How To Use Phase in In A Sentence
There was no significant difference in percentage of cells in S phase in the distal colon of rats in both diet groups.
It is, in the first place, a pity that there is so little written of the history of these people, so little material from which to gather the development of the idea of acrobatics in general, or of any one phase in particular.
Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
Ministers are considering much smaller modifications and they are looking at ways to phase in the cap to help large families to adjust.
Times, Sunday Times
At every crucial phase in this nation's history from 1906 to 1950 Sri Aurobindo intervened & gave advice & direction for decisive action which if followed would have been benificial for the nation, a number of examples come to mind namely Cripps proposal, opposing the award of communal electorate at Lucknow in 1916, Cabinet Mission Plan etc.
Savitri Era party is a necessity which must begin to effectively give an alternative direction
Plans for the three-year exploration phase include drilling three wells and seismic studies at a cost of $ 13 million.

In the phase processing circuit 200, a phaser 214 varies the phase of the signal in accordance with its frequency, and a phase inverter 218 inverts the phase of the phase-varied signal by 90°.
Any further delay in raising a purchase order will make it more likely that this critical phase in the project will not be delivered within your desired time-scales.
The agreement marks a new phase in international relations.
De Bary proved that the old idea of the farmer, that the rust is very apt to appear on wheat growing in the neighborhood of berberry bushes, was no fable; but on the contrary, that the yellow _Æcidium_ on the berberry is a phase in the life history of the fungus causing the wheat rust.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 664, September 22,1888
the initiative phase in the negotiations
Electrostatic combs, exciting the tines to vibrate laterally in antiphase in the plane of the wafer, and detecting the vibrating frequency in the meantime, are mounted on the two tines of fork.
During the word retrieval / scene encoding phase, participants perform an old / new word recognition task including words presented at the word encoding phase intermixed with new words.
PLoS Biology: New Articles
See also q arm. pharyngeal transfer: phase in which food is moved past the airway to the esophagus. pharynx: the throat. phenotype: the visible expression of a gene. platelet: blood cell which assists in blood clotting — also called a thrombocyte. pneumonia: lung inflammation as a result of infection.
It seemed to augur a new phase in American foreign policy.
They were actually not looking for superfluidity, but for an antiferromagnetic phase in solid helium-3, which according to predictions was to appear below 2 mK.
Additional background material on the Nobel Prize in Physics 1996
The agreement marks a new phase in international relations.
We should phase in the new working plans.
We're entering a new phase in international relations.
So is it now time to sit back and watch the arrival of a new phase in the industry?
The sum needed to cover the gap would gradually decrease each year as proceeds from parental trust funds phase into the system.
The powering system uses three-phase induction motor instead of engine to drive generator. The load is composed of the battery, cooling fan and head lamp.
We have entered upon a new phase in history.
The formation of secondary phase in the non-equilibrium peritectic reaction was observed by precise transmission electron microscopy analysis.
Am I a rebellious teenager whose going through a phase in life?
It was the beginning of a new phase in which violence was organised and orchestrated with the abetment of the State.
Finally, a numerical example is shown to illustrate the theoretical results and the income achieved by the two phase inventory policy of the retailer.
The Westward Group, the developer, is hoping to complete the two gate lodges and a three-bedroom house in the first phase in the coming months.
Growth is a necessary phase in the evolution of a new company.
In the house they had now she did the wash in a dim cobwebby space under the cellar stairs, on a newer machine than the tub-shaped one that had seized his hand in the Willow basement; this machine had a lid that closed, and a spin-dry phase in its cycle instead of a wringer.
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PES and SPSF base membranes were prepared by the phase inversion process using polyethersulfone and the blend of sulfonated polysulfone and polyethersulfone respectively.
It's the first phase in my experiment of editing a dense piece of academic print text for the Web, and I actually posted it at the end of April, but only mentioned it in passing.
INSKEEP: It's a Frank-Kasper sigma phase in sphere-forming block copolymer melts.
Molecular Mimicry: Plastic, Steel Line Up Like Kin
Objective To assess the associations between Doppler ultrasound derived luteal blood flow indices and luteal hormonal profile in midluteal phase in spontaneous and stimulated cycles.
Why not phase in change based on contribution years?
Times, Sunday Times
The 49 day period after death I believe to be a re-integration phase into the oversoul, and for the embryo/after conception, a period of ‘descent’ from oversoul identity to physical life.
The rupture occurred, in the first instance, at a meiotic anaphase in each parent, and the ruptured end then underwent the succession of mitotic anaphase breaks associated with the chromatid type of breakage-fusion-bridge cycle during the development of the male and female gametophytes -- the pollen grain and the embryo sac.
Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
The first phase includes the construction of three principal shrines, dedicated to Lords Ganapati, Siva and Murugan.
Low temperature injure can be explained that split phase influence the membrane saturate.
The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life.
I have the following phase intoed into the GeneralLegalPhrasings. xml for non-tangent curves.
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The agreement marks a new phase in international relations.
A method which makes use of the phase information of spectrum of radar echo amplitude signal to make azimuth super resolution is given.
In some cases, higher power electronic equipment will actually require three-phase input.
in some species of coelenterate, polyps are a phase in the life cycle that alternates with a medusoid phase
This is a company moving from the investment phase into growing profits in the coming years.
Times, Sunday Times
Will they phase in taxing employer health benefits over time?
Wonk Room » Republicans Unveil Alternative Health Care Plan
Ray DS (2008) Structure of discontinuities in kinetoplast DNA-associated minicircles during S phase in Crithidia fasciculate.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Not only does no part o the definition of neutral monism in any way require that it be even quasi-phenomenalistic, there is no phase in Russell's intellectual development at which he would simultaneously have considered himself a neutral monist and any kind of phenomenalist at all.
Neutral Monism
They have opened the way to a new phase in the history of agriculture, animal breeding and husbandry.
I also derived heuristic joint probability distributions based on the determinants involved in the determinantal inequalities and obtained from them formulas for evaluating triplet phase invariants and, later on, formulas for the expected values of phase invariants and embedded semi-invariants of any order, triplet, quartet, quintet, etc. The utility of phase invariants of high order in phase determination has so far been rather limited, except perhaps collectively in the high order determinants where they have been useful for refining the values of approximately determined phase values.
Jerome Karle - Autobiography
We are on the brink of a new phase in capitalism that may inevitably come around by the sheer force of necessity, but inspired decisions most effectively match the symbolic level invocated at the G20 meeting.
Tantan Pablo: The Road to Capitalism 2.0 (from G20 to GM)
Our results show that hypertonicity elicited an early, NFAT5-independent, genotoxic stress response and cell cycle arrest in proliferating lymphocytes, which was followed by an NFAT5-dependent phase in which cells induced osmoprotective gene products, downregulated genotoxic stress markers and reactivated the cell cycle.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Second, the centromere is the focus for the formation of the kinetochore, where microtubules connect to the chromosomes during anaphase in mitosis and meiosis.
Oprah is creating her own network; Rowling begins a different phase in her writing career.
Patricia Benesh: Oprah and J.K. Rowling: Two Game Changers Go Heart-To-Heart
They have opened the way to a new phase in the history of agriculture, animal breeding and husbandry.
This phase involves the redevelopment of many sections into residential areas.
In these mutants, the meiotic products remain in interphase in unfertilized eggs and undergo inappropriate DNA replication.
During its water-living phase in the breeding season, the newt becomes quite fish-like.
The proceedings would not be of an accusatorial nature and should be seen as another phase in the investigation.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Page 165 inhabitancy was not even a very important phase in the world's history, perhaps; a scant score or so of centuries ago there had been no life on earth, and presently the planet would be a silent naked frozen clod.
The Cream of the Jest: A Comedy of Evasions
He says this is the story about the discovery of a Frank-Kasper sigma phase in sphere-forming block copolymer melts.
Molecular Mimicry: Plastic, Steel Line Up Like Kin
During meiotic prophase in females, chromosomes condense and pair to form bivalents.
For all that, it was a dismal phase in the chequered history of postwar Britain.
The final phase in the development of the historic Gravesend town pier is underway.
Just after he returned to Spain, the country entered a new and turbulent phase in its history.
Am I completely wrong when I say that “The relative concentrations of the heavier isotopes in the condensate phase indicate the temperature of vaporisation” in the zones where this happens?
Unthreaded #8 « Climate Audit
If fine particle-size gibbsite was used, the yield of boehmite decreased and the yield of the poorly crystallized phase increased in all the media.
The microcontroller assures control of switch means, such as triacs, switches and relays, and ensures that braking is effectuated regardless of the phase in the power cycle of the alternating current.
The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life.
The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life.
Root structures are scanned as part of the initial function of the mark phase in the collector.
The second phase includes an aquatic center with water slides, and a third phase includes an auditorium that can be converted into an indoor soccer facility.
The Sovereign prizes represent a new controversial phase in this history.
We pick up the instantaneous information of Moho phase in typical segment of the profile.
We may be entering a new phase in which there is no strength to be seen anywhere.
Times, Sunday Times
Nevertheless, this unique observing technique opens a new phase in the exploration of exoplanets, or extrasolar planets, say astronomers.
She sensed she was entering a new phase in her life.
Synthetic subject design of the mechanic design is an important and unreplaceable practical phase in the cultivation of students ability in design and innovation.
The linear speed-up phase in the starting process basically determines the starting time, and it can be accelerated by increase its starting torque to the maximum value.
These accusations came at a critical phase in the negotiations.
Nevertheless, this unique observing technique opens a new phase in the exploration of exoplanets, or extrasolar planets, say astronomers.
The formation of secondary phase in the non-equilibrium peritectic reaction was observed by precise transmission electron microscopy analysis.
The asexual phase in the life cycle of this fungus involves the formation of multicellular structures called conidiophores that produce chains of uninucleate spores called conidia.
We are also unable to detect the presence of a separate anhydrous cholesterol or cholesterol monohydrate phase in our binary mixtures, again in contrast to previous reports.
The latest phase in the airport's soaraway growth came yesterday when Air Berlin launched a new route.
A run phase in which prices break support from the lead-in trend line and plunge lower in a downhill run.
Since he had a natural aptitude for languages, he gained a university place and began a completely new phase in his life.
Why am I Afraid to Grieve
The formation of secondary phase in the non-equilibrium peritectic reaction was observed by precise transmission electron microscopy analysis.
Why not phase in change based on contribution years?
Times, Sunday Times
The channel closed , but prepared to undergo a next activity phase in case of its depolarization.
This is a company moving from the investment phase into growing profits in the coming years.
Times, Sunday Times
The formation of secondary phase in the non-equilibrium peritectic reaction was observed by precise transmission electron microscopy analysis.
After that I start tapering, which is the phase in an athletes 'training programme where the training work they perform is reduced. - Frontpage RSS Feed
Ministers are considering much smaller modifications and they are looking at ways to phase in the cap to help large families to adjust.
Times, Sunday Times
To them, he is indicative of a crucial historical phase in Brazil's development and he embodies their country's unfulfilled promise and wasted potential.
The police's long running battle to take on the burglar enters a new phase in the town this week.
The Fair Trade Fiesta helps mark the start of the new phase in mainstreaming Fair Trade in New Zealand.
JY series single - phase induction motor, YEJ series of electromagnetic brake asynchronous motor.
President Obama's promotion of Thomas E. Donilon on Friday to the post of national security adviser is an acknowledgment that the administration is entering a phase in which domestic political considerations will press more forcefully on foreign policy decisions.
Security job goes to insider
JY series single - phase induction motor, YEJ series of electromagnetic brake asynchronous motor.
We should phase in the new working plans.
We're entering a new phase in international relations.
The linking ratios permit the calculation of these two values for each and every phase in the chain.
The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life.
Plans for the three-year exploration phase include drilling three wells and seismic studies at a cost of $ 13 million.
The second phase included 45 primiandae and 55 multigravidae with an age range of 20-32 years.
XTC was described as Beatlesque .... especially at this phase in their career.
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Methods for obtaining vitriform transformation from such metastable phase include mechanical pulverization, polishing, energy scanning, cold forming and quenching through thermal treatment.
We pick up the instantaneous information of Moho phase in typical segment of the profile.
We just seem to be in this fearful, timid phase in our political development.
It was the beginning of a new phase in chiropractic and complementary healthcare!
When the metastable path is followed, the rich carbon phase in the eutectic is the iron carbide; when the stable solidification path is followed, the rich carbon phase is graphite.
At every crucial phase in this nation's history from 1906 to 1950 Sri Aurobindo intervened & gave advise & direction for decisive action which if followed would have been benificial for the nation, a number of examples come to mind namely Cripps proposal, opposing the award of communal electorate at Lucknow in 1916, Cabinet Mission Plan etc.
Savitri Era Party
There is ample evidence of a prolonged preclinical phase in lung cancer.
During metaphase in both animal and budding yeast cells, chromosomes exhibit directional instability, moving first one way and then the other.
During acute infection, persons are usually unaware they are infected, but high levels of viremia in this phase increase the per-act risk of transmitting HIV infection.
The Energy Policy Act of 1992 required minimum efficiency standards for general purpose, polyphase induction motors.
But next fall, it will be a carbon fiber-sheathed vehicle powered by a 400-plus hp three-phase induction motor and 900 volts of nickel metal hydride batteries.
There was no significant difference in percentage of cells in S phase in the distal colon of rats in both diet groups.
The plan for one of Prince William's major gateways, which is saturated with car repair shops, vacant land and abandoned buildings, had been stalled over the past several weeks as supervisors debated how to phase in residential and commercial development.
North Woodbridge renewal plan approved by Prince William supervisors
After about five days patients enter a second phase in which they are restless but not hyperactive or hostile and are now cooperative.
The microcontroller assures control of switch means, such as triacs, switches and relays, and ensures that braking is effectuated regardless of the phase in the power cycle of the alternating current.
Amniotic fluid is an important prognostic indicator because a critical phase in lung development occurs around 18 to 20 weeks of gestation.
Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction (LUTO)
The first phase in the project started off on Tuesday this week with a four day expedition conducting a series of preliminary tests using a land and marine magnetometer, a device measuring the earth's magnetic field.
The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life.
We arrived in Miami exactly 48 hours later in a light rain shower, the Pontiac a little dirtier from the trek, and ready for yet another phase in the journey of life.
July 2006
The load operation of a three-phase induction-voltage regulator is presented briefly. The related data, phasor drawing and parameters in secondary circuit, primary load circuit and imput are analyzed.
GRAEME DOBELL: Let’s look at Nauru, which is entering a new phase in its relationship with Australia.
Transcript - Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs - The Hon Duncan Kerr MP