How To Use Pheidias In A Sentence
That Pheidias died in prison under mysterious circumstances, as Plutarch says, is a later and unfounded tradition.
They now believe the akroteria — ornaments, usually representing some kind of elaborate leaf or combination of leaves — at the four corners of the roof were not anthemia, or floral figures, as previously supposed, but "gigantic winged victories projecting daringly outward" — figures resembling in size and pose the Victory held on the palm of Pheidias 'statue inside the building. [
Looking for the Lost Greeks
Pheidias because to describe the object of his attentions he used the word hetaira instead of one of those, more blunt and apt, provided by the English language.
Of Human Bondage
The site of Pheidias' workshop at Olympia was still shown to tourists 600 years later, when Pausanias the traveller wrote.
Pheidias because to describe the object of his attentions he used the word hetaira instead of one of those, more blunt and apt, provided by the
Of Human Bondage
That Pheidias died in prison under mysterious circumstances, as Plutarch says, is a later and unfounded tradition.
The central part of the temple, called the cella, sheltered the famous chryselephantine cult statue of Athena, made by Pheidias.