How To Use Phenobarbitone In A Sentence
Ginseng had no anticonvulsant action, nor did it potentiate the anticonvulsant effects of phenobarbitone and diazepam.
The convulsions did not respond to phenobarbitone, phenytoin, clonazepam, lignocaine, or pyridoxine, which were tried according to our hospital's guidelines for the management of neonatal seizures.
The convulsions did not respond to phenobarbitone, phenytoin, clonazepam, lignocaine, or pyridoxine, which were tried according to our hospital's guidelines for the management of neonatal seizures.
Most contain belladonna or something like it (atropine, hyoscyamine) and often phenobarbital (phenobarbitone).
Chapter 31
Three children required intravenous phenobarbitone to stop their seizure.
Seven children were receiving anticonvulsants when first seen; all were being given phenobarbitone and two children were receiving one and one child two additional drugs.
Effects of D. stramonium extract on white albino mice as compared to d-amphetamine and phenobarbitone
Chapter 7