypertrophied hematopoietic organs, increased numbers of circulating hemocytes, and abnormal differentiation of lamellocytes that represent up to 50% of the cells.
  • A phenotype is what a set of genes make: a whole living creature. Amuchmoreexotic: Upsetting insights
  • The results of the phenotype correlation coefficient of sperm midpiece length with average daily gain, feed efficiency and lean percentage was 0.31, -0.29, -0.24 resp. in Landrace boars.
  • The exceptionally low content of T. dubius units in some 2603-33 plants closely resembles the monomorphic phenotype often seen in relatively ancient allopolyploids.
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  • By modularity we mean a genotype-phenotype map in which there are few pleiotropic effects among characters serving different functions, with pleiotropic effects falling mainly among characters that are part of a single functional complex. Darwin and neutrality - The Panda's Thumb
  • Deletion of the gene encoding maltase causes a nonfermentable phenotype but maltose induction of maltose permease is unaffected, indicating that this enzyme is not required for induction but only for utilization of maltose.
  • The range of phenotypes both among panelists and among members of the audience was huge.
  • A recent study confirmed this finding and suggested that the “thin fat phenotype” in neonates persisted in childhood and could be a forerunner of the diabetogenic adult phenotype. Diabetes Time Bomb
  • This distinction between the genotype and the phenotype is crucial. The Developing Child (7th edn.)
  • Pear psylla overwinters in the adult stage as a distinct morphological phenotype, the winterform, which began appearing in pear orchards of the study area in early September.
  • To define mechanisms underlying heritable changes in the phenotype, we analyzed the possibility of extranuclear inheritance by transferring some factors via the male.
  • Attempts to quantify this phenotype would, therefore, lead to gross underestimates and not faithfully represent the occurrence of fluid discharge.
  • A similar phenotype has been observed in other species, including maize and sorghum.
  • The remaining 24 progeny were tested only at marker loci on chromosomes showing significant linkage to the tumor multiplicity phenotype.
  • Because of reduced penetrance, individuals of different genotypes can have the same phenotype.
  • Phenotypes that are intermediate between typicals and carbonaria are called insularia.
  • This is likely to be the null phenotype for pob3 mutants since we observed a similar accumulation of cells after germination of haploids carrying a deletion of POB3.
  • On the other hand, the metabolically normal obese phenotype, is exemplified by numerous small and functional adipocytes, and thus a normal metabolic profile, despite a high BMI. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Obesity Goes Viral?
  • The term epigenetics refers to heritable changes in gene expression and phenotype caused by mechanisms other than changes in DNA sequence. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • The term drug discovery tools usually refers to high-content screening (HCS) and analysis and is composed of those applications that require sufficient levels of sample throughput, whereby complex cellular events and phenotypes can be studied. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • We conclude that the haploids had a greater frequency of mutant phenotypes than the diploids.
  • The frequency of multicentrosomal cells in the mutant's MEF cells was higher, and it commonly occurred concurrently with a binuclear phenotype, suggesting cytokinesis failure etiology. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • There are several hybrid zones, and often mixtures of phenotypes associated with different subspecies exist over relatively broad geographic areas.
  • We mutagenize the cells, if we hit a gene that's involved in function of the flagellum, they can't swim, which is a scorable phenotype that we use. Evolution News & Views
  • The observed data are the genotypes and the quantitative phenotypes of the subjects.
  • Herein we present data on symptoms, alterations in peripheral lymphocyte phenotypes, and autoantibodies observed in adult patients.
  • With advances in molecular biology, lines with fuzzless and fiberless seed phenotypes have become very important in determining differences in gene/protein regulation during development of ovular trichomes.
  • First, one would apply a clustering method to the unlinked markers to estimate the ancestry of the sampled individuals and the phenotype frequencies across subpopulations.
  • Different phenotype and penetrance give variant visual results and prognosis.
  • Many mutants died or showed pleiotropic defects casting doubt on the specificity of their retinal phenotype and were not included in this report.
  • Consequently, it is impossible to determine how selection would have acted on unexpressed alternative phenotypes in that environment.
  • Along with The Extended Phenotype made me understnad the intellectual beauty of Darwinism; and gave me the subject for my first half-decent book.
  • Using phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), it is possible to overcome this block in THP-1 cells (an M5-AML containing the MLL-MLLT3 fusion), resulting in differentiation to an adherent monocytic phenotype. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • These rescued flies were fertile and phenotypically normal, except that one line produced rescued males with a weak extra sex combs phenotype.
  • “Network” can somehow mysteriously accumulate enough “silent changes” only to expose them at the right moment as phenocopies or phenotypes - and doctor Myers obviously confound these two terms to support his “network” version of darwinism. It's more than genes, it's networks and systems - The Panda's Thumb
  • A classic forward genetics approach relies on the identification of observable mutant phenotypes.
  • The data indicate that the mutations complement with respect to the auxotrophic phenotype when grown on Sang's medium.
  • Conclusion: The cells consistent witha cementoblast-like phenotype of SD rat may be successfully cultured.
  • Genetic backcrosses were conducted to eliminate plasmid-based mutations and to verify that a single genetic locus was responsible for the 3 - AT-resistant phenotype.
  • Lenny Moss (2003) identifies two gene concepts: the preformationist gene, Gene-P, defined by its relationship to a phenotype, is of instrumental utility for molecular geneticists ” for example, the BRCA1 gene is used to predict breast cancer risk; the epigenesist gene, The Human Genome Project
  • Indeed, increasingly, it is clear that the variability in phenotype and biological behavior of gliomas is a function of genomic and proteomic variability.
  • To aid in the interpretation of mutant phenotypes, we subjected several of the various stl mutant chromosomes to recombination to remove unrelated extraneous mutations in linked genes.
  • Shukla AR, Nguyen T, Zheng Y, Zderic SA, DiSanto M, Wein AJ, Chacko S: Over expression of smooth muscle specific caldesmon by transfection and intermittent agonist induced contrac-tion alters cellular morphology and restores differentiated smooth muscle phenotype. Publications of the Urology Division
  • Col1a1-Krm2 mice display a cell-autonomous differentiation defect, impaired canonical Wnt signalling and decreased production of the osteoclast inhibitory factor Opg. To determine whether the observed effects of Krm2 on bone remodeling are physiologically relevant, we analyzed the skeletal phenotype of 24 weeks old PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • For a parent with observed phenotypes, its actual genotypes can be inferred similarly.
  • This is most likely to be a problem for mutants with a mitotic phenotype.
  • The PCD phenotype results from axonemal abnormalities and dysfunction of motile cilia and flagella.
  • The resulting kernel pigmentation phenotype consists of colorless pericarp with red sectors.
  • The suppression of the mutant phenotype of a1-mum2 aleurones takes several generations.
  • However, only for a minority of genes is the function defined by a mutant phenotype.
  • The bithorax phenocopies show a transformation of metathoracic to mesothoracic segments, imitating the Ultrabithorax mutant phenotype.
  • The range of phenotypes both among panelists and among members of the audience was huge.
  • Brains from wild type (normal phenotype), and SP hyh and RP hyh mice from the same litter (70 day old) were fixed with Bouin solution by vascular perfusion and coronally sectioned at the level of the optic chiasm. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • We also observed other phenotypes commonly associated with RP morphants [17], such as hypoplasia of the yolk sac extension, abnormalities in the ear, and delayed pigmentation of the eyes. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • However, some leukemias and lymphomas are not aneuploid, and dysregulated expression of multiple genes is likely to be the main reason why aneuploidy is a marker for cells with abnormal phenotypes. Why deny only one part of science? IDists branch out into AIDS denial - The Panda's Thumb
  • Daniel Smith: I believe this type of contingency therefore, to be a necessary condition for any change in phenotype requiring more than rudimentary changes genetically, (more than single point mutations certainly), IF, (and that's a big "IF"), those changes occur via the Darwinian mechanism. Assessing Fault
  • However, not all albino mutants are caused by carotenoid deficiencies; defects in chlorophyll biosynthesis would also lead to an albino phenotype, though, not in combination with vivipary.
  • However, a cladistic approach to phenotype association studies does not require a complete absence of recombination.
  • We now know that genes modulate biological processes rather than features or traits by themselves, and that the phenotype is the net result of many processes. David Anderson on Creation and Evolution
  • The analysis of genetically mosaic worms, in which some cells carry a wild-type gene and others are homozygous mutant, can reveal where in the animal a gene acts to prevent the appearance of a mutant phenotype.
  • I believe this type of contingency therefore, to be a necessary condition for any change in phenotype requiring more than rudimentary changes genetically, (more than single point mutations certainly), IF, (and that's a big "IF"), those changes occur via the Darwinian mechanism. Assessing Fault
  • These mutants were then screened for their ability to suppress other yme1 phenotypes, as well as for inherent collateral phenotypes.
  • As a control, we also analyzed the dynamic phenotype of ndc 10-1 in the presence and absence of benomyl.
  • In a primary screen, we collected mutant lines in which the test females showed a significantly more penetrant sterile phenotype than did females of the sensitive background alone.
  • Aggressive cancer cells, expressing a multipotent, embryonic cell-like phenotype, engage in a dynamic reciprocity with a microenvironment that promotes plasticity and tumorigenicity.
  • The results of the phenotype correlation coefficient of sperm midpiece length with average daily gain, feed efficiency and lean percentage was 0.31, -0.29, -0.24 resp. in Landrace boars.
  • The results of the phenotype correlation coefficient of sperm midpiece length with average daily gain, feed efficiency and lean percentage was 0.31, -0.29, -0.24 resp. in Landrace boars.
  • Emphasizing inherited components by studying concordant or discordant patient pairs with extreme phenotypes, we were able to detect associations of residual chloride conductance and of modifier genes with the CF phenotype.
  • TP5 and TP6 do not repress P-element activity in somatic cells, nor do they alter the somatic or germ-line phenotypes of P-insertion alleles.
  • The authors are not aware of mutants with similar phenotypes in the vicinity of these mapped regions.
  • This chapter should help to dispel the popular myth of ‘genetic determinism’, the view that our genes determine our phenotype.
  • However, it is equally possible that differences in allelic strength or perdurance of maternal contributions obscures the full range of phenotypes on the several components.
  • The term epigenetics refers to changes in the phenotype (appearance) or THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • This study exemplifies the combined use of human and mouse genetics to dissect human genetic diseases involving multiple genes and complex phenotypes.
  • The analysis of correlations between the expression pattern of the tested miRNAs and CP induced limb phenotypes implies that miRNAs regulating apoptosis may differ from each other with respect to their functional role in teratogenesis: some miRNAs act to protect embryos, whereas other miRNAs boost a teratogen-induced process of maldevelopment to induce embryonic death. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • I was introduced to the concept of phenotype during a course in forest dendrology, the taxonomy of trees.
  • Surprisingly, most gld - 2; gld - 3 germ cells arrested in pachytene, a synthetic phenotype suggesting redundancy for progression into diplotene (data not shown).
  • If there is conversion from memory to naive phenotype, the conversion rate will be significantly greater than zero.
  • Likewise, the suppression of the cellular immune response can be determined using well known in vitro analyses, e.g., proliferation and cytotoxicity assays or characterization of activation phenotypes of peripheral blood lymphocytes by, e.g., flow cytometric analysis. Notable Patent Applications - 07/22/2010
  • The term epigenetics refers to changes in the phenotype (appearance) or gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Other aberrant gametophyte phenotypes were observed among the group of mutants that could form antheridia.
  • The presence of a high concordance for the CA-hypersensitive phenotype, observed also in dizygotic twins, strongly influenced the correlation coefficients for CA.
  • Also the genetic background in common laboratory and transgenic mice affects the phenotype.
  • With the rising incidence and therapeutic insufficiencies, it is now more apparent that asthma is first and foremost a very heterogeneous syndrome, with numerous cell types and mediators contributing to the disease phenotype.
  • These two genes are both thought to be very important in the expression of the malignant phenotype.
  • The persistence of the myofibroblastic phenotype in the areas of active fibrosis is a characteristic finding in fibrotic lung disease.
  • Evolution can be seen as a kind of parameterized curve fitting, where the model is the environmental factors and the fitted curve is the consequences of the resulting phenotype-based characteristic of the modified organism. Evolution as Feedback? - The Panda's Thumb
  • This calibrates the nucleotide mutation rate for two mutagenesis centers, implies significance criteria for positional cloning efforts, and provides working estimates of effective genetic target sizes for selected phenotypes.
  • We checked all of the mutants for phenotypes that might indicate defects in endocytosis by other cell types.
  • Male horseshoe crabs have two mating tactics that are associated with phenotype.
  • Darwin's correlation between the phenotype and the cross-compatibility of the two forms of flower provided the foundation for subsequent analyses of heterostyly in Primula.
  • The hip joint is wider than a good hip phenotype.
  • H2 phenotype, leading to Ig subtype switching and IgE synthesis, mast cell degranulation, eosinophilia, mucus metaplasia and airway hyperresponsiveness. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • They cause a variety of behavioral phenotypes including overall sluggishness and abnormal phototaxis, geotaxis, flight ability, ether recovery, and mating vigor.

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